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49 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

I had to ask the Googler who Fuentes is ... and I predict that in a few years, so will everyone else.  

He went on the campaign trail with the MAGA candidate for Congress in my district in 2022, is the only reason I know who he is.

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11 minutes ago, NWUSHorny said:

He went on the campaign trail with the MAGA candidate for Congress in my district in 2022, is the only reason I know who he is.

He's also dined at Mar-a-Lago as Trump's invited guest. So I would not rule him out as irrelevant just yet.

He is probably incapable of being elected to anything, but Trump's fond of appointing people like this to high-level administrative jobs. I could easily see him being named to some "just-below-Senate-confirmation-needed" position somewhere in Homeland Security, within one of the ICE/CBP/CIS agencies.

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I used to think that about Donny boy.  His TV show I believe explains why there is a vacuum in space.  🙂  His false claims about Obama got so old I figured all would take him for the moron he is.  And yet, here we are!

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7 hours ago, submarriedhole said:

On libertarian/right wing Twitter

Well, I don't use any of the so-called "social media" websites, which may also say a little bit about me 😉

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I do plan to vote for Trump. I see no reason not to despite all the rear mongering about him being literally Hitler and such. I see no indication that any of it is true. I do have some concerns about the people who will inevitably weasel their way into power in a Trump administration. Hopefully he will have learned a bit from his last go around. J.D. Vance also concerns me. I would have much rather he had chosen someone like Tulsi Gabbard. The truths of the Bhagavad Gita would help balance out the superstitious BS of of the xtian/judaio big book of spiritual poison called "the bible".

My neighbors are of Mexican heritage. The have a Trump banner on the front of their house. They are Americans. They have no fear of deportation because they are citizens. I have talked to Blacks, a surprising number of them are voting for Trump. They consider themselves Americans. Why not? They have been here as long or longer than many Whites.

I have zero intentions to tell anyone who to vote for, that is their business and they should vote their conscience. Just as I intend to do. One thing is certain, though. Whatever happens I will still have an appetite for sucking cock and breeding hot sexy gay ass. I don't think Trump presents any threat to me on that account or I wouldn't vote for him.

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22 hours ago, submarriedhole said:

I find it hard to believe that he'll suddenly become so popular that the general public is forced to find out who he is.

i found it hard to believe when Trump became popular enough to get elected in 2016... i think a lot of people were as shocked as i was.  Political movements have a way of surfacing folk who might live closeted lives because of fear, but if someone who espouses similar ideology gains a position of power, closet doors are flung open and we discover an element of our society that truly exists.

 It sure happened in Germany back in the 1930's and 40's... the parallels seem profound to me.

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"Again De Berg is alive to rhymes with Hitler. “There were a lot of National Socialists interviewed after the war who said, well, yeah, OK, Hitler was saying all these extreme things but we realised he was a mass politician and we thought that he was just saying things that he didn’t really mean, that he was just exaggerating a little bit. Someone said the demands in Mein Kampf we took as the dogmas in the Bible – no one thought that these things would be fulfilled 100%.

“The same is true, dangerously, with the things that Trump says. In his rallies he outlined a whole range of very problematic things that he would do when he was going to be president, but that doesn’t mean all people literally believe that. I don’t think they literally believed that he was going to build this big concrete wall between Mexico and the United States. Many of them thought, unconsciously, what he’s really saying is he will protect America’s traditional identity.

“And that – to use a posh phrase – interpretative openness means that both the more extreme followers and the less extreme or ‘moderate’ followers can recognise themselves in the speaker’s words. That made Hitler and makes Trump so difficult.”

Trump’s incoherent, meandering and zigzagging mode of speech adds to the effect. “Trump goes from the FBI to a judge to the Democrats to communists and so on. You can then say, well, clearly this guy is an intellectual nitwit, he can’t talk in a logical, argumentative way. He could but he realises that this vague way of tying all these people together actually gives different sections of the electorate different things they can identify with. Some might not like the FBI, others might not like immigrants and so on.”

Trump made more than 30,000 false or misleading claims during his four years as president, according to a count by the Washington Post. Perhaps the most egregious is “the big lie” that he, not Joe Biden, won the 2020 presidential election, only for it to be stolen due to widespread fraud. De Berg writes in his book: “The idea behind the concept of the big lie is that if an untruth is sufficiently extreme, people are likely to accept it if only because they cannot bring themselves to believe that anyone could lie in such an outrageous manner.

“It was Hitler who came up with the concept, writing in Mein Kampf that ‘the great masses of the people … more easily fall victim to a big lie [große Lüge] than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never enter their heads, and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others.’”"

[think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/03/donald-trump-hitler-similarities

Edited by tallslenderguy
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7 hours ago, ktopper said:

I do plan to vote for Trump. I see no reason not to despite all the rear mongering about him being literally Hitler and such. I see no indication that any of it is true. I do have some concerns about the people who will inevitably weasel their way into power in a Trump administration. Hopefully he will have learned a bit from his last go around. J.D. Vance also concerns me. I would have much rather he had chosen someone like Tulsi Gabbard. The truths of the Bhagavad Gita would help balance out the superstitious BS of of the xtian/judaio big book of spiritual poison called "the bible".


It seems to me, on a gay site called "Breeding Zone," "rear mongering" would be a good thing?

Sorry, i couldn't resist.

Am guessing you meant to write "fear mongering."  i do not think i'm  a fear mongerer because i see similarities, parallels between Hitler and Trump, and try to parse those out by citing studies or articles that look to identify those similarities.  

Do i think they are one and the same? No. Do i think there are valid comparisons? Oh yeah. 

From where i sit, Trump is not as open about his specific goals and agenda as Hitler. Hitler clearly identified the Jewish people as a target (then later added in Gypsies, homosexuals and Jehovahs witnesses?). Trump has identified those people who opposed him as targets for vengeance.   

i don't see Trump standing for anything specific other than him being in power.  His big deal seems more self focused and on getting and retaining a position of power.  To me, that makes him different than Hitler. Hitler had some very specific agenda that he implemented once he had power.

To me, Trump seems less dedicated to any specific agenda other than having and retaining power. my concern with him is the people backing him, those who help put him in power. i believe as long as he perceives he is in charge, gets his monumental ego stroked, he will implement agenda of supporters, like the religious right and Project 2025, in order to retain his power. 

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7 hours ago, ktopper said:

I do plan to vote for Trump. I see no reason not to

and then you proceed to list a number of the more egregious qualities about the former President, any one of which is a disqualifier for most folks.  

1.  I've heard many comments comparing him to Hitler, but none that actually believe he's Hitler returned from the bunker where he shot himself.  He's literally similar, obviously, but he's certainly not Hitler redux.

2,  Everyone has concerns about who would exercise undue influence over him.  He has demonstrated the shallowness of his character for decades, and any conman (or woman) could manipulate him easily.  All that's required is flattery.  

3. "Hoping" that he's learned something from his Presidency implies that he might have learned something useful.  He has not. What he did learn, is that the adoration of millions of citizens he's fooled, manipulated, taken advantage of, feeds his own insecurities.  He's like a little boy who is juuuuust clever enough to steal cookies from the jar, without the intelligence to replace the stolen cookies with something else underneath the cookies, so mommy won't figure it out.  

4.  You also express (well-founded) concerns about his choice for Veep.  So does every non-maga person on the face of the globe.  He's been against/for so many dramatically opposing viewpoints, and in the short space of a couple of years, no one can believe anything that comes out of his mouth.  If there's a replica of Shitler lurking about, it's Vance; exponentially more clever than the wanna-be returnee.  

5.  I tend to agree with you re: the ancient texts.  They are used now only partially, to prop up anti-human viewpoints.    

6.  To your second paragraph, I think most of us have the same experiences; I know I do.  What is the point you're trying to make?

7 hours ago, ktopper said:

I have zero intentions to tell anyone who to vote for, that is their business and they should vote their conscience. Just as I intend to do. One thing is certain, though. Whatever happens I will still have an appetite for sucking cock and breeding hot sexy gay ass. I don't think Trump presents any threat to me on that account or I wouldn't vote for him

Given that the former President cares little about anyone or anything more than feeding his own ego, surely you realize that the correlation between his inflated self-image is far, far more important to him than caring about anything else, including gay folks.  If elected, he would gladly order every single one of us either deported (as part of the mass deportations he goes on about), if not rounding us up to be shot.  If "killing all the queers" would garner him praise from his supporters, he wouldn't (attempt) to think about it for one second.  It would please all the misguided "christians", and it wouldn't bother him one iota. 

In the event that you "don't think Trump presents any threat to me", and everyone else with the same goals, wake up.  He would cheerfully, gladly, and happily commit genocide (against us and any/every other group the magaroids aim at), if it allowed him to squat on top of the nation for one more day.  

If you could explain your reasoning, it would be helpful.  Thanks.  

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17 minutes ago, tallslenderguy said:

To me, Trump seems less dedicated to any specific agenda other than having and retaining power

Which is the only way he can stay out of the clink for the rest of his misguided life .... 

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A vote for Trump means you support stripping gay rights, gay marriage, criminalizing gay acts in public ( kissing, holding hands), gay porn.

And allowing our freedom being stripped. THEIR is a reason why Trump has a lot of extreme far right into his plan. He wants money and control. 

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On 7/20/2024 at 11:24 AM, tallslenderguy said:

i found it hard to believe when Trump became popular enough to get elected in 2016... i think a lot of people were as shocked as i was.  Political movements have a way of surfacing folk who might live closeted lives because of fear, but if someone who espouses similar ideology gains a position of power, closet doors are flung open and we discover an element of our society that truly exists.

 It sure happened in Germany back in the 1930's and 40's... the parallels seem profound to me.

I didn't think he win either, but Trump was a cultural icon long before 2015. Fuentes is a bad joke.

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On 7/21/2024 at 11:51 PM, submarriedhole said:

I didn't think he win either, but Trump was a cultural icon long before 2015. Fuentes is a bad joke.

Many of Trump's circle are a "bad joke". Yet he welcomes them and lets them help set policy because he doesn't personally give a fuck about anything except himself and what he can get for himself via the presidency.

Which is why so many horrible people ended up in high places working for him last time, and why (if he gets in again) many more will. 

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And now the CEO of Gab has disclosed that the shooter had an account. It was not particularly active, but most of the posts were supportive of Biden, his border policy, and covid lockdowns.

He said the reason they believe it was Crooks is that they received an emergency disclosure request from law enforcement. The posts were from 2021 in the screenshots.

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