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On the official 1-10 hotness scale:How attractive are you? What number do you go for?

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I tend to be a humble sort. (can't help the way I was raised.. . and it has helped me in life). I feel that if its a scale of 1-10,. . then I am neither a bridge-troll. . nor am I a super-model. . . I feel, that I fall somewhere in between. (Maybe a 5 ). I feel that my body its self, is a 4, maybe, 5. .but can't much change it, even with heavy gym work due to genetic and health issues. If it comes to my face and features. . I would think that I should do my folks some justice and say I am maybe in the 5 to 6 range. I try to keep a healthy personal concept, without being conceeded or narcisistic. As has been stated by others. . Handsomness is in the eye of the beholder. My mother once said to me regarding vanity and self image. (It is others who will tell you how attractive you are. its good, to have a positive self concept but if you talk yourself up all the time and preen yourself in the mirror a lot. . .you run the risk of being a narcisist. Also, as some have stated. . there are some men, who call me (Hot), so I guess its all a matter of how well you click with someone else. I doubt very seriously, that if presented with the whole world of relationship possibilities. . that (everyone) would be interested in a person. Mainly, because when it comes to Aesthetics we all have different ins and outs. Some guys like skinny twink boys. . other guys like hairy and beefy. . or older. . or younger. . . So when we look at others; its all based on our aesthetics, for ins and outs. I always find what's inside someone to be more desireable, than looks. A true PIG, who is a kind soul with a great heart, ranks higher to me than an Adonis, with a shitty personality. To quote my mother again,. . as well as Judge Judy. . "Looks fade, but stupid (and interchangeably, vain shallow conceeded and the like) are forever". although a person's physical attributes can be changed.. . personality, is much harder to change.

  • 4 months later...

While my hot days are well behind me, I'd rate myself a solid 6, but if you factor in pigginess, it zooms up to 10.....looks aren't that important to me in my sexual partners, just guys who are fun to be with

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When I look at myself in the mirror and I'm naked, I'd say maybe a 4 (I don't get into guys like me at all). When I'm dressed I'd say a 6 or a 7. But to guys who like stocky, masculine dom tops, I'm probably an 8.5 or a 9 - even naked :)


Well I will be "honest".. being and older daddy type.. say a 4.. as for what interests me.. definately not a 9 or 10, generally they are so far up themselves they have come out the other side.. looking for a younger masculine 5-8 - leather boy please!!

  cumaddict71 said:
strange question, very difficult to rate oneself. On some photos I would give myself a 6 I think

No way. Based on the photos in your album i would rate you a 9. If you were a top you would be a 10. ;)

Seriously I can't even imagine how easy it would be to get laid if I looked like you.

  rawTOP said:
When I look at myself in the mirror and I'm naked, I'd say maybe a 4 (I don't get into guys like me at all). When I'm dressed I'd say a 6 or a 7. But to guys who like stocky, masculine dom tops, I'm probably an 8.5 or a 9 - even naked :)

I haven't seen you naked, I only have seen you dressed, and I am not into tops, but only from the hotness poit of view, you are an 8 on my book.


One man's meat is another man's troll... there's a guy I used to be friendly with on another message boaund until he realised I was the same age as his dad. Not a peep from him since - his loss... For myself, I know I'd do me, but only because I met my near exact twin and he was extremely hot. Otherwise, it's a case ofget your ass over here and make up your own mind


not sure what I'd rate myself but I'd like to believe I'm somewhere above the middle-point of the scale haha. I'm not too picky when it comes to men so I'd say number-wise I'd probably fuck someone anywhere from 4-10 given it was the right circumstance :P

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