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22 year old twink rides bare

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An Accusation

The day after Jeffrey fucked Matt is much like any other day.  Matt gets up, goes for a run, and goes to work.  Matt is really conflicted all day.  Matt knows it was risky to let Jeffrey fuck him bareback and cum in his ass.  Matt also knows how turned on he was when he let the other bottom cum inside him.

Matt has been horny all day thinking about Jeffrey fucking him and breeding him.  Matt looks over at his computer desk and remembers thinking that he should have made Jeffrey wear a condom.  He knew Jeffrey hadn’t been tested in almost a year, but Matt gave it up bareback anyway.  Matt feels his ass and strokes his cock as he remembers how it felt taking Jeffrey’s bare cock as it slipped in his ass.  Matt knows he should be more careful, but it turns him on to get fucked bareback.  Matt wonders if he should go get tested soon.   He knows letting another bareback bottom cum inside him could mean he was exposed to HIV or other STIs. 

Matt keeps stroking his hard cock and slips a finger in his ass.  He is jerking off wondering if he will let the next guy fuck him bareback too.  Matt is thinking about who the next guy might be – Paul, a college boy, a friend, a guy from the bar, a guy in the park, a guy he meets online.  It could be anyone. 

FUCK!  Matt cums.  He pulls his fingers from his ass, releases his cock, and hops in the shower to clean off. 

In the shower, Matt is feeling anxious – why was he so turned on by Jeffrey fucking him bareback?  Why was he so ready to let other men fucking him without condoms? – he knows how risky it is.  Then he thinks about how much better it feels when the cock is in him skin on skin; how much smoother the fuck is.  He is getting hard again thinking about it. 

The buzzer rings!  Matt curses.  He is in the shower, wet with a hardon.  He thinks, maybe its one of the college boys he’s been letting fuck his ass.  Excited, Matt hops out of the shower, wraps a towel around his waist and pads carefully to the buzzer.

The buzzer goes off again before Matt can reach it.  He is jarred by the noise and answers before drying off completely.  He is surprised.  It is the police asking for him by name and asking to be let in.  Matt is surprised and his mind floods with possibilities – is his family ok, did he do anything wrong, and his heart beats faster as his stomach drops. 

There is a serious knock on his door.  Matt, still in only a towel, dripping wet, answers the door.  There are two policemen – a younger man and a slightly older man both in police uniforms.  Matt says hello but before he can say anything else the younger policeman interrupts him.  He asks for Matt by name and Matt says it is him.  The younger officer says they received complaints of illegal activities on the premises.  Matt is stunned.  Before he can ask which activities, the younger officer continues.  Matt listens as the policeman says they received many complaints about Matt receiving guests at all hours of the night, doors slamming, buzzers, drunk and high people in the hallways and calling his name from outside, and other noise complaints from Matt’s apartment.  All these complains lead the police to believe that Matt is dealing drugs.  The policeman says that dealing drugs is illegal and there are serious consequences for this illegal activity. 

Matt is stunned into silence.  The officers can see Matt’s surprise.  Matt stammers, almost chokes out, a response that it is not true.  Matt insists as best he can that it isn’t true – he doesn’t deal drugs.  He doesn’t do anything of the kind.  The younger officer looks angrier as Matt keeps talking.  The older officer says, if Matt consents to have his apartment searched right now, that this can all be put to rest. 

Matt knows this sounds wrong – letting the police in his apartment - and that he shouldn’t do it; but he feels stunned.  Matt’s mind also races – could there be anything in the apartment that can get him in trouble.  Matt is a clean freak so he knows he hasn’t found anything since one of the college boys left a baggie of weed a few weeks ago that Matt gave to Paul. 

Matt remembers to ask for something, but he is so nervous he can’t remember what it is.  Matt says, don’t you need a piece of paper or something to search the place?  The senior officer smiles and says, we would need a warrant to search your apartment but only if you refuse a voluntary search.  We can quickly set this business of illegal drugs aside if you agree to a let us do a search.  Matt anxiously agrees. 

The older policeman uses his radio to call in saying Matt has agreed to a voluntary search.  He looks at Matt and says, “Thank you for agreeing to this search.  Let’s put this matter to rest.”  Matt nods his head and steps aside.  The senior officer goes over to Matt’s desk and searches his desk drawers, feels under the drawers, looks around the desk and in a few bags.  The younger officer goes to Matt’s closet and searches every pocket, shoe, bag and box; searches the bed, under it, and in each item under the bed. 

The senior officer is now sitting in Matt’s desk chair watching his partner search.  The senior officer is watching Matt too.  Matt is still damp and in his towel.  The senior officer feels certain that there are no drugs in this place.  He knew pretty much as soon as he saw the anxious, clean cut twink shaking as he answered the door that there were no drugs here.  The younger officer is thorough.  If there are drugs here, he will find them.  He is in the kitchen now, searching every box of food.  The senior officer thinks this will take another 10 minutes or so because it is not easy to conceal much in cheap studios like this one.  The senior officer has been stationed at this precinct twice in his career – once at the beginning of his career and after 5 years in a rougher part of the city he is glad to be back.  He remembers when these buildings were a dump, but the gays moved in and turned the neighborhood around.  “The gays,” how funny the senior officer thinks the term is since it applies to him.

The senior officer is a good looking man in edging 40.  His hairline is receding, he has a pleasant and athletic face, and a body of a man who continues to work out.  The officer tried dating men his own age, but it is isn’t easy with so many men in his age group dying in the last decade or so.  HIV has ravaged the community.  Luckily for this officer, there is a new batch of gay boys in the neighborhood willing to give it up for a 9 inch cock.  He loves how they squirm.  The older officer is thinking of this as he reopens one of Matt’s desk drawers – he sees the lube on top, a couple toys, and underneath the lube and toys are variety of condoms.  Out of instinct, he re-checks the trash can which has some papers and other items in it but no condom wrappers. 

The officer smiles.  Almost every bottom the officer has fucked in the last 10 years has asked him to wear a condom.  Recently though, a few of the young ones are less careful.  He’s been able to dump his load in a few horny college boys in the last two years.  The officer’s dick starts to plump as he remembers how good it feels to have a young ass wrapped on his cock without a barrier between them. 

The officer looks at Matt carefully again and thinks he has figured out Matt’s late night popularity.  Matt looks scared and the officer thinks that while Matt isn’t stupid; he’s not exactly street smart either.  He is sexy though – tight runners body, fresh haircut, clean shaved face, and the towel he is wearing doesn’t hide his tight, high ass. 

The officer is woken from his gaze by his partner saying that he is done searching the apartment.  The officers stand together and thank Matt for his cooperation.  The senior officer says, “Matt, thank you for letting us search the apartment.  We did not find any drugs.  However, can you explain all the late night activity to me?”

Matt is anxious again, but he asks when the complaints happened.  The younger officer pulls a notepad, flips a few flimsy pages and says, “The complaints began January and picked up in March and April.”  At this point senior officer puts a hand up and says, “I have been doing this work for decades.  This is a lively neighborhood.  There are a dozen bars just a couple blocks away.  This many and the variety of the complaints are not just a fun loving, young man enjoying life.  What is going on in this apartment?”

Matt bites his lip and rubs his sweaty hands on his legs.  He decides a little bit of truth can’t hurt.  “I’ve been exploring my freedom a bit too much I guess.  I come from a conservative hometown and this community….well….uh…it’s given me a freedom.  And….um…..I’ve met a lot of good guys.”  Matt pauses.  He looks at the officers, sees the older man looking back at him and there is a flicker of understanding on his face.  Seeing that understanding on his face Matt continues, “And I have had guys back to my apartment to have sex.  I hadn’t realized how noisy we were downstairs or in the hallways.  I apologize for the noise in the public areas.  I guess I also hadn’t realized how often it was happening.  It doesn’t feel that often when you are doing it.”

The officers look at each other, step back, and the senior officer says something to the junior officer.  The younger officer nods and turns to Matt saying, “Thank you for letting us do the search.”  The younger officer turns and leaves the apartment.

The remaining officer asks Matt to sit down.  The policeman sits back down at Matt’s desk.  Matt sits on the bed facing Mr. Donald.    

Matt is nervous and wonders why the policeman is still in his apartment.  He starts explaining more about the noise.  The officer is almost going to let the nervous twink keep babbling, but he has heard enough.  The sexy boy is just having a slut phase.  However, the officer can’t help himself.  He wants to let the sexy twink squirm a bit and wants to test his hunch about Matt.  He opens the desk drawer with the condoms, toys, and lube and says, “Matt for a guy having sex with a lot of guys, your story isn’t adding up.  The most recent noise complaints were from last night.  I see lube, unopened condoms, and toys here; but I don’t see any used condoms in the garbage.  Even if you flushed the condoms, there would be opened condom wrappers in the garbage can.  If your story was true, wouldn’t there be at least a few open condom wrappers around?”

Matt blushes deep red.  He is so embarrassed.  He looks down at his hands and says, “Not if we didn’t use condoms.  That’s why there aren’t any open condom wrappers in the garbage.”  Matt doesn’t see the officer’s smile.

The officer now tests the hunch that Matt is a bottom boy.  While feigning concern, he asks, “Matt are you telling me that you let men fuck you bareback?”  Matt says, “Yes.”  The officer’s cock plumps almost all the way hearing the shy affirmative response.  The officer moves from the desk chair and sits next to Matt on the bed.  He says, “Matt, I’m going to say a few things to you.  I’ve been around a long time.  As a top, I totally understand.  It feels so much better when a bottom lets me slip in him bareback.  I just haven’t done it very often because so many people have gotten sick.”

Matt feels the officer’s arm on his bare shoulder and hears the non-judgmental honest words.  Still embarrassed Matt offers, “I was always so careful, but then one night I went home with a guy, and it just slipped in bareback.  We should have stopped and used a condom, but I was drunk, and it felt so amazing that I told the guy to keep fucking me.  I tried for a while to use condoms, but it just feels so much better bareback that it’s hard to resist.”  Matt is getting really turned on telling the story.

The officer rubs Matt’s shoulder as he listens to him.  He says, “You know it isn’t safe for you right?  As the bottom it is riskier for you to get fucked bareback than it is for the top fucking you bareback.  Are you doing this with one man or with a few?”  Matt sheepishly looks at the policeman, who is looking at him with genuine concern and Matt responds, “I have done it with a few guys.  But I try to only take it bareback from guys who show me their test results.” 

The officer rubs Matt’s bare shoulders and says, “You’re right Matt.  It is hard to resist.  I like it when a bottom lets his inhibitions go and gives in to a bareback fuck.  I get so turned on when that happens.  Too bad more bottoms aren’t like you.”

Matt looks at the policeman and sees the understanding, but also sees something else – a hunger.  He knows that look.  This officer wants him.  Matt spreads his legs a bit and says, “Is it slutty of me to let guys fuck me bareback?”  The officer sees the twink is now in heat, he slides his hand up Matt’s thigh and leans in to kiss him.  Matt kisses the man back and feels his body under the uniform shirt.  Matt feels himself laying back on the bed and the other man on top of him as they make out.

The officer rubs his 9” cock on Matt’s bulge.  He looks down at the twink and Matt unwraps the towel. The policeman gets up, starts taking off his shirt and says, “We gotta be quick.”  Matt strokes his hard cock as he lays naked on his bed.  He grabs the lube from the drawer, leaving the condoms still unopened and unused.

Matt hands officer the lube and sits back on the bed.  The officer applies the lube to his 9” cock.  Matt sees how big it is and can’t wait to have that cock inside him.  The officer pushes Matt back on the bed and lifts his legs.  Matt watches as the big cock lines up to his ass.  His new top expertly dribbles more lube on Matt’s hole.  Matt wonders when the policeman was last tested.  He has been so good about asking guys – until last night.  But as the cock slides inside Matt’s ass; he forgets all about his question.  Matt moans and adjusts as the cock invades his unprotected ass. 

The policeman comes in for a kiss and asks, “Do you let guys cum in your ass?”  Matt’s ass is spreading for this man’s cock.  Matt knows almost nothing about this man.  Matt admits, “Yes, I love when men cum in me.”  The policeman kisses Matt aggressively and starts sliding his cock back out.  “Oh fuck that feels good,” Matt says as the cock slides back in his ass. 

Matt is loving how this cock is opening him up.  He is moaning as the policeman rests his cock in Matt’s ass.  Matt feels the cock pull out and slide back in.  It feels so good bareback.  The officer can’t resist playing with the twink’s mind and he says, “You don’t know me.  You should really be asking me to wear one of the condoms in your drawer.”  Matt keeps moaning and says, “I don’t want to use a condom.”

The officer says, “Good bottom boy” and starts picking up the pace of his fuck.  He says, “You ass feels so good.  I am going to breed you soon.”  Matt says, “Fuck yeah.”  The policeman picks up the pace of the fuck some more, knowing he needs to hurry.  This twink could be his son and he’s giving up his ass bareback; practically begging for it bareback.  The officer smiles again at Matt and says, “Beg for my load.”

Matt looks up at the man he just met less than an hour ago and says, “Breed me.  Cum in my ass.  I want your load.  Please cum in me.”  The policeman grabs Matt’s body, holds on tight and his cock explodes inside Matt’s unprotected ass. 

After a minute to catch his breath, the officer pulls his cock out of Matt’s ass.  He slaps Matt’s ass and goes to the bathroom to clean up.  When he comes out, Matt is still naked stroking his cock lightly.  The officer gets dressed and says, “You can get fucked all you want.  Take as much cum as you want.  Just be discreet and not so noisy.”  Matt says, “You have a great cock.  I hope we can fuck again.”  The policeman smiles at Matt and says, “You are a sexy slut.  I bet if I got hard again right now, you’d ride my cock and milk another load out of me.”  Matt gets off the bed and says, “Yup.”  He rubs the man’s cock through his pants. 

The officer gently removes Matt’s hand and says, “Naughty twink.”  He kisses Matt and says, “I have to go.” 

The police officer leaves Matt’s apartment.  Matt realizes that he never asked the police officer whether he was positive or negative.  Matt has always asked men that question before.  Matt is stroking his hard cock thinking about the unknown load in his unprotected ass.

As he does, his phone rings and it is one of his friends calling about the police car outside his apartment.  Matt tells him about the search and drug dealing accusation. As Matt absentmindedly rubs his fingers on his freshly fucked ass, he tells his friend it was just a big misunderstanding and he worked it out with the police.

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Sex with a judgmental Travis


The night after the visit from the police, Matt goes to the bar and as he is entering the bouncer who has fucked him a few times pulls him aside and says, “Matt, I heard the police were at your place.  Is everything ok?  You aren’t involved with drugs or anything like that right?”  Matt explains what happened and says it was all the noise late at night and he blushes.  The bouncer sees Matt’s embarrassment and thinks he understands.  He asks, “You mean when guys come over after the bars to fuck your ass?  You’re making too much noise?”  The bouncer smirks at Matt and Matt realizes the guy isn’t judging him.  Matt relaxes and says, “I seem to remember that you love grunting loudly when you shoot your load inside me.”  They both laugh.  The bouncer says, “Matt.  You’re a good guy.  Just be careful ok.  I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.”  He rubs Matt’s arm and they part.

Matt stands at an open space at the bar to order a drink.  He’s in his own head about the conversation he just had, sex with the cop, sex with Jeffrey, wondering if he should get tested, not asking the cop for his status, etc.  He barely notices when a hand is on his lower back and someone says his name.  Matt looks over and sees that it is the party top, the guy who has watched Matt get fucked in his living room and has fucked Matt twice in different alleys. 

The party top asks Matt if he is ok.  He says Matt looks a little pensive – not a good look for the bar.  He smiles.  Matt realizes that it is good natured fun so he relaxes and laughs.  The bartender brings his drink and, since the bartender has also fucked Matt, he asks if everything was ok with the cops.  He heard the cops were at Matt’s place yesterday.  Matt is like, “OMG guys!  Does everyone know?  It wasn’t a big deal.  I was making too much noise at night the last couple months and the cops came by to check it all out.”  Party top is listening to the conversation.  He can see Matt is getting anxious and annoyed.  Bartender says, “Hey sexy Matty.  I’m just asking.  Lookin’ out is all.  Ok?”  Party top rubs Matt’s arm and says, “Let’s do a round of shots and we can relax a bit.”  Bartender gives the three of them all two quick shots.  Bartender pats Matt’s hand and goes back to work.

Party top says, “Come over here and talk to my friends and me.  The cops can be assholes.  We know.  Been dealing with them since the late 80s when they used to bust us for standing outside the bar.”  Matt grabs his drink and they go over to a table.  It’s Matt the 22 year old twink, chatting with 3 guys in their 40s, maybe 50s.  He tells them about the noise complaints and the drug accusation, search of his apartment, etc.  Matt leaves out the sex with the officer.  By the time Matt is finished telling them what happened, one of the guys has bought him another drink.  Matt says he thinks the older cop might be gay.  The guy’s exchange a knowing look.  They mention the older officer’s name and Matt realizes he doesn’t know the guy’s name.  The guys describe the cop and Matt says he thinks that is him. 

Matt thinks how slutty it is to have let the guy cum in his ass without asking his status or his name.  He shrugs internally – nothing to do about it now. 

One of the guys says, “Matt have you been to the bathhouse down the street or thought to take guys there?  That way you aren’t taking guys to your place late at night.  You could avoid annoying your neighbors.”  Matt looks at the guy and says, “Aren’t bathhouses for slutty guys?  Aren’t they unsafe?”  The ignorance of the question seems sincere and naive.  The guys realize Matt doesn’t know the history of gay bathhouses or much about the free gay sex of the 70s and 80s. 

One of the guys asks, "Matt did you know that having a lot of sex was part of gay liberation?  Letting go of repressing ourselves and our sexuality?"  Matt just kinda looks at the guy who asks and says, "I mean, sure I knew that from college classes.  But intellectually, y'know?  Not like, actually knew about it or thought about it much.  And didn't all of that change with AIDS anyway?"

The three older men look at each other and party top says, "Get comfortable Matty boy.  Its gonna be a bumpy night."  They all laugh at the old movie reference, even Matt who loves Bette Davis.  Matt says, "Bumpy nights call for martinis."  More laughter and they order a round of martinis.

What follows is a free-wheeling history lesson on gay sex – locations, variety, Fire Island, Provincetown, discos, parks, bathhouses, adult book stores, rest areas, etc, etc.  To say Matt is fascinated would be an understatement.  He is asking questions and listening intently.  He feels like he is learning so much.  He interjects every so often to say things like, “I got fucked in the park a few times,” “I’ve heard of Fire Island and Provincetown, but never been, are they fun?” “Did guys use condoms?,”  All the while Matt is drinking more martinis. 

Matt is drunk now and the guy’s seem to have lost a little steam in their runaway train of story telling.  They say good night.  Matt realizes he hasn’t had such a good night out in a long time.  He is smiling as he walks home.  He is also really turned on by the stories of men getting fucked in all these places.  Not only is Matt thinking he wants to be the guy getting fucked in all those places, but he's also thinking how amazing it is to be part of a community that actually is so free and open.

Matt is just about to open the door to his building when it happens………………..

He hears a scream, “MATT YOU ARE A FUCKING WHORRRRRRREEEEEE!!!!!!”  The smile leaves his face and he turns to see Travis about two stores down from his apartment.  Matt is stunned.  He says, “Travis are you drunk?  What is wrong with you?” 

Travis approaches and isn’t being any quieter and says, “I BET YOU HAVE CUM IN YOUR ASS RIGHT NOW YOU SLUT!”  Matt is still stunned.  He opens the door, enters his apartment building, turns to Travis and says, “Go home Travis.”  Travis pushes his way inside the apartment building.  Matt says, “Keep your voice down Travis.  I have neighbors and it is late.”  Travis, no longer screaming but still speaking loudly, says, “Why should I?  Do you not want people to know you are a fucking whore?”  Matt red in the face says, “Travis go home.  The police were just here yesterday about noise complaints.  Do you want me to call them about you?”

At this point, a neighbor opens her door and says, “Matt what is all this noise?”  He says, “I’m sorry.  My friend is very upset about something.  He is leaving right now.”  Then he turns to Travis and says, “Time for you to go.” 

Travis grabs Matt’s arm and says, “Matt let me in your apartment.”  Matt realizes that Travis really is kinda drunk.  Matt softens toward Travis remembering how much fun they had together.  Matt says, “Are you going to behave, use a regular tone of voice, and not scream?”  Travis nods and says yes.

The boys climb the stairs silently and enter Matt’s studio apartment.  Matt gets them water and says, “Travis what is this all about?  You broke it off with me remember?  Why do you care what I’m doing or who I am doing it with?”  Travis says he heard Paul and one of the college boys talking about my deal with the college boys to get fucked raw.  Matt says, “Well I guess you were always going to find out about that since Paul loves to brag about getting guys to push their sexual limits.”

Travis says, “So it’s true?  How many guys has it been?”  Matt says, “I’m not going to explain this to you.  You aren’t involved.  I like getting fucked bareback.  You like fucking bareback.  We always had a good time and you liked cumming inside me.” 

Travis says, “Are you positive now?  After taking all those guys' loads in your ass?  I know you didn’t want them to pull out.” 

Matt says, “Travis the guys have to show me their negative test results before we fuck.  That is part of the deal.  And no, I don’t make them pull out.  Just like I never asked you to pull out.  Not even the first night we fucked when you pretended you didn’t have a condom.”

Matt is getting hard now remembering that first night of bareback sex with Travis.  He can see Travis is getting horny and his face is getting warm.  Travis says, “Yeah I remember that I said I didn’t have a condom, but you took off your pajama pants and spread your legs to show me your hole knowing we didn’t have protection.”

Matt kicks off his sneakers, pulls off his shirt and sits on the bed next to Travis.  He can see Travis is hard but doesn’t really know what Travis will do if Matt makes a move.  Matt takes a chance.  Matt reaches over and rubs Travis bulge.  Travis looks at Matt.  Matt says, “Yeah and then you put your bare cock inside me the first night we hooked up.”  Travis leans in and kisses Matt and says, “And then you begged me to cum in your ass.  It was so hot.”  Matt mumbles, "My unprotected ass."  Travis says, "Yeah.  So hot."

Matt unbuttons Travis shorts, reaches in and strokes his hard cock.  Matt says, “And then we never used a condom after that.  I figured what’s the point in wrapping your dick now.”  Travis pulls his shirt off, kisses Matt, and says, “And you had already let me cum inside you, right?”  Matt moans and leans back on the bed, “Yeah.  And you kept cumming inside me.”  Travis says, "So hot."

Travis pushes off his shorts and underwear.  Matt takes off his shorts and underwear. Matt naked now, lays back on the bed and spreads his legs.  Travis puts his bare cock on Matt’s hole.  But he doesn’t push inside.  Instead, Travis says, “Then you gave it up bareback in front of my roommate.  You’re such a slut.”  Travis kisses Matt passionately while rubbing his pre-cum all over Matt’s willing hole.

Travis says, “Then my roommate wanted to fuck you and I went to get a condom for you, but I came back and he was already fucking your ass.  Tell me why you let him in you bareback.”  Matt is a bit stunned at the question, but so turned on from the sexy talk and Travis cock on his hole.  Matt says, “Paul asked if he could fuck me bare until you came back with a condom.  I like it bare.  I figured he’d already watched you cum inside me, so I lined his cock up to my hole and took him bare.”

Travis says, “Then I handed you the condom but instead of using it, you told him to keep fucking you raw.  And then he offered to pull out and you asked him to breed you.”  As he says breed, Travis pushes his bare cockhead inside Matt’s raw hole and stops.

Travis says, “I can feel the warmth from your hole.  You need to get fucked don’t you?”  Matt says yes.  With just pre-cum as lube, Travis pushes Matt’s legs up on his shoulders, lines his cock up again and pushes.  Travis bare cock slides all the way inside.  Matt winces from the lack of lube.  Travis doesn't stop.  He starts fucking Matt and says, “Your ass feels so good bareback.  Always has.” 

Travis and Matt fuck for about 5 minutes before Travis cums inside Matt without asking.  Matt takes his load and is stroking his cock.  Travis gets up and starts getting dressed.  Travis makes no effort to get Matt off.  Matt is a little confused.  Travis looks confused and embarrassed and says, “Matt I don’t know why this happened.  I mean I liked fucking you again. But…..”

Matt’s buzzer goes off.  He’s like, “Oh shit.”  Matt thinks it might be the cops again.  He pulls on some running shorts and answers the buzzer.  It’s Jeffery.  Matt says, “It’s not a good time.”  Jeffery buzzes again and when Matt goes to listen, Jeffery says, “I want to fuck you again Matt.  Please.” 

Matt thinks Jeffery sounds drunk, but he is also afraid Jeffery won’t go away easily.  It's only been a day since the cops were here asking him to stop with the late night noise.  Hurriedly, he puts on his flip flops, tells Travis to stay where he is and he will go downstairs and get rid of Jeremy.  Travis says, “Jeffery?  Bottom Jeffery?  That fucking slut?  You let him fuck you?”  Matt says, “Let’s talk about it when I come back upstairs.”

Matt goes downstairs in just his running shorts and flip flops, no shirt.  Jeffery is all over Matt and before Matt can say no, Jeffery’s finger is sliding in Matt’s ass which is loose from Travis cock and load.  Jeffery says, “Hot. You have a load in your ass now.  I’m going to add mine to it.”  Matt is kinda turned on because he hasn’t cum yet, but also concerned that Jeremy is making a scene.  So, Matt brings him upstairs. 

They enter Matt’s apartment.  Matt looks around and sees the bathroom door is closed and thinks Travis must be in there.  Jeffery, already shirtless and with his pants open, lightly pushes and guides Matt to the bed where he has just been fucked by Travis.  Jeffery kisses Matt.  Matt isn’t trying hard to stop Jeffery. Matt sits on the bed.  Matt is wondering how Jeffery got undressed so quickly.  Jeffery’s cock is brushing against his face as Jeffery leans over him to remove Matt’s shorts.

Travis comes out of the bathroom and says, “Oh fuck.  It is true.  You let this guy fuck you?!?  I hope you make him use a condom.  More guys have cum in his ass in the last month than came in your ass all year - and that is a lot of guys from what I hear Matt.  This guy is a bigger whore than you are.  He goes to the bathhouse and let’s guys fuck him bareback there.”

Matt is annoyed.  He just got called a whore again.  Jeffery stops pulling on Matt’s shorts and turns to Travis and says, “How would you know that Travis?  Oh wait, that’s right?  You have been breeding my ass bareback in the bathhouse the last few months.  You love cumming in my ass.  Don’t get all judgmental now.” 

Matt is so conflicted.  He’s already let Jeremy cum in his ass once this week.  Jeffery is a bareback bottom, and 3 martinis into the night of not, Matt knows that is not safe.  And now he just heard that Jeffery has been getting fucked bareback in the bathhouse.  And that Travis has been one of the guys breeding Jeffery.  Matt wonders who else is cumming inside Jeffery.

Matt gets hard while thinking about it.  He wants to do that too in his fantasies.  He is kind of appalled at himself for getting hard about promiscuous, unprotected sex.  But, Matt thinks back to the conversation he had at the bar about the freewheeling sex of the 70s and 80s.  Matt makes his decsion.

Matt lifts his twinky, runners legs and slides his shorts off.  He spreads his legs, grabs the lube, puts the lube on the bed near his ass, and strokes his cock.  Travis and Jeffery watch Matt show them his very sexy naked body.  Jeffery says, “Matt wants me to fuck him bareback don’t you?  Took my load couple days ago right here bent over his desk, right Matt?”  Mimicking Travis, who just called him a whore, Matt says, “Yeah.  So hot.”

Travis pulls a condom from his pocket, tosses it at them and says, “Matt if you are smart you’ll make him wear that.”  Jeffery says, “Fuck off Travis.  I'm fucking Matt bareback.”  Matt nods and says, “Fuck me Jeffery.” Matt lifts his legs off the bed, spreads them and shows Jeffery his hole. 

Last thing Travis sees as he leaves Matt’s apartment is Jeffery sinking his bare cock into Matt and as Matt moans. Travis thinks Matt moans like a whore.  Travis calls Matt a WHORE as the door closes behind him.

Jeffery blows his load in Matt twice in the next hour.  Partially turned on from tonight's sex, partially on a cock high, and partially because Matt is angry at Travis, Matt begs for Jeffery's cum both times.

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There is nothing better than feeling warm cum in your ass then have it run down your legs for hours after. Makes me feel hott like the cum slut I am. 

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So hot. I feel like it’s greedy of me to ask but will the next instalment be faster than two months? It’s just so fucking hot. Also, more of a minor change but you’ve called him Jeffrey and now Jeremy.. I can’t wait to see them together taking raw loads at the bathhouse 😈☣️

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