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On 4/24/2024 at 10:23 AM, mjkuhl said:

The chems show up in next phase.  Should I go on with this?

You most certainly should continue....


Part 3

Saturday night was the full team meeting with a  campfire, jokes, stories, and confessions.  The evening passed quickly and coach broke out a cooler full of near beer.  Low alcohol content and sudsy head.  The guys continued to laugh and joke until coach said hit the hay.  The bunk room was wide open with no separation from one bunk to another.  Between bunks was passing space.  Rule was guys slept head to toe on the bunks.  Looking across the space didn't show faces only feet of neighboring bunk.  It was a warm night.  Tom said he needed a shower as he always wore a fur coat.  He took off for the communal showers with soap, shampoo, and towels.  When he got to shower he had all he could do to not rub one out.  His dick pointed up at the stars and stayed hard even under cold water.  It would be a long night, maybe he could get with Jan late Sunday night.  It was his only hope.  He had sworn, along with the other guys, not to jack off.  While the water was running cold, he saw coach come in with his towels and soap.  Coach had shower shoes.  Tom stood there trying to cover his tool.  Coach only said, "Hard up, Tom?"  Then he moved to a shower head two down from Tom.  Tom switched the water back to hot, stepped out, and toweled dry.  He ran his fingers thru his head hair and headed to his cot.  Sleep would allude him.  

Coach was up before the rest.  He had brewed coffee and was waiting for the 7am wake up for the others.  Tom who had not really slept got out of bunk.  He saw coach who said, "Coffee, Tom."  Tom never drank coffee but said, "I never tried it, but I guess I will."  Coach asked,"Milk, sugar, or both."  Tom asked how coach drank his, he answered with a sweetener, no milk.   Tom tried the same.  Odd, the sweetener was a blue tablet.  Coach dropped it in and stirred to dissolve it.  Tom wasn't sure he liked coffee after the first taste but drank it down.  

About this time team heard the blast for wake up.  They rose and began to prep for another day of camp.  PT is what coach, a former Marine, called it.  They worked up a sweat, went to breakfast, and began another day of games and water sports.  In one of the down times, Tom went to coach and said, "Coach, I have a problem."  Coach replied, "Tom, it shows.  That dick is ever ready."  Tom said, "Yes, sir.  And now it is leaking.  What can I do?"  Coach said go for a swim in the cold lake.  Tom had tried cold shower, shrugged and headed for the lake.  Guys were playing water polo.  One of them said, "We get Tom on our team, he has a built in polo stick"

Tom reddened but laughed with the crowd.  By night, Tom was totally miserable.  He went to coach again and coach said, "I don't approve of drugs, but you have to get some sleep. I'll give you my herbal sleep tablet.  Come down to my room when the guys are asleep.  i don't want them to see me give it to you."  Tom thanked coach and headed to bunk.  When all was quiet with just a few snores, Tom stealthily moved out to Coach's door.  It was ajar.  Tom whispered, "Coach."  

Coach's yeah, come in bud was same as at coach's office.  Tom opened the door to the dimlly lit room.  There was a second cot.  Coach said, "If you take this, I will have to watch you for 45 min to see how it works on you.  Tom said, "Please, SIR,  I have to have some relief. from this dick."  He handed Tom the capsule.  Tom took it, Coach said, "lie down."  

More to come, Will Tom?

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Within moments the room began to dim and Tom was either asleep or dreaming that he was.  He was so relaxed, everything except his big cock.  Tom thought he saw a smile on Coach's face, but his mind was awash and he was sure he was dreaming.  Coach walked over to the cot and Helped Tom onto his knees, then moved his shoulders down, an his head to one side.  Odd, Tom felt totally comfortable. Then Tom felt a hand pulling at his ass, then two, then a warm breath on his hole as the hands tried to open his crack even wider.  It wasn't long and a something wet was at Tom's hole.  He couldn't see and didn't know what it was.  He knew it felt amazing.  Tom tried to talk but only moaned.  "You like that, boy?"  Coach asked.  mmmmmm was all Tom could manage.  "If you like that you will like what is coming even more, it was Coaches voice.  Coach used his wet tongue to poke and poke at that hairy hole.  Tom's responses were only more moans.  Soon, Coach had opened a nice bottle of the slickest lube known to man.  Coach said, "You ready for a finger or two or four, boy?"  Tom only moaned in answer.  Slowly, agonizingly slowly, Coach worked his index finger into Tom's puckering hole.  Amazingly, it responded by winking like an eye as the finger came out.  After a few more single digit penetrations, Coach added his middle finger.  Tom's moans egged him on.  Soon it was three fingers. By the time Coach added a thumb with his pinky finger out like on a teacup, Tom was open.  Beautiful cunt was all Coach could think.  

The plan was working.  Tom would remember only the pleasure tomorrow, believing it was all a dream and beg coach for more of his sleep potion.  But first things first.  Coach had a big hand but was determined to get inside the 19 year old's ass with his hand.  He would dig for the quarterback's prostrate and milk him.  He will pump that prostate like a squeeze bulb forcing out quarterback juice.  Slowly, patiently, Coach opened the beautiful hole wider and wider until, Eureka, the whole hand slid in.  Coach saw the boy in extasy as his prostate was pushed and pumped and prodded.  Soon, the flow began and coach was going to keep it flowing.  After 2 hours, the player seemed spent.  Coach slid his hand out, pulled the soaked towel out from under the boy, and lay him down.  Surprisingly or not, the quarterback's cock remained rock hard.  In the morning, Coach would double the dose in Tom's juice.  

Coach was up and ready at 6am.  He woke Tom at 6:30.  Tom was so groggy and Coach handed him a cup of his special coffee, this time with a stimulant.  He ushered Tom to his bunk in the dormitory.  Tom lay down in time for the blast of the 7 am wakeup.


More to come if you want it.

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Monday morning means load the bus and head back to town for the regular school day.  Quick breakfasts and grabbing their things, the players lined up to load the bus.  As usual Coach took the first seat near the driver.  Tom, still tired found an empty row to curl up for sleep.  Dreams began almost immediately.  Dreams of his constant orgasms.  Tom was awakened by Reed.  "Man you were really out of it,"  Reed said.  Tom's answer was, "Where are we?"  School is all read said.

Tom went in and stuffed his things in his gym and hall locker.  By the time he had his books and things for morning, the bell was ringing.  Time to head to class.  First period was anatomy and physiology.  Of all the subjects, it was reproductive organs.  Tom's big cock was very much alive and had already had some drips.  After class he headed to the boys' room where he used toilet paper to dry himself and some brown paper towels to wrap his rascal.  The big cock was still hard.  If he had had more time, he would have jacked off.  Well, off to Calc.  Tom knew the day would drone on.  One of the hall monitors delivered a note to see Coach at lunch.  Tom figured it would be about the light practice and vids they always had on Mondays.  Monday night would be Tom's meeting with coach for more intense films.  

Tom let his mind wander in Chem2 .  The result was to singe some of the hair off his hand on the bunsen burner.    Swell, Tom thought.  Now it looks like I shave it.  Mr Thompson hurried over at the smell.  He was happy to see it wasn't a burn.  It wasn't like Tom not to concentrate so Mr Thompson said nothing.  Time passed.  One more class, then lunch.  Latin 4.  Translating Caesar was not too exciting, but today it was Ovid poetry, love poems only excited Tom and his cock even more.  Finally, it was time for lunch.

Tom made his way to Coach's office.  Coach had a surprise.  He pulled out the new uniforms.  He said he needed Tom to model them for a few pictures for school paper and for the Herald, the town's newspaper.  As Tom looked at his number, he said, "Right here, Coach."  Sure was the response.  Tom started to strip.  When he got out his underwear, it was wet.  He turned away from Coach but Coach had already seen.  Tom, are you still having trouble with that?"  Coach asked.  Embarrassed, Tom could only nod.  Coach said he had an idea.  He produced a plastic sleeve and a hair dryer.  He had Tom slide the plastic sleeve over his engorged cock.  Then in a flash he used the hair dryer to shrink the plastic in place.  That will keep the leak under control.  I have a few ideas to help.  We'll talk about it tonight.  He handed Tom a Coke and a McDonald's Big Mac with fries.  Tom asked if it was Coke.  Coach said, I think I got diet by mistake.  Eat up and drink.  We'll get the photos taken and you can be off to class.  Team sees new uniforms at practice.  

The day droned on and Tom stayed rock hard.  He was finally getting used to it.  As the day ended, the team asked where he was at lunch.  He told them about meeting Coach and Coach had a surprise.  Practice started in locker room.  Coach showed off new uniforms and said "all right men. time for PT."  Moans all around.  After 30 min, the team gathered to watch game films.  Then, they broke to shower and head home.  Tom was panicking,  His cock was sheathed.  Everyone would see it.  Coach called Tom and said, "I need you to run some errands right now.  Shower at home.  I'll see you for our meeting tonight.  Tom breathed a sigh of relief.  

Sweaty Tom ran into Jan on one of the errands.  She turned up her nose and said, "Tom, how can you run around town looking like that?"  All he answered was,"Coach's orders."  She turned and went on her way.  Tom finished the errands went home, showered, and lay down.  He was very tired.   

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"Yeah, mom."  Tom heard himself say.  Supper already, oh, after six he thought as he glanced at the clock.  He had to be with Coach by 7:30 and had some Calc homework to do.  The conversation at the table turned to camp.  Tom talked about the fun they had and how the team had bonded.  His dad smiled, remembering his football days.  Tom had worn a pair o sweatpants to the table as his cock was still totally out of control.  Funny, it didn't really ache the way it did before, but it was there, big and brassy trying to show itself.  The jockstrap helped.  If he could get it into a cup, he'd wear one.  

He finished his Calc surprisingly quickly and got his books ready for Tuesday.  By then it was time to leave for Coach's house.  Funny, his cock seemed to be lessening in hardness.  Maybe, this will get better he thought.  He jumped onto his motorcycle and headed to Coach's place.  It was outside town in a sort of a forest.  No close neighbors and really nice.  Coach had a pool, a sauna, and an icebath.  

When he reached the house, Coach met him at the door.  After a quick chat, they sat down to watch films from this coming Friday's opponent.  Coach was making notes on papers that looked like the football field after every play.  When they finished Coach said, "Tom take a look at these while I make us a little drink."  Tom studied them, imagined his teammates defending against this team.  He thought his team had a great chance to beat them.  When Coach returned, he had Gatoraide ready, gave Tom a b12 tablet and said, nurse it.  They talked as Tom grew groggy.  Soon Tom knew where he was but wasn't sure what was going on around him.  Coach had him leaned against the back of the couch leg spread wide, and was rubbing something into his hole.  Tom liked the feeling.  Coach said, "Boy, I know you love this and you will love what is coming even more."  Coach knew Tom had to be home by ten and couldn't take him all the way into dreamland.  he had to be able to revive him to go home, but got him far enough out of it to begin with fingers probing Tom's tight hole.  Soon Tom was moaning and pushing back on the fingers.  When the fingers were withdrawn, Tom managed to moan, no.  Coach said, "Don't worry son, there is more coming."  Tom's arms felt like weights, his head was unclear, but he felt the pressure against his slightly opened hole.  He moaned.  Coach said, "You like that boy?  You are going to learn to love it and beg for it."

With that Coach slid his 9 inch fat cock into Tom's winking hole.  Tom was soon pushing back as Coach slammed his bloated cock into the boy.  The 19 year old would soon be hooked.  His prostate was being assaulted by a club sized cock.  Tom was leaking precum everywhere as Coach battered his boybutton.  The harder Coach slammed into him, the more pleasant Tom's moans.  Soon Coach had emptied his juice into the quarterback.  Coach said, "Son, you loved that didn't you?  You want to hold Coach's baby batter inside you?"  Tom answered vaguely, "Yes, sir."  Coach produced a nice butt plug, pushed it in, and slapped Tom's hot, hairy ass.  "Boy, you will report to my office at 7am.  You won't take that plug out until I take it out of you.  Understand, boy?"  Tom nodded saying that he understood.  He dressed Tom.

Coach pulled out smelling salts, gave Tom a whiff.  Tom returned to some reality.  Coach said, "Tom, it is late, head for home.  Don't forget 7am.  Tom went to his cycle, mounted it and felt the plug press in and moaned in pleasure.  The vibrations from the engine made him moan even more all the way home.  Tom went straight to bed.  His dreams were vibrant.  He was being fucked, fucked by his hero, Coach.


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The alarm clock sounded at 5:45.  Tom got up feeling the plug move in his ass.  He smiled wondering about his morning dump.  He showered, drying always took at least two towels to get all his body hair dry enough to dress.  His morning piss was strong.  He hadn't drunk enough liquid before bed.  He logged into his computer and checked emails. One was from coach.  It simply said no underwear today.  Tom pulled on is 501 blues with button fly.  He was a little concerned as his dick was still not really softened, partially hard.  Besides that, sometimes black pubes would work their way and show in the fly.  He shaved his face, combed his hair, brushed his pearly white teeth, and headed downstairs, xts, he went back up to grab his phone.  5 texts from Jan.  She wouldn't be up.  He catch her at school.  

Tom mounted his motorcycle, feeling the vibration in his ass as the plug found new spots to tap.  Tom hurried to school.  He was outside coach's door at6:45.  Coach walked up smiling knowing he had tom right where he wanted him.  Coach unlocked the door, ushered Tom in and Tom stood in front of desk.  Tom said, "Coach, you want me to turn the lights on."  Coach responded, "No need for lights, boy."  It wasn't totally dark but even blinds were closed.  With that Coach said, "Boy, strip!"  Tom hesitated and Coach growled, "Now."

Tom pulled off his polo shirt, kicked off his shoes, and started to unbutton his jeans.  The minute a second button was loose, his cock sprang to life making it hard to finish unbuttoning.  Coach watched his prey fumble with the buttons.  As soon as the boy was naked, Coach handed him a drink.  "Drink it all down fast, boy!"  Coach barked adding, "This is an energy drink.  You will need extra energy today.  I've got a college coach coming to see you."  Now bend over the desk, let me check that plug.  Tom said, "Coach, I haven't touched it. Sir, I need to take a dump."  Coach moved him to attached john and pulled out the plug, it made a sucking sound.  Tom sat on the pot and let out farts and shit.  As he did, Coach coated the plug with some nice lube and a little grit.  Coach said, "It has been cleared with admin for me to take you to meet the Coach at Holiday Inn periods 2 and 3.  I will take you.  He can't meet you on school property.  Do you understand?"

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As coach slid the plug back into Tom's ass, Tom moaned and then feeling a warmth moaned again.  His dick which never seemed to go all the way down was at half mast.  The Coach toyed with the plug a little making Tom squirm.  All Tom know for sure was he liked this and he was meeting a real college coach.  He might get an offer for next year.  Tom knew he wanted to play football and knew he liked what coach was doing. 

Tom struggled through period 1.  He found that if he shifted position in his seat the buttplug would find nice spots in his ass.  There was something better about the plug than it was before.  It must be what coach put on it, he thought.  Finally the bell rang ending the class.  Tom stood and the plug shifted a little causing Tom to moan slightly.  He hurried to Coach's office and found Coach Rehder ready to sub for Coach's PE classes.

Coach Rehder smiled and asked, "Are you full, Tom."  Tom replied he hadn't had time for a real breakfast and Rehder only smiled.  He said, "Maybe you will get filled up at this interview."

With that it was time to go.  Rehder went into gym.  Coach closed the door and said pants down.  Tom obeyed immediately as Coach bent him over and pulled out the plug.  It made Tom feel empty.  But not for long.  Coach had a longer one that he had greased and added something gritty to.  Coach worked it in.  Tom felt amazing.  When he walked the plug did wonderful things to him.  They headed to Coach's car and drove toward the motel.  Coach said, "You will do everything this coach asks of you, you will not question.  I will get you into room, then leave for a while.  When I come back, you will be ready for more decisions."  "Sure, Coach," was all Tom could think to respond.  Do everything this coach asks.  OK.

When they pulled up in parking lot, Coach gave Tom a small blue pill and said, here swallow this.  Tom did.  They headed to room 222.  Coach knocked on the door.  It opened and a huge man appeared.  Coach made the intros and said Tom was ready for his interview.  I will be down in restaurant.  He left the room and closed the door.



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