Tanbbottom Posted July 31, 2024 Report Posted July 31, 2024 Cute young male nurse I recently suffered multiple fractures to my left pelvis in a nasty fall from my bicycle. I guess I just hit the speed bump the wrong way. This landed me in hospital confined to total bed rest for a few weeks. That’s right, I wasn’t even allowed up to use the washroom. Weeks in a diaper with stranger’s wiping my bum …. worse than ugh! Sorry if I’ve grossed you out, but if you’ve stayed with me, I promise it gets better. A couple weeks in a new night nurse arrived to take my vitals. My first male nurse. He couldn’t have been more that 21. Tall, slim, strawberry blond stylish hair, dimpled chin, shy smile and did I mention? …. Cute as a button. My diaper and bottom half were covered by a thin sheet. Otherwise, I was naked, the room was always so hot and humid. For the first time of this hospital stay my blood pressure was slightly elevated. He checked his notes and asked me if something had changed. I didn’t let on he was the change assuring him the answer was no, it must just be an anomaly. He brought my meds which included a small needle which was given each night in my stomach. This was a blood thinner as this length of time immobile raised my risk of blood clots. As he rubbed my tummy with the preparatory alcohol he admired my tan. I thought this a little unprofessional of him, but then I really didn’t mind. After all my gaydar was ringing like the alarm in a firehall. I confessed to being a sun worshipper and he shared “so is my ‘daddy.” Ok, now the alarm was for a four-alarm fire, and I was grateful he wasn’t going to be taking my blood pressure now. I realized I wasn’t going to get a good sleep unless I cleared constipation. I debated how embarrassed I was to ask him to give me a suppository, but the bowl discomfort won out. I rang the call bell and within a couple of minutes he was at my bedside. He stepped out to get the needed supplies and by the time he returned I had struggled to roll on my good side. When he moved in to do the deed he mentioned very casually; “You are a sun worshiper, no tan line, very cool.” An advantage to being a bottom is I didn’t mind the nurses sticking a finger up my ass. I hadn’t told any, but as horrendous as the overall suppository experience was this part was actually enjoyable. I was glad the diaper hid the chub caused by having a friendly cute young male nurse do the deed. When he came back and was cleaning me up, he casually asked where it was I sunbathed in the nude. I told him the name of the clothing optional gay campground I had been at before the bike accident. He had never heard of it but asked some questions. Location, size, tents or tailers, pool or natural place to swim, those kinds of things. I had just rolled naked onto my back for him to clean around my genitals and finish putting on the new diaper when he shocked me by asking if the campground had a ‘play area’. I was already a little chubbed but now sprang a boner. He professionally kept at his job and kept asking for details about the play area, including my favorite activities! By now I was deeply embarrassed and blurted; “This line of questioning might not be very professional.” “Oh yeah, Sorry” he blushed and apologized, He finished up and asked if there was anything else I needed before he left. I suggested I would sleep better with the door closed shutting out the light from the hallway. “No problem. Remember to just ring if there’s anything else I can do to help through the night sir.” The gaydar alarm bells had stopped as I was now certain I was being cared for by a cute young gay nurse. I was thankful to have the hall lights blocked, but mostly I didn’t want anyone from the hall seeing me jerking as I called up gay porn on my phone. The young guy wasn’t fooled at all. He went off to other chores, visiting hours ended and the traffic in the hall stopped. He was back to ‘check on me’ about an hour and a half later. He just quietly slipped into my room without knocking. He caught me with my semi in my hand. A bottom on screen was loudly thanking the top who had just bred him a poz load. “Fuck I hope you just knocked me up daddy!” “I know you didn’t ring, but I thought I could check and see if you needed any help.” He gently enquired. Trying and failing to hide my hard on I sputtered my apology as the video sound continued to a new bottom inviting in a different raw poz cock into his negative ass. “Damn! Sorry about this.” “No need to apologize daddy. It’s all normal and natural. That’s why I’m here, offering to help.” “Um, won’t you get in trouble?” “Not if I don’t get caught.” He was confident and cocky. “And I have no intention of getting caught. I certainly won’t chart this.” He laughed. “You ever done this before?” “About a month ago. A big bear, way bigger than you, with two broken ancles. Serviced him fairly regularly for the better part of three weeks.” “Damn, and you didn’t get caught?” “Well not by staff. My daddy wasn’t to pleased when he found out. But when I had him come in to help out, he cooled down. He’s married with kids and knows his once-a-week sex date with me isn’t going to keep me satisfied. Not at my age.” His hand was already jerking me gently. “Fuck, are you kidding?” “Well I know we can’t fuck yet, You broke your pelvis right?” “Yeah” “Why don’t I give you a blow job for tonight. Help get that pressure off.” “Are you sure ..” His mouth was already ingesting my 8-inch shaft. I’d already been edging with the poz porn. Just as the top on screen poz flooded the kid on screen I blew deep down the nurse’s throat. He expertly swallowed every blast. I hadn’t cum in two weeks, so it was a huge load. I get very sensitive after I cum so had to beg him off his ongoing oral ministrations. “Love that big cock daddy. Nice fuckin load!” as he wiped his lips. “Thank you.” “No problem. If you regenerate before my shift ends at 7 a.m. you know where the call bell is.” I slept better than I had since entering hospital, but I was awake at 3 a.m. I had no intention of calling the cute young nurse, but he came in to check on me anyway. “It’s up to you pops, but if you want to suck on this I won’t complain.” His hard six inches stuck out over the top of his scrubs held down by his sizable balls. I leaned to his side of the bed, and he pushed it into my mouth. I didn’t have to do much more that suck, he gently kept the fucking action going. I was now fully exposed and hard again as well. He went to work on my cock which was an awkward contortion, but his aim rarely missed my mouth and throat. Just as I exploded in another orgasm down his throat, he flooded my mouth with his sweet young sperm. If I had slept well before, I slept even better now. The first voice I heard on awaking was his, “Hey sleepy head. My shift has ended, I’ll see you tonight.” And he bent down and kissed me on the forehead. 26 2 8 2
Tanbbottom Posted July 31, 2024 Author Report Posted July 31, 2024 A little background before I proceed with my surprising story of the cute young nurse. 22 years ago I became HIV positive from an encounter with a newly converted guy in a bathhouse. As far as I knew it was the first High Viral Load that had ever been bred into me. In those days there was no Prep. I was a committed barebacker so had resolved I’d get knocked up sooner or later. He invited me into his room. Towels dropped to the floor. I was soon sucking his nice size cock. I asked him to fuck me. He said, sure, but we’ll have to use a condom. I said, no we don’t. That’s when he told me his news. I was like, “Fuck man! Game on! Knock me up!” He was reluctant but I was persistent. He was soon in my ass raw. The fuck was amazing, and he got so caught up in it that he forgot to pull out when it got to that. This had been my plan all along, so I told him he had no need to apologize. 2 weeks later, bingo, raging fuck flu! Six months before my bike accident my HIV specialist informed me, I needed a meds break. Meds were affecting my liver, a year break would do wonders to restore its function and maybe even find a new treatment that would be kinder to that organ. I mostly bottom, besides most guys are on Prep these days, so I had no qualms agreeing. For the first time in 21 years, I was sporting a High Viral Load. There was actually something deeply exciting about this. Although I didn’t advertise it. I just went on with my normal promiscuous sex life and only disclosed before those very rare occasions where I was going to top. On those three occasions one declined after having ask me to fuck him. One chose to have me wear a condom. Was it tempting to sneak it off and stealth him? I have to confess the thought crossed my mind. When I couldn’t come with the condom, he sucked me off as I finger fucked him. Hot all the same. The third was very excited to ride me bare as long as I promised to pull out before cumming. It was him that pushed the limits of my endurance. When I let him know, I was close he begged, ‘no not yet, this feels too fuckin good, hold off, please!’ I told him; “Hey buddy, you’ve been exposed to my precum already, and for twenty minutes, just let me breed you already.” He swore; “Fuck, damn, it’s so tempting, but no, you better pull out.” I was cumming as I did what he asked. Most of my load landed on his ass cheeks. He fingered his hole and found he had been partially bred. Swearing again; “Fuck man, I should have just let you breed me deep!” I swiped my cock through the toxic cum on his two cheeks and pushed it into his prone hole. “Oh fuck yeah man! Push it back into me, you may as well do your best to knock me up.” I was shocked; “You’re not on Prep and you took me bareback?” He shrugged; “Fuck, I just haven’t got around to it yet. Who knows, maybe now I won’t need it. Hey man, you’re still hard, any chance you can pump another load into my unprotected negative ass?” Normally I couldn’t, but I was so turned on the fuck was on. This time when I declared I was close he had no hesitation. “Do it, breed me, breed me deep, knock my negative ass out of the ballpark. Fuucckkk yeah , that’s it, breed me, breed me deep.” His asshole milked every drop of toxic cum from my balls. I didn’t pursue a similar experience, but I certainly masturbated to the memory many, many times after that hoping I might just get another chance. “Good evening, sir. How was your day?” It was my cute gay night nurse. “Very good thanks, for a day confined to bed.” “Yeah, that sucks, sorry.” “How was your day young man?” “Awesome, this was daddies day to visit. We pumped big loads into each other. Fuck. Sorry again, that’s not fair with you confined to bed.” I laughed, “Not to worry, I like living vicariously.” He turned his ass to me, dropped his scrubs and said, “Quick before anyone’s looking. Grab a taste.” I fingered his ass and licked it clean. “Damn kid, that’s fresh!” “He loaded me just before work. No one’s looking, use your tongue.” He pushed his ass into my face. I swear as I stuck my tongue in, he pushed some of the load out so I got a good gob. I quickly cleaned his ass lips, couldn’t have a spot on the ass of his scrubs now could we. He quickly pulled up his pants and turned back around. Finger to his lips, “Your and my little secret.” “Fuck, you are a naughty one aren’t you.” “We only get one kick at the cat, may as well enjoy it!” He quipped with an evil grin. I know I got more of his time that night then any of his other patients. At midnight with my door shut to the hallway we once again sucked each other off. I happened to be awake at 3 a.m. when he checked in on me. He made sure the door was closed again and pulled up a chair beside my bed. “I noticed on your chart you’re HIV positive. Do you mind me asking some questions?” “I’m an open book, ask away.” I responded For the next 15 minutes I answered everything he asked, which included recounting the story of my pozing all those years ago. He got very excited by this fishing his hard on out and stoking it. When some precum oozed from the slit he asked if I wanted another dose of protean medicine. Of course, I accepted and was soon sucking down his sweet young load. He then tucked back into his scrubs and hurried from my room proclaiming. “Gotta get back to work. Thanks. You’re fuckin fun.” He stopped in at the end of his shift to assure me he would be back that evening. I couldn’t resist and asked if his daddy would be visiting today. “No, but I’ll definitely try the apps before coming in for my shift. I love to run the risk of a load or three accidently creating a wet spot in the ass of my scrubs. It’s attracted the odd cleaning staff to pull me into a supplies room and bend me over for my favorite activity. Nothing like a quick pump and dump to help liven up a shift.” He winked and was on his way. He was quickly becoming my cum dump soulmate 18 2 7 1
Tanbbottom Posted July 31, 2024 Author Report Posted July 31, 2024 The next evening, he entered my room at the start of his shift, careful to close the door, spun around beside my bed and showed off the wet spot in the ass of his scrubs. “Amazing!” I exclaimed. “How many loads?” As he dropped his drawers and pushed his cummy ass toward me he quietly said; “Just have a taste first daddy, I’ll give you details after we’ve both had our fun.” My mouth was on his ass in no time and a big gob of cum and ass juice was soon squirting into it. “Mmmmm, yum. It all tastes so fresh.” As he turned and tidied himself, he explained; “Great day at the cruising woods. I scored three loads in the ass within 45 minutes. One of my favorite hospital cleaners just saw the spot on my scrubs, pulled me into his supply closet and dumped another load in me. He’s a beautiful hairy Arab. God, I love his hairy body on my back and huge raw cock shooting up my ass. We may hurry but we always strip naked to do the deed.” “Fuck you are such a slutty cum dump.” I followed “Takes one to know one. Right daddy?” “Oh, you got that right. That’s for sure.” “Well let’s get you better and out of here so you can get back to collecting.” During the course of the night we sucked each other off two times. There was another male nurse working the floor with him and he proudly reported this tall skinny nurse had planted yet another load in his ass when they stepped outside on their break in the wee small hours. A security guard had caught them and offered to go next but they begged off as they needed to get back to the floor. My nurse had promised the young Pakistani guard he could claim his ass and plant his load after their night shift was finished. When he stopped in at the end of his shift, he said he’d be off for three days. He hoped I’d be at least out of bed when he came back to work. I reminded him of his date with the Pakistani security guard. He assured me he hadn’t forgotten. In three days, I greeted his return sitting in the chair beside my bed. He congratulated me and teased; “So how many guys have you sucked off while I was gone.” “You nasty fucker!” I good naturedly chided. “You know no one gives it up as easy as you do.” “Yeah, that’s probably true. Which reminds me, I haven’t had a chance to give up my ass to you yet.” He winked. His night progressed as usual with his busy schedule. I stayed up in the chair as long as I could. I rang the call bell and let him know I could use help to get into bed for the night. “Nice. Glad to help. Anything else you might need help with first?” followed by his naughty wink. He then reached under my loose hospital gown and found me my hardening cock. He closed the door and came back to strip me before slipping out of all his clothes. He looked great in them, he looked fabulous naked. My raging cock was soon messaging his tonsils. After a bit he emptied his mouth to let me know. “I want this beauty in my ass daddy. Do you think we can manage that without hurting your pelvis?” “I’m certainly willing to give it my best try.” I enthusiastically responded. “Well just let me do all the work. A night administrator just prelubed my hole with the best cum lube in a bathroom stall on the second floor.” “How do you get any work done?” I exclaimed. “I’m quick, not to worry.” His cummy hole slid over my rock-hard cock and felt so hot and warm. “Just let me know how we’re doing. I don’t want to hurt you.” “So far, so fuckin good, thanks.” I needed to slow him down a couple of times, but he took instruction well. Further, despite any discomfort I was enjoying this great fuck. At one point it occurred to me I hadn’t told him I was on a meds break. Assuming such a sexually active cum dump was on Prep I just let the thought go and put all my attention to enjoying this phenomenal and unexpected bareback fuck. Even knowing what his answer would be when I was getting close, I warned him and asked. “Where do you want my poz load?” “Oh, fuck yeah daddy, breed me, come deep in my ass. Oh, fuck I love a good poz load!” I was blasting before he finished talking and so was he. His ass orgasm milked every last drop of toxic cum out of me. When he stood, he turned to give me a kiss. Scooping some of my load from his ass he fed some to me and tasted some for himself. “Fuck daddy, that was amazing. The only thing I would change given a chance would be your undetectable status.” “I bet while you’re on Prep it’s probably extra exciting to take unmedicated loads.” I mused, anticipating sharing my surprise. “Who’s on Prep? Fuck no, that would just take all the risk out of being such a piggy cum dump whore.” It was his turn to surprise me. “But your medical training, you’re a nurse. I just assumed you must be on Prep.” “You know what assumptions make of all of us.” He asserted. “Never had a condom in this ass, and never ever have I even considered going on Prep.” The blood drained from my face, “I’ve been on a meds break for a few months. I never would have entered you raw had I known.” “Fuck man, so you are telling me your highly toxic cum is seeping into my blood stream as we speak.” “Fuucckkk, I’m so sorry.” I cried “Sorry, sorry for what? I just wish I’d known I was taking toxic seed when you blasted deep inside me. This is fucking amazing. I couldn’t be happier. I’ve been chasing for a year and a half now. The last three toxic loads didn’t take. Now I get the excitement of waiting to see if I get sick, if you succeeded in knocking me up. Fuckin awesome man. Fuckin awesome. Wow, the risk just makes me hornier. …But damn, I got to get back to work. I’ll be back later to celebrate; God I hope you’re ready by then to pump another toxic bullet in me. Fuckin awesome!” And he was gone. I was left shacking my head in amazement, 16 2 17 1
Tanbbottom Posted August 1, 2024 Author Report Posted August 1, 2024 5 hours ago, plisken said: hot - tell us more Working on it. Thanks for your patience. I want to get the concussion right! 1
sleazebugga Posted August 1, 2024 Report Posted August 1, 2024 Just read the last two chapters. So good ☣️☣️☣️. Look forward to the next one. 1
Tanbbottom Posted August 1, 2024 Author Report Posted August 1, 2024 ***Conclusion. I do hope concussion was not a Freudian Slip ... lol
PozTalkAuthor Posted August 1, 2024 Report Posted August 1, 2024 It's like when I wrote "leaving room" instead of "living room" it was the first story I wrote here. Freudian slip then, I was exhausted, just one day before leaving for vacation. Or when I wrote "I'm giving you a bug" instead of "hug". Shit happens LOL 1
Tanbbottom Posted August 2, 2024 Author Report Posted August 2, 2024 Over the next few weeks during my hospitalization the young nurse, working on my ward or not, would sneak into my room. His mouth would get me hard and he’d sink his usually cummy hole onto my ridged toxic poz pole. I must have attempted to knock him up a two dozen times. Each time he would get as excited as if it were his first time. His gratitude was immense! I loved shooting toxic poz cum into his willing ass. Every time my orgasm was immense, as if I wanted to put every part on myself, all of my light and all of my deepest darkest self, deep into this young man. In doing so somehow I was staking an irreversible claim on the gold mine of his being. Yet at the same time I didn’t want to be the one to poz his ass. Not out of any moral qualm. No, he was a consenting adult. If not me he was so determined he’d find another person to knock him up. No, I didn’t want to be the one to end the excitement of his chase. Yes, he could move on to other thrills. Like the thrill I was feeling in filling a willing victim with my toxic seed. But the adrenaline rush and danger of the risk would end. And this tint of fear for him was not just in the sexual consummation of unsafe sex. It was in the wait. ‘Is this the time the fuck flu will follow in a week or two? Is this the sexual health clinic visit where I will get the fateful news that I have indeed seroconverted? Is this the time I will have to face the question, ‘How will I really feel knowing I’ve taken on the life sentence of this disease coursing through my veins even if undetectable. Fuck … will the drugs even work their magic on me? Or will I be one of that unlucky minority that the drugs don’t work on? Will these moments of folly for momentary selfish sexual pleasure in the end shorten my life?’ But I also knew all this just added to the thrill for this promiscuous cum slut whore. Despite my mixed feelings I kept sticking it to him and flooding his ass with my biohazard. The first guy and the nurse had awakened a deep dark side of my soul. A side of me that relished such a power over willing victims. It was as if in some way they were willingly handing me the power to fill them with the dark power of death. I found I now wanted to merge with such a dark force in other men’s souls. Yes, it was as if I had finally found my tribe by traveling more fully down this obscure road of being the breeder of uninhibited poz dark life force. When the nurse told me he had two friends, two fuck buddies, who desperately wanted me to knock them up I didn’t hesitate to agree. When I met them, I realized I would have been crazy to turn down sex with these young gorgeous men. The first was a black man with a trained swimmers body. His skin was so silky, shiny and dark. Our naked bodies slipped together like taylor designed fitted silk sheets. His stereotypical huge black cock looked and felt amazing sliding into my hairy white hole. The look on his handsome face as he ejaculated deep inside me was animalistic and stunningly beautiful. Yes, he was a top, a tops top. Every man he met in sexual encounter submitted to his beautiful raw member claiming their ass, even if they had never bottomed before. When I learned this, I expected he would want a blood slam, or artificial insemination of my poz biohazard juices. But no, he wanted me to be the first and only guy to fuck him. He wanted me to do so as long as it took to give him even more power to make men succumb and give their asses and lives away to his magnetic personality, sexually domination, and toxic power. Every time we met, he would dominate me. He’d greet me naked at his front door, pull me inside, strip me in his front hallway and then lead me by my cock to his sex playroom. I would then be strapped into the sling. He’d expertly eat out my ass and prelube me with spit alone. He especially loved when I arrived with a load or four on board. He’d feltch some out and snowball the cum and ass juice for me to swallow. Then his magnificent horse cock would start it’s magic journey deep into my gut. He’d relentlessly fuck me, often for forty-five glorious minutes. Only then would there be this ever so subtle shift in his chest that let me know he was about to loose complete and utter control. The wild panther in him would take over. His handsome face would contort into what could best be described as a snarl. He would pant heavily as if in panicked distress to get his breath. His entire body would be convulsing and I could usually feel blast after blast of his cum painting my gut walls. Very rare when a guy cums so deep inside me. I figured it must be the power and force with which his come fired out of his big cock slit. Then for me, and no one else, he would climb in the sling and submit his powerful ass to my ‘death stick’. I loved the site of my raw dad cock disappearing in his tight silky black pucker hole. I would usually have only a moment to slide my hands over his strong shoulders, eight pack, and soft magic black skin. Then I too would loose control blasting everything in me deep into this stunning black swimmer hunk. Then would come my gratitude fuck. It never lasted as long as the first but as he struggled to get his breath after such a powerful orgasm his lips would cover mine in a passionate kiss. It was as if he was needing me to give him mouth to mouth resuscitation. I not only had a second one of his loads in my gut, but I had also brought him totally out of control and I was the one breathing his next life into him with my kisses and powerful toxic seed. The second was like a Viking warior. Muscles for days, long braided cooper coloured hair shaved at the sides and back of his head. Scruffy beard. And where is skin wasn’t covered with Celtic tattoos it was covered with freckles. His magnificent cock was thicker than anything that had ever gone up my ass. And yes, he too was 100 percent top. He was only allowing me to fuck him to receive my toxic seed. And chose this method after hearing his black friend was taking it directly from my cock. He wanted to be converted to convert. His goal was To knock up as many of the men who flocked to him as he possibly could. And they flocked to him! There were at least three of his harem of bottom wanabees at every one of our sexual encounters. Their specific job was to win a ride on his thick stick by fucking and breeding me as I took him from behind. No missionary or kissing with this macho man! I would arrive at the hotel room he had arranged so his playroom would never be defiled by his level of stoop to submission. His three slaves would ceremonially stirp him. Then they would attack me ripping everything I might be wearing to shreds until I too was stark naked. Then he would have me choke on his cock until he was satisfied I was totally humble before him. Only then would he bend over the bed offering his ass for me to mount doggy style. This was man sex, savage, vicious. The ongoing assault on my ass as I fucked him kept me from cumming as soon as I often did. Even his minions breeding my ass over and over didn’t trigger my ejaculation. His verbal abuse and demanding I seed his ass and knock him up didn’t even bring me over the top. I frequently wondered if I was even going to be able to cum, and if not, I worried what would his punishment be? And then it would happen, his ass would orgasm and milk my biohazard load deep into him. I would barely finish, and he would jump up, pin me on my back to the bed, throw my legs over my shoulders and piston his thick tool into my dripping ass. I never failed to feel I would be torn apart. Thankfully I was always rewarded with him viciously blasting his copious load deep into my gut. These encounters only started two weeks after my orthopedic doctor declared I was completely and totally healed. Ready to return to all pre accident activities. The Viking was my first success. He came down with a vicious fuck flu after only three of my breedings. I was summoned immediately, and the two of us bred his harem of six negative bottoms to celebrate our success. I loved the sex with the black swimmer and was very pleased that it took a dozen passionate love making sessions before he got sick, and the positive blood test was conclusive. For the next six months or so I bred my cute gay male nurse. Every time his test results came back negative. He was not upset, this allowed him to continue with his dangerous chasing game. His ass was taking strangers loads as frequently as ever. He even had regular sessions with his two top friends after I knocked them up. Negative test followed negative test. My encounters with him ended when my doctor put me back on meds and I was soon once again undetectable. As far as I knew and expected I had infected two top studs. I often reflect on how many willing men they have passed on my strain. All thanks to that cute young night nurse. The end 18 2 5 2
J-raw Posted August 2, 2024 Report Posted August 2, 2024 That's a great ending! I wonder if the nurse was one of the few that are immune to HIV? 1
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