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The bloody scorpion


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My boyfriend and I had been together since highschool. We were each others first everything. While we went long distance for college, since he wanted to go to school in New York and I didn’t, we had moved in together after graduation a few months ago.

Everything was going pretty well, Martin did like to go out to the bars a lot but that never bothered me I was confident in our relationship if he went all of college without cheating there was no way he was going to start now.

On Thursday night as I was sliding the condom on my average if a bit skinny five inch cock Martin spoke up.

”Would you want to come with me and some of my friends to this gay bar tomorrow night. I’ve never been and it sounds really fun”

”I don’t know” I replied “ I’ve never loved gay bars or bars in general”

“Oh come on chris please I don’t want to have to go home alone since all my friends are single”

”fine I’ll go” I relented as I pushed into Martins hole. He released a light moan as I began to pound into him. Martin had always been the bottom even though he had a far bigger cock. He tried to fuck me once but it was way too big to fit. Now he kept his cock in a cage. He had since his sophomore year of college he always said it let him focus on his ass. I had asked where he got the idea and he always avoided the question. 

He had gotten several tattoos during his time in college as well. He had a lock tattooed right above his penis as well as the word pig tattooed on his asscheek. Right now I was looking at the biohazard tattoo he had right above his ass. I had asked what these tattoos mean but he always just said he liked them.


I shot my load into the condom after about 4 minutes then laid down and went to sleep as Martin cleaned up. 


The next day after work Martin and I were getting ready for the bar. As I was putting on a pair of jeans I saw Martin put on a tiny bright red thong I’d never seen before. 


“Did you get a new thong” I asked 


“No I’ve had it for a while” he responded as he slid into a pair of leather pants.


“Hmm I’ve never seen it” 


“Oh I guess I’ve never had a reason to wear it around you” he said


I was wondering what that meant as I made us drinks before we left. Both Martin and I would be called twinks. I had very little hair naturally and Martin was always waxed.


We met up with Martins friends outside the bar. They were a pretty standard group of young gays who I’d met once or twice. The bar was called the bloody scorpion. As we got the the front Martin hugs the bouncer who whispers something in his ear before slapping his ass and sending him on in.


“ I thought you said you had never been here before” I asked Martin as we walked into what seemed like a locker room.


“ I haven’t I just know Greg” he responded as he slid off his jeans. 


“Why are you getting undressed” I asked 


“Oh did I forget to tell you oops this bar is clothing optional”


“Yeah you forgot” I said shitily as I stripped to my plain white boxers


We went up to the bar to order drinks and Martin gave the bartender a peck on the lips as we got there. I was fuming when he handed me my drink and drank it down quickly.


After finishing my drink I hear a deam voice yell “hey there’s my boy” and turn to see a near god of a man. He was probably 6’4 with a thick well muscled body that was covered in thick hair. He wore only a white jock that barely contained his massive bulge. He had a thick chain around his nick and a well kept brown beard. I was surprised when he walked up to Martin and took him in a hug grabbing his ass in the process. 


I tried to stand up to say something but I suddenly felt really light headed. I decided to sit back down and have another drink while Martin cuddled up with the mystery man to my right. After finishing my second drink I was feeling really drowsy when I heard moaning to my side I looked over and see my boyfriend Martin bent over the bar getting fucked by the stranger. 


I stand up to punch the dude but get pulled away by Greg the bouncer. He dragged me into a back room and threw me down on the couch.


“ look asshole I don’t know who the fuck you think you are but nobody fucks with the boss and his boy” he yelled at me


“His boy?” I slurred back “ Martins my boyfriend”


“Oh now I see” he said seeming to calm down “ my bad man I get that it’s probably hard to see your boyfriend getting breed but you shouldn’t get jealous like that” Greg sat down on the couch next to me


“ look I know after two shoots of g your probably horny as hell but if the boss hasn’t bred you yet the attacking one of his boys isn’t going to make him.”


“What the hell are you talking about I don’t want him to fuck me” I slurred out again. Confused about everything he was saying as my head felt foggy


“ there’s no need to be ashamed man you already recognized that your boyfriend needs true fulfillment from the boss now every thing else is easy.” He said soothingly 


“ I didn’t recognize shit” I yelled back 


“Shh it’s ok how about I breed you tonight so you don’t feel left out I know I’m not as good as Bo’s but  I’m still pretty good.”


I tried to protest but there was suddenly a bottle of poppers under my nose and my protests fell away. I felt Greg pick me up like I was nothing and bend me over the couch. 


I heard my underwear get torn in the back and while I expected him to slowly open me up as I was still an anal virgin he slammed into me full force. My dry hole burned as he forced what felt like a horse cock into my virgin hole. It felt like I was being torn in two as Greg pounded into me. I felt myself losing consciousness as I looked over at the door and see Martin standing there nude with cum dripping down his legs and what looks like a crack pipe in his mouth

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I felt the sweet burn of meth in my throat as I sucked down the smoke from my pipe. I watched as Chris passed out from Greg fucking him. It was pathetic really I could take Greg’s cock like it was nothing but I guess everyone starts somewhere. 


My hole was still gaped from my masters cock, his cum slowly dripping from me. At this point barely a day passed without him filling me. I’d convinced Chris that I just lubed myself up before he would fuck me though I have no idea how he never noticed how loose I was. 


I’m glad that Chris will be joining me soon. I love him in a way, not like the love I have for master but kind of like a brother. I still remembered when I started down the path that led here.




It was the summer between my freshman and sophomore year. I stayed in the city over the summer cause I rented an apartment year round. I was still staying loyal to Chris because I thought we were in love. I’d go to random gay bars but turn down everyone who offered to fuck me which was a lot.


Chris was supposed to come up the first weekend after class ended and I had been jerking off to the thought every day since. It had been nearly a year since we fucked and my hole was HUNGRY. Friday afternoon however he canceled saying some bullshit about needing to help a family friend. 


I was fucking pissed but wasn’t about to sit around like a loser. I went to a straight club planning to blackout instead of dealing with my feelings, however after one drink I met the most beautiful man in the world. He had thick brown hair that I would later learn covered his entire body. He was wearing black slacks and a white button up that was bulging with his thick muscular body. I was already in awe and then he came up and talked to me. He was at least a foot taller than me and had a deep dreamy voice.


“What are you doing drinking by yourself handsome” the man said 


“ drowning my sorrows in vodka what about you” I responded trying to be nonchalant 


“Ha” he laughed “ I’m looking for something or someone to do tonight, so why are you sad, girl trouble, boy trouble” he said slyly while showing a shining white grin


“ boy trouble” I answer “ trust me the only girl trouble I have is holding my friends hair up when they get wasted”


“Damn I’m sorry to hear that a hot boy like you should have your pick of the litter” 


Holy shit he called me hot I thought 


“You wanna go somewhere else and talk about it” he placed a massive calloused hand on the small of my back


“Sure” I said “but I do have a boyfriend”


“And I have no intention of getting in the way of that” he said, leading me outside.


Once we got to the street he hailed a cab and guided me in. I wasn’t going to cheat on Chris even if he was being an asshole and I was with the hottest man on the planet I wasn’t. We pulled up to a bar called the bloody scorpion.


“I’ve never heard of this place” I said as we left the cab


“It’s my bar I’d be happy to show you around sometime if you’d like” he told me as we walked to a door next to it. “This here is my place”


He opened the door to a stairwell the lead above the bar.

“Wow do you live up here” I asked as we entered a clean semi-modern studio Apartment.


“I do” he responded “you like” 


“Definitely I think that the space between your couch and the wall is bigger than the apartment I share with 3 people”


“Thank you I try to take care of it. You want something else to drink or would you like something stronger” 


Fuck did I just go home with a druggy. I don’t do anything but weed I thought. He must’ve seen the look on my face and added.


“Oh just weed, nothing too bad” he said with a chuckle “ we’ll get the meth out later” 


I laughed back “oh yeah I love pot I was scared for a second there” 


“No need to be scared let’s just go up to the roof to smoke though” he said 


We went up to his roof which had a small garden and patio furniture and shared a blunt as I bitched about Chris.


“So you’re hoping to get back at him tonight is that why you came here.” The man asked 


“No I’d never cheat on the man I love, I hope that’s not disappointing” I answered. 


“Not at all, though if you’d like I could help you with your hole without it being cheating”


“What do you mean” I asked curiously 


“Not to brag but I have an impressive collection of toys downstairs and would be happy to use them to help you get relief.” 


I thought about it for a minute but I guess it didn’t count if it was just toys


“Yeah that would be great just toys though nothing more” 


“Of course” he answered


He guided me down to what must’ve been a basement under the bar. I saw another stairwell that must lead to it since this was clearly being used as storage. There was a door at the back of the hallway that he lead me through. 


“I just realized I don’t know your name” I asked as I entered the dark room 


“When you’re in here call me master” he said in what I thought was a joking tone.


“Ok master” I answered jokingly 


“Good boy now let’s leave our clothes here” he said pointing to a small table.


It was the first time I was naked in front of someone besides Chris and was really nervous while master stripped right to his bulging jock strap. He was even more magnificent naked. His hairy thick body was covered in tattoos and his white jock was clearly stained but that only made it look better as it was clearly full to bursting. 


“ you nervous boy” master asked grinning


“ a little bit yeah” 


“Take your time I’ll go get some stuff out for you” he said as he walked further into the dark room. 


I stripped fully down. I was glad I shaved expecting Chris to come. Just then green light flooded the room and I saw it all. This was a fully kited out playroom any porn studio would be jealous of, the walls were covered up and down with different sex toys most of which I was clueless about. In the middle were several slings, benches, and other furniture I assumed was for sex but couldn’t guess how.


“Holy fuck do you secretly operate a porn empire here” I asked approaching the sling master had brought a chair and table to. 


“I’ve been know to film a video or two” he said with a laugh. “Well looks like someone’s got a cock on them don’t you boy”


“Yeah I guess I do but I’m a bottom through and through”


“That’s understandable, Now hop into the sling and we’ll get started”


I tried to pull myself into the sling but it was fairly high and I had never been in one before so I slipped. Master picked me up and easily lifted me into the sling. He secured my legs in the air with cuffs but left my hands free.


“Now I think it would be best if you put a blindfold on so that you can fully enjoy the feeling without being intimidated by the size” he said as he put a sleep mask over my face.


I heard him walk away for a minute before I felt a cold sensation on my hole. I felt my hole part for something and let out a moan as it had been so long.


“Damn I’m only putting the lube in and you’re already moaning like a whore” master said before I felt the cold sensation flood my guts as I assumed he squirted me full of lube. It felt so good having any thing in my ass I was already panting.


“I’m gonna put the first dildo in now that okay boy” master asked 


I only moaned in response as I felt the plastic head spread my hole. It felt orgasmic having something inside me again and I kept moaning with every push. He fucked me with it for a few minutes before moving up to a higher size. He continued this for what felt like eternity.


“Alright boy this one is pretty big but let’s try it” he said as I felt a large head press against my hole. He pressed hard for a few minutes but it wouldn’t go in.


“I think I’ve got something to help with this, you want this dildo right boy” he ask 


“Yes please I need it” I moaned out


“Alright I’m going to put something under your nose and you need to inhale it and hold till I tell you” he said.


I heard a cap unscrewed and a hiss next to me then he pressed one of my nostrils down and told me to inhale. It smelled like chemicals but I breathed it in before he did the same to my other nostril.


“Alright exhale now boy” he said and I felt a rush as he pushed the dildo deep into me. I felt amazing and the dildo filling me only made it better. 


“How about you take off that blindfold now son.” He told me 


As I took the blindfold off I saw him sitting between my legs holding a dildo balls deep into me. Once he saw I had taken it off he pulled it all the way out revealing that it was at least 8 inches long and three inches thick. This was the biggest thing I’d ever had in me. He handed me a vial and said.


“This is what I gave you to open you up it’s called poppers , keep inhaling it so that you stay stretchy just like I showed you okay boy”


I only moaned in response before hitting the poppers again. I didn’t like drugs but at this point I needed this dildo in my ass and didn’t care. 


Master kept fucking me with the dildo for at least an hour before it started to fit without the poppers. My cock had been dripping precum all night and I had begun to feel a weird sensation in my ass. It felt like something was build and I started to squirm before suddenly the most intense orgasm of my life hit me. Piss flowed from me and I feel my hole pushing out as my mind was clouded by pleasure. 


“Ha ha seems like someone had their first pissgasm” master said chuckling as my pleasure subsided 


“Oh my god I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to” I stammered out


“Don’t apologize boy pleasure is the point of this room, just lick it up and we’re fine”


“Huh” i asked in shock


“I said lick your piss off my floor” he repeated slowly before lifting me off the sling and onto the ground where my piss puddle laid. I had never drank piss before but my head was still clouded by the orgasm and weed so I stuck my younger out to try and found an amazing bitter sweet flavor. I eagerly licked the rest of the floor clean loving the taste. 


“Seems like someone’s a natural piss pig” master said as I looked up at him “ there’s a car outside that’ll take you home and give you my number call me if you want to do this again” 


“Yes master” I said before leaving “thank you”

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