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Slave for a Day

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Chapter 8 – Who’s Next?

In Chapters 1 through 7, I recount a role-play that I was engaged in with my friend, Doug. He wanted me to be his slave for the day. I started out with some cleaning, but he was really looking for me to be his sex slave. We’re in his playroom and have used the sling and St Andrews cross extensively. Most recently, he’s pegged me with a strap-on while I was bound to the cross. Now, I’m in the sling again, unbound but still blindfolded.


Doug took some pics of my ruined ass and then got up and wandered away. I heard him move slowly across the room and the sound of him settling in on the bed. He had turned the sling so that my ass was facing him now, and I kept pulsing my hole, pulling my ass in and out. There was a rosebud, but no prolapse.

While I lay in the sling and Doug was on the bed, I heard several app notifications going off. Doug was obviously communicating with someone, whether for today or another day. I was his slave, and he could do whatever he wanted with me, and that included having other guys over to work my ass.

He spent a fair amount of time on the bed. Then he said, “OK, that’ll work,” before getting up and returning to the sling.

“Oh, my slave, you’re about to have your ass blown out,” he growled at me as he shoved a few fingers into me. I accepted his fingers willingly and began to move my ass back and forth on them. He chuckled and said, “Just wait. That ass is going to get a lot of work soon enough.” Fuck, I was still so horny for it!

But first, he wanted to give me another bump. He must have had the baggies nearby because his fingers left my ass and quickly returned to deliver a shard into my ass. I immediately felt the burn as it began to melt. “The blindfold’s coming off. I want you to see this”, he snarled. It took my eyes some time to adjust to the light in the room, even though it was dim since I had been blindfolded for a long time.

Doug rubbed and massaged my hole as the shard was melting. He still had his phone open and was messaging people on the apps. He’d occasionally look up at me and smile when he saw how massively spun I was. My eyes must have been like dinner plates, and I was covered in a sheen of T sweat. My pits smelled amazing, and I inhaled those aromas since my hands were behind my head.

He got a notification chime and said, “Good, they’re here,” and then left the room. When he returned, he had two other guys with him. He introduced them as Andy and Tim. They were both probably mid-40s and good-looking. Andy was taller but had a thicker build. He had a close-cropped beard and was covered in a light brown pelt of fur that looked great on him. His cock was hanging low, with massive balls. I could only hope that his ass was as furry as the rest of him. Tim was a little shorter than Andy. He was also leaner and more defined. He had a spray of dark chest hair between his pecs, then a beautiful treasure trail leading down to his dick. He was already hard, showing off a nice thick cock with tight balls.

“So, this is your slave?” asked Tim as they looked me up and down. He had a deep and sexy voice. I tried to look submissive, but it’s hard when you’re totally spun out on T and laying with your asshole exposed to the world. “Yep”, said Doug. “Do what you want with him.”

“We brought some favors,” said Andy, pulling out a baggie and a bottle. Wow, T and G! This could get interesting. Andy also had a deep voice that made my hole tingle with expectation. These sexy guys were going to be lots of fun.

Doug left to get us some drinks to spike with the G while Andy put some crystals in the bubbler. He and Tim each blew some clouds and then Andy came over to me after taking a hit and leaned down to shotgun it with me. I reached out for his cock and grasped it as we traded the smoke back and forth. When we were done, Tim was there to share another cloud with me. I grabbed and stroked his hard cock. They were getting spun, while I was going way beyond spun.

Doug was back with some small glasses and a few more bottles of sports drink. He poured a small amount in each glass, and then Andy measured a quantity of G for each of us. I don’t do G often, but my desires didn’t matter now. I would do as my master told me.

I had to sit up a bit in the sling to down the G. Andy supported my back while I drank and then Doug gave me an opened bottle of drink and told me to take a few gulps. Rehydrating felt good. Andy laid me back down in the sling and sat on the stool at the foot. “Damn, this hole has been used!” he exclaimed. The other two just nodded in agreement. I had the feeling it was about to get used a whole lot more.

Andy lubed up his hands while gazing at my hole. Then, he looked up at me to make sure I was ready. I was ready, spun, and willing. I felt his hand against my hole, and it slid into me with ease. Damn, his hand felt massive. I hadn’t noticed anything about either of their hands before, but Andy’s felt great in my ass. Once he was in, he just kept pushing. The G had relaxed my ass even more, and he was able to work his way in with ease. I could feel (or maybe I only thought I could feel) the hairs on his arm as they worked through my hole. I looked down at this sexy man who had his hand in my ass, and his bright blue eyes told me how much he was enjoying what he was doing.

Andy began to pull back, moving slowly and sensuously through my ass. He knew how to fist a hole, and I loved it. He pulled his hand all the way out, only to immediately reinsert and start the drive to the depths of my ass again. As he bent forward, I got a glimpse of his hairy shoulders and back. My master knows what I like and had found two guys who hit a lot of my hot buttons. For me, the hairier, the better, and Andy looked to be pretty damn hairy!

He slid in slowly, then reversed his way out. Slow and steady was his thing now, and he kept checking in with me to ensure that I was OK. Whenever he looked up, I would nod in encouragement, and he’d grin with delight.

Andy pulled out and applied more lube to his arm. He also lubed up his other arm. He went in slowly with his left arm, which was the one he was using earlier, then pulled out and went in with his right. He did this slowly, and it was amazingly sensual. With the T and the G coursing through my body, I relaxed into it and let this handsome, hairy stud explore my inner channel.

The next time Andy checked in with me, I noticed Tim standing behind him. He was lubing up his hands and arms. Soon, I heard Tim’s sexy voice say, “My turn.” Staring deeply into my eyes, Andy slowly removed his hand from my ass. He gave my hole a few encouraging pats and stood up so Tim could take the stool.

Andy was slow and sensual. Tim went in fast and furious. His first penetration went in quickly, and before I knew it, he was almost up to his elbow. He pulled back, but not out, and then dove in again. He was working my ass into a frenzy, especially in contrast to the erotic nature of Andy’s work. While Andy was more titillating, Tim was very carnal. He knew that I was there for his pleasure. If I enjoyed it, he would be OK with that, but I knew that he was going to work over my ass to his pleasure.

At one point, he did pull his fist all the way. He stood and shoved his hard cock into me. No matter what I have had in my ass, nothing beats a cock. He fucked me like he fisted me: it was fast, and he went deep. He asked for the poppers, and Doug came over and put the bottle under Tim’s nose. Three snorts, and he went wild on my ass. He was pounding me like I was the last man on earth. I was in ecstasy watching this muscly stud pound his cock into me. He plunged in deep and growled, “I’m gonna cum,” and then I felt the sweet liquid start to pulse out of his cock. He stood through the initial spasms and then sort of collapsed on my chest, panting as he recovered from his orgasm.

Tim pulled out of me and walked to the head of the sling. Knowing what he needed, I opened my mouth and sucking in his cock. At the same time, I felt Andy’s hand enter my ass again. Tim tasted amazing, with the mix of cum, lube, ass juice, and who knows what the hell else? I nursed the final few drops of cum out of him while I felt Andy begin that slow and steady descent into my ass.

When Tim pulled out, I asked him to let me lick his pits. Like the spray between his pecs, his pits had a light spread of dark hair. I figured that he would have worked up a good sweat with the fisting and fucking, and I was right. His pits also tasted great. I nuzzled my nose up inside his pit and then started licking the hair. It is so hot when the pit smell gets on my face and lingers long after the pit is gone. After a while, he turned around and fed me his other pit. As he turned, I noticed a line of hair in his ass crack that started with a little triangle of that dark hair at the base of his back. For some reason, hair in that triangle turns me on. I guess it signifies a hairy hole, but I was very glad to see it.

Andy, meanwhile, was still tenderly fisting my ass. That’s a weird phrasing, but he was using his fist to fuck me with such great tenderness that I groaned and opened my ass even more. “Fuck, yeah,” I heard from him when I did that. He certainly appreciated a fine ass, and my ass appreciated a fine fist.

Tim moved over to the bed. That’s when I realized I didn’t know where Doug was or what he was up to. But, with my ass loaded with Tim’s cum, and Andy fisting it, I really couldn’t focus too much on Doug’s location. Instead, I grabbed the poppers and offered them to Andy, who shook his head no and took a few big hits.

Oh, fuck, this was out of this world! My ass became my sole focus. The glowing purple eye was back; all I could do was moan and enjoy myself. Andy kept doing what he was doing, which was pretty awesome, as I rode the high of the poppers. His attention felt amazing, and I was in pig heaven. Instinct took over, and I reached down to spread my ass wide, and I slid down in the sling. Andy groaned when I did this, so obviously, he liked what was happening, too. Tim had come back when he saw me pick up the poppers and was stroking his cock as he watched us.

Once the rush wore off, I suggested we all move to the bed. My recommendation was that I eat Tim’s ass while Andy could fist me from behind. As we were moving into this new position, Doug came back. ‘I was watching you guys and, fuck, that was hot!”, he enthused. That’s when I saw the camera. He had been watching the feed (and who knows who else was watching it) and needed to move it to capture the new scene.

Tim lay on his back with a pillow under his ass. I positioned myself on all fours, with my face at Tim’s hole and my ass exposed for Andy’s fist. When Tim raised his legs, I was pleased to see how furry his hole was. There was a wonderful trail from his lower back, down and through his crack, all the way to his balls and bush. I looked great, and I was sure that I would enjoy rimming him. I dove in.

Andy had been applying more lube to his arms and when I was rimming Tim, he entered my ass from behind. This position is a favorite of mine when a sling is not available since it lets the guy get really deep inside me. I can move my body around to provide us both with new sensations too.

When Andy entered my ass, I just laid my head on Tim’s ass. He understood what happened to distract me like this, and it didn’t take long for my mouth and tongue to reconnect with his hairy hole. His hole was fantastic. Hairy, with a good musk from the partying and fucking we had done, it was a joy to rim. The smell, the taste, and the texture all had me wanting to get deeper and deeper into his sweet ass.

My highest sexual preferences are getting my ass fisted, eating ass, fisting ass, and then getting mine eaten. Toys are also in that mix. Anything involving cock comes further down the list. But, right now, my two highest pleasures were happening at the same time. While I was eating Tim’s sexy ass, Andy was giving me a great fisting. I knew that he had been going in with a fist since we started, and he was still using his fisted hand on my hole.

Then, Doug tapped me on the shoulder. I left Tim’s ass, glistening with my saliva, and raised my head. Without asking, Doug shoved the poppers under my nose. One hit, and it was stellar. I lowered my mouth to Tim’s hole and started making out with it. I was sucking, licking, shoving my tongue in it. He was writhing under me and moaning with pleasure. Of course, Andy hadn’t stopped fisting my ass, so there I was, pumped full of T and G, riding the poppers wave while eating ass and getting mine fisted. Does it get any better than this?

My cock was leaking a ton, and I realized that a lot of fluid had leaked out of Tim’s dick. I left his ass for a moment and licked up the fluid on and around his treasure trail, and then took his cock back into my mouth. This caused a massive blob of cum to be ejected into my mouth. Fuck, it did get better!

I went back to Tim’s ass since it was so tasty and sexy. It looked great, with that sweet pink center winking out from a forest of hair. His hair was all matted down with spit and looked so enticing. My head went down to his ass, my ass rose up around Andy’s arm, and I entered pig paradise. I was eating the hairy, musky hole of one stud while another stud leisurely and seductively fisted my ass. It was spectacular!

Since Tim was lying on his back, I was able to move between his hole and his cock and balls. Each time I moved to a new location on Tim’s body, it caused a shift in what Andy was hitting as he fisted me. This was certainly a new and fantastic experience.

Andy slowed down even more than he had been doing and pulled his arm out of my ass. He kept rubbing over my hole, telling me how wonderful it felt when he was inside it. I was alternating between Tim’s hole and his cock, which was rewarding me with some tasty fluids.

But his legs were sagging, and keeping my ass in the air was getting to be a little too much for me, so we stopped our play, and all lay down together on the bed. I found out that these two were long-time play partners, too, like Doug and I. They confessed that this was one of if not the, hottest scenes they had played out.

I agreed with them on that front. Andy had picked up the pipe and melted some T into beautiful swirling smoke. He took a hot, which he passed to me, and then I passed it to Tim. We each started a hit and then passed it on to the other guys, and it was a fun way to amp up our crystal high. Unaware of what I was doing, I started rubbing my hole and shoving my fingers in. Andy saw me doing that and went to get a dildo for my ass. He asked what I had taken, and I told him that pretty much everything on the table had been in my ass at some point. He picked up a toy of medium length but substantial girth. He lubed it up, and Tim held my legs up while Andy inserted it into my ass. My ass was happily filled once again, but I was still feeling horny.

So I asked Andy to sit on my face. Tim suggested that I move my ass to the edge of the bed so that he could fuck me with the dildo while I ate Andy’s ass. I was good with that suggestion, so I hung my ass off the side of the bed, and then Andy lowered his ass onto my face/

This is a favorite way for me to rim a hole. Andy’s ass covered my face, and I could only breathe by moving my head to the side. His ass was as hairy as the rest of his body, but his body hair was light in color, so it wasn’t as visible as on some guys. His hole was in the center of a dense cluster of fur, and I had to move some of the hair aside with my tongue to get into it. He, too, had developed a wonderful musky smell from all of our play, and I loved that, too. Even when I moved my head to the side to get in some deep breaths, I could smell his sweet hole.

Tim had added more lube to the toy and was wisely waiting until Andy and I had settled into a nice position. Then, he spread my ass open and shoved the dildo in. In this position, the thickness was more apparent. I was also glad this toy wasn’t super long, since that may have been uncomfortable.

At first, he just slid it in and twisted it around, getting it a little further in with each twist. It was almost like he was screwing it into my ass. When I felt the base at my hole, I knew that I had swallowed the whole toy.

“So fucking hot,” Tim said. He had a great view of the toy embedded in my ass and was now tapping on it and rotating it around inside me. I was again simultaneously rimming one guy while another was playing in my ass. So fucking hot is right!

I heard Andy snort some poppers, and then he mashed his ass into my face even more than it was before. At one point, I had to lift him off me so that I could catch my breath. Eating his poppered up ass was great since the poppers relaxed his hole and let more of my tongue inside him. My tongue was in deep, and the taste and texture was highly erotic.

They wanted me in the sling again, so Andy got off of my face, and Tim took the toy out of my ass. A flood of lube came out when he pulled it out. They walked me over to the sling and got me situated in it. As soon as I was in it, my hands were at my ass, poking and prodding. “Do you like my slave?” asked Doug. He had been in the room the whole time, watching us. I love being watched, so this turned me on even more. I also noticed that he had been filming us the whole time. Both of the guys nodded and Andy said, “We’re not done with his ass yet”.

With that, Andy moved my hands away from my hole and slid his lubed arm into it again. This time, he didn’t go slow. This was a quick and deep penetration.

  • Piggy 2
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