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Parker Brothers


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5 minutes ago, Dubconforlife said:

Maybe you have to enter it into Twitter? Because I have about a dozen people from BZ over the night.

I don't have a twitter account, so that was probably the problem. I found it, but I cannot see anything. 

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On 10/3/2020 at 6:36 AM, Dubconforlife said:

College was expensive.


I mean I know that isn't a huge revelation or anything, but I did not expect my scholarship to dry up so fucking fast. I was on a full ride for Lacrosse but it barely paid for tuition and books. Food and lodging was definitely not covered. A couple of the other guys on the team were in the same boat so we decided to look for a place we could all share. It didn't help that everything around Dallas was like three times the cost of normal places. We searched all over and finally one of the guy's dad had a rental property he was willing to rent to us, as long as we kept in shape. It needed some work and six athletic guys had more than enough time to fix it up.


It was a nice house in the middle of suburban Richardson, a pretty expensive place outside of the city proper. As we drove up tot he place there were kids on lawns, dads moving shit...I mean it was right out of an old TV show or something. There was no way we could turn this into a party house, well not a real one. As we moved our stuff in we scoped out the place, wondering how much trouble we could get into before the neighbors called the cops on us.


There were three bedrooms which meant two guys to a room. No one really minded because we were al a little homey-sexual.


Don't know what that means? Let me explain.


We all got a little handsy when we got fucked up. I mean we weren't gay or anything, but we were college athletes with bodies to prove it. We knew what a good looking guy was and when we got high or drunk, we got a little gay. Again, nothing serious, some sloppy kissed, a handy or at the most a bj, but that was about it. Gay chicken was an Olympic sport for us and everyone thought it was funny.


I wasn't gay, but I was sure in the fuck bi. I liked fooling around with the guys but I never pushed it because the only reason everyone was cool messing around was that no one thought anyone was serious about it. I was a little serious about it. But you don't shit where you sleep so in my mind, my roommates were off limits and that was that.


We were about done emotying the moving truck when three guys walked up on us.


Wait, let me rephrase that.


Three fucking studs walked up on us.


There were brothers, that much was evident but the striking features and varying shades of blond hair they had. The oldest was built like a shit house, real bulky, football type guy and super A&F vibes. The middle was skinny but you could see he had some meat on him, of the three he was the least attractive and let me tell you, he could still get pussy by simply smiling. It was the youngest one that broke everything though.


He looked 18, bright blond hair, shaggy like a surfers, blue eyes, and a body that looked like an action figure. This kid was like sex in Converse and I don't think he had any clue about it.


“Sup?” the oldest one said, giving me the all knowing bro nod.


“Hey man,” I said holding my hand out.


“You guys moving in?”


A couple of the guys stopped and waved and I nodded, “Yeah, we all play lacrosse at UH, you?”


“I'm John, this is Eli and that's Sammy.”


Eli nodded and Sammy tried to do the same but it just looked like a puppy imitating the older dogs.


“We live over there,” he pointed to a huge house at the end of the block, “I play football at UH and Eli is soccer.”


“I'm baseball!” Sammy volunteered, and he looked like it.


Baseball guys were hot, like super hot. They had these savage upper bodies, no fat, great legs from all the running. They were just all around sex packages in my mind and Sammy looked the type.


“So the jock brothers?” I joked.


“Parker,” John said smiling, “Welcome to the neighborhood.”


“Glad to meet you guys, so is it as strict as it looks?”


Eli nodded, “Yeah, my mom is already on the phone with the other hens, complaining about the neighborhood going to hell.”


“Damn, that was fast!”


John shook his head, “Look bro, it's cool around here. But trust me, these assholes are looking for a reason to boot you guys and you've been here like five minutes. Just keep your head down and let them get used to you and trust me, they'll learn to deal.”


“That's good advice man, thanks.”


“Well, we saw guys who were under thirty in the neighborhood and wanted to check it out.”


“Cool, you guys are welcome to hang whenever you want. There will always be beer and someone will be playing COD in one of the rooms.”


“You guys game?” Sammy asked.


“COD, Fortnite, a couple of the guys play Overwatch, least they used to. Yeah we game it up some nights.”


John laughed, “Well you just ensured this one will be on your couch every day.”


“These guys won't play anything with me!” Sammy complained, “They say games are for kids.”


“Well then this is a whole house of 20 something year old kids.”


His face lit up and I swear I felt my cock twitch in response.


“Well cool man, you guys need any help with the boxes?” Eli offered.


It was a good play, he could see there were like two boxes lef tin the truck they timed their arrival to make sure they could offer and not get hooked in to heavy labor.


“Nah we got it, but if you guys wanna hang later, we're gonna have some brews as a housewarming party and I think they wanna Madden tonight.”


John's eyebrows raised, “I could do some Madden.”


“I thought games were for kids!” Sammy teased.


“They are, but football is different.”


Sammy rolled his eyes and we all laughed.


“We should have shit hooked u by 6ish, come by then, we'll be ordering pizza too.”


“Sweet,” John said holding his fist out for a bump, “I'll see if we can score some beers to pitch in.”


I bumped him back and the all turned to leave. I tried not to stare at their fucking perfect asses through their shorts, but I failed that pretty bad.


“What was that? Church of Zoolander recruiting?”


I shook my head as I watched them, “No, are new neighbors.”


“Cool, you wanna help me with these last boxes?”


I shook myself out of my fever dream and nodded, “Let's get em!”


I pushed the Parker brothers out of my head for now, I needed to unpack a house first.




That night they all came over and brought a 12 pack with them.


We had order half a dozen pizzas and had more beer than 60 people could drink. We had set up the TV's in the main room and had them all connected so we could play some epic games. They settled in, grabbing a slice and a cold one, even Sammy. His brothers seemed ok with it so I didn't care, I could tell John was keeping one eye on his little brother.


Sammy had a baggy pair of shorts on and a Captain America shirt on that hugged his frame a bit too well. John was in a Dallas jersey and a pair of jeans while Eli had a hoodie and a pair of khakis on. The three of them could not have dressed any different but they were all obvious related. It reminded me in video games where you have to pick you character, The huge one, the skinny one or the one most people choose, the one with the perfect body.


John and Eli got into the tournament pretty fast while Sammy watched from the other side of the couch. His calves were huge and covered with a light dusting of blond hair. He was leaning forward to watch and I could see his tight ass through the shorts and knew instantly I wanted to fuck this kid badly. After a few games my guys were holding their pwn but it was obvious that Eli and John had played together a lot. The first game went to overtime with the Parkers pulling it out at the last second. There were groans all around and more than a few fucks and bullshit muttered. Beers were passed out again for round two and one of my guys asked if they wanted to light up.


Eli and John looked at each other and then John looked back to Sammy.


“No way.”


“Oh come on!” Sammy cried, “It's not like I haven't before!”


“I don't care, of mom finds out you got stoned with us she will kill me, like literally take a knife to my throat kill me.”


“Me and my friends get blazed all the time!” he shot back.


“Then get high with them.”


Sammy made a face and then stomped off to the kitchen.


They lit up and began to pass around the joint, I decided to follow him.


He was getting another beer obviously trying to calm down when I walked in.


“Hey man, that sucks,” I said.


“I get high all the time!” he raged, “Fuck I do it more than them. So unfair!”


“So let's go up to my room and smoke our own joint.”


His face broke out into a smile, “Really?”


“Yeah, fuck them, they're gonna be down here playing all night. We should be clear upstairs.”


“Fuck yeah!” he said cheering, “Dude you're the best!”


I walked out and told John we were gonna go play Fortnite upstairs, he didn't even look back and said, “Cool man, Sammy behave.”


Sammy flipped his back off as we walked upstairs to my room.


I locked the door behind us and told him to turn on my Xbox while I got the weed ready. He eagerly turned everything on while I went to my weed stash. I could have rolled us one but I had a few special joints for special occasions. This was a special occasion. I grabbed a Rompums for him, that's a joint laced with ketamine, and a normal one for me. As I sat down I handed him the Romp and lit up my normal one.


He leaned in for a light and took a huge drag off of it, I could tell this kid had smoked before and assumed it was a normal joint. HE inhaled and I saw him make a face, “What's that taste?” he asked.


“It has rose oil in it,” I lied, “Makes the burn smoother.”


He took another drag, “Yeah, I can feel that shit.”


I toked on mine and grabbed a game controller, “You ready to play?”


He had the joint hanging outside of his mouth, “Fuck yeah I am.”


It was only a matter of time now.

Very hot story, thanks ❤️

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