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Straight men kissing straight men

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2 hours ago, tallslenderguy said:

This was cool to watch, see and hear the responses,  as soon as i saw it i wanted to share it with you guys and read your responses.



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Well !!!  

My first thought was, how interesting that these kids even accepted the notion of fluidity enough to even try it. 

My second thought was, there are one or three of them that aren't all that concrete in their heterosexuality in the first place.

They look like mostly high-school age, and if this is a fairly broad sampling of how guys interact with each other at that age, there's actually hope for the world on the horizon.  

That said, sometimes it's a bitch being an optimist.  

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Nice.  Thanks for posting this @tallslenderguy.  Perhaps its my own antiquity; I think our social norms tend to put way more emphasis on the significance that exists.  I am proud of these guys for giving it a go.  Save for our plumbing there really isn't any difference.  We're humans first and I think humanity would be better off if we come to terms with that.  

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4 hours ago, hntnhole said:

Well !!!  

My first thought was, how interesting that these kids even accepted the notion of fluidity enough to even try it. 

My second thought was, there are one or three of them that aren't all that concrete in their heterosexuality in the first place.

They look like mostly high-school age, and if this is a fairly broad sampling of how guys interact with each other at that age, there's actually hope for the world on the horizon.  

That said, sometimes it's a bitch being an optimist.  

Ha, your take on their age gave me pause, so i went looking for their ages, all i found was a reaction on youtube. The blond guys name was "Dallas Quick" and stated his age as 28, the guy with the long dreds was "Rank Ramon" and said he was 24. i'd guess most of them to be in their 20's, maybe a few in their 30's? idk. These are the only two i found.

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  • 1 month later...

I agree that none of these guys seem "dyed-in-the-wool' het.  More, I'll bet some of them have already gone farther with another guy than just a kiss.  

btw .... does anyone know what the age-to-alphabet rules are?  

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1 hour ago, hntnhole said:

I agree that none of these guys seem "dyed-in-the-wool' het.  More, I'll bet some of them have already gone farther with another guy than just a kiss.  

btw .... does anyone know what the age-to-alphabet rules are?  

Do you mean is there a "Gen (fill in letters here)?" chart?  Not that I've ever found.  And lately I am wondering why we continue to put a name to definitions after "baby boomer"?  Why not just refer to our decade?  Wouldn't that be a shit load easier on everyone?

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As a bi dude, who has never really been gay romantic, I can definitely relate to it being more awkward to kiss a dude than it was to kiss a dudette. I still associate kissing more with romance than I do with sex, even though I am totally open to kissing a guy in the heat of lust. I'm also 100% sure I had both had my cock sucked and sucked a dick before I even entertained the notion of kissing a guy. If I remember right the 1st guy I made out with was the 1st man I fucked, but we were making out and sucking each other for months prior to me fucking him. 

As to the generational alphabet soup, I'm at the elder end of Gen X (1965  -1980?) and I know the 1st dude I fucked, and think was my 1st dude on dude kiss, was a couple of years older, so if he was 25 at the time he would be a Boomer. I'm not really sure that is relevant to the discussion of dudes kissing dudes, and in most cases isn't really a thing in any generation if a guy is sure he is predominately straight.

On a 2nd side note, what is the deal with guys painting their nails? I noticed one of these young guys had painted nails, but have also noted that 80% of the male retail cashiers of all generations in Portland seem to have between 2 and 10 painted fingernails but haven't seen that phenomenon anywhere else.

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45 minutes ago, NWUSHorny said:

As a bi dude, who has never really been gay romantic, I can definitely relate to it being more awkward to kiss a dude than it was to kiss a dudette. I still associate kissing more with romance than I do with sex, even though I am totally open to kissing a guy in the heat of lust. I'm also 100% sure I had both had my cock sucked and sucked a dick before I even entertained the notion of kissing a guy. If I remember right the 1st guy I made out with was the 1st man I fucked, but we were making out and sucking each other for months prior to me fucking him. 

As to the generational alphabet soup, I'm at the elder end of Gen X (1965  -1980?) and I know the 1st dude I fucked, and think was my 1st dude on dude kiss, was a couple of years older, so if he was 25 at the time he would be a Boomer. I'm not really sure that is relevant to the discussion of dudes kissing dudes, and in most cases isn't really a thing in any generation if a guy is sure he is predominately straight.

On a 2nd side note, what is the deal with guys painting their nails? I noticed one of these young guys had painted nails, but have also noted that 80% of the male retail cashiers of all generations in Portland seem to have between 2 and 10 painted fingernails but haven't seen that phenomenon anywhere else.

New new "ear ring"?  which has now become ubiquitous.  

Edited by PozBearWI
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That was fun. I've seen other vids like this. They all seem like sweet kids. And I admire them for being willing to step outside of their comfort zone. I love how especially open the Black guy (with the gap on his teeth) was. Very cool. 

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20 hours ago, NWUSHorny said:

On a 2nd side note, what is the deal with guys painting their nails? I noticed one of these young guys had painted nails, but have also noted that 80% of the male retail cashiers of all generations in Portland seem to have between 2 and 10 painted fingernails but haven't seen that phenomenon anywhere else

and on a second "side note", I've noticed that around here too, and I have zero idea why they do that.  It doesn't bother me - at least they don't paint their Holes - but I don't find it appealing.  Maybe they just don't want to bother with cleaning their fingernails? 

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