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The Fall

Part 1


Ok, about me, well I grew up in a small town in Texas.  I wouldn’t say I was poor, because we always had food, but we were not rich.  Not that anyone in the small town would be considered rich.  Even though we were some of the poorer people, I always had friends, I was very gregarious and personable, and I was good at football and girls always liked me, so making friends just came naturally. 


After high school I went to college and just found myself, I had a great time, made great grades and my future just fell before me.  After college I got into medical sales, and just found my calling and climbed the Corp ladder very fast. 


Bringing us to today, I live in Austin, I am a medical sales manager for a medical equipment manufacturer and have made over $500,000 a year for the last 3 years.  I far cry from how I grew up.  Life was great.  I was no big deal for me to go out on a Saturday night and drop over $1,000 on dinner and drinks.  I worked hard and played hard.  I had a nice sports car but drove a tesla for a work car.  I had a very nice apartment downtown Austin and absolutely loved life. 


On a random Tuesday night, I am in Dallas at a networking event and run across an old friend of mine, Colby, well not really a friend, we went to high school together.  Actually, I don’t know if we had ever talked.  He was really quiet, and a lot of people made fun of him calling him gay and queer, not than anyone knew if he was gay, but remember small town.  But nevertheless, it was random to see someone from the town we grew up in.  after all I graduated with less than 100 people, very small town, so we were both surprised to see each other.  I came up and introduced myself and he remembered who I was he was surprised that I remembered him.  We spent most of the evening catching up.  He moved to Dallas immediately after high school graduation and lived here ever since.  The night flew buy, but eventually I had to leave, and we said our goodbyes.


Laying in bed around 1:30 in the morning, I see a notification come across my phone, and he had sent me a FB request, I immediately accepted it and shortly after got another “Ding”.  He sent me a message:


Colby: Just wanted to say it was good seeing you tonight

Me: It was, definitely made the night more fun than I was expecting

Colby: oh, I wasn’t expecting you to respond tonight.

Colby: but yes, I really enjoyed it

Colby: you come here often lol

Me: Not really, I mostly cover Austin and San Antonio, Dallas isn’t in my area.

Colby: too bad, I was hoping we could hang out

Me: You ever in Austin?

Colby: no, I am kind of grounded here in Dallas

Me: Grounded??  Parole

Colby: lol, no!  it’s a long story for another day


We ended up chatting for over an hour that night until I passed out.  Over the next few weeks, we talked about every day and grew pretty close.  It wasn’t until about 3 weeks later that he told me that he was gay:


Me: random, I was invited to attend a meeting with our team in Thursday

Colby: Of course it would be Thursday

Me: why?

Colby: me and my boyfriend have plans with friends

Me: Boyfriend?  I had no idea

Colby: no idea I was gay or that I was seeing someone

Me: lol, both

Colby: omg!  Your gaydar is broken honey

Me: lol, yeah I had no idea

Colby: is that a problem?

Me: no, not a problem, just didn’t know

Colby: good!  I enjoy talking with you

Me: Me too!

Colby: So come another night

Me: I may not come, its not normally something I would attend in person

Colby: so you were making a special trip for me?

Me: lol

Colby: Come

Me: you wont even be there

Colby: we could meet up for a drink afterwards

Me: Boyfriend would love that

Colby: your straight, its not cheating

Me: ditching your boyfriend for anyone would probably upset him

Colby: Just come, I want to see you

Me: we will see 😉


I was definitely very confused by what was going on, now I’m not stupid, I have always known I was attracted to both boys and girls, but I have never even remotely given any sexual attention or flirted with a guy, and here I am just talking to this guy all the time and ignoring most other things and making a special trip just to see him, what was happening?  I didn’t know, but I know I was enjoying it and besides, were just friends.


I ended up going to Dallas for the meeting and got a hotel to stay the night rather than driving back.


Me: Im on my way to Dallas

Colby: Yay!  I cant wait to see you!

Me: Me too!

Colby: im so excited, I might kiss you!

Me: you better get me a drink first lol

Colby: deal! 

Colby: where are you staying

Me: The Adolphus downtown

Colby: fancy pants!

Me: lol, its close to our office

Colby: ok, I will come by around 10?

Me: See you then


All day long, I was anxiously excited, what was happening, what where his expectations, he knows I’m straight, is he really this excited to see me just as friends, is he thinking more will happen.  My mind rushed all day, but it didn’t change the fact that I was excited to be there.


He practically messaged me the entire night, which im sure went over great with his boyfriend, but I really didn’t care, I was happy.


About 10:30 he showed up and met me in the lobby and told me we are going to the club.


We walked to a night club close by and had a great night


Colby: lets get you that drink I owe you

Me: lol

Colby: I am going to kiss you later

Me: better make it two drinks


After a couple drinks


Colby: lets dance

Me: I don’t know

Colby: come on


He stood up and grabbed me by the hand and pulled me out on the dancefloor and the night flew by drinks, dancing more and more touching


Around 1:00am


Colby: you ready to go

Me: sure

Colby: I’m ready to get out of here, its too loud


We walked back to my hotel and in the lobby we were saying goodbye and there was the awkward silence, we both knew what the other was thinking.  There was no “he thinks im straight”  we were both thinking the same thing right now, and somehow I knew he wouldn’t make the move, if I wanted it to happen, it would have to be me.  My heart was pounding through my chest.  I was so torn on what to do, my entire life, I had hidden this away and here I am just fully going with it.


Me: you want to come up?


He didn’t even say anything, he just looked me in the eyes and nodded his head yes.  It was that look that we both knew what was about to happen.


As soon as we got on the elevator he kissed me, that’s for the drinks he said.


We got to the room and it didn’t take long before he kissed me again, which quickly escalated into being on the bed and clothes coming off as we rolled around the bed in the covers.  When his mouth hit my rock hard cock I knew I had made the right decision, it was the best blow job I had ever had.  He quickly got up and grabbed the lotion out of the bathroom and a condom he crawled back on top of me looked up at me as he slid the condom on my rock hard cock, he slowly crawled up and started to kiss my neck and whispered “I want you in me so fucking bad” as  he reached around and grabbed my cock and aimed it towards his hole and slide down on it.


There it was, I officially lost my gay virginity and it was amazing, better than I could have imagined.  The intensity the passion, was more than I describe.  It didn’t take me long to cum and when I did, he leaned over and kissed me and said, we have to do that again!  And then he got up and got dressed


Me: where are you going?

Colby: I have to go home

Me: to your boyfriend?

Colby: jealous already?

Me: no

Colby: laughed and smiled, I have to be at work at 6am, so I need to get home to try and get 2 hours of sleep

Me: 6am!  Wow that sucks!

He crawled on the bed and kissed me really deeply

Colby: you better come back soon, I want that great cock again


Over the next week, we chatted a lot, and the chat had changed, it was very flirtatious, very sexual, very emotional, so of course it wasn’t long before I came back.


Over the next couple months, I went to Dallas about once per week and would usually stay Friday and Saturday night, we would go out and have amazing sex, but he would always leave, which was definitely sending off red flags. 


After about 3 months, we were laying in bed after having sex and he was laying there with his head on my chest and said

Colby: what are we?

Me: what do you mean?

Colby: exactly what I asked, what are we?

Me: don’t you have a boyfriend

Colby: I could end that

Me: do you want to end that?

Colby: do you want me to end that?

Me: maybe

Colby: you’re still in the closet though, how would that work?

Me: you go home every night, so how does that work?

Colby: come stay the night with me

Me: wont your boyfriend get upset

Colby: not if you’re my boyfriend

Me: would you be my boyfriend

Colby: no

Me: what?!?

Colby: come back next weekend and I will be single and you can ask me again

Me: ok, but we are staying the night

Colby: you can come stay at my apartment


The next weekend, I came back the happiest I can remember being, we went to dinner at a nice restaurant and I officially asked him to be my boyfriend, he immediately wanted to get the ticket and go home, and I had no problem with that.


We got to his apartment, which was a little more rundown that I had expected.  Definitely a low-income housing, which I was not expecting at all. 


We got in his apartment, which was very clean and went to his room and started to make love, not sex, make love.  When he grabbed the lube he crawled on top of me and said:


Colby: If were boyfriend and boyfriend, I want you to cum inside me, as long as you are sleeping with anyone else, is that good with you?

Me: yeah


And he started lubing up my bare cock and slid down on it and it was even better than before, I had no idea how much bare sex felt than protected sex.  We had sex multiple times that night and by the end of the night, he told me I scared him because he thought he was falling for me and then fell asleep.


The next morning I got up and he was gone, so I went to the kitchen naked to get something to drink.  As I was standing at the fridge, I heard a noise behind me and turned to see a tall black naked man standing in a door to another bedroom staring at me.  I almost dropped my cup and stood there speechless as he approached me.  I couldn’t help but notice his giant cock just hanging there, I definitely looked to long and by the time I realized I was staring and looked back up he was grinning as he approached.   He got within 1 foot of my face and just stood there and then just made a moaning sound.


Random guy: nice


And then he rubbed up against me as he reached in and grabbed the carton of orange juice and took a huge drink straight from the carton and then set it back in the fridge


Random guy: I hope to see you around more


And then walked off.  As soon as he got in his room, I ran back to the bedroom and shut the door.  But the image of that cock was burned in my mind and the adrenaline rush had my heart pounding, I was so excited and turned on and couldn’t get his cock out of my mind. 


Shortly after, Colby opened the bedroom door


Colby: I got coffee and bagels

Me: who the hell is the other guy in there?

Colby: oh, you saw him?

Me: yeah, I about had a heart attack

Colby: it’s my dad

Me: your dad?  Why didn’t you tell me he was in there

Colby: long story

Me: and you’re not going to tell me?

Colby: My dad left home when I was in elementary school, just disappeared and then about 2 years ago, I get a call from a parole officer that my dad has the option for house arrest if he has a place to go, and I must be here every morning to verify he is here. 

Me: I am so sorry, I didn’t know

Colby: I know, I should have told you.  But how do you say, “oh by the way my dad was realized from prison for robbery, reckless endangerment for having sex with people without telling them had HIV, herpes, syphilis and every other fucking std a person can have, prostitution, assault and battery.  Yeah, how do I say that”.

Me: I am sorry, I had no idea

Colby: I know, I’m not mad at you, I just hate him being here.  Leaving me when I am so young and look at the person he is, who the fuck goes around fucking people and trying to give them aids!  He is just a piece of shit and for some reason I felt obligated to let him stay here. 

Colby: just stay away from him, please.  I don’t even talk to him, he stays in his room, I stay in my room.  He is disgusting to me.  The parole officer told me that when they arrested him, he was about 120 lbs., just eaten up with diseases and track marks from shooting up drugs, sharing needles with people and then banging dudes from money and drugs and just giving random guys aids!  He has 1 more year here and then he is gone, and I hope to never see him again. 

Colby: please just stay away from him, I don’t trust him.  I don’t know what he would do, but I just absolutely don’t trust him

Me: don’t worry, I am with you, I will be where you are

Colby: I know this is a lot to just take in, that’s why I hide it.  I am ashamed

Me: its ok, its ok


Over the next couple of months, things were great, I would stay with him every weekend and then go back to work during the week and we would talk most days and for hours at night, and life was really good, I was really happy.  I hadn’t really come out to my family, friends, work or on social media, but in Dallas it was completely different.  It was like I had two lives, a work life in Austin and a social life in Dallas. 


On our 6 month anniversary of dating, I took Friday off and showed up on Thursday night and took him out to dinner at a nice restaurant and had a few drinks and we went back to his place and while we were having sex he stopped and told me that he loved me, I told him that I loved him too and it was great, it felt great.  I don’t know how else to describe it, I was happy and was in love.


The next morning, I woke up and he was gone to work, so I got up and was going to go into the kitchen to grab something to drink and remembering last time, I reached down to grab my pants to put them on, but when I grabbed them, I suddenly stopped and paused for a second and then set the pants back down.  I opened the bedroom door and walked to the kitchen to get something to drink, I kept an eye on his door, but it was closed.  I opened the fridge and grabbed the orange juice and took out the carton and then I heard a noise behind me.  I stood there froze with the orange juice in my hand with my back to the door.  My heart was pounding out of my chest, fear, excitement, im not sure which was the most prominent feeling.


Then I heard a deep scratchy voice directly behind me:


Him: I knew you would come out here this morning

Me: unable to speak a word


He takes a step closer; I can feel his breath on the back of my neck.  I feel like my heart is going to rip out of my chest. 

Then I feel his cock press against my bare ass cheeks, and I tense up stepping away and almost instantly I feel his firm hand grab my hip and pull me into him, feeling his cock pressed up against me, I’m getting hard now, and I can’t control it


Him: what are you so nervous about?

I stay there, I don’t try to get away, I just freeze feeling his cock


Him: I knew you fucking wanted it

Me: Completely speechless, just trying to breath

Him: Nobody will be home for hours, bring me that orange juice


And he walks away.  After about 10 seconds, I slowly turn around to see him completely naked walking into his bedroom.  He leaves the door open and turns facing me and sits down on the bed with his legs spread wide open and his cock hanging there.  He grabs his cock in his hands and starts slowly jerking it looking directly at me.


Edited by drscorpio
Removed unreadable image and edited title
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Great opening chapter.

The salesman reminds me of a young lad who comes across a pack of Marlboro Reds that someone a dropped outside a store.  The  lad will have read about the dangers of smoking but he will be sorely tempted to try his first smoke. Well they were just lying there.... One cigarette won't hurt... He knows that  they preach in school about the risks but curiosity gets the better of him. His hands shake as he unwraps the cellophane, opens the pack and pulls back the foil to reveal the cigarettes arranged like a box of tin soldiers.  It's not long until he has pulled out the cigarette and placed it tentatively between his lips. He finds a lighter and brings the flame to the tip of the cigarette. He inhales and pulls the smoke into his virgin lungs. He holds for a few seconds before coughing  and spluttering.  It takes a bit of time before he tries another inhale and this time it's not so bad. He may not smoke the cigarette down to the filter the 1st time but by the 3rd one he pushes through the dizziness until it is fully smoked.  One cigarette won't hurt....perhaps not ..... if you can stop at one 😈

Colby's father is like that pack of Marlboro Reds for the salesman. The things that Colby told him about his father should be enough to make him run a mile in the opposite direction. Will he bring the carton of orange juice to the bedroom..... I guess it wouldn't hurt to be polite.....

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19 hours ago, billy88666 said:

Great opening chapter.

The salesman reminds me of a young lad who comes across a pack of Marlboro Reds that someone a dropped outside a store.  The  lad will have read about the dangers of smoking but he will be sorely tempted to try his first smoke. Well they were just lying there.... One cigarette won't hurt... He knows that  they preach in school about the risks but curiosity gets the better of him. His hands shake as he unwraps the cellophane, opens the pack and pulls back the foil to reveal the cigarettes arranged like a box of tin soldiers.  It's not long until he has pulled out the cigarette and placed it tentatively between his lips. He finds a lighter and brings the flame to the tip of the cigarette. He inhales and pulls the smoke into his virgin lungs. He holds for a few seconds before coughing  and spluttering.  It takes a bit of time before he tries another inhale and this time it's not so bad. He may not smoke the cigarette down to the filter the 1st time but by the 3rd one he pushes through the dizziness until it is fully smoked.  One cigarette won't hurt....perhaps not ..... if you can stop at one 😈

Colby's father is like that pack of Marlboro Reds for the salesman. The things that Colby told him about his father should be enough to make him run a mile in the opposite direction. Will he bring the carton of orange juice to the bedroom..... I guess it wouldn't hurt to be polite.....

Nailed it!  Great analogy.  the cigarette, so dangerous, so appealing, so addicting. 


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And a delightful place to leave it hanging.... Us readers minds sort of completing the next hour or six in our minds...  

It's one of those stories that can be left hanging and still be enjoyable to read as our mind takes a different twist in the plot the next time we read it.  Hats off to you @OKCmarriedguy and of course my unmedicated cock offered to you....

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