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Any tips or tricks to increase your load size? Is it even possible?


I find that being hard as long as possible throughout the whole day, makes the biggest most explosive load, and waiting a day or two helps. Sexting all day long two days in a row makes my biggest loads. So. Much. Cum. 

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I consistently shoot larger loads when I have am aroused for a longer period (either foreplay or edging) before I ejaculate.

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I’ve always had smaller loads and envy the big shooters.  I don’t have the will power o edge consistently.  If there was a pill or supplement I could take, I would in a hearbeat.  The only thing I’ve found is cittruline, which doesn’t increase my load volume, but makes me precum like a faucet! I’ll take it. 😛


From my personal experience, I-carnitine  worked for me. It increased my precum and cum. You can get it at any nutrition store, but make sure you get the liquid kind and not in pill form. 


My normal first two loads of the day are a couple of tablespoons in volume. Not cumming for a couple of days is the only thing I know of that increases my load size. The only times I ever do that intentionally is before a big orgy that I'm looking forward to. I have had few guys admit they thought they were having an accident after I bred them with a pent up load.


Oh, let me add what NOT to take. I was put on finasteride for a while and oh dear!  It absolutely tanks your ejaculate volume. It's just incredible, I'm a decent cummer but on Fin I go down to a dripper. It also takes months for normal volume to return once you stop. 


For me it's not cumming for a few days (or longer), lots of horny online chatting/activity (including checking out threads on here!), during the day thinking about horny situations when you can't do anything about it, then a slow build up when it eventually comes time to unload. These days I rarely wank. I just wait until I can load another nice hole (even after I've been bottoming a fair bit).

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I’ve read that hydration can increase volume and zinc can increase thickness. Its rather easy to reach a toxic dose of zinc tho so be cautious and read the bottle. I’ve had luck with both; however, don’t expect to reach hyperspermia levels. 


I concur to hydration, zinc and I-carnitine intake above.

Try dried chinese goji berries. Main benefits are in the range of anti-oxidants. They don't give an immediate effect, but over a few weeks there will be improvements in several areas, including volume and frequency of a full load. Don't mind labels of 'organic', none of them are organic coming from China. Bulk packaging is cheaper, just not in powder form.

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Also know that some guys… (I’m one) have smaller loads because of prostate problems. I still have intense orgasms but don’t produce much semen anymore. This is due to treatment for cancer (I’m fine). The feeling is intense but the ejaculate is thin and watery .


I dated a man once that always had huge loads. Like two swallows when I sucked him off. He said it was because he stayed hydrated all the time. Not sure if that works but I was the proud recipient of his delicious seed.

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  • Piggy 2

I've always been a big shooter but back when I was on supplements for this stuff, this absolutely worked wonders:


- Zinc

- soy lecithin

- l-arginine (more for how hard you can get but that helped my loads shoot "better" and more "efficiently" if that makes sense... that said I stopped taking this as l-arginine can cause more frequent herpes outbreaks to happen).

- Pygeum = more for pre but also helps the load


I should get back on this train. My husband certainly likes how much I fill him already..

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