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50 minutes ago, nanana said:

This cohort is pretty good at the comparison game, name calling (usually a sign of a failure of logic or empathy), critiquing hair color, expertise in domestic processes and quoting and embracing main stream media, tangential focus, and convincing me of the pointlessness of trying to transcend partisanship. Enjoy your self-convincing. Peace

I'm all for transcending partisanship, which is defined as adherence to a political party to the exclusion or at least detriment of any other factors.

Being anti-Trump isn't partisan, except to the extent that Trumpism has completely captured the Republican Party, which has abandoned almost all of its long-held beliefs in order to back this one individual man. The Republican Party of Mitt Romney, or even both Bushes, would never have countenanced a moral scofflaw like Trump. They'd have excommunicated him for his fawning over authoritarian dictators like Putin, Orban, Erdogan, etc. They would have buried anyone who dismissed American servicemen and women killed in battle as "losers".

I don't critique hair color. I do critique fake skin colors, like Trump's spray-tan that is so poorly applied it looks like a partial blackface mask. I call him Orange Julius, Mango Mussolini, and so forth not because of his hair (although to be honest, that combover is ridiculous), but because he's so intent on appearing "vigorous" that he puts a fake tan over his corpulent body and then gets a doctor to sign off on his claim to be 6'3 and 235 lbs when it's clear he's barely 6'1", if that, and closer to 280.

Comparisons are inevitable, because it's a fucking election, and you have to compare the candidates to decide for whom to vote. If you don't grasp that basic principle, I hope you're not voting.

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Transcending politics is great on the maybe two remaining issues with common ground.  One party though is now pro-starvation, pro-children losing limbs in dangerous work environments, pro-mercury, pro-killing disabled people, anti-birth control, pro-forced birth, which includes being pro-maternal mortality and pro-infant mortality, pro-forced adherence to extremely conservative Biblical readings on everyone regardless of their religion, pro-senior poverty and misery.  How do you transcend that?  “Well , maybe if you only starve most of the children?”  “Well, maybe if you’re only killing the obvious gays.”  

The Republican plan is to make pornography illegal (and this site).  Then to categorize being identifiable as gay or trans as public pornography, like Russia’s anti-gay “propaganda” laws.  The Republicans started cozying up to Putin over how he mistreats gay people before trump (low-t trump) came on the stage.  For decades the Democrats faithfully reached to the center, so the Republicans moved the center further right.

But, yeah.  You’re the intelligent, principled one here.  You’re like my idiot brother who proclaims how smart and educated on issues because he does his own rEsEaRcH, and he’s come to the obviously smart conclusions that Republicans are better for unions.  Despite talking to my anti-union aunt and cousin who vote Republican because they’re anti-union.  It would just be harmless entertainment if it weren’t for the misery and death conservative policies always lead to.

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I don't mean it the way you take it but like most here I crave enough of a common ground where we could titillate each other by expanding our consciousness. And that’s probably not happening for you as it is equally not happening for me. I never thought I’d see the day that democrats genuflected for Bloody Cheneys approval. It’s all good. Instead of exchanging energy I’m turning to the harder and happier task of coexisting. Peace

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On 9/14/2024 at 1:26 PM, hntnhole said:

And WTF is all this mess about immigrants eating people's pets?

And the answer is .....

In an interview with CNN (I think?) the potential Veep said (twice) that he'll  make up stories if he thinks it will advance whatever point he's trying to make.  

Atta boy, Vance .... demean an entire population of some unfortunate country with outrageous made-up stories, and by extension, demean/dehumanize an entire race of human beings.  Given that O.J. is pushing 80 really hard, fat as a cow, thinks riding around a golf course in a cart with heavy-duty suspension, and exercising nothing but his hatreds, insecurities, yeah - we want that clown Vance as our "heartbeat-away" guy.  


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At this point, he has given even more reason to question his mental stability than Biden ever did.  At least Biden was in touch with reality enough to know that his debate showing was lousy.  Trump at first deluded himself by declaring victory in the debate.  As every news outlet, partisan a d non partisan reported,  and as 67 million viewers witnessed,  Harris spanked his fat ass brutally.  Now, he's whining like a little bitch about how the debate was rigged, how Harris had all the questions prior to the debate and that she was being fed answers via her earring.  He simply cannot accept the fact that he was handed his ass on a paper plate  by a black woman.  She cheated.  No. Donald.  She prepared. (Not to mention the fact that she is smarter and more educated and eloquent.  And to top it off, you have given her so much ammunition.) And now your camp is saying on Fox "News" that her campaign's rhetoric is responsible for an assassination on your life.  This is the man who put AI generated pictures of our vice-president covered in excrement on his cult website,  who threatened WWIII if he loses, whose insistence on and  repetition of a debunked and preposterous story has led to threats against the Haitian population in Ohio. These are the sad sorry desperate kicks of a drowning man. I would say that he has brass balls, but Harris cut them off.

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22 hours ago, nanana said:

I don't mean it the way you take it but like most here I crave enough of a common ground where we could titillate each other by expanding our consciousness. And that’s probably not happening for you as it is equally not happening for me. I never thought I’d see the day that democrats genuflected for Bloody Cheneys approval. It’s all good. Instead of exchanging energy I’m turning to the harder and happier task of coexisting. Peace

I'm not genuflecting to anyone.

And yes, Dick Cheney has a lot to answer for (and frankly, I wish the world community would hold him accountable for war crimes). But that's one reason why his endorsement of Harris is important: if someone as solidly conservative (and more importantly, anti-liberal) as Dick Cheney thinks she's better than Donald Trump, that OUGHT to give *anyone* pause.

And I'm all for coexisting, but there's one side in this election determined to NOT coexist with the other side. And by that I mean the side that quotes Hitler, endorses racists, and has a convicted felon at the top of its ticket.

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2 hours ago, BBBxCumDumpster said:

At this point, he has given even more reason to question his mental stability than Biden ever did.  At least Biden was in touch with reality enough to know that his debate showing was lousy.  Trump at first deluded himself by declaring victory in the debate.  As every news outlet, partisan a d non partisan reported,  and as 67 million viewers witnessed,  Harris spanked his fat ass brutally.  Now, he's whining like a little bitch about how the debate was rigged, how Harris had all the questions prior to the debate and that she was being fed answers via her earring.  He simply cannot accept the fact that he was handed his ass on a paper plate  by a black woman.  She cheated. 

And he sees nothing incoherent in asserting - AT THE SAME TIME - that he won AND that Harris and ABC and everyone else cheated. He "won" the same way he "won" in 2020 - he didn't. 

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On 9/16/2024 at 9:29 PM, nanana said:

I don't mean it the way you take it but like most here I crave enough of a common ground where we could titillate each other by expanding our consciousness. And that’s probably not happening for you as it is equally not happening for me. I never thought I’d see the day that democrats genuflected for Bloody Cheneys approval. It’s all good. Instead of exchanging energy I’m turning to the harder and happier task of coexisting. Peace

There bipartisanship.  You should be happy.  A bunch of other republicans have said Trump is a toxic mess.  So more bipartisanship.

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On 8/13/2024 at 4:13 PM, stillbreedin said:

. if you post a positive message about the democrats, etc. they are right there to try and shoot you down. on multiple platforms.

Absolutely true. I can think of another party that does the SAME. EXACT. FUCKING. THING. Any ideas? (Take your time. It'll come to you...)

*Hypocrisy* I'm not a conservative Republican party supporter by any stretch, but I'm also not the staunch Democrat supporter I once was either(and haven't been for some time)and that right there is a major reason why. They're HYPOCRITES. Professional hypocrites, and it really turned me off and away from their cause. 


On 8/13/2024 at 4:13 PM, stillbreedin said:

there is no way they can turn this around b/c they are facing an opponant or opponants they have never seen the likes of b4

Who? The Dems who don't bother to show up to vote?


On 8/13/2024 at 4:13 PM, stillbreedin said:

the sad maga folks can keep posting here and there, but they seem not so understand what they need to do win this election; and i am ain't gonna tell 'em.

Gee, that's a shame since they we're really looking to you for advice and guidance...😒

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On 8/14/2024 at 2:41 PM, BootmanLA said:

Again, proof? And you might recall that the reason there was violence was legitimate anger over the MURDER of an unarmed man in police custody by a police officer who knelt on his neck until he was dead - on video.

 "Murder"....Bull shit. Kiss my fucking ass "murder." (Not necessarily YOU personally. Rather anyone who buys into that rhetoric)

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5 hours ago, harrysmith26 said:

( I dont like cops who kill screaming drug addicts btw - just trying to tell you anything you dont want to hear)

But that's how liberals are! "Criminals aren't bad people. Criminals are 'good people.' They just make bad choices." 

Q: So, it's a total lack of self-accountability on the part of the criminal? 

A: Oh no. Nooooo. Fuck no. It's something or someone else's fault. It's "The po-lice." "The system" "Big business" "the rich" "The Republicans" "Racists" "The homeless" "Donald Trump"  The wealthy not paying their "fair share in taxes" Lack of "gun control." ...

It's always the "fault" of someone and/or something else. -The hallmark of the American liberal. That and hypocrisy. Those are two things they DO and do ohh so fucking well. At one time, I was a hardcore, staunch, left wing liberal Dem. I'm glad I'm not one anymore. 

Btw, NO... I'm not a "Trump supporter" or "conservative" and negatively criticizing liberal Democrats does not make me as such. Think whatever the hell you want.  

Edited by rawfuckingonly
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