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My new doctor

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Great writing and a wonderfully, hot story!      I wish I knew where this doctor office was, as I would make an appointment this evening!    Closest thing I had was a very slim 6'2" Indian doctor use 3 fingers when checking my prostate after commenting how loose I was.    I started chuckling which of course made my hole tighten up around his fingers.   I thought I heard him moan, but all he did after that was tell me I could get my clothes back on.

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Thanks for all the likes and comments. 

Chapter 7

The next couple of weeks went like so...Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I’d end up stopping by Dr. Manning’s office and one or more of the three of them would give me a quick load. Saturday, Sunday and Thursday I would hang out with Chad and he would usually be good for a couple of loads. Matty even joined us one Saturday. Damn that was a fun night. Then of course there was our Friday sessions where all four of my guys would use me for hours. 

We were coming up to the fourth Friday since I actively started the pozzing process.  So I’d been taking toxic loads for three full weeks now. I woke up Friday morning with a slight headache and scratchy throat. I really didn’t pay much attention and went about my day as usual. I’d changed my work schedule so that I was only working half a day in the office on Fridays and the afternoon at home so I’d have plenty of time to prep for my weekly fuckfest. I was really loving these events and looked forward to them all week long. There was nothing better than when all five of us were naked together. 

By the time I left work for home I knew something wasn’t right. I felt like shit. I didn’t want to bother the guys at work so I just sent a group text to let them know that I thought they’d finally succeed in knocking me up. 

Less than 30 seconds after I sent the text my phone rang. Dr. Manning must have been between patients because he never responded that quickly. 

“You fucking slut! I almost shot my load when I read your text. Tell me your symptoms.” I started laughing. “Oh fuck, sorry Scotty. I’m just so damn excited.”

“It’s okay doc. I figured you’d be happy just not this happy.” I proceeded to tell him all my symptoms and I could hear him getting even more excited on the other end of the phone. 

“It definitely sounds like your seroconverting.”

“And doc my cock is rock hard. I feel like shit but I’m seriously horny as fuck. That can’t be right.” 

“Actually Scotty, my chaser patients often tell me that when they came down with the first symptoms that the only thing they could think about was getting more toxic cum. So it sounds like what you’re experiencing is quite normal. Well for a fucking twisted bug chaser that is, you slut.”

“Thanks doc.”

“I want you to sit tight. One of us will be over shortly to check on you. Just try to get some sleep.”

Ten minutes later someone was buzzing my apartment. I didn’t even bother to check who it was and just buzzed them up. Shortly there was a knock the door. Chad was standing on the other side with a big shit eating grin on his handsome face. 

“So I understand you’ve earned your new ink? Have you decided where you’re going to put it? Oh fuck and how are you feeling? You don’t look so good.”

I wanted to laugh but it just came out more as a cough. 

“Fuck you’re burning up. Let’s get you a cold shower to cool you off.” He stripped me then took his own clothes off and helped me to the bathroom. “God I want to fuck you so bad right now.”

He was in back of me so I pressed up against his front and felt his hard dick poking into my ass. I reached around and guided him to my hole. He pushed forward and I pushed back and he was soon balls deep in me. I sighed. “Perfect! My body needs your toxic cum.”

It didn’t take long for me to shoot my load against the shower wall while his went safely deep in my hole. “Thank you. Now can you please help me to bed.”

The others showed up a few hours later and each of them proceeded to give me one load of beautiful toxic cum. It was the least amount of loads I’d received during one of our Friday sessions but honestly it had to be the hottest. 

They took excellent care of me over the next several days. One of them was always with me. On about the fourth day I was starting to feel human again. On Chris’ shift he took some blood so we could get confirmation to what we were all assuming. I asked about the rapid test but  he said Dr. Manning wanted to be 100% sure. 

I was strong enough to get back to work Thursday but the doc insisted I just work from home. Doctor orders. However, he told me I was expected at his office Friday at 5pm sharp for a followup appointment. I tried to get him to tell me my test results but he kept saying ‘sorry I don’t have them yet.’

Somehow I didn’t believe him but he wouldn’t budge, so Friday it was. 

Friday could not get here fast enough!!

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Chapter 8

Hi guys, Adam here. I know you were expecting Scotty’s big reveal but I promise he’ll be back soon. 

Just a little about me. I just turned 32 last week. I moved to the city a year ago when I was offered an amazing job opportunity, which so far has been great. I’m a small guy, 5’5”, 140, my haircut is really short and I keep myself totally smooth, which I know some guys don’t like but I’ve found it makes me look a lot younger when I’m naked. Which in turn seems to attract older guys which I really, really like. Oh yeah and I’m a ginger. 

I’m pretty shy so I haven’t made a lot of friends since I moved here. I love dancing, so for my birthday I decided fuck it and took myself out to one of the gay dance clubs. I made sure to have lots of liquid courage so I wouldn’t care what anyone thought of me. A couple of hours in and this hot daddy was eyeing me up and down. I had to pee so I headed to the bathroom. As I was doing my business I looked over and there he was stroking his hard dick. I didn’t even think just dropped to my knees and started sucking. Thank you liquid courage! He stopped me after a few seconds and dragged me into one of the stalls. 

“Take your pants down boy, I’m gonna fuck you.” It it didn’t take long before he blew his load deep inside me, and with that he was out the door. 

I went home shortly after that and made sure to keep his load inside. I know the dangers of bare backing but really don’t care. I mean it’s not like I get fucked that much anyway and honestly this was the first time since I moved to the city. Besides aren’t most guys on PrEP now anyway. 

A couple of days later I went to go pee and it was like pissing glass. Oh great my one fuck in a year and the asshole gives me Gono. That’ll teach me. 

Since I hadn’t been in the city long I really hadn’t set up any doctors so I went on line trying to find a gay doc. I know I could’ve just gone to one of the urgent cares but I’d had bad experiences with them back in my home town so I tended to avoid them like the plague. I knew in a big city the staff probably wouldn’t be as judgmental but I really did want a gay doc so prefect timing. Right??

I finally found one that looked promising and had great reviews. I called the office Monday morning as soon as they opened. “Hello, Dr. Manning’s office this is Matty how can I help you this beautiful morning?” Oh great a cheerful guy first thing in the morning. 

“Umm hi. My name’s Adam. I’m hoping to get in to see the doctor as soon as possible.”

“Are you an existing patient?”

“No I’ve never seen Dr. Manning before.”

“Okay his first appointment for new patients is in two months.”

“Shit two months really? Is there anyway you can squeeze me in sooner.” I started to panic. I mean I know this was no big deal, but guys it felt like I was pissing glass!

“Okay honey, calm down it’ll be okay. Tell Matty what’s going on.”

“I think I have Gono.”

I could swear he was trying not to laugh at me but he remained professional. “Okay honey let me see what I can do. I’m going to put you hold for a second.” A few minutes later he came back on the line. “Okay can you come in around 1pm today?”

“Oh my god thank you. Yes that works great.”

“Okay then you’re all set. Please make sure to bring your insurance card with you and we’ll see you this afternoon.”

I arrived promptly at one and fuck me if the receptionist wasn’t the cutest guy I’d ever seen. I usually don’t go for guys my age or younger but damn. Plus he was small like me so he was probably a total bottom anyway. Oh well not like anything would happen at my doctors office. 

Matty was sweet as could be and got me all squared away. I didn’t have to wait too long before a hot nurse came to get me. “Hi I’m Chris, if you’ll follow me.” Fuck me this place was a gay man’s wet dream. He lead me to a really small exam room tucked off a short hallway. “Sorry for the room. We usually don’t use this one but since we’re a little busy today hope you mind.”

“No it’s perfect. I’m just glad you guys could fit me into today.”

I explained to Chris why I was there. He took all my vitals, put the information into my chart and left me to wait for the doctor.  As he closed the door it tried to latch but didn’t take so the door remained open about an inch. 

About five minutes later I could hear voices out in the hall. This exam room was close to where the nurse had his station. It sounded like a very excited Matty speaking to Chris. 

“Holy fuck did you check your texts?”

“No Matty I’m working. You know I don’t look at my phone when I’m with a patient.”

“Your not with a patient you’re in the hall. Check your fucking phone.”  I was trying not to laugh. They were so funny together. 

“Holy fucking shit. This is great!”

“I know right?”

“Has doc seen this?”

“I don’t think so. He’s finishing up with a patient. He’s going to be thrilled. I know he’s been anxiously awaiting waiting for the news.”

“Fuck we all have Matty.”

Just then a third voice joined in. “I’m assuming since Matty is away from the front desk that you both saw Scotty’s text.”

“Sorry doc.  I was just so excited I couldn’t wait to tell Chris.”

“It’s okay, I totally understand. Scotty’s been a special group project and I think it’s safe to say we’ve all grown close to him over the past few weeks.”

“Should we call him, make sure he’s alright?” 

“I already did the second I saw his text. He says he feels like shit but is hornier than ever.”

“Do you think he’s really seroconverting?”

“Well based on his symptoms I’d say yes we were successful. We’ll give the virus a few days then take some blood to confirm. In the meantime Chad is heading over to take care of him for now. We can all go after we’re done with our last patient. Matty, can you make a schedule for the next few days so one of us is always with him?” 

“Of course.”

“Chad can do the day shift since he can work from anywhere. Okay guys let’s take care of our other patients so we can go be with our newest family member.”

“Doc the walk-in patient is in room 4. Oh fuck you don’t think he just heard our conversation do you?” 

I think they just realized the door hadn’t closed all the way. Oh and for the record I had heard ever last twisted word and my dick was rock hard!

“Damn it! I know we don’t use that room much but we really need to fix that damn door.”

A few seconds later there was a knock and yep you guessed it another hottie walked in. 

“Hi I’m Dr. Manning, he said as he reached out to shake my hand.”

“I’m Adam.”

“Nice to meet you Adam. I apologize if you heard our conversation out in the hallway. We should have been more discreet. I hope you weren’t offended.”

“Don’t worry about sir. I wish I could say I hadn’t heard anything but one look at my dick and you’d know I was lying.” 

“Well Adam, good to know. Now what brings you here today?” He now had a big grin on his face. He did a quick exam and agreed with my Gono assessment. “So not your first time huh.”

“Nope,” I sheepishly said. 

“Nothing to be ashamed of son. It’s all part of being a good slut. STDs are all part of the package. Do you want an HIV test today while we’re at it?”

“Might as well. Who knows what else the fucker gave me.”

“It seems you wouldn’t be to upset if your test came back poz.”

“Well sir, before I moved here I was pretty sexually active. I was from a small town but I had a group of fuck buds that kept me satisfied. Since moving here I’ve been in a bit of a dry spell. I’m shy so meeting new guys is hard for me and I’m not really into anonymous hookups. Well usually not.”

“He chuckled. “So with your fuck buds would you play safe or raw? Are you on PrEP?”

“Not on PrEP. As for safe vs raw, both really. Depended on what the top wanted. I didn’t care either way as long as I was getting fucked. I figured there was a good chance I’d catch the big one but honestly wasn’t too worried. But I gotta say overhearing your conversation, fuck I know it’s sick and twisted but damn, it turned me on.”

I could tell doc was liking the way this was going as his scrubs were starting to tent. “Son trust me. There’s nothing wrong with the feelings your experiencing and if you’re still neg I can certainly help change that, if that’s what you want.”

“My brain’s saying ‘you’re fucking crazy, but my dick is saying ‘about fucking time’.”

“So who’s winning?”

“My dick sir!”

“Okay here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to have Chris come in and give you a shot so we can clear up your Gono, then in a few days the office will contact you to let you know when you need to come back in to begin your treatment.”


“For HIV,” he said with a wicked grin. That will give you time to decide if this course of action is right for you. If you agree I think you’ll be a prefect surprise for the newest member of our family. You know what they say, the newly diagnosed are extremely toxic. Any questions?”

“No this has been a weird but amazing visit I’m so glad I found you and was able to get in so fast.”

“It’s funny how the universe works. Okay I hope to see you soon.”

The rest of the visit was over pretty fast and now here I sat a few days later on a late Friday afternoon sitting in Dr. Manning’s waiting room about to change my life forever. 

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