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Any LGBT+ Republican individual out here?

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As someone who leans fairly far lowercase-l libertarian, but also believes that as the world's largest economic power, the US should lead by example. I often voted Republican prior to 2016. I did not vote for Trump, and will never vote for him or anyone who has identified with or enabled the MAGA cultural wars, corruption, or retreat as a global advocate of freedom and democracy. So it is safe to say I won't be voting Republican again any time soon.

Edited by NWUSHorny
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10 hours ago, Guy4GuyCoSpgs said:

I am a gay republican and have been all my life.  But I also use common sense when I am looking at candidates. I have to look at what's best for the country and not just my own self interests.  I can respect if someone is a Democrat and I don't criticize them for that and I should not be criticized for being a republican.   

MAGA republican here bud

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On 2/10/2024 at 1:47 AM, tonio said:

Hey everyone

Does anyone in here know a LGBT+ individual who's gonna vote R next November?

I happen to be one of them and I have some friends who are the same, but it seems like we are a silent minority.

Not here to offend anyone, just to know if you also experienced this.

Conservative here man.  Like 40% of the gay community

10 hours ago, viking8x6 said:

Republican by registration, not by politics (I live in a red state). I consider myself "Liberaltarian". I certainly won't vote for the orange sociopath. Not particularly keen on Biden either. It's fairly clear that my wishes and interests won't be addressed in the Presidential election. Further down the ticket, things get more interesting... especially in the primary. Get out and vote, everyone!

I switched from Independent to Republican so i can vote in the primary...My vote is for Nikki Halley as I think to be honest she's a better candidate than Trumpie...

8 hours ago, Rawcumchaser said:

As a European I cannot fanthom why anybody could vote for a corpse or someone who has clearly departed us spiritually. I do think the Biden presidency is a disgrace for the entire West. The people who manhandle the president for their own interests at peril if the interest of the people and the republic who face a fate worse than death.

Biden and his handlers have done everything they can to screw the US.  We need Trump and others like him.

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7 minutes ago, Cubbtm4poz said:

I switched from Independent to Republican so i can vote in the primary...My vote is for Nikki Halley as I think to be honest she's a better candidate than Trumpie...

I dont trust Nikki

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Trump is a criminal and an incompetent fool and also a pathetic liar. I understand how some gay people may want to vote for Haley but voting for Trump is an emotional and irresponsible choice.  

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13 hours ago, tonio said:

You are entitled to your own opinion, but I humbly believe this is slightly exaggerated. In fact, some staunch Republican supporters are gay, like Peter Thiel or Scott Presler. Being LGBT+ doesn't require us to be woke advocates or to support a specific political agenda, especially in the free West. This is not Russia or Saudi Arabia.

I voted for Clinton in 2016, and did not vote in 2020 btw (liked Trump foreign policy but at the same time didn't want to vote for him). But the problem with the current Dems is that their aim is not to DO GOOD THINGS, but to APPEAR AS THE GOOD ONES. And that I cannot stand, especially after the Biden-sponsored genocide in the Middle East: at this precise moment, for the first time of my life, a vote for Trump wasn't out of the table. So yeah, having mean tweets in exchange of world peace and prosperity seems like not that bad of a deal honestly.  Just my two cents, not gonna dwell on this topic, this is my final message.


Trump decided to withdraw from KORUS. Doing so would have meant 10 million dead South Koreans in 30 minutes. Withdrawing from NATO means nukes landing in Ukraine, and possibly Poland and the UK. If you open a can of worms, you cannot run.

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The world of difference between R and D this time is that one is for our imperfect democracy, the other for an authoritarian regime.  

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19 hours ago, Cutedelicategay said:
19 hours ago, Cutedelicategay said:

I am from Canada and I have never voted Liberals forget the NDP. As someone said being LGBTQ doesn't mean having to support wokeism. Social justice is good to an extent however social justice will not feed us. Social justice tends to create a state dependent society and that's what Liberals and Left wants in Canada. Strong fiscal policies and fiscal constraints are required to generate income and attract investments. All that Canadian Liberals have achieved is divided society. 

Canada has become a doormat to criminals. We have gangs operating without impunity. Worst housing crisis. Worst corruption. Worst immigration policy. This is the legacy that Liberals have created. Literally everyone is tired of woke Liberals and Leftists. The under current is strong for a change.

This is coming from a person of colour, a visible minority that's how I am identified in Canada.

I am from Canada and I have never voted Liberals forget the NDP. As someone said being LGBTQ doesn't mean having to support wokeism. Social justice is good to an extent however social justice will not feed us. Social justice tends to create a state dependent society and that's what Liberals and Left wants in Canada. Strong fiscal policies and fiscal constraints are required to generate income and attract investments. All that Canadian Liberals have achieved is divided society. 

Canada has become a doormat to criminals. We have gangs operating without impunity. Worst housing crisis. Worst corruption. Worst immigration policy. This is the legacy that Liberals have created. Literally everyone is tired of woke Liberals and Leftists. The under current is strong for a change.

This is coming from a person of colour, a visible minority that's how I am identified in Canada.

The beauty of Canadian political system is that there aren't only two parties polarising the debate. I like the fact that we have the PQ and NDP to balance the Liberals and Torries. Torries have achieved throughout the past decades important milestones which have endured. Prime example is the NAFTA which many Liberals opposed in the beginning, only to support it a few years later. Trudeau, the father... Liberal and with panache, famously showed the finger to the world by declaring that "there's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation". NDP, in the most recent times, under Jack Layton, presented the famous La Troisième Option. True, NDP never gotten to the size of the other two, but it always maintained a healthy following. And of course, PQ, which is fighting for the existence of Quebec and the francophone culture and society. 

Canada may have its problems, but they are exacerbated by a global environment not one done by the Liberals or Conservatives. Do you think that Conservatives don't have thier own 'woke' cells? They do and they are as vocal as others. Strong fiscal policies are not the exclusive trade-mark of the Torries. And I don't think that housing crisis in Canada is the making of the Liberals. Housing crisis started long time ago. It started I should say with the Harper gov't to be exact. You say worst corruption in Canada. I am not denying its existence, but to say it is the worst, is a huge over-reaction. 

And no, not everyone is 'literally' tired of the woke Liberals and Leftists. I heard and seen the same argument about the drag queens marching in TO, Montreal and Vancouver. There were times, in not too distant past, that now and then I would hear someone moaning about drag queens being so in your face at the Pride Parades. Guess what? It is because of them and the Liberals' policies (the wokes of their time) that we have these boards like BZ, and that we can get married in Canada and fuck whoever we desire.  Yes, there is a period of settlement, when one gets used to different pronouns and that the guy in the next cubicle turns out to be a transexual who's a cross-dresser and has a beard dyed in a colour matching his high heels pumps. So what? Live and Let live.

19 hours ago, Cutedelicategay said:

Canada has become a doormat to criminals. We have gangs operating without impunity.

True, there is a rise in the violent crime. And true, there are gangs operating without impunity.  But you also know what we have? A great judicial system. It is one of the best. Not perfect by any stretch of imagination. But it is by far the fairer and the most objective one. 

19 hours ago, Cutedelicategay said:

This is coming from a person of colour, a visible minority that's how I am identified in Canada.

And you, my good sir, as visible minority as you are, you have all the rights and privileges like anyone else. You are not above, you are not below anyone. You are equal and respected.


19 hours ago, Cutedelicategay said:

Social justice is good to an extent however social justice will not feed us. Social justice tends to create a state dependent society and that's what Liberals and Left wants in Canada. Strong fiscal policies and fiscal constraints are required to generate income and attract investments.

Social justice gives you universal care. You know what people down south have? Private insurance aka as MediScare. 

Social justice gives you a pension and GIS. Social justice means that you are guaranteed min 10 days of vacation a year unlike our friends down south who are at themercy of thier benevolent employer. Social justice fed us during the pandemic when we were all scared as shit. Social justice pays for our pharmacare for the PrEP and for free abortions. Social justice means that you cannot be fired willy nilly. Social justice gives you access to free education.

Strong fiscal policies and fiscal constraints are required to generate income... Policies can be tweaked and trhey evolve. One also need to account for global events and provide a measured and considerate response. Canada is a country of immigrants and we, or our ancestors, came to Canada for a better life. 

Yes, there are thousands of little things to improve and make them better. But, at the end of the day, I am a proud Canadian and proud of my country and its achievements and its government. 

Now, after reading all this, what's your proposal for making things better? Because it is easy to criticise without offering solutions. 


3 hours ago, PozBearWI said:

The world of difference between R and D this time is that one is for our imperfect democracy, the other for an authoritarian regime.  

They're both totalitarian

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On 2/11/2024 at 11:38 AM, tonio said:

their aim is not to DO GOOD THINGS, but to APPEAR AS THE GOOD ONES

Allow me to offer a different perspective:

The current Administration has accomplished in a mere 3 years things that the former Administration didn't.  Consider the wide array of infrastructure projects, in a number of "red" states, for instance.  Old bridges on the Interstates, new energy installations (i.e. solar, wind) in both red and blue states; just two examples of how evenly The President has spread the governmental infrastructure projects.  Name one - merely one - infrastructure improvement that the former President accomplished of the same scale. 

The former President only cares about how many millions of people he can hoodwink into voting him back into office, so he can stay out of jail.  He offers nothing but hatred, vitriol, consorting with despots around the world,  He has demonstrated clearly and decisively that he will - at the very least - cripple the Republic, all to prop up his own inflated image of himself.  His "advisors" are either indicted, or have been tried, convicted, and are awaiting being sent to jail. 

Which of the current President's advisors are facing jail?  

The current President, on the other hand, demonstrates is bent towards making things better for everyone, and employs staff that will carry out that enlightened vision.   The former President has openly, bluntly stated that he intends to become a "dictator", and no one believes it would be for only one day, most particularly his own benighted supporters. 

"appearances" count for precious little.  It's the actual work the current President has already accomplished, vs the stream of filth pouring forth on an hourly basis out of the former President's mouth, his truly sordid history, his lack of any shred of intellectual accomplishment, his previous Administration that make him wholly unqualified to lead his own life, let alone the United States.

Appearances count for little.  It's what they do (or don't) that counts.    

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On 2/11/2024 at 8:57 AM, Bimarried001 said:

To me that’s like a weed smoker voting for a candidate that is running on banning weed. 

And I don't smoke weed.  LoL

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