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Four years ago I had traveled to my favorite Mexican beach by myself. This romantic story starts there.

I had been married to my husband for about 10 years by then. This coupling was far from romantic for me. Not the case for him, but that’s another story. Even though I had misgivings I went ahead with the wedding and marriage. I was in my late 50’s and figured he might be the best I could do. We had shared values, similar friends and got along fairly well despite his being a fire sign to my water. This created a lot of steam for me, but unfortunately never as sexual chemistry. A few years before the above mentioned solo trip to Mexico he had unenthusiastically agreed to opening our relationship so I could get my sexual needs met.

I had learned that one of the clerks at the clothing store in front of our hotel gave messages on the side. I was very intrigued learning he had given one to an acquaintance which had culminated with a ‘happy ending’.

I screwed up my courage and approached this clerk to book a message. He wondered who it was for and seemed shocked when I told him it was for me. He got over this quickly and we set a time for the next day.

I suspect he was in his late twenties to my mid sixties. I’m fairly fit, a bit bearish and have been conistantly told I have a handsome face. He was a cute smooth Mexican with just the slightest remnant of baby fat on his otherwise fit body.

On the way to his room had told me how much he loved his work. Once his hands went to work on my naked body this statement proved true with no words needed. He was soon out of his baggy shorts and his semi cock was placed where my hand could pleasure him as he expertly deeply worked my muscles. When it came to the hand job happy ending he was amazed that a man of my age shot such a volcano of cum. After I showered we each jerked off watching each other with delight. I gave him a generous tip.

A year later I would bump into him on the naked beach. He had buffed up a bit, added a couple tasteful tattoos and he was clearly with a boyfriend that he was deeply enamoured with. I was both happy for him and disappointed for me.

He made it clear that he remembered me and told me which resort he was now the masseur at. As tempting as it was I did not book an appointment.

Fast forward to this winter. The first time I saw him was on the naked beach. He was preoccupied with picking up after his dog. He clearly kept up his gym routine,  added more tasteful tattoos and adopted a mod haircut. I almost didn't recognize him and didn’t interrupt.

My next sighting was at night on the street. My husband and a straight couple were at a table in front of an excellent fish barbeque restaurant. He walked past with his dog, but this time saw me and greeted me from a distance with a huge smile. Of course I smiled back and hoped I would be alone the next time we bumped into each other.

I got my wish.

He came up and joined me as I was having a morning coffee in front of my favorite coffee shop.

We had a pleasant chat about his dog, our lives, and our work. I learned he was now single, had left his position at the hotel, and now combined message with his gay escorting business. This news was delivered with a wink!

I was only wearing a sarong and worried that my hardening cock would make a fool out of me in this public setting.

I lowered my voice and asked if he had any openings in the next few days.

“I could fit you in tomorrow.” His usual smile, now muscle bulked body, darkly tanned skin and tattoos were a huge turn on.

“How much, for an old guy like me?”

“That all depends on what services you want. Do you want a simple hand job like last time, or might you want more?” Again, with his seductive wink.

“More.” I shyly responded.

“Do you want to top or bottom?” he casually asked.

“Bottom.” I owned.

“Great. I’d love to fuck you silver daddy!”

I had to move my hands to cover my rock hard boner.

“What about your safety practices?” I asked.

“Anything goes.” He didn’t hesitate for even a split second.

“So how much for you to bareback and breed me?”

“1500 pesos. And believe me, once I’m in you I couldn’t pull out ‘til I load you up.”

I was afraid I would shoot my wad right then and there.

The next afternoon he met me naked when I arrived at his door. I was soon naked and receiving his expert message. It was as expert as usual. However, this time his hard cock was in my hand much sooner. The message of my butt cheeks now included deep penetrative fingers working oil into my hole. His full body message of my back with his bare chest progressed to his 6.5 inch raw errection continuing the job of his fingers. I knew I had died and gone to heaven.

“Is this ok daddy?” he asked even though he knew the answer.

“Absofuckenlutely!” my enthusiastic response.

He didn’t need any more encouragement and gave me the greatest pounding of my life. After twenty minutes he sent shivers down my spine as he whispered in my ear, “I’m very close. I don’t need to ask where you want my load do I?”

I just nodded.

To my surprise he pulled out, hopped off the table, tuned me over pulling my prone ass to the bottom of the table, mounted a foot stool and plunged his raw cock back into me. Smiling and winking he was soon blasting away deep inside me. I was now in an ecstatic place beyond heaven.

I had a shower and paid him his 1500 pesos with a 500-peso tip. He tried to decline the tip, but I insisted.

I didn’t see him for the next four days.

Then he was at the same coffee shop when I arrived. He was not alone. In fact I could overhear him giving his sales pitch to a very fit mid-fifties gym bunny type. As they left he winked at me and I knew his new customer was in for a very good time indeed.



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38 minutes ago, Tanbbottom said:

Thank you. I get such enjoyment from dreaming them up and sharing. 

I feel the same way about writing and posting here!  I only wish my stories were half as good as yours.



Each morning after this I saw him on my early morning walk of the beach. He was usually picking up after or playing with his dog. I would smile and wave but didn’t want to reveal just how happy I was to see him. I hadn’t had a man crush in years! Bad boys had all created a magnetic draw, but a gay escort. I was embaraced.

On the fourth day he was coming out of the water from a naked swim. The water dripping from his dark skin in the sunshine was intoxicating. He came directly over to me, pulling me into an embrace.

“Hi stranger. Why have you been avoiding me?” he casually asked.

Before I could respond he spoke again; “Do you have lunch plans? Why don’t we meet at “Q”? 12:30?”

I didn’t even have time to answer before he bound off.

Despite my concern about the agenda, I was at the restaurant by 12:20.

As great as sex had been with him, I didn’t want to make paying for it a habit. Especially with a much younger guy from whom I was trying to hide my inappropriate feelings of attraction.

He arrived at 12:35 wearing only a sarong. His body looked amazing.

His first words stunned me, “I’m so glad you came. I really like you and want to get to know you.”

“Um … ok” I stammered.

Our lunch lasted two hours and the conversation was incredibly casual and natural. We talked about politics, religion, our childhoods, almost anything and everything but especially comparing notes on the male eye candy wondering down the main street of this beach community.

As we got up to leave, he suggested we meet tomorrow for dinner before giving me a peck on the lips.

This dinner date went better than the lunch and I wondered if I should offer to pay for a romp. It was tempting but I gave it a pass. The parting embrace and kiss was more passionate than the day before and we agreed to where we would meet for breakfast the next day.

Once again, I was sure to arrive early, and I confess I was jealous when I saw him coming down the street with the hunky customer I’d seen him head off with about a week before.

They parted with a passionate hug and his customer squeezing the escort’s ass cheeks.

When he joined me at the table, he showed no self consciousness about what I had just observed.

“Hi hon. Well, that was one long work night.”

“He hired you for an overnight?” I don’t know why I repeated this and wondered if the jealousy sounded in my voice.

Showing no concerns, he shared, “Yes, and boy he got his money’s worth. I’m exhausted.”

I decided to be bold, “He needed to breed you that often? Sorry, you are a professional so don’t ‘kiss and tell’.”

“Not at all, I love talking about my work. No, he was breeding me. Him and a couple of his friends.”

“Fuck, so you really do have an ‘anything goes’ policy. Are you more top or more bottom, active or passive?”

“I’m actually completely vers. 50/50. Love them both. Love breeding guys like you, and love mornings like this where I’m carrying a number of loads.”

“You are going to have to stop talking or I won’t be able to continue to hide my hard on.” I warned.

“Well than let’s go, and I can help you do something about that.” Said with his seductive wink.

When I didn’t respond as I desperately tried to figure out the best response he again shocked me as if reading my mind. “I like you. I like you a lot. Don’t you like me.”

“More than I care to admit. But I’m not the sugar daddy type.” I couldn’t keep a touch of anger from my tone.

He tipped his chair over standing and hissed before bolting. “Fuck you! You think I just want your money!”

I didn’t see him over the next week. I wasn’t avoiding him, but I suspect he was avoiding me.

Then one night after the outdoor movie I came around the corner from an alleyway onto the main street and ran into him. Neither of us had been looking so this was a literal full body run in.

As I tried to pull back, he wrapped me in a bear hug and planted a deep kiss on my lips. Before I could think our tongues were dancing. He took my breathe way.

Without another word he grabbed my hand and towed me to his place. I must confess I didn’t put up a fuss or fight.

As soon as the door was closed, he was ripping my clothes off. Literally ripping. Every fastened button of my shirt was now scattered across the floor.

Naked I was tossed on the bed. Legs raised and his tongue recently dancing with mine was now probing my hole.

Opened with tongue and fingers I was soon penetrated by his lovely raw cock. We kissed passionately as he made love to me. I loved the sight of his tattooed body possessing me missionary. I knew as I watched the blush of his shoulders and listened to the shift in his breathing that he was getting close.

“Umph, funkin my cum into you Silver Daddy. Planting my love juice deep!”

Had he really used the “L” word. I was too shocked to say anything.

Eventually he pulled out and rolled over on his back. We lay side by side silently for the longest time.

He was the first to break the silence. “I’m sorry I stormed off the other day. I guess it hurt so much because I have tried to seduce potential sugar daddies in the past. I have to be honest. But that’s not the case with you. Sorry, fuck, I don’t even know your name.”

“Phil” I replied, “Your’s?”


“My turn to apologize Louis. I shouldn’t have said that.” I confessed.

Louis; “No need to apologize. You had every right to be suspicious. I was mostly angry at myself. And that internal anger has just grown all week every time I saw you and was certain I had totally fucked up any chance to get to know you better.”

“I haven’t had a man crush like I have for you in years, decades. I’m sorry.” Again my confession.

“Wow! Again, no need to apologize. I’m totally flattered and wholeheartedly share the crush for you.” He followed this with a gentle full lipped kiss. When he pulled away; “Do you ever top Phil daddy? I need you to claim me.”

I was on him in a flash. I was in him almost as quickly.

“Hmmm, I see you are well lubricated. The best natural lube I assume?”

“Awe … umm … yeah?” the first time I had experienced him as self conscious about his work.

“How many guys have dumped in here where I am right now?”

“Ever? Or just today?” he questioned.


“Four.” He wasn’t boasting, just stating a fact.

“Ever?” I knew this was none of my business but couldn’t hold the nosy question in.

He laughed; “A thousand, fuck, may two. I’m not just an escort, I’m a fuckin slut.”

“God, I hate how much that turns me on.” Did I just blurt that with my outside voice?

“I don’t want to keep any secrets from you Phil.”

“Thanks, I’ll try and do the same for you Louis”

We just shared a naked cuddle for the next five minutes. I was about ready to fall off to sleep when I heard Louis’ gentle voice. “Any questions? About my sexual past or my work?”

“I hadn’t really given it any thought. I suppose I do wonder about PreP. I assume you must be on it.”

“Then you would assume wrong Phil. This is Mexico and I don’t make that much. Although even if I could afford it I’m not sure I’d give up the excitement of playing Russian Roulette.”

“That many guys have bred you, and you still aren’t poz?”

“Honestly I don’t know, never been tested. Oh God, are you concerned I might have infected you? Of God, I’m so sorry Phil.”

“Wow Louis, calm down. I’ve been poz, medicated and undetectable for about 20 years.”

We melted into our third love making session of the night. I don’t know how often we played both rolls. He loved riding my big raw cock. I was spent but received another load from him before we fell asleep.




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4 hours ago, Tanbbottom said:

it I’m not sure I’d give up the excitement of playing Russian Roulette.”

“That many guys have bred you, and you still aren’t poz?”

“Honestly I don’t know, never been tested

A man after my own heart! 😈💦☣️

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Man @Tanbbottom I am loving this story.  I've missed stories where we don't worry that we're poz (or if).  What a delight to have read this.  It reads like a complete story as it is.  But an Epilogue might be fun.  

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The first thing to catch my eye on awaking was Louis’ beaming face and twinkling eyes. This new day I was greeted by the sweetest kiss before he spoke; “Thanks for last night. It was incredible!”

“Incredible indeed. I had the best sleep and the most wonderful dreams. Thank you.” I offered with a smile.

Louis; “Where shall we go for breakfast? Or I could cook. I have eggs and bread.”

“Oh my, that’s so sweet, but I have to get back to my hubby. He’ll be worried, I haven’t stayed away the night since coming here.”

Louis; “But I thought you have an open relationship?”

“We do. But it is mostly for me and my needs, so I try not to rub it in his face. I try to keep my sexual dalliances discreet. This is going to take some delicate explaining having changed the rules. It’s always just been sex before, little to no emotional involvement. I suspect he’ll notice the shift.”

I was correct. Hubby was already in the hammock when I got back to our room. He was first to speak, there was no tone of anger in his voice, just a hint of sadness. “Good morning. What’s his name?”


 I decided to let him keep the lead. After a bit of silence he spoke; “So will you and I be going home separately?”

“I don’t want that. Do you?” I now felt sad and guilty.

“You’ve never gotten emotionally entangled before.”

“You are correct. I’m so sorry. I didn’t see this coming.” I confessed.

“Is he Mexican? Are you going to stay here with him?”

“No. We have our shared life back at home. Louis is just a fling and a crush. A vacation romance at the most. But if that’s not ok with you I’ll have to end it right now with him.”

“Can I meet him? Let’s the three of us have lunch.”

Louis agreed to this, and he and hubby got along like ‘long lost friends’. I wasn’t totally surprised, but I was awe struck.

After lunch hubby and I found a private place in the shade and had a long talk. Better than we had had in years. He spoke freely of things I had lived in fear of bringing up for a long long time. When he learned how much energy my commitment to discretion had cost me he actually apologized. He had not realized and felt badly he’d not thought to talk about how comfortable he’d gotten with our lack of sex and open relationship over the years. He had also anticipated that this time would come that I would become emotionally involved, that some guy would fall for me like he himself had. He’d sort of been dreading it, but now it had arrived, and now he’d met Louis he was actually relieved. For both our sakes he hoped this would be more than a vacation fling. He liked Louis and was now hoping we could find ways to invite him into our lives. It also helped that the relationship he pictured between Louis and myself would be a long distance relationship. Much like my relationship with my French fuck buddy that I had traveled with on occasion.

I confessed I had not been giving hubby nearly enough credit.

For the rest of our vacation Louis and I settled into a wonderful romance and shared much of our social time with hubby.

Louis continued his message and escort business and frequently shared intimate details of his encounters as part of our pillow talk.

Our hearts were breaking as we frantically fucked on my last day in Mexico. We promised each other we would find ways to get together frequently but we both knew the distance would prove to be too great a beerier.

Hubby gave me my space as I grieved during the five-hour flight back to Toronto.

To Louis and my surprise, we were able to have zoom sex once per week over the course of the next year. Part of the surprise was how satisfying it was. We learned that 90 % of sex is in the mind.

One night we zoom linked when I was visiting my favorite bathhouse. It had been Louis’ idea. We were both naked, talking dirty, and jerking ourselves. It was all getting quite hot and heavy when he asked if the door to my room was open.

“No!” I didn’t know what to think of his question.

“Open it!” he encouraged.


“I want to watch you have sex. Let’s share that. Please.”

I could never turn down a request from him. I opened the door, and we continued our zoom sex.

I was so into Louis and our sex chat that I didn’t see the two-muscle bear’s standing in my open door. One was darkly tanned and the other a freckled red-haired beauty. They were both fondling the cocks under their towels.

The red head spoke first; “That must be some great porn you’re watching.”

“Zoom sex with my boyfriend in Mexico actually.”

It was the darkly tanned guys turn. “And with your door open! That’s an open invitation if I ever saw one.”

Louis shouting; “Absolutely! Let me see them.”

I turned the camara of my laptop so they also got a view of him in all his naked sexually aroused splendor.

Without another word they were in my room and pulling the door closed.

I took a moment to position my laptop for maximum view of the action on my bed. As I did this I checked with Louis, “Are you sure about this?”

“Nothing could make this night better than watching these two beautiful bears breed your ass Phil.”

“So, Phil’s a bareback slut. Stu, we’ve won the lottery tonight.” It was the redhead speaking.

I wasn’t sure how I was feeling about this moving so quickly but it was pretty clear for the bears and Louis that this was game on.

I was soon on my back with ‘Red’ chowing down on my hard on while Stu was reaming out my ass. Stu only stopped long enough to address Louis; “So lover, I have your permission to raw dog your bitch?”

“Bare fuck and breed him. Give me a real show.”

Stu’s cock was not only long but thick. The pain of penetration was intense and I thought I’d have to call this off but poppers were placed under my nose. Without thinking I inhaled deeply, my body flooded with an incredible warmth, my ass relaxed, and Stu’s man meat sunk into me balls deep.

I was soon fed Red’s average size cock and I was now too busy to try and assess my comfort with the speed of this sexual transaction. I was also too preoccupied to even notice that Louis was receiving the show of a lifetime.

I was eventually moved onto all fours and the bears switched places. Red’s average raw cock pounded my guts as I devoured Stu’s mammoth meat.

I don’t know how many times they traded positions before Stu addressed Louis once again. “I’m getting ready to explode. Are you sure you want me to breed your boyfriend bitch?”

“As he would say, Absofuckenlutely!”, Louis

Stu collapsed on my back and I could feel a dozen spasms as my inner gut flooded with warmth. When Stu pulled out and lifted off Red took his place and without warning my second load of the evening was being delivered.

Louis; “Show me your wet ass Phil. … yeah that’s it. I so wish this was joining these two bears loads up your ass right now.” His cock was volcanically spewing. Three blasts hit him in the face.

Stu to me, “What’s your generous boyfriend’s name.?”

Me, “Louis.”

Stu, “So Louis, you ok with us taking your silver daddy to the public sling? We need to be sure he’s knocked up and needs help walking before he leaves this place tonight.”

Louis; “To late to knock him up but be sure he gets a good raw gang bang. He’s wanted that for a long time.”

Red, “That would be our pleasure. Besides maybe he could knock up some of our chaser friends.”

Me; “To late for that too, been undetectable for decades.”

Stu: “Shame, but let’s go. Less talk, more action.”

I definitely needed Stu and Red’s assistance to walk four hour’s, 15 strangers’ raw fucks, and seven more load’s later. Louis had nailed and facilitated one of the top items on my bucket list, and he had done so from a couple thousand miles away.



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My next trip to Mexico and ongoing romance with Louis was idyllic. Or as perfect as a romance with a much younger gay escort and married silver daddy could be.

We settled into a very comfortable routine. When he returned from his evening of work we would make sweet love. Fall asleep in each other’s arms. Wake with fun pillow talk. Join hubby for breakfast and the three of us walking naked on the beach. Then Louis would head off for his day of work with one to three ‘clients’.

Hubby and I would enjoy a nice lunch together and then share a few games of cards with the mostly straight couples that had become our circle of friends in our hotel over the many years we had been wintering in this quaint beach community. If they had questions about our unique marriage arrangement they never asked.

At the beginning of week three Louis and I had our very first fight. Out of the blue one morning he proclaimed that if I loved him I would quit taking my meds and give him my ‘love child’, HIV.

I had not seen this coming and I was floored.

“I thought you neither knew nor cared about your status.” My tone was clearly on the defensive.

“I got tested before you came down. As hard as it is to believe with all the unknown loads I’ve taken over the years I tested negative. I didn’t believe it so I repeated the test three times, all negative.”

“You must be resistant Louis; that’s a wonderful thing. You won’t be dependant on taking drugs every day like me.”

“But I love you and I want to be just like you. I want to get it from you.”

“Look Louis, you are free to think and feel whatever you want. God knows I won’t judge you. But please don’t ask me to go off the drugs that keep me healthy. Besides I don’t see infecting you as an act of love, far from it.”

“I knew it Phil, you don’t love me enough to claim me as yours.”

“Fuck you, Louis! Who doesn’t love who enough? At first I thought you were chasing me to be your sugar daddy. Now I see you just want my HIV!” I bolted from his bed and back to hubby.

I sulked for the next three days. Hubby just gave me my space. No questions.

At bedtime on the fourth day there was a desperate nock at our hotel room door. It was Louis. His eyes were red and puffy, clearly he’d been crying. I was going to slam the door shut but hubby spoke up.

“I don’t know what you two are fighting about but you better work it out whatever it is. I’ll see you in the morning Phil.”

Louis and I walked the beach for hours. For the first hour not a word was shared. Stone cold silence. Louis was the first to crack confessing he had not been thinking about the potential health risks of me going off my meds.

I thanked him for understanding and confessed my words had been too harsh. I knew he really did care about me all along.

I can’t really remember what we talked about for the rest of the night but we cuddled into each other’s arms to watch the sun rise together the next morning.

During the rest of the stay the topic of HIV was never raised again. Nor was it raised in our weekly zoom sex after I returned home.

The following summer Louis came to Canada to spend two weeks with me at a clothing optional gay campground. My trailer was bright and spacious and across the road from the large saltwater pool.

We stripped out of our clothes the moment I backed the trailer into our site and didn't put anything on until it was time to drive away at the end of the two idyllic weeks.

The other guys at camp were very friendly, flirting with the two of us daily. But we only had eyes for each other, or at least that’s what I thought until the middle of our second week.

Our routine had settled in quickly. We made love first thing in the morning. Louis bred me before our afternoon nap and we ended the day with sex, a quick shower and slept spooned in each other’s arms.

That’s why I was so taken by surprise on my birthday. Louis cooked me a wonderful meal and instead of desert invited me out in front of the trailer. There he proceeded to coat each of us in a liberal amount of whipping cream. We began by licking it off of each other’s bodies and right on cue other men from the camp began arriving and joined in the whip cream feast.

When a dozen guys had joined in I was hoisted onto shoulders and carried to the outdoor sex play area. I was secured into the sling and one after the other each guy raw fucked me and kept at it until they pumped their birthday gift load deep inside me.

With my hole dripping to overflowing Louis was the last to take his turn. Every on of the other’s stayed to watch the conclusion of my birthday fuck. When he groaned his climax, they cheered and sang happy birthday.

I don’t know where he had found time to set up this celebration, but, as he well knew, he couldn’t have given me a better birthday present.




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