BlueSaphir Posted March 1, 2024 Report Posted March 1, 2024 (edited) On 3/1/2024 at 11:16 AM, HossGa said: Thank you! That's one thing about me i never hide anything and I'm never ashamed of anything I do. A lot of guys in prison are ashamed of being gay or bi sexual. I'm not by no means! After doing more than 8 years now all of the staff and the other prisoners in the system no I'm openly gay. And damn proud! There is a misconception in prison that being g gay makes you weak. Then there me! I'm openly gay and I have won 6 Prison Strongman Comps! Expand Some people will hold against your past, but I wouldn’t necessarily. I believe people deserves second chance in life. Especially when someone understands they were in the wrong of their actions. I mention before, you are an attractive man. Some gays boys will fancy you, like me. 🙂 Edited March 1, 2024 by BlueSaphir 1
wood Posted March 1, 2024 Report Posted March 1, 2024 You won’t have problems exactly, but you biggest issue will most likely be almost everything is online based now. Also, so many people don’t or can’t host so depending on your parole situation and where you are living that could hurt your chances. Additionally, the last thing you need is something like possibly getting caught by police in a public setting. Im in no way judging you for anything that’s happened in your life, but you may want to concentrate as much as possible on getting your life back first and jerking off a bit more. Costs for some basic things are also much higher. Adult book stores, bathhouses, basic transportation have also risen significantly. So that may also be a factor. in any case, I’m sure you will find play and best of luck when you get out! You’re a beast and I don’t know what your skill set is but if you could find a decent paying job in construction, I’m sure you could do well. Someone with your muscle mass is a huge asset on job sites and superintendents love people that can punch above their pay grade and do the work of two people. It really gets noticed. Also while you are still in, see if there are any job training programs. While it’s still tough with a record more and more employers aren’t asking for complete background checks. By far your best bet is to start planning your post release now, and that can include sex life as well, but you may also be really busy with general life. good luck!
Guest Posted March 2, 2024 Report Posted March 2, 2024 I'm a Heavy Equipment Operator. I have been my whole life. And when I came into the prison system they needed my skills. So that's what I do for the system. I run a Cat D8t Bulldozer. I travel from prison to prison operating Heavy Equipment. But thank you for the good advise.
BlueSaphir Posted March 2, 2024 Report Posted March 2, 2024 On 3/2/2024 at 2:54 AM, HossGa said: I'm a Heavy Equipment Operator. I have been my whole life. And when I came into the prison system they needed my skills. So that's what I do for the system. I run a Cat D8t Bulldozer. I travel from prison to prison operating Heavy Equipment. But thank you for the good advise. Expand If I were you, consider getting into trade school to advance more careers. 🙂 1
Guest Posted March 2, 2024 Report Posted March 2, 2024 Shit, you're sexy as fuck. You can breed me anytime.
Daddyph Posted March 3, 2024 Report Posted March 3, 2024 You won’t have any trouble finding guys. You’re hot af ! If you were smoking a cigar I’d already be on my back spreading my legs. Who am I kidding, I’d spread for you anytime. Men who smoke ‘gars while they fuck are a thing for me, just saying !
blackrobe Posted March 3, 2024 Report Posted March 3, 2024 To my eye you have a powerlifter build, @HossGa, which means you are thick and strong with functional muscle. Lots of guys are into that more than ripped and cut guys so your effort has been well worthwhile for health, mood, and sex hunting prospects. It's hard to tell from the shorts that you're wearing in your pictures, but the big growth challenge can be getting the legs similarly thick and in proportion. They are clearly strong from the amount of weight you must be lifting in full-body movements to have your overall size and achievements. You're so well developed in the upper body that it can make big legs look smaller. You're the best judge of whether they might need more work. As others have said, you'll have absolutley no problems finding men, boys, and non-binary folks wanting to serve and service your sexual needs. For dominant men, in-person cruising can be more effective in seeing who appeals to you and whose sub nature vibes with your dom nature and mood. The hookup apps will still be there with the usual technical advances throwing in some wrinkles. We are already seeing generative-AI-created images filtering into hookup app profiles and creating idealized images and even more unrealistic expectations, so expect more of the same by the time you're released. There are also increasing numbers of fake profiles on hookup apps created by bad actors to identify and sidestep. The good news is that humans are horny, kinky creatures and your story and experiences will add to your looks and build to draw plenty of them to you.
Guest Posted March 3, 2024 Report Posted March 3, 2024 On 3/3/2024 at 4:12 PM, blackrobe said: To my eye you have a powerlifter build, @HossGa, which means you are thick and strong with functional muscle. Lots of guys are into that more than ripped and cut guys so your effort has been well worthwhile for health, mood, and sex hunting prospects. It's hard to tell from the shorts that you're wearing in your pictures, but the big growth challenge can be getting the legs similarly thick and in proportion. They are clearly strong from the amount of weight you must be lifting in full-body movements to have your overall size and achievements. You're so well developed in the upper body that it can make big legs look smaller. You're the best judge of whether they might need more work. As others have said, you'll have absolutley no problems finding men, boys, and non-binary folks wanting to serve and service your sexual needs. For dominant men, in-person cruising can be more effective in seeing who appeals to you and whose sub nature vibes with your dom nature and mood. The hookup apps will still be there with the usual technical advances throwing in some wrinkles. We are already seeing generative-AI-created images filtering into hookup app profiles and creating idealized images and even more unrealistic expectations, so expect more of the same by the time you're released. There are also increasing numbers of fake profiles on hookup apps created by bad actors to identify and sidestep. The good news is that humans are horny, kinky creatures and your story and experiences will add to your looks and build to draw plenty of them to you. Expand Thank you. I have been Powerlifting since I was 14. I've doing comps since 20. I won the Southeastern Powerlifting Camps in 2005. I've only done 1 Bodybuilding Comp. I didn't place well. I run Heavy Equipment in Prison. So at our shop I have access to a full gym 5 days a week and good food also. I'll post some pics of my legs on the site later for y'all to see . Feel free to add comments . Its sucked in Prison . Cause I have only a limited type of guys to pick from.
blackrobe Posted March 3, 2024 Report Posted March 3, 2024 On 3/3/2024 at 7:02 PM, HossGa said: Thank you. I have been Powerlifting since I was 14. I've doing comps since 20. I won the Southeastern Powerlifting Camps in 2005. I've only done 1 Bodybuilding Comp. I didn't place well. I run Heavy Equipment in Prison. So at our shop I have access to a full gym 5 days a week and good food also. I'll post some pics of my legs on the site later for y'all to see . Feel free to add comments . Its sucked in Prison . Cause I have only a limited type of guys to pick from. Expand I'm not at all surprised to hear about your long history with powerlifting. Presenting as a femme/smooth/submissive guy in a GA prison doesn't sound ideal, and those who lean that way would likely be working to pass. Still, I'm surprised that the pool of guys you're attracted to is so small in there. I'd have expected a somewhat representative sample of the population (and so types) in the prison system. Now I'm curious about the "limited types" you've had to choose from and who you ultimately end up choosing.
Guest Posted March 3, 2024 Report Posted March 3, 2024 On 3/3/2024 at 7:28 PM, blackrobe said: I'm not at all surprised to hear about your long history with powerlifting. Presenting as a femme/smooth/submissive guy in a GA prison doesn't sound ideal, and those who lean that way would likely be working to pass. Still, I'm surprised that the pool of guys you're attracted to is so small in there. I'd have expected a somewhat representative sample of the population (and so types) in the prison system. Now I'm curious about the "limited types" you've had to choose from and who you ultimately end up choosing. Expand Your right. Everyone in prison Trys to act " Hard". There's only a few of us that are openly gay. And there's the ones that's in the closet. They act like they have fucked a hundred women and there the badest man in the world. Then you catch them checking you out in the shower. And then for long they want to suck your cock! And after a few times of that they want to take my dick. Even though there not my type I'm not turning down ass! But after they cum all over shower floor from my dick. That's when they bounce back and say. " I'm not fucking gay man!". I just laugh and say " I know ". And I have had a nice relationship with a very smart and openly gay young man in here. I love him to death. But he doesn't feel the same. We still sleep together about once every 2 weeks. We cuddle up and make love. And talk and cuddle some more for hours. We get out about the same time. And we have made plans to keep seeing each other .But last week he started saying he needs some space. So I respected that . And now I'm giving him his space. I think this has to do with a new openly gay guy that just arrived last week. His name in Brandon. And word is He told some guys on compound I was fucking hot! I've been down now over 8 years and I have had my share of ass. But I've only had 1 fem in those 8years. And he got shipped to another prison. If there any thing you guys would like to know please feel free to ask me. Thank y'all.
ejaculaTe Posted March 3, 2024 Report Posted March 3, 2024 The advice and info already posted is spot on. A few observations of my own: the labor market has tightened significantly in the last 5 years. There are always local or regional differences, but it seems that there's always a shortage of labor in the building and construction trades. That you've doing that job in prison strikes me as being a huge plus since it means your skills haven't rusted. The labor shortage has also made some employers more receptive to hiring people they wouldn't have even considered 5 years ago. Vehicular homicide, especially DUI related, rips apart everyone involved -- the driver, the victim, the victim's family, the driver's family. But in the job market, vehicular homicide can be seen as a one-time thing, a departure from the person's usual life, habits, behavior. I contrast that to theft-type offenses which tend to be repeated over time, in part because of the typically low sentences imposed and in part because of the relative ease of committing the offense. After all, you don't need to be a criminal mastermind to forge a bunch of checks. Obviously, some employers won't consider ex-cons for a job, either because they don't want to take the chance or because they have government contracts that prohibit hiring anyone with a criminal record. Again, the fact that you're doing this work while in prison can show a prospective employer that you're more than trustworthy, etc. I doubt that Georgia DOC would let someone operate a bulldozer if the staff didn't trust the guy. Whatever survival skills you've developed in the last 8 years will be useful on the outside. The most sensible and attractive guy online can be a dumpster fire in real life. You need only read some of the discussions here to realize that. Admittedly, the probability of a dumpster fire is higher when "enhancements" are used, a situation to be avoided by you I imagine. Still, people seem to have forgotten how to be resilient, how to be polite, how to think beyond their own little world; instead, everyone is short-tempered, intolerant, and self-centered. That's enough from me. For whatever it's worth, good luck....
Guest Posted March 3, 2024 Report Posted March 3, 2024 On 3/3/2024 at 9:32 PM, ejaculaTe said: The advice and info already posted is spot on. A few observations of my own: the labor market has tightened significantly in the last 5 years. There are always local or regional differences, but it seems that there's always a shortage of labor in the building and construction trades. That you've doing that job in prison strikes me as being a huge plus since it means your skills haven't rusted. The labor shortage has also made some employers more receptive to hiring people they wouldn't have even considered 5 years ago. Vehicular homicide, especially DUI related, rips apart everyone involved -- the driver, the victim, the victim's family, the driver's family. But in the job market, vehicular homicide can be seen as a one-time thing, a departure from the person's usual life, habits, behavior. I contrast that to theft-type offenses which tend to be repeated over time, in part because of the typically low sentences imposed and in part because of the relative ease of committing the offense. After all, you don't need to be a criminal mastermind to forge a bunch of checks. Obviously, some employers won't consider ex-cons for a job, either because they don't want to take the chance or because they have government contracts that prohibit hiring anyone with a criminal record. Again, the fact that you're doing this work while in prison can show a prospective employer that you're more than trustworthy, etc. I doubt that Georgia DOC would let someone operate a bulldozer if the staff didn't trust the guy. Whatever survival skills you've developed in the last 8 years will be useful on the outside. The most sensible and attractive guy online can be a dumpster fire in real life. You need only read some of the discussions here to realize that. Admittedly, the probability of a dumpster fire is higher when "enhancements" are used, a situation to be avoided by you I imagine. Still, people seem to have forgotten how to be resilient, how to be polite, how to think beyond their own little world; instead, everyone is short-tempered, intolerant, and self-centered. That's enough from me. For whatever it's worth, good luck.... Expand Thank you so much for your input! That's why I stared this topic awhile ago. And you are correct. I'm one of the most trusted and well respected inmates in the system. Due to my skills, work ethic, and my respect for others. As well as being honest and proud of my life style. As y'all my know. There's more drugs in prison than out there. I've never used in my life. And I have a No Drug Policy. For the guys I'm with in prison. I don't have anything against those guys. Its just not for me! But thank you guys for the advise. Keep it coming!
Willing Posted March 16, 2024 Report Posted March 16, 2024 On 1/22/2024 at 6:37 AM, satanpig666 said: you might be a muscled up tattooed ex con, you'll do just fine if you are not a lazy, rural, poor, banjo-playing, racist, Expand Damn, fuck me😵
Orionxxx Posted March 16, 2024 Report Posted March 16, 2024 On 3/16/2024 at 6:41 PM, Willing said: Damn, fuck me😵 Expand Regarding the quoted post: stereotype much? What an asshole. On 3/16/2024 at 6:41 PM, Willing said: Damn, fuck me😵 Expand
Willing Posted March 16, 2024 Report Posted March 16, 2024 On 3/16/2024 at 6:50 PM, Orionxxx said: Regarding the quoted post: stereotype much? What an asshole. Expand As big as he is and can fuck me with a big dick who cares and make me his bitch who cares. 😵 1
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