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Who is poz or neg

Neg, poz, when  

453 members have voted

  1. 1. Poz and when or neg

    • Still neg
    • Pozzed 1980 to 84
    • Pozzed 1985 to 89
    • Pozzed 1990 to 94
    • Pozzed 1995 to 99
    • Pozzed 2000 to 04
    • Pozzed 2005 to 09
    • Pozzed 2010 to now

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  • 1 month later...

POZ AIDS patient. Probably infected in late 90’s Chicago or early 2000’s in LA. diagnosed in 2010 full blown AIDS.

Always Barebacked, so do not know who infected me, or it could have been from PNP’ing. 

Still a barebacking only, knew the risks and accepted them. Really do not think to much about being hiv poz. just take my pill every night and see my doctor once a year.

Know I infected a few guys, they knew the risks also. Still friends with them. 


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  • 5 weeks later...

Neg on PREP since 2018. Before it I played mostly safe because of my long term boyfriend. But after he had left me I played totally unsafe for almost half a year. I  fucked with everyone who wanted to fuck me. I was mostly bottom and collected as much loads as I could. 
I found it a miracle that I stayed neg, then I decided to start taking prep. 
However, I particularly look forward to having sex with poz guys, especially who is not on med and detectable. 
And honestly, the thought of getting and being poz is a huge turn on for me, I always seek stories and videos of it, following poz and pozzer guys on X and jerk off fantasying about this a lot. 

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Poz, have been since probably 2003, but diagnosed in 2006.  On meds and healthy.  I fucked around playing Russian Roulette, thought I would beat the odds.  But once poz, I could relax.  Now that I am older and have to play the health insurance game, I wish I never got poz.  Fuck!  I am the only one responsible for everything harmful that has happened to me in my life.

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Neg as of my last test in December 2023. Not on prep. I am certianly willing to meet with a poz no meds top and have him fuck me good. I don`t plan on ever taking prep. I`m going to let it happen. I go to a bathhouse and I let guys there fuck me bare and cum in me.

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