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Any LGBT+ Republican individual out here?


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17 minutes ago, 50latinos said:

You may be tired of Biden but that doesn't make him unfit for office. No only has he shown great judgment but he has assembled a top notch very young and very professional team. I am proud of my vote for him in 2020, although the only reason I did that was because he wasn't Trump. This time I am happy to for Biden.

I’ll be still rooting for Biden for 2024. I’m just disappointed it a repeat of last time elections. 

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1 hour ago, BlueSaphir said:

I’m just disappointed it a repeat of last time elections.

I think everyone shares your sense of disappointment. 

That said, elections aren't about our individual "good feelings" - elections are all about the voters, the citizens, setting the course of the Government for the next 4 years.  Some days I just wonder what's going to become of the US, but that won't help advance the cause either. 

All we can do is expend the effort to support what's best (or, perhaps the 'least-worse'), as we're given to discern what the best course actually is.  I still have my "Boot-Edge-Edge" cap / yard sign .... ya just never know, right ?

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21 hours ago, BlueSaphir said:

We have two candidates that are not fit for presidency.

Some people have had to choose between Communism and Fascism before, the Balkans during WWII being a notable example. I'm still upset over Biden falling upward into the presidency, but he's fit for the position. Biden being my best option in November is such a first world problem to have.

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On 5/24/2024 at 9:53 AM, topblkmale said:


Trump 2024


Trump for jail 2024

. . . there, fixed it.

On 5/24/2024 at 1:23 PM, verslut said:

Some people have had to choose between Communism and Fascism before.

Gladly that is not our choice. In November we will vote either for normalcy, democracy and competence or for that fucking fascist and corrupt moron known as Donald Trump. 

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On 5/24/2024 at 9:00 AM, VistaCaBB said:

Personally I think all politicians from the two major parties are fucking crooks.  I certainly am more right than left but do now support them.  

Considering that roughly 99.99% of political office holders in this country belong to one or the other of the major political parties, that's an astonishingly cynical viewpoint. 

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21 hours ago, 50latinos said:

Trump for jail 2024

. . . there, fixed it.

Gladly that is not our choice. In November we will vote either for normalcy, democracy and competence or for that fucking fascist and corrupt moron known as Donald Trump. 

You want him jailed for upending your laughable ideas of what "mainstream" is, and for sticking it to pro-Islam lunatics.


Not for any of the supposed "reasons" he;s actually on trial. lol

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9 minutes ago, harrysmith26 said:

You want him jailed for upending your laughable ideas of what "mainstream" is, and for sticking it to pro-Islam lunatics.


Not for any of the supposed "reasons" he;s actually on trial. lol

No, we want him jailed for breaking the law - repeatedly: to get elected in 2016, to avoid leaving office in 2020/21, and to hang on to classified documents to which he had no rights whatsoever after he grudgingly left.

As for "sticking it to pro-Islam lunatics": Recall that HE is the one who set the timetable to leave Afghanistan for which Biden took so much heat (for sticking to the timetable), and HIS family is the one who has cozied up to the murderous Saudi regime (partnering with them to the tune of how many billions invested with his son-in-law?). That same son-in-law is the same one who bragged about bringing "peace" to the Middle East, by negotiating essentially meaningless agreements between countries who were not at war with Israel and who had never fired the first shot or missile in their direction.

But sure, he "stuck it to" Islam. 

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19 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

repeatedly: to get elected in 2016

Which one was that? This is a laughable "fact" that you believe exists in everybody;s collective mind but it doesn't it lives in an extremely limited number of people's "minds".


Tell us which laws, imaginary ones don't count

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2 hours ago, harrysmith26 said:

Which one was that? This is a laughable "fact" that you believe exists in everybody;s collective mind but it doesn't it lives in an extremely limited number of people's "minds".


Tell us which laws, imaginary ones don't count

The one who is running with his imagination is you, thinking that that barely talking and walking blob of lard they call Trump is an honest person. There is no bigger delusion than that today in America. I am not going to repost here what the multiple indictments say but if he wasn't accused of breaking multiple actual laws there couldn't be multiple actual charges.

Think whatever you want to think and use as many quotation marks as you like. None of that will make the MAGA bullshit about Trump's alleged victimization, or any other for that matter, any less than the lies they are.

Edited by 50latinos
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4 hours ago, nanana said:

If you want a gay presidential candidate, vote for Chase Oliver, the 2024 Libertarian candidate for President ([think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.votechaseoliver.com/about)

"If you want to throw your vote away on a candidate with zero chance of winning, just so you can feel better about voting (as opposed to actually affecting the vote for the better), then vote for Chase Oliver..."

There, I fixed it for you.

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11 hours ago, harrysmith26 said:

Which one was that? This is a laughable "fact" that you believe exists in everybody;s collective mind but it doesn't it lives in an extremely limited number of people's "minds".


Tell us which laws, imaginary ones don't count

He allowed his surrogate, Michael Cohen, to pay off a porn actress to keep her quiet about a sexual encounter that would, if revealed at the time of the payoff, would probably have killed his chances of winning the election - but never declared that payment as an in-kind contribution (because that contribution would itself have been illegal, having been made by a corporation). He further orchestrated a coverup of that payment by having said surrogate claim he was "on retainer" when there was in fact no such retainer agreement (a requirement for such arrangements under NY law), and further falsely declared the payments as "legal expenses" when no legal work was done for the payments. 

I realize some members here may be living under a rock and not getting the news, but there's a whole trial going on in New York right now about precisely this issue.

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