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Neg bottom, undetectable hookup load ?


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Neg bottom here (not on prep for now)

Just entered the world of barebacking and breeding. So far only been breeded by people i trust that are neg or undetectable.

BUT I started talking to a AMAZING looking power top with a HUGE 10inch (I am a bit of a size queen..) he claim to be undetectable and really want to abuse me and breed me.


My question is : Should I believe him and get bred or should i stay with people i trust ?

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I used to do what you're doing and trying to select. Means you have less chance of getting pozzed but still can be obviously. Then one day met a guy for anon BB and didn't even ask. He never mentioned it either, just came in my arse, thanked me and left. Met another guy that evening, told him I had cum in my arse and he wanted me even more. Realised it was more of a turn on not knowing so stopped asking. Still neg, many loads later.

If I were you I'd take it raw, suck it clean and then invite others round to top up my gaping leaking hole. But that's just me, can't tell you what to do. 😁

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57 minutes ago, hairyboytoy said:


My question is : Should I believe him and get bred or should i stay with people i trust ?

i will sort of answer your question with a question: how do you substantiate your "trust?"  Our feelings and notions of trust are often just that, "feelings" and "notions."   Without having actual test evidence in front of us, one doesn't really know if their partner is neg or undetectable.  We are really just taking peoples word for it and trusting our own perceptions (and i gotta wonder just how objective two horny guys feelings are lol).  

The most trustworthy position to be in if you want to be bred and are trying to stay neg is to get on PrEP.  That's actually backed by study evidence, and you can pretty much know for certain whether or not you have taken the med. 

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Based on your opening line, it sounds like you'd like to stay negative for now.  That might change later, but don't rush into it.  There are two camps.

I agree with @tallslenderguy and with @find91,,, how do you define "So far only been breeded by people i trust that are neg or undetectable".  Only you can answer how you determine 'trust'.


As pointed out above, U=U is true.  I am a firm supporter. 

But there are people out there in our world who actually ..... lie about a lot of things.  Status could be one of these things.  Dude... they wanna fuck.

I have met MANY hot sex partners who are poz and undetectable.  They have chosen to medicate and disclose..... for which I am appreciative.  But 'some' guys will say anything you want to hear in order to fuck. 

So, I took the approach that it is MY responsibility to mitigate the risk of (at least) HIV.  You can still get lots of other STD's.

If you plan on barebacking and taking loads, you might want to consider PrEP for now - until you decide where you want to go with all this.....

Cheers dude!


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Guest CuriousDallas

All guys lie. I will lie and say anything to get a guy to go bare whether it’s topping or bottoming. I’m guessing some the guys you go with bare are lying. They probably don’t know their status and aren’t on prep. As for the undetectable guy lying about it? I kind of doubt he’s lying about his status but he could be. Most guys are scared of someone who’s poz regardless of whether they’re undetectable or detectable, so why lie? Most guys who are poz are conscientious about being honest as there’s pretty serious laws about knowingly giving HIV to someone. That said, I know of three guys who actively stealth guys and lie about being detectable. 

At heart I am a pig bottom who loves taking huge cocks and I would totally take him bare. I love nothing more than the sensation of a giant dick stroking deep inside me and want their seed desperately. I’m willing to take the chance rather than have him pull out to cum.

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I like your style CuriousDallas! Also they might not be lying really. I've honestly told guys I've gone raw with that I tested neg a few weeks ago. Didn't tell them that in those few weeks I've taken multiple anon loads without asking or caring what was lurking in the hot seed that I begged them to flood my guts with. And that some of them fucked me til I bled letting that cocktail of anon semen seep into my bloodstream as I let it soak into me overnight. 

Didn't lie though! 😇

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Guest BreedMeInVegas

I got HIV from someone I trusted who also told me he was negative, so you can't put much faith in trust or what someone claims their status is.  If you want to stay negative with 100% guarantee, then abstain from sex all together. 

Now if you want to reduce the chances of getting HIV, get on PReP, seek out tops who are undetectable and ask them a bout their status.  If they are open about it, and willing to share what it means, then I'd trust them that they are actually undetectable since someone pretending to be most likely won't know much about it, and won't know enough to discuss it.  As one reply about said U=U, that's a good sign of someone that understand HIV meds, PReP, and how undetectable works.  Neg guys on PReP would be next and just as safe as Undetectable guys, again as long as they can speak the lingo and come across as being honest.  And then finally, I'd put negative guys not on PReP at the bottom of the list.  Guys not on some form of treatment are much less likely to be getting tested as often as someone who is Undetectable, or on PReP.  Most doctors will require a visit every 4-6 months in order to get a prescription refill.  They also will require blood tests and may include tests for the major STDs.  This is especially true with guys on PReP.

Going back to the guy I trusted and was negative, he actually was for a long time.  But then after one of his tests he got infected and didn't know it.  So just before he had his next test 6 months later, he gave it to me unknowingly.  Of course because he had recently been infected, his viral load was extra high making it easier to infect me.  A negative test result is only good until the next time the person has sex, then his status is simply Unknown.


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