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2 hours ago, topblkmale said:


Are you referring to legal immigrants or illegal immigrants?


The MAGA Party has gone hard against both, in rhetoric and in policy have been much harder on legal immigrants than illegal. Their main accomplishments in immigration policy has been to lower quotas, stall processing of requests to legally immigrate, and force those already here legally to jump through hoops to renew, or change the type of visa they are legally in the country with. 

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2 minutes ago, PozBearWI said:

I suspect there is a huge hidden pool of old GOP folks around me who see Trump for who he is and won't vote for him.  They might be holding their noses (so to speak and hearkening back to Hillary times), but will vote D president while otherwise voting R. 

That group definitely exists, the majority of my family is to some extent in that group. I haven't come up with an effective argument to dissuade them from voting for the legacy GOP candidates that are still on the ballot, that have had to capitulate to the MAGA, but I have been highly effective at convincing them not to support the newcomers that do not have a pre Tea Party/MAGA history. So even the ticket splitting among the older GOP folks, that see the MAGA for who they truly are is declining, at least in my family. 

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I have tolerated the political talk on BZ, however some of the comments in this particular thread is out of line and uncalled for. 

The comments have ruined BZ for me.

Going to delete my account.  Good luck to everyone!

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That's truly a shame @Guy4GuyCoSpgs.  By definition this particular forum is the POLITICAL forum and politics are diverse.  There are a lot of other forums within Breeding Zone that pertain to things you might find more interesting.  To leave the site because one small part tweeks your soft self seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face.  Good luck to you though on whichever site you find that works for you.  


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2 hours ago, PozBearWI said:

Does it really matter?  R's have a beef with immigrants even though because we are US citizens, we are immigrants or at least have immigrant genetics within us.  I believe the R's just seek to reduce the US population.  

I agree, the bigger issue seems to be that the US is changing its racial composition, from predominately white, to predominately non-white over time, and this is being resented/resisted by those whites who feel threatened.

The US has a long way to go to become truely multi-cultural

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Yep I see that @Knotme.  While honestly I think a Kamala/Hakeem ticket would be a nice balance; I see enough of that "built in" racism in some of my peers that has me thinking a Harris/Kelly ticket would pick up those scared white voters.  And man, a woman of color president and a former astronaut vice would be a pretty compelling ticket.  

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21 hours ago, PozBearWI said:

I believe the R's just seek to reduce the US population.  

I agree, with one qualifier:  reducing the non-Caucasian US population. 

The magaroids want to increase the Caucasian population, and reduce (by any unholy means conceivable) the population of everyone else.  

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21 hours ago, Guy4GuyCoSpgs said:

Going to delete my account.  Good luck to everyone!

We're sorry to know that, Guy4GuyCoSpgs. 

Some of us simply don't read/participate on threads regarding certain topics that don't interest us, and thus are able to exchange views on issues we do care about without being bothered by issues we don't.  

We're sorry that didn't work for you; I add my best wishes to everyone else's,  

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28 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

I agree, with one qualifier:  reducing the non-Caucasian US population. 

The magaroids want to increase the Caucasian population, and reduce (by any unholy means conceivable) the population of everyone else.  


And how might they go about this?

Asking as a concerned non-Caucasian.


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On 7/16/2024 at 2:11 PM, Guy4GuyCoSpgs said:

I have tolerated the political talk on BZ, however some of the comments in this particular thread is out of line and uncalled for. 

The comments have ruined BZ for me.

Going to delete my account.  Good luck to everyone!

Good luck. It is always amazing to see how many people are living in a different reality.

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I think site's admin has made an appropriate choice building the "lgbt politics" section as we must be aware (and even organize something if necessary) as our community is under massive attack by extremists all over the world and, yes, of all religions and political orientation.

It's important to maintain an appropriate tone, though - at least among us, as otherwise if we begin accusing each other of whatever, talking about constructive politics and peace in the world, is a contraddiction. 

I won't delete my account, just skip users who adopt a tone I don't share. Nothing more, nothing less.

As for Trump, I'm really really scared of what he has intention to do, and hope you American people let yourself be guided by rationality and not by hunger, whatever choice you make.

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5 hours ago, hntnhole said:

I agree, with one qualifier:  reducing the non-Caucasian US population. 

The magaroids want to increase the Caucasian population, and reduce (by any unholy means conceivable) the population of everyone else.  

No they will happily kill us gay guys too.

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My Brother's, I have yet two gems for you to consider, and given that no political election (or agenda) is a frivolous thing, and as you ALL correctly surmise, it was ALL ready HOT and there's nowhere to go but hotter...  "liberally or conservatively  minded––the same rules apply––so mind what is yours and allow me what is mine, and then what is ours will be worth preserving. No elected official on either side is going to offer anything to anyone. Live the life you want to live set the example, find the solutions YOURSELF in whatever real way you can --divisive politics–is a lose/lose scenario--no if's, or's or and's about it. It's not what you say or how passionaly you feel ON WHATEVER SIDE - THEY ARE BOTH EQUALLY BAD. Its about what you contribute. So get busy. Don't have it? Find a way to make it. Don't like it? Offer something better. Because when the monkeys are charge, another monkey in the monkey house does no one any good. One more personal that refuses to engage diversionary politics is one more chance to be WE--the mother fucking people.  Have a Nice Day.

ps. unless your voting for the spoiler party then you mother-fuckn suck. just kidding, but you really do.

Edited by PaganzofLA
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On 7/16/2024 at 1:11 PM, Guy4GuyCoSpgs said:

I have tolerated the political talk on BZ, however some of the comments in this particular thread is out of line and uncalled for. 

The comments have ruined BZ for me.

Going to delete my account.  Good luck to everyone!

"I'll grudgingly tolerate discussion of politics in a political forum, but I'm so offended because people have political opinions that bother me that I'm going to bail on the entire forum."

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6 hours ago, topblkmale said:

And how might they go about this?

Asking as a concerned non-Caucasian.

There are lots of ways to promote higher birthrates among groups where whites predominate.

School vouchers, for one: there are a fair number of parents who have fewer children than they might have otherwise, because the cost of raising them can be astronomical. Given the uneven distribution of incomes and wealth in this country, giving every child a voucher for what amounts to, say, 60-70% of a private school's tuition may mean the parents can afford to have another child and send him to the same schools as her siblings. Meanwhile, the poorest parents will find their voucher will only get them a seat in a severely underfunded public school system.

Same for child tax credits: there's always a move afoot to give tax credits to parents. Right now, some of those credits are refundable, meaning if you don't have enough income to be taxed as much as the credit, they give you the balance of the credit back. The GOP wants non-refundable credits that just "evaporate" if you can't afford to take them. Again, given the income/wealth disparity in this country, most of those able to take the full credit will be white (or Asian).

Remember, too, that prior to 1965, the US set immigration levels for each country, rather than focusing on skills or family unification. The GOP has been trying to get away from our current immigration system for a long time, wanting to give preference to white Europeans over people from Central/South America, Africa, and (most of) Asia. Anyone remember Trump's rant about not wanting immigrants from "shithole countries"?

Abortion, too, enters into this: the more poor white people who live in red states that can't get an abortion, the more white babies there are for adoption. As it stands now, the vast majority of white babies are readily adopted (and there's a waiting list for them); it's minority kids who sit in foster care and age out. Stir in adoption tax credits for those additional white babies and suddenly, the white population ticks up. Black and brown women, meanwhile, are much more likely to miscarry during pregnancy due to lack of health care resources for poor pregnant women. Horrific as it sounds, there are eugenicists on the right who have no problem letting those women die from (choose one: botched abortions, complications of pregnancy, complications of childbirth).

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point: there are all sorts of ways to change population trends. 

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