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Marking Mark


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Mark was the boy next door. In my case, this was literal.  I live in a pretty bad part of town, and Mark’s  mother was pretty hard up for cash, and she couldn’t afford anything decent for them when she moved in next to me years ago.  That was when he was in his last year of elementary school.  When he was in eighth grade, I could see that he was going to fill out pretty nicely as he aged.  He was a little pudgy and self-conscious about his body.  He was always wearing baggy clothes, I think trying to hide his boyfat from bullies.  When he was a freshman, his fur started coming in, and by his junior year he had a trashy goatee going, complementing his dark brown curly hair that went from the top of his head turning black as it ran down to his toes.

I’m not usually attracted to teenagers.  A teenage boy is still a boy.  Hell, no one is really manly until they hit their thirties, if then.  It takes some time for them to grow hair on their chest, excuse the pun. And they have to be trained.  It is a rare boy that is worth the hassle.  

Mark was different.  He was boyish, yes, but also kind of pathetic.  I knew that his parents didn’t have money to help him with school, and honestly in my interactions with his mother I assumed it would be pointless anyway since he would probably take after her and she was dumb as a rock.  And always, always broke: My first interactions with Mark involved him borrowing something from me.  Everything from cooking supplies (basic stuff like butter; she was no chef) to shaving cream when he started to need it a few years ago.

She was so dumb she missed the fact that she had a blossoming faggot on her hands. Which was good for Mark, because his stupid mother was also a Pentecostal and didn’t tolerate sodomy.  I knew she had her suspicions about me, but she was poor enough to have to send her son my way for the shit she couldn’t pay for, and she needed money more than she needed to express her religious opinions.        

I first caught wind of this when the kid borrowed a laptop of mine for a school project his junior year.  It came back absolutely filthy, filled with gay porn. Age appropriate gay porn; the kid was clearly into other twinkish, young guys.  Actually, young white guys that all looked like they came out of an Abercrombie and Fitch shoot.  Not my scene, but pretty typical for young white gay teen.  

Once I knew he had a nose for cock, I started checking the hook up apps for him.  Incognito, of course.  Eventually I came across him one day, after he had turned 18.  According to his profile, he was not into anal.  Drug and disease free.  Looking for same.  Masc only.  “Be height weight proportional, under 30 only.”  His words all, not mine.

Me? I’m all about anal; way, way over 30.  And definitely not drug and disease free.  But hey, I was masculine.  I checked off that box.  But I didn’t think the kid would give me the time of day.

Little did I know, I had a secret weapon.  

One day, out of the blue, I got a knock at my door. It was Mark, and he was red with embarrassment.  

“Hey Mr. Walker, can I talk to you for a minute?” He was shuffling at the threshold to my apartment. He looked like he wanted to be doing anything else.  This was always the way he looked when he came over asking for a big favor.  

“What’s up Mark? Come on in.”  I left the door open for him and walked to my living room, sitting in the recliner.  Mark followed me, wearing his usual baggy clothing, his phone glued to his hand like always.  I had actually bought the phone for him as a gift when he was 15, and all the rest of his friends had the coolest, newest smart phones.  It was a pay as you go model, and frankly not very good, but Mark didn’t mind.  

“Thanks Mr. Walker,” he said as he stood next to the couch.  He looked at me, waiting.  

“You can sit, boy.”  I smiled at him, putting an emphasis on the boy part.  He was going to need instruction from me at some point.  I snapped my fingers, pointing to the part of the couch facing me.  “Sit right there.”  

“Yes, sir,” he said.  He was always polite with me, Mark was.  I liked that.  

“Um...I need some advice,” he said.  He didn’t want to be having this conversation, that much was certain.  He was doing everything he could to look away, delay.  He started mumbling something about how stressed he was at school and at home, blah blah blah.  Boring poor teenager stories.  

Talking is overrated: That boy had much better uses for his mouth.  

“Cut to the chase, Mark: What do you need?” I am not a patient man.  I was not about to listen to hours of teen boy sob stories.  

“Well...see, I need a car to visit my...girlfriend.”

This would not be the first time that Mark has borrowed my car.  His mother doesn’t own one, and he needed one for his licensing test last year.  I own a nice black SUV, and I knew that Mark loved driving it.

“I see.  Where does your girlfriend live?” Now, I knew damn well that this kid did not have a girlfriend.  But I needed to know how far he was going to go to convince me otherwise, in order to get my car.  

He had to take a moment to think about this.  “Uh, Windsor,” he said.  

“So you need to cross the border?”

Mark nodded, eagerly.  “Yeah and the thing is she like, um, well her mom is kinda like my mom, you know? So she can’t date or anything, and uh...well, see, her parents are kinda going out of town this weekend...”  

“So you just need my car for the weekend?” I could feel my dick stirring in my shorts.  

“Yeah, if that’s ok, Mr. Walker.”  He put his head down.  The boy didn’t like asking me for help, ever.  Probably because he knew how much his mother had taken advantage of me over the years, without me asking for anything in return.

If only his mother knew: All of the favors I’d done for Mark over the years were about to be repaid, with interest.

I got up and walked over to the door, where my keys were hanging off of a coat rack.  I put them in my hand, dangling them.  “I don’t know, Mark.  If you’re going to be driving I should really let your mom know...”

“No!” He said, excitedly.  “Please don’t! She won’t let me go.”  Those puppy dog eyes were wide open, terrified.  

“So she doesn’t know about your girlfriend?”

“Well uh, she thinks I am going to spend the weekend with a friend from church.”  


Mark nodded.  He did not have many friends, so that could only mean Jason.  Jason was Mark’s age, but mixed race and his parents were still together and not, you know, dirt poor like Mark.  

“So he’s covering for you?”

“Well...yeah, I mean...he was gonna go with me...”

“You’re both going to go on a date with this girl from Windsor?”

“Well I mean, Jay is 19, so he was gonna go and drink while we, uh, did stuff.”  

Mark is not above lying to get what he wants, but he must have taken me for a fool.  He had “borrowed” twenty bucks a couple of months ago to go to Jason’s 18th birthday party, some lame laser tag event with their church friends.  

And now he had concocted a wild story to justify taking my car out cruising for cock, no doubt. But I sensed an opportunity, and I took it. I made a big deal of it, but after some hemming and hawing I relented and told him that he could use my car that weekend, if he was safe and responsible.  

The boy was eager, and asked if he could have the keys right away.  I told him that I had to clear some things out, but that I would take the keys over to him later that day.  After he left, I put my plan into action. Once I had everything in place and set up inside the SUV, I walked over to Mark’s apartment and gave him the keys before his mother got home from work.

My own weekend was uneventful.  That is, until late on Saturday night, when I turned on the security cameras that gave me a bird’s eye view of my truck’s interior, complete with audio. I toggled a bit, seeing all the different perspectives.  It was a sight to behold: A shirtless, tasty Mark giving head to an equally shirtless, big cocked Jason.  

“Dude, that feels so good,” Jason whispered.  “Your mouth feels so fucking good....”

“Mmmphh” was all that Mark could say in reply.  Jason was snaking his hand down Mark’s back, moving his fingers underneath the boy’s baggy pants.  

“Just let me fuck you,” Jason asked.  

Mark shook his head, lifting his mouth up from Jason’s cock.  I could see it on one of the screens: That precum and spit connecting Mark’s cocksucker lips to Jason’s tool.  

“Dude, I told you I’m not into that.”  

“Come on man, just for a minute.”  Jason’s hand moved farther down, and he seemed to be stroking Mark’s ass cheek.  

“No way Jay.  I don’t get fucked.”  

Jason pulled Mark up and kissed him, then whispered in his ear.  Something that was too low for the camera to catch.

Mark turned around.  “Ok, but just a finger.”  Jason immediately shoved his arm further down Mark’s pants and started playing with that unopened hole, causing Mark to groan with pleasure.  

Oh yeah, I had these boys where I needed them.

I let this go on for a while without telling Mark I knew anything.  He and Jason had a few more fun nights together in my SUV.  Jason was slowly introducing Mark to the pleasures of gay sex, but he was not having any luck getting the kid to give him his ass.  

At the same time, the boys were starting to drink and smoke pot together.  I saw some of it on the cam, but the boy was starting to reek of it when I saw him in the hallway.  

Finally, one Friday night he texted me, asking if I could come get him because he was too drunk to drive home.  I texted back that I didn’t have any way of getting to Windsor.  

Then he called me.  Slurring, he apologized.  “I’m not in Windsor,” he explained.  “Jay and I got into a fight...” His voice trailed off.  He sounded confused, and like he had been crying.  

“Where are you?”

He gave me the directions to a park that was about a half mile away from Jason’s house.They must have been going there to get busy.  By the time I had ubered my way over, he was asleep, with the car running.  I knocked on the driver’s window and he sat up, startled, and opened the door.

“Has the car been running this whole time?” I asked.

“Yeah, sorry Mr. Walker, sir,” Mark slurred.  “I didn’t want to drive ‘cause...” his voice trailed off, his intoxication obvious.

“Mark, you dumb shit, they can get you for a DUI if the car is running.  Get in passenger seat.”  He stepped out of the car and stumbled, and I had to carry him over to the passenger seat.

He started to panic.  “I can’t go home like this, Mr. Walker, my mom...”

I nodded.  “Your mom is going to be very upset with you, don’t you think?” I turned the ignition and started pulling out of the lot and headed towards the park exit.  “I’m feeling tense just from what you put me through tonight,” I added.  “You could have gotten us both in a lot of trouble.”

The boy’s eyes were closed.  “I’m sorry Mr. Walker, really I am.”  

“Well, not as sorry as you will be after I’ve talked with your mom about this. “ Mark opened his eyes, and looked like he was going to keep crying.  But he didn’t say anything, just slouched more into his seat.

“Especially after I show her the video.”  

This sobered him up a bit, or at least made him sit up straight.  “What video?”

“My security camera.  Haven’t checked it lately, but if you have been drinking in this car then she needs to know.”  

That really got his attention.  He was staring at me wide eyed.  “You have a camera in here?”

“Of course I have a camera in here, Mark.  You know how often cars get stolen in this town?”  

Mark didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to: I could tell from his sweat and trembling that he knew he was going to be caught with his pants down and Jason’s big cock in his mouth.  

“Uh, could you not show her the video?”

I shrugged.  “What’s in it for me?” And Mark knew I was right.  As far as he knew I had put my trust in him and he had let me down.  One of the few people around him that actually seemed to care, and to do things for him.  

“I can do stuff for you,” he suggested.  “Like...chores, that kind of stuff. Just please don’t tell my mom.”

“You smell like a distillery and a hemp festival all wrapped in one,” I pointed out.  “Your mom is gonna know you were out drinking.”  I could feel my cock swelling in my jeans.  We were not far from the apartment now.  Not far at all.

“Can I crash at your place? Please just let me sleep it off,” he whined at me.

“If you sleep at my place, are you gonna tell me what happened tonight?” I asked him. “Everything?”

He just nodded.  But now he looked defeated.  

As we walked into my apartment, I stopped him at the doorway.  “You’re not coming in here with those stinking clothes,” I told him.  “Take them off.”  Mark hesitated for a minute, then started taking his shirt off, struggling through his inebriation. He stripped down to his boxer briefs, apparently thinking it was over.  I had to take a minute to drink him in: A little shorter than me but covered with that fine black fur.  And of course, I had to see the rest of him.

“All of it,” I said.  “And go hop in the shower.  I don’t want you stinking up the place.”  

He walked over to the hallway and immediately went in the wrong room.  “Whoops!” I heard him say.  Once I heard him step into the shower, I started disrobing.  

When I opened the shower door he jumped, completely startled.  “Mr. Walker! What?” He stumbled again, the alcohol and pot still clouding his head.  

Now, I am not that attractive. I’m attractive enough to have sex regularly, but I am a little bulky, I’m losing my hair and my thirties are nothing but a memory now, and I have a lot of silver or salt and pepper hair to prove it.  

But I have something that a lot of fags absolutely love: A nice nine inch cock.  And now it was hard, and I was not trying to hide it.  I just pushed my way in and pushed him aside as I started rinsing with the water and then lathering soap over my body. “Hot water only lasts for a few minutes,” I explained.  “We’re gonna need to share.”  

He watched me lather up my dick, and he seemed to be hyperfocused on it.  So focused he didn’t hear me calling his name.

“Mark? Earth to Mark?” I snapped my fingers.  He was pretty drunk still.  He looked back at me, and then seemed to shake himself out of whatever daydream he was in.  

“Sorry, Mr. Walker.  I’m still kinda out of it.”

“That’s ok, boy.”  I lathered up my hand with soap.  “You know, Mark, I’ve been watching those videos.”  I put my soapy, right hand over my cock, stroking it.  Mark looked absolutely terrified as I used my left hand to turn him around and press his stomach against the shower, while moving it down his back until my soaped fingers pressed down along his crack.  

“You probably don’t want your mom to see those videos, do you, Mark?” He just shook his head, hanging it down in shame.  

“And I am guessing that you don’t want Jason’s parents to see you drinking down his loads of cum, do you?”

“No, Mr. Walker.”  I started lathering up his hole, and he reached back to stop me but I used my right hand to grab his.  

“Just let me get you clean, boy.”  I started soaping him up, and he started moaning as my fingers teased around his hole.  

“I don’t really do that,” he whispered.  

“What? Clean your asshole?”  

“No, I mean...I don’t put things up there...” I could tell from his body language that he was getting really uncomfortable.  I didn’t want to come on too strong.  He hadn’t tried to run away from me yet, so I would take it slower.  

I moved my hand away and shrugged, like I didn’t care.  In reality, my hard on throbbed because my touch was the first confirmation that his hole was hairy.    

“Just soaping it up,” I said.  “But you should always keep your cock and ass clean, boy.  Always ready for a man to use them.”  I finished rinsing off.  As I watched him, I saw that his cock was growing. 

“So you really don’t want your mom to see that video huh?” I asked, scrubbing what was left of my hair with shampoo.  I could see Mark staring at me, his eyes darting between my grey haired chest and my cock.  

“No,” he admitted.  His hands had crept to his 5 inch penis, which he was stroking now.  

“That’s a really big favor, Mark,” I said.  “What’s in it for me?”

“I don’t know, Mr. Walker...”

“You said something about chores?”

“Yes!” Mark yelled, eagerly, his eyes wide and a big smile.  “I can do chores for you!” He looked at my cock.  
“What kind of chores?”

“Um, any kind...”

I put my wet hand in the kid’s hair and stroked it.  “Be more specific.”

Mark hung his head.  “I can suck you off. If that’s what you want.”

“No, not really.”  Mark had no reason to know this, but I was not really a fan of blowjobs. It was his tight, unpenetrated ass that I craved.  “Not right now anyway.”  

He stared at me.

“I have a few videos,” I told him.  “Mostly shows you, sucking off Jason.  Smoking pot, drinking.” I stroked my cock for him.  “Just teens being teens.  But I don’t think your mom would like it would she?”

He shook his head. “No.”

I put my hands on his shoulders. “And you don’t have anywhere else to go, do you?”

Mark choked up at this. “No.”

“I see.”  I pushed him down, until he was forced onto his knees.  

“You gonna do what I say?” I asked him.  He nodded at me, uncertain, his innocent curly haired face staring back at me, waiting.  

I pressed my dick against his lips.  “Open.” I grabbed his hair, holding him against my groin.

He dutifully obeyed, taking about a quarter of my nine incher into his mouth.  I just stood, waiting.  He started licking, hesitantly, moving his tongue around my head.  

And then I did it: I pissed right in his mouth.  

At first I think the kid thought that I was filling him with a load.  Probably thought that I came prematurely like his boyfriend.  But a couple seconds in, he realized what I was doing and, acting on instinct, tried to pull away.

That’s when I made sure he drank it all.  It wasn’t much, but I had to make sure that he knew the score.  

After I finished he looked up, mouth still on my dick, bewildered.  Frightened.  And, I think, a little excited.  Because what’s better for a bottom than pleasing his top? Nothing really.  And whether this kid knew it or not, he was a bottom. Or a bottom in training.  And I aimed to teach him well.

“Don’t leave a drop,” I told him.  He sucked and sucked for a few minutes.  Then I pushed him off of me and finished rinsing off while he waited on his knees.  

I turned off the water.  “Use the mouthwash on the sink,” I told him. “There are towels in the cabinet.”  I left the shower, grabbing the towel I had put out for myself when I came in.  Stumbling and shaking, Mark came out drenched, looking for a towel.  

“Where are they?” he asked again, still dazed and confused. I grabbed a towel from the cabinet, annoyed.  


“Thanks, Mr. Walker,” he said, drying himself off.  Then he stumbled again, and that was when I realized that this kid was probably too shit faced to even remember me pissing in him.  After he finished drying his body, he stood, mute.  Waiting for something.  

“Go sit on the couch,” I said.

He obeyed immediately, without question.  As his body sank into the couch, I grabbed my phone to interface with the TV.  

“I’m so sleepy,” he said, snuggling into the couch.  The little bitch thought he could get out of this by playing tired!

“No school tomorrow,” I reminded him.  “And no work for me.  You should stay awake.”  

He preferred not to.  He started moving his face against the pillow, smiling against it.  “You don’t mind, do you Mr. Walker? I’m just really sleepy...”  

Now, ordinarily, I would let the boy sleep; after all, this piece of trash was going to end up ass up no matter what I did.  Tonight, something was different.  I could sense it.  

I let the kid lie down on the couch, and after he was asleep I raised his legs up.  

That sweet ass stared at me, winking.  I had to have it tonight.

So I did what any rational man would do: I went and grabbed a baggie of Tina and started moistening his hole with it.  He started to stir.

"Mr. Walker? What's going on?"

I stroked my cock as I worked his hole over.  Then I pushed some of the crystal inside, making Mark wince in pain. 

"Mark, you and your mother have taken advantage of me." I circled my finger inside his hole, and he moaned.  When he saw that I was staring at him, he looked down in shame. 

"I-I guess.  I'm sorry Mr. Walker we just-"

I plunged another finger inside. 

"Ow! Mr. Walker I didn't-ow ow!"  I was jabbing both fingers in and out now, and he was starting to open up.  His protests were turning to purrs of delight. 

Oh yes.  Tonight I planned to go all the way until this slut was begging for more cock in that pussy. 


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On 22. 1. 2021 at 2:41 AM, MichiganBottom82 said:

  So I did what any rational man would do: I went and grabbed a baggie of Tina and started moistening his hole with it.  He started to stir.

"Mr. Walker? What's going on?"

I stroked my cock as I worked his hole over.  Then I pushed some of the crystal inside, making Mark wince in pain. 


On 22. 1. 2021 at 2:41 AM, MichiganBottom82 said:


Would this anal application work? I'm interested 🤔🐽

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