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  1. In my mind I was constantly vigilant, making sure not to say or do anything that might give me away, but sometimes my eyes couldn’t help themselves when some dude bent over to warm up or when somebody was changing in the dressing room and had nothing more than a dance belt on. Usually I caught myself before anyone noticed me gawking, but not last Sunday. We had just finished a long dance rehearsal at the rehearsal space and were all being called in to the dressing rooms in pairs for our final fittings, and finally I was called in with Neal, the leading man who I was glad to say I had become friends with, despite him being the star and me only a lowly chorus boy. I was relieved that he and I were called in together because, while he was a very attractive guy, he was at least 20 years older than me and I had no interest in him other than as a buddy. Some of you are probably offended by this, but it had nothing to do with his looks or age. In any other group of men, he would shine as the most attractive, but in the theatre, surrounded by college guys and dancers in their early 20’s, he was only average in comparison. The costumer handed us some pants to try on and stepped out of the room so we could change which would usually have been my cue to run off to one of the dark corners or even into a bathroom stall to avoid changing with another guy. This wasn’t because I was that shy, but actually due to my fear of getting hard seeing the rock hard abs, bulging biceps and toned thighs of the other guys. Since it was just Neal and I, and he was engaging me in conversation, I stayed put and stripped to my tighty-whiteys while he tried getting a knot out of his shoelace. “No dance belt like the other boys huh?” he asked when he glanced up at me after finally giving up, and pulling the shoe off. “Nah, I don’t even own one,” I responded while pulling on my first pair of slacks. “I know I’ll need one for dress rehearsal next week but since this is my first professional show I’ve never bought one before and I’m stalling until the last possible day. “I understand,” he continued to undress, peeling off his shirt, revealing a surprisingly cut chest for a guy in his mid-30’s. “I still don’t own a dance belt and I’ve been doing this for almost 20 years.” “How do you get away with that?”I asked him while slipping on my next pair. “With this,” He said, motioning to his mid-section while undoing his drawstring and letting his sweats drop in a puddle at his feet. Unaware of what he was doing I turned and looked at the very moment his pants slid down, and my jaw dropped almost to my feet. “Jockstraps are just as good for me most of the time, and they don’t ride up into a super wedgie like dance belts do.” Neal should have been the one safe person for me to be in here with, but standing only 4 feet away from him now, unable to peel my eyes away from his giant bulge held back by a white athletic supporter, I was suddenly aware of just how naïve I’d been. Here I’d been treating him like an asexual mentor, and he was secretly concealing a fuzzy, muscled, horse-hung, sex god under his track pants and cotton pullovers. “Pete? Peter? Yo earth to Pete!” He snapped his fingers bringing me back to reality so quickly I caught my foot in my pants and fell forward into his naked chest. “Whoa boy, I thought you were more coordinated than the average teen. Or has this suave dancer façade been nothing but an act?” “Sorry,” My mouth was dry and I couldn’t push away and turn around to try on the last pair of pants fast enough. “Just wasn’t expecting…” “What?” His voice sounded too close for my comfort, and send a shock down my spine that began stiffening my cock. “Oh, I get it. Grossed out by my flabby ass and fur.” “you forgot your bare ass in that jock,” my quip caused us both to laugh. “That’s more crack than even Lindsey Lohan could handle!” “Hurrying to finish, I dashed out before he stopped laughing and ran almost straight into the costumer. “How’d it fit?” Big enough for you?” She asked. “Big enough? You mean the pants! Yeah plenty big. All of them were just perfect.” I said trying to sound nonchalant while begging my hard on to go down. “Well you are not getting off that easy,” she said, pushing me back towards the dressing room. “go put the number one pick back on and lets see it so I can mark any alterations I need to make.” “But” “Go! And send Neal out in the grey suit if it fits okay!” and with that she opened the door and pushed me back in, right past Neal who was passing me in the very grey suit she had mentioned. “So what do you think? Too tight in the inseam?” She asked as the door shut behind me. Quick before they finished I ducked around the wall with every pair of pants she’d given me and into the rest room part of the dressing area. Tossing the pants on the counter, I dropped my shorts whipped out my cock and began stroking. Just as I was about to cum I heard the door open and Neal re-enter, with instructions to try on the tweed and come back out. Shoving my cock back in my briefs, I picked up a random pair of slacks and slid them on, fastening them with the head of my dick trapped between my abs and the waist band. “There you are!” Neal announced as he rounded the wall, the costumer close behind. “Pam was wondering if you got lost so we came looking for you. Looks like a good fit Pam, so how bout letting me and the kid change into option two?” “The waist is pulling weird,” pam said as she began towards me. “Do we need to take it out a little?” “NO!” I shouted with such gusto it stopped Pam in her tracks. “No, sorry, just wearing the wrong underwear today. It is perfect.” “Wrong underwear?” Pam turned to Neal with a puzzled look. “Yeah, kid forgot to wear a dance belt,” Neal explained while trying on another suit coat over his bare chest. “Can you please step out so I can put on the suit you keep claiming you need to see me in?” “Fine.” Pam turned the corner and went to the door. “Buncha babies can’t get dressed with a girl in the room, I’ll step outside.” “Finally,” My voice revealed a little too much of my desperation for her to leave. “She can be such a knit-picker, even after 3 fittings!” “Seriously Pete,” Neal agreed with my excuse. “Spends hours trying to make my inseam fit just right and can’t make it so my zipper will work. Can you help me out with this?” “With your zipper?” My eyes came to rest on the bulge I previously ignored, wondering if he had to wear loose slacks or sweats all the time to keep it from looking obscene. “Yeah, it is stuck half way down and I can’t get it to keep going,” He added, oblivious to my depraved gaze. “Can you get down there and see if it is caught on my shirt or something?” With a nod I took two steps and lowered myself to the ground. Hands trembling I reached out and took hold of the metal zip, tugging a few times with no luck. “Maybe if I unbutton them,” and he did just that. “Now give it a good tug.” And I did, causing the jeans to slip and pull the jockstrap down with them. Without a thought I kept pulling down but Neal caught his waist just in time to stop the impending nudity, giving me a glimpse of his dark brown straight pubes leading right up to where they meet his cock, but not quite revealing it. “Whoa there buddy,” He said as he pulled his pants back on. “I guess I know what they got caught on! Better let me fix these bad boys. Mind stepping back into the changing section so I can take these off and see what’s wrong?” “Sure,” my cock throbbed as I turned to go around the wall, catching a glimpse of his fuzz-covered ass in the mirror right before cleared the partition and found myself alone again. Listening to him curse at the zipper I walked over to his discarded sweats and lifted them to my face while my other hand undid my trousers and fished out my cock. One deep inhale and suddenly I was exploding. Streams of cum escaping my dickhead while an image of Neal in his jock filled my head. Tossing a few paper towel on the cum spots I used my feet to wipe up while slipping into the second pair of pants. Just in time, Pam burst in and Neal rounded the corner, neither one any wiser about my illicit jerk session. As I packed up to leave after final dress rehearsal a dozen or so days later, Pam spotted me and pulled me aside. Some notes had already been passed along, but she wanted to ask me privately to make sure I went out and got a dance belt before the show opened the next night. Sensing my discomfort, she recommended a specialty men’s clothing store not too far from the theatre and told me to tell them what I needed when I arrived. I explained that I didn’t have my own car these days, and she got a smile on her face. “No problem!” She began walking me towards the dressing rooms. “One of the other guys needs one too and I’m sure he could give you a ride if you need.” Unfamiliar with who was in which dressing room since moving from the rehearsal space into the actual theatre, I didn’t realize who’s door she was knocking at until it opened. “Hey Pam, Pete, what can I do for you?” My heart sank as Pam explained to Neal that I was also needing a dance belt for the show and would he mind giving me a ride there the next morning before call. “No problem, just text me your address and I’ll pick you up around 9.” I considered not texting him the address to avoid the embarrassment of him seeing where I lived. Not because it was some dump, because it was actually a beautiful house in the suburbs. No I didn’t want him to see it because as soon as he did he’d know that no teenage could afford living there unless it was his parent’s house. Finally I decided I’d meet him in front of the apartment complex a few blocks away, when the house phone rang and my mom picked it up. Just as I was about to press send, I heard her say “The blue house on the corner, thanks Neal, we’ll see you at 9.” “Who was that?” I shouted down to her from my room. “That was a guy from the show looking for you,” She called back, nonchalantly. “He said you both need to pick up some dance equipment before the show today and offered you a ride. Turns out he had no idea you live at home. You must be acting pretty mature at rehearsals because when I answered he asked if I was your girlfriend. Isn’t that sweet?” “What did you tell him?” I begged of her as I flew down the stairs, two at a time, screeching to a stop in front of her. “Nothing embarrassing,” she smiled and handed me my coat. “I just explained that I’m your mom and we really appreciate the ride since I have work and your dad is taking your sister to a piano lesson.” I cringed and slunk back to my room to finish getting dressed. Bad enough he now knew I am still stuck at home with my folks, but now he would probably think of me as some sort of baby-faced, mama’s boy who has to get rides from his parents and be home before curfew or something. I wondered if opening night was too late to call and quit my first professional acting gig. Just in case I could avoid him being asked in to meet everyone, I texted Neal my cell number so he could tell me when he was close. When my phone buzzed at 9, I threw on my coat, grabbed my bag and ran out the door before my parents could see me. Rushing down the drive I ducked under some bushes to avoid having to open the gate and ran up along side Neal’s car. “Hey bud,” He reached across and opened the door for me, patting me on the back as I slid into his ride. “Got everything you need?” “Yeah let’s go,” I smiled a fake smile and began making small talk to avoid any questions he might have about just how old I was. Pulling off the highway and into downtown was still new to me, having grown up in the suburbs, but Neal slid from lane to lane with no problems, finally parallel parking like he did it all the time (which he probably did since he worked down here full time as an actor). Hopping out, he led the way to the front door of a small, unassuming shop, tucked between a large bar and an upscale clothing boutique. My eyes took a second to adjust when he ushered me into the dimly-lit entryway. Now indoors, I was shocked to see men’s undergarments from floor to ceiling, adorning mannequins and featured on buff models in photo spreads. Neal took point again, walk past me up to the counter and hitting the bell. Almost immediately a handsome man around My Dad’s age appeared from behind a curtain and asked what he could do for us. “My friend and I are in the show opening tonight across the street,” he said with no ego. “and we both need underwear with the necessary support for us to dance in, without creating any pantylines under our costumes.” “Certainly,” The man seemed to know exactly what we meant and called into the back room for someone named David. “Let me take you to those items and then David and I will help with the fitting.” Gesturing to follow, he stepped around the desk and briskly made his way down a flight of stairs into a much bigger room, with more varieties of undies on every surface. As we passed some truly bizarre pairs, Neal grabbed one from the wall and wrapped it around his neck and feigned choking. We both laughed for a second until the clerk cleared his throat and pointed out two dressing rooms, one for each of us. “If you wouldn’t mind stepping inside and disrobing, David will be along to take some measurements in a moment and I’ll be back with some choices of styles, colors and materials.” The man turned to go before pausing and turning back. “By the way, I am Edward if you need anything.” “I guess we should get undressed,” Neal said, pulling back the curtain to his dressing area and stepping inside. I followed suit and began to slowly peel away my coat and shirt, when I realized there was something missing from this dressing room. “Hey Pete does your dressing room have any-” “Mirrors?” I completed his thought. “Not one, guess we’re supposed to use the big one out in the main area.” David appeared moments later and walked right into my dressing room. He was obviously annoyed that I still had my pants on and dropped to his knees to pull them and my briefs off. Even with the handsome 20ish muscle guy running a measuring tape around my waist, thighs, hips and up my groin, I was too nervous to get hard, thanking God that it wasn’t too cold though. After writing a few things down, David stepped back into the main area and left my curtain open, pointing to something on his clipboard and nodding when Edward pointed to something else. With that he pulled back the curtain to Neal’s area and I wished to heck they weren’t right next to each other so I could have seen if he’d stripped all the way down or only to his undies. For the next twenty minutes or so, Edward brought me pair after pair of dance belts, but much nicer than any I’d ever seen. Finally I had worn it down to two choices, a flesh tone style with high sides and a nice soft pouch, and a black silky pair with an elastic band around the cock and wider waist band to help keep it in place. “Step out and take a look.” Edward said when he slid the flesh tone pair up my legs. My nerves were diminishing and Edward’s forceful tone had me thinking of baseball and fat chicks to keep myself flaccid. Opening the curtain, I was surprised to see Neal on the platform in front of the mirror, wearing nothing but a royal blue dance belt with a drawstring around the pouch to help keep things inside. If anything, his bulge looked bigger today than it had before. “Oh shit, Pete,” Neal turned red and spun around, dashing into his dressing room. “Didn’t realize you were stepping out so soon.” “No problem Neal,” I responded laughing at his reaction. “It’s only slightly less than you were wearing the first time we changed together.” We laughed and I stepped onto the platform and marveled at how manly I looked. My muscle mass had increased quite a bit since I’d begun training for this show, and the baby fat I used to carry around my love handles and pecs was all but gone since I’d been dancing so much. I thought I looked hot, but the faces of the two clerks said otherwise. “Try the black and I will go find on more I think you should see,” Edward said as David shooed me back into the dressing room. Expecting him to leave, I was shocked as he whipped the flesh pair down to my feet and held out the black for me to slip into. This time when he got it to my groin, my nerves were forgotten and my cock began to harden, aided when he grasped the base firmly, ran his fingers under my balls and tucked the whole thing into the black pouch. Running his fingers along the sides to make sure the sides lay right, he stopped as they met, right by my sensitive butt hole. Hearing the other curtain pull aside, I could just see a glimpse of Neal’s back as David stepped out to take a look at the other customer’s choice. Unaware that he’d left the curtain open an inch, I snuck forward and peeked out to see what Neal was wearing. My cock went from tentatively hardening, to full on hard-on when I saw Neal’s massive meat encased in white cotton so thin I could see the ridge of his cock head and a vein working its way down the shaft. David gave Neal a thumb’s up and Neal returned to his room. Absent mindedly stroking my own dick in the black pair, I forgot about Edward’s return until my curtain was thrust open once more and Edward led me up onto the platform. “Not bad,” He said with no hint of disgust or intrigue. My dick was fully hard and causing the black material to poke out obscenely, even creating a wet spot where the tip was leaking precum. “But I think these will work better.” Pulling me back into the dressing room, Edward reached into my pouch and grasped my hard cock firmly, while pulling off the black belt. Not letting go until I stepped free of the black one, Edward finally held open a new pair with a wide black belt, attached to a red pouch, which was attached to two red elastic bands that each made a small loop. Looking confused, Edward showed me to put my leg into the belt first then a loop for each on until they reached the top. Once there he grasped my hard cock once more and slid it and my balls through a small hole in the first layer of fabric in the pouch, giving me tons of extra support around my crotch with nothing touching my ass. He explained that this pair had a built in c-ring for added support, but the tiny leg straps were practically invisible under clothes. Now harder than ever, he tucked my dick back up under the waist band, leaving my bulge quite full but not so obviously stiff. I felt so naked I grabbed my shirt off the floor and tucked it around me and not a moment too soon. Ripping back the curtain, Edward was pushing me out to the mirror. I was surprised to see Neal standing on the platform in a red pair that looked like briefs at the front and a thong in back. Both of stammered for something to say as I took a spot next to him, before he finally spit it out. “Seems only fair I see you bare ass,” he said slapping my butt, “since you’ve seen me that way!” I dropped my shirt a little bit giving him a glimpse at mylily white cheeks, we laughed and the clerks ushered us back to our separate rooms. Once inside I agreed with Edward that this was the best pair for me, but asked if there was one with a fly incase I needed to pee and didn’t have time to release myself from the ring in the pair I had on. Reaching out, he took the top of the pair I had on and peeled back a Velcro piece, allowing the entire front section to roll down and reattach at the bottom, leaving my cock hanging free while still through the ring. “Would you like to see anything else today?” He inquired, before unzipping his own slacks and letting them fall open to reveal a similar pair on him, but made of leather and without any cloth to cover his thick uncut 8 inches. I nodded yes and reached for his thick cock, stroking it as he returned the favor. Pressing my body against the wall by the curtain he peeled away the closest edge so I could see Neal now wearing a crisp white jockstyle belt while David stood back and judged. Looking past them I caught a reflection of my face, chest and cock, being stroked by a meaty older man’s hand and felt a thick finger pierce my ass hole and force itself in two knuckles deep and I lost control. I stifled my cry of pleasure by throwing my head into Edward’s chest and began to cum, stream after stream soaking his cotton oxford shirt and soft wool and silk pants. Simultaneously I could feel Edward’s load shoot out over my dick and thighs. Pulling his chest away, he leaned in and kissed my lips before telling me to get dressed. He looked outside the tiny room and once he was sure the coast was clear he ran off, while I got dressed and waited for Neal. We left about 5 minutes later, making our way to the main floor to pay for our purchases. When Neal asked me where mine was, I told him I decided to wear it to the show. In actuality I had been unable to find my briefs anywhere and, assuming Edward took them to wipe up with, I decided to wear them so any rogue cum drop wouldn’t leave a mark on my pants. Neal was holding his in his hand, and from what I could tell it was one of the white pairs I had seen before, but I couldn’t see which. At the desk, I paid for mine using a credit card I had no idea how I was going to pay off, but luckily Edward (now with a jacket over his shirt and tie) gave me a big discount. Neal paid next and seemed unfazed by the price, whatever it was. As we left I made sure to accidentally leave my ball cap behind, and ran back to get it, sliding my number to Edward before leaving. Opening night was a rousing success and due to some very quick changes I had to make, I was given a private dressing room right off the stage so no one ever saw my new dance belt. By the curtain call, the whole cast ready to get out of there, which meant drinks for most and calling for a ride home for me. “Gonna come out with us for a drink?” I turned at the sound of Neal’s voice. “It should be fun.” “Wish I could,” I said, walking with him toward the parking lot. Rather than further embarrass myself I figured I’d be ambiguous. “Sadly I have to get home and get some stuff done tonight, otherwise I would.” “What is so important you have to skip out on your first professional opening night?” He asked, clapping a hand around my shoulder and pulling me in to his side. The heat coming off of him was almost as intoxicating as the smell of his cologne and sweat, causing me to falter before I could come up with another excuse. “Just come out and have a couple drinks and you can still be home in time for Matlock, okay Grandma?” “Sounds fun but I am not old enough to drink,” I hated admitting it, but it might give me an out. “Sorry, forgot about that.” Neal loosened his arm hold as we walked, but kept it around my shoulders, and it felt nice. “But you can still have a couple tonight if you want. We got a full bar and buffet set up at Jim’s (the director) house, and I live only a few houses down from him so you can crash at my place if you’re too drunk to drive home.” “I dunno Neal,” I wanted to go but was nervous about spending time with everyone and having nothing in common. “I really do have things to get done tonight.” “If you really need to get home tonight then you can come for an hour and then you can drive my car home,” he said, defeating my defenses. “Chances are I will walk back to my place anyway once I decide I’ve had enough. Then tomorrow you can give me a ride to the show and bring my car back.” “Really?” My mind was searching for another excuse but this way I could hang out for a little while, then get home without any one worrying, and check out where Neal and Jim lived. “Okay, but I can’t stay too long.” “I know, I know,” he smiled and walked us over to his car. “You have things to do.” Pulling up outside the house I tried my hardest to seem nonchalant, but inside I was going nuts. Here we were in one of the snootiest neighborhoods in town, pulling up to the cast party for the biggest show of the year so far, and not only was I in it, but I was walking in with the star. It never occurred to me that the party would have more than just cast, but everywhere I looked I saw the local elite. Some famous, most rich, all classy. Lucky for me, Neal was pulled away as soon as we entered, so he could schmooze some big wig producers. Meanwhile the other chorus members grabbed me and pulled me out on the patio where there was a dance floor set up and lots of waiters walking around with champagne. After a few glasses and a few dances, we all decided to check out the digs, and snuck off to see the rest of the house. The ensemble guys and girls were all older than I was, some by a few years, some by a decade, but I was having a great time, especially when one of them absconded with a bottle of expensive vodka and we all snuck into Jim’s screening room to do shots. I’d forgotten all about going home when some of the others decided to go back out and dance some more. A few of the chorus boys who were fresh out of college wanted to see the bedrooms, and asked me along so I joined them. Turns out they were only looking for dirt about Neal and why we’d been hanging out so much. I laughed it off and explained that we were carpool buddies, which put it to rest, until we came upon Neal in Jim’s study and he asked to join us. The other guys were pretty drunk (although I was not far behind) and couldn’t help themselves when they noticed Neal joking with me. “So what’s all this?” One of the guys asked us. “Pete says you’re just carpool buddies, but I heard you two went shopping together and shit.” “yeah we did,” Neal said. “So? Is it too far-fetched to think we could be friends?” “But are you only friends,” the guy slurred. “Or maybe something more?” “Yeah we’ve all heard the rumors about you,” another guy added. “and you can date as many singers and ingénues as you want, but lots of your friends seem to be young guys like us.” “Well, not to fret Gents,” Neal smiled. “I promise not to make any of you my friends. Wouldn’t want any nasty rumors floating around, now would we?” “Besides,” I jumped in, feeling defensive. “If I was sleeping with the star don’t you think I’d have a bigger part?” Everyone laughed at that, even though I was being serious. “Truth is I don’t have a car and he was nice enough to gimme a ride. End of story.” With that, they dropped the subject although I am sure they had some doubts. Truth is, I had some too. Doubts about my ability to control myself around Neal, especially after hearing he might like young dudes like me. A few hours of hanging out and dancing and suddenly the party was ending. I went to get my coat when one of the actresses who had a supporting role, Lisa, grabbed me and told me to follow her. Up some stairs and past a set of glass doors and suddenly we were on a gorgeous veranda. Seated on some comfy couches around a low, glass table were the director Jim, choreographer Steele, the leading lady Rebecca , one of the chorus guys Mark, Neal and now Lisa and me. Taking a seat by Mark, I asked him what was going on, but he just shrugged and told me to “go with the flow.” Pretending like I wasn’t totally out of my league, I listened to the conversation and sipped on a cocktail handed to me by Jim before he went to retrieve something he referred to as “party favors.” Immediately I recognized the smell coming from his pipe as weed, having grown up with a hippy grandma. I’d only tried it once before, but when the pipe was passed to me I took a bigger hit than I should have and almost choked to death. Everyone got a kick out of it, but I wasn’t embarrassed since Lisa and Steele both did the same thing. Pretty soon we’d finished a couple bowls and I was melting into the sofa. Lost in thoughts of how hot Neal and Mark and Steele were, I didn’t hear when Jim asked me a question. “I said: what do you think of your first show?” He asked again. “Seems good to me.” I said, causing another round of laughs. “Got nothing to compare it to.” “Good point,” Mark said, moving in closer and patting me on the knee, before leaving his hard there to rub from my knee up and down my thigh. “Maybe I should ask you what YOU think of MY first show?” I said, feeling very deep. “I’d say you are doing an amazing job,” Steele interjected. Tall tan and ripped I found Steele to be hotter than hot and was flattered by his statement. “You’re keeping up with dudes who’ve been doing this for years and you’re only in high school.” “No shit!” Lisa piped in. “You’re in high school? I knew you looked young but damn man that’s impressive.” “I’m not in high school, I graduated early.” I tried to argue the point but it was futile. “It’s not like I’m 12 or anything.” “No one is saying that,” Rebecca, always the mature voice, chimed in. “We are just impressed at what you can do at this age. Just think about all the things you will accomplish before you’re 21.” “Yeah plus he is fucking ripped,” Neal’s comment made my dick jump despite the booze and pot flowing through me. “Dude’s got killer abs and a butt that makes sales clerks get hard ons.” “Please,” My mouth responded before my brain could catch up. “if anyone made that guy hard, it was you!” Realizing what I said, I turned bright red and tried to morph into the same color as the couch. The crowd took no notice of it and continued chatting about my looks and Neal’s, expanding from there into the rest of the cast. 20 minutes passed when Rebecca decided to call it a night and Steele, Mark and Lisa were heatedly discussing who was the hottest guy in the show. Jim walked Rebecca out while Lisa made her argument for the guy playing her love interest. “Sure he is cute,” Steele interjected. “But he is nowhere near as ripped as either of the two boys sitting on the couch.” “Thank you Steele!” Mark responded. “I’d argue that it comes down to either me, Greg (the dance captain) or Peter here. Who do you think is hottest?” “You,” I said, my eyes locking with Neal’s. Mark didn’t see that and assumed I meant him, and leaned over and kissed me before I could stop him. As stoned as I was I just giggled and covered my face with my hands, all while Mark’s hand had moved to my inner thigh and up closer to my crotch. “If you’re so hot,” Jim said, reappearing through the glass doors with another pipe in his hands. “then prove it Mark. Give us a show.” This was met with applause from Lisa, Steele, Neal and eventually, me. Once I joined in, he agreed, but told us he needed some place with better lighting. So the party moved inside to the upstairs tv room. While Mark went through Jim’s giant collection of mp4s on the house stereo system, Jim loaded a different looking bowl and took a hit before handing it to Steele and Lisa. When it got to me, I looked at it with no idea what it was before giving in and asking. “It’s tina.” Jim replied, still not making any sense to me. “Ya know, crystal?” I still wasn’t 100% sure and decided I was too fucked up as it was and passed it along to Mark who was once again seated next to me. Mark took a big hit from the pipe and then stood up and took off his shirt, revealing tight abs, firm pecs and an entirely unblemished torso except for an eagle tattoo on his right shoulder blade. He moved to the stereo to continue selecting while Lisa and Steele teased him about his tattoo. Before I realized it, the pipe had come back around but now Neal was sitting beside me, smiling and holding the pipe. “Give it a try Pete,” He whispered while the others paid no attention. “It feels really good.” “I am too fucked up already,” I argued, but leaned in closer to share in the whispering. “if I get any higher I’ll forget myself entirely.” “You talk like that’s a bad thing. Sometimes forgetting yourself is the only way to find what you really need.” He said while coming so close I could feel his breath on my cheek. “Just let me light it for you and take a hit. I promise it won’t make you feel bad, it might even make you feel better.” Looking at his strong chiseled face, I lost control. Clicking and sparking, the lighter burst into a small flame which Neal held to the bottom of the bowl. Clouds of white mist formed and swirled in the round end of the pipe. Neal nodded and I leaned forward and began to suck in the sour, white smoke. “Blow it in my mouth,” Neal instructed. We both leaned in and my lips grazed his as they opened, blowing the smoke into his mouth until I ran out, then pressing into his for a kiss. Pulling away I felt my world get brighter, and my mind get less foggy. While Neal took a hit, I started to remember where we were and what was happening. Suddenly his lips were on mine again and I was taking a shot gun from him, followed by a longer kiss, including a teasing with our tongues. Standing, he walked the pipe to Jim, who seemed to be torn between watching us and the other three. Looking over to see what they were up to, I wondered when I missed mark stripping down to his yellow and green bikini briefs, and when had Lisa and Steele both become topless. I laughed when Lisa made a joke about Mark’s dancing, which suddenly reminded him I was there. Bringing me the pipe, he straddled my legs and took my hand and placed it on his abs. Hitting it himself while I felt his ripped stomach, he took his time before tentatively trying to hand it to me. Neal was back next to me now, and told me to hold it to my lips while Mark lit it. I did what he asked and got an even bigger hit this time, which Mark tried to bend over and suck from my lips, but lost his balance and had to slide off of me onto the couch cushion instead. “Show us what you got Mark!” Lisa called out, now sitting on Steele’s lap, with Jim behind them, taking turns feeling her breasts and his chest. Never one to give up on a challenge, Mark pulled Neal and I over onto the loveseat next to the other three and turned on some music. Unfamiliar with the song, all I could tell you is it consisted of some pop star begging for someone to do things to her, with a very repetitive beat and overpowering baseline. He had some impressive moves, but he seemed to be trying really hard to turn me on by acting feminine, and all it did was turn me off. After a few minutes, Steele pushed Lisa off his lap and wanted to show Mark “how it’s done.” Switching over to the first techno-ish house music he could find he proved what an amazing athlete he is with all sorts of gymnastic moves, while stripping down to a black and gold pair of thong style undies. Even more cut than Mark, Steele was also much manlier and had no problem getting me hard in my pants. Steele tried passing it on to Jim, but he was too busy with his hand down Lisa’s skirt and Marks tongue playing with Jim’s dick through the material of his baggy boxer shorts. “Peter,” Jim said. “Show us what you got.” “Yeah Pete,” Neal said quietly. “I want to see what you got without a shirt in the way.” Taking a hit from the pipe, I felt bold, so I stood up, walked to the stereo and hunted for something to dance to. Originally thinking of something modern I stopped when “feelin’ good” by Sinatra popped up. As the opening strains began I turned around and slowly undid my shirt until it fell at my feet. Sliding in on and around the others on the loveseats, I somehow had them all watching me, frozen and focused entirely on my pants as I stepped onto the coffee table and worked them down my thighs, pulling a blanket off an armchair and using that to slowly uncover more and more of me until the climactic key change where I dropped the blanket. Left only in my special new undies, I twisted and turned and worked my way over to Neal, letting him reach out and brush fingers over my firm smooth butt and around over my cloth covered cock and balls. Just when I could tell all five were buzzing for me to finish I undid the Velcro and rolled down my pouch, until my hard 7 and a half inch dick popped against my abs, drooling precum down onto the floor. “Definitely the hottest,” Mark said before Jim shoved his mouth back down onto his now exposed dick. “Fuck yeah school boy,” Steele added while sliding his dick out of his thong and rubbing it over Lisa’s pussy. “I’m gonna get some of that ass tonight!” “Jim, where is the tina I brought over earlier?” Neal stopped me as I moved to join them on the couch. “In my room in the bedside table,” Jim said between moans as he face fucked Mark and felt up Steele’s ass as it slammed into Lisa’s cunt. “Pete and I are gonna go get it.” Pulling me behind him, Neal dragged me out of the tv room, down the hall and into a large bedroom, adorned with dark wood walls and a huge bed. Sitting me on the bed, Neal pulled open the bedside drawer and brought out another pipe, a bag full of crystals and a small torch. He loaded it, handed it to me and explained how to melt it, then started to hurriedly strip. When I finally got it melted and took a hit, I looked back at him just as he slid his jeans off. All he was wearing now was my briefs from that morning, and they were stretched to the maximum. Handing him the pipe, I worked to get his cock and balls through the fly while he smoked. Finally freed, his cock stood at least two inches longer than mine and was thicker than a peppermill. “You’re a virgin aren’t you?” I wanted to lie as I always had and say no when he asked, but instead I just nodded yes. “I can tell. Only a virgin could see that cock and still be laying there.” “Your only job right now is to hit this,” he said, indicating the pipe he was handing me, then dropping to his knees, spreading my legs and munching my ass cheeks. I moaned and took a big hit and moaned and took another hit, and moaned and went on until I was writhing in ecstacy. Once I could take no more, Neal pounced on top of me and told me to get my hands on his cock. While I stroked it, he reached behind me and worked a shard of tina up inside me. “That burns,” I whined and wriggled as he worked some lube into my ass with it. “Good,” Neal smiled and pumped his meat into my fists. “I want to be sure you know that my dick is not meant for little boys like you. You need to feel some pain so you can understand that is nothing compared to what is going to happen. This is your last chance to say no, back down, and go back in there and try one of those average size dicks. Once you agree to stay, I will take that cherry and there will be no going back, understand me?” For a second I stopped and wondered if I was really able to do this? All I could see when I looked at my hands was a dick that I could just barely get my fingers around, long enough to fit through both and still leave a few inches uncovered, and it scared me. But then I glanced up and my eyes caught Neal’s gaze and I remembered how it felt being with him, what he was risking by being with me, and what it felt like with his hand on my shoulders. “I’m not going anywhere.” With that declaration, he tucked my legs back behind my shoulders and poured some lube on his cock. Pulling a small bottle off the side table, he unscrewed the cap and held it to his nose and inhaled. Moving it to my nose, I followed his lead and held it in. My head started swimming and I saw stars as his cock head moved in and pushed against my tight sphincter. In only seconds, but what felt like hours, it breached the hole and sunk inch by inch until slowly, and surely he worked it balls deep. I was in horrible pain, but I had nowhere to run. Hanging on for dear life, he began pulling out and pushing back in, fucking me in ernest, until we were up to a good clip. My eyes were screwed shut until I felt him lean in and kiss me, awakening me to his presence. Suddenly I relaxed a little and his cock managed to go deeper, pressing something so deep inside me that I felt orgasms exploding from every finger tip, eyelash and arm hair. Each sensation was 1000 stronger than my best jerk off session, and I forgot all about the pain just as he reached full speed. “Fuck Pete you’re so….tight…fuck!” Neal growled to me while working himself into a frenzy. I could feel my own balls contracting and knew he was getting close to. Pulling him down against me, his hairy abs stroked my smooth cock and almost hairless cock until I couldn’t hold back and screamed out. “You’re making me cum!!!” My dick exploded, coating us in teen semen, which pushed Neal over the edge. “I’m making you a man! Here it is boy, your last innocent moment. Now you are nothing but a sow to be bred by every bull that can seed you. I’m cumming!” His dick swelled so big that it somehow passed its previous record and unloaded a gallon of cum past my body and into my spirit. As high as I was, I still felt the exact moment his man seed spilled into my soul and made me crave cum for ever after. We laid on the bed, locked together for awhile after that, until my ass began to seek more cum and started to milk his dick again. That was only the first part of a night of surrendering to seeking seed, of a year of discovering my desire for deep deposits, and a lifetime of accepting my addition for any and all anal.
    4 points
  2. Part 2: no more poz dicks! Remember that hiv dude? I let him fuck me. It felt super but then I regreted it quickly after that. I mean he's very hot and his dick felt so good. But I need to make smarter choices. I know I dont always make the smart choices but I try. Troy (the hiv guy) kept texting me wanting to bred me some more. So I told him I dont want any more poz dicks to fuck me. But he kept perssisting on to fuck me. He asked me if I enjoyed it the last time. I was honest and said "I really liked it!!!" when I texted him. But i also told him I was scared, right? Troy told me that I was gonna get hiv anyway because I liked sex with poz guys. I guess that was true. Nobody's dick ever felt better in my butthole. Man, I really wanted to feel him cum in my butt again. Like now! I tryed to ignore all his texts. I guess I gave in, though last night. He kept sending me sexy texts like "you want to beg for my aids cum again?" and i told him to stop sending those. "please stop. you're giving me a boner!" I sent back, he explaned to me that I got a boner because i wanted to get fucked by him. that was kinda true. He offred to come over and just suck my dick and thats all he would do if thats all i wanted. That sounded like a good idea. I needed my boner to go away. I had so many boners thinking about troy since then. Maybe this would help, right? Neway, he came over and he sucked my dick. I had an hiv dude sucking my dick! Damn, it felt great. "you want me to fuck your ass again?" he asked me. Damn, why did he ask me that? i told him "please dont ask me that when i have a boner." and he just kept saying things like, "u know u want it. i'll fuck my aids cum into you again and you will love it." then he sucked my dick some more. why did he put those thoughts in my head? my boner was so tight and i looked down and saw that big dick as he sucked on me. i wanted it. suddenly, i just said, "yeah! fuck me again!" he spinned me around so quickly and pushed me up against the wall right away. then i felt his tongue in my butthole again. "that feels great!" i said. i knew i should tell him to stop but that dick would feel so good. i couldnt decide what to do!
    3 points
  3. Every bug chaser remembers the first time they made that fateful decision to knowingly take a poz load, and I'm no exception. It was quite a few years ago now, back when gay.com was still a good way to meet guys for hookups. I had been chatting with this one guy for quite some time, on and off. I still remember his profile name: Big N8R. His name was (you guessed it) Nate. And Nate had an 8 incher with a PA, so you can pretty much figure out why I kept talking to him. The only wrench? Big N8R was HIV positive. We flirted back and forth whenever we saw each other on, but I could never pull the trigger. I mean, he was definitely cute (rough looking, scruffy goatee, full sleeve tats) and had a big ol' cock, but he was poz and I didn't know if I was ready for that. Plus Nate made it very clear that he was all about fucking bareback and he didn't like to pull out. Well, one night I was online and had basically been cruising to get my ass fucked all day-- no takers. This left me exceedingly horny and exceedingly frustrated. A dangerous combo, as all you bug chasers know. Add to that I'd had a couple beers so... It was about 1 am and I was itching to get fucked. Some morbid fuckers might say I was "dying" for it. Anyway, Nate's online, so you can figure out what happened next: Me: Dude, I'm so horny! I really need dick tonight! Nate: I'd love to help you out, but you know my deal Me: Yeah, I know. And I think I'm ready for it Nate: Um, really? Do you know what you are asking for? Me: I've fantasized about your cock in me for a long time-- I think it's time we fucked. Nate: Ok. Just so we're clear-- I'm Poz. And I fuck bare. And I don't like to pull out. Me: Yeah. Um, if I asked you to pull out-- would you? Nate: well.... for you? Yeah. But I don't make a habit out of it. and I don't think you'll want me to Me: I really want to try this Nate: You sure? point of no return you know.... Me: Yes. And I texted him my address. He was at my door in 15 minutes, and naked beside my bed in one. First off, let me just say I picked a doozy for my first poz experience. Nate was 6'2", decently in shape (like you could almost see a six pack), tattoos everywhere including full sleeves, and that COCK! His pics didn't do it justice. It was every bit 8 inches, slightly arced downward, and one of those that is big to begin with but the middle is even fatter. And at the tip gleamed a huge PA. Turns out he had a 2 gauge in. Holy fuck. Secondly, let me just say I was nervous as fuck. You bug chasers can relate to this. I was standing on the edge of a precipice and just like Nate said-- point of no return. I knew I was about to "knowingly" take an HIV positive load in my ass. From a cock with a PA. The chances of infection would be high. The danger of the situation was intoxicating, but the implications were daunting. My stomach was in chaotic knots while I looked at his stiffening cock. My body was in a war with itself. My ass wanted that cock. My stomach was conflicted. My mind was screaming not to do this as it was too risky. And my cock was thickening at the sight of him. You can guess which side won in the end. Nate said, "You ready?" And I told him I was really nervous about the whole thing. He told me to just relax and that he really would pull out or stop any time if I asked him to. And with that, I dropped to my knees and started trying to suck his cock. I don't like trying to suck cocks with PAs as the metal clinks against my teeth and it's really jarring. So we only did this for awhile as I was very clumsy at it. Plus he didn't need any motivation for the main event as he was already drooling precum. Nate hoisted me up by my armpits and pushed me back onto the bed. "You don't need to suck me anymore cuz I'm just here for this sweet ass." He pushed my legs high and dove his tongue into my crack. And damn he knew what he was doing! Within 5 minutes he had be begging for that cock. I was on my back at the edge of my bed (it was a taller bed-- perfect height for a top standing and fucking me while I reclined) and he grabbed the gun oil. He lubed that big cock of his while staring into my eyes. "Last chance," he said. At this point I just grabbed behind my knees and opened my ass for him as a reply. The entry was excruciating. I had only been fucked by a guy with a PA once before, and it was a much smaller gauge. Feeling all that cool metal at my hole made my pucker seize up, and Nate basically had to force his cock inside me. "Fuck you're tight! Just relax, baby. You're gonna need to relax to take the fucking I'm about to throw. Oh, and by the way? It takes me forever to cum." I will say that Nate wasn't really out to hurt me-- at least at the beginning. He worked his cock in slowly (once that head and PA got past my ring) and bottomed out inside and left it there for a minute or two so I could get used to his size. He rocked gently side to side, helping me open up. And little by little, I did. He started slowly withdrawing and then pushing back inside. I could feel the PA shifting and moving inside me with every slow thrust. In my mind, I knew it was dragging across my intestines, possibly doing damage and putting microtears in the lining where the infection could enter my bloodstream. This made my stomach knot even more, but again, the sexy danger of it all gave me a raging boner which acted as a handle for Nate. "Looks like someone's enjoying this cock," he said with a smirk. "Oh my god! My ass is so FULL! I've never had this much cock in me-- And that PA! I can feel it moving inside me-- it's incredible. Don't stop fucking me, Please?" I begged. That's when Nate knew he had his victim. The more Nate fucked, the more into it I got. The idea of his cock being positive was fading into the background as the intensity of the fuck filled all of my present thoughts. I became a bottom machine on a mission-- to take his cock and load. Before long I was grabbing the edge of the bed and bucking my ass into his cock to force him as deeply into me as he could go. His PA was breaching my second ring at this point and the pleasure/pain was indescribable. You know, that painful punch deep in your guts but once the cock goes inside it's like the gates of heaven open up and choirs of angels are singing. True to his word, it took Nate a long time to cum. He probably fucked me for an hour solid-- and I was almost swallowing my tongue with the pleasure. By the end, he had my ankles in his hands and was completely withdrawing his cock and ramming it all the way back in to the hilt. Again and again and again. The PA just ripping past my sphincter like it was tissue paper. My poor neighbors! I know I was getting loud, but I didn't care. I was speaking in tongues and begging for him to cum. And begging for him to never stop fucking me. And begging for more and harder and deeper and whatever else I could beg for. I remember Nate finally looking down at me and into my eyes, and he got this almost quizzical look on his face... and then he rammed all the way inside me, as deep as he could go and he held it there. He froze in place, body tensed, not breathing. And then I felt the throb. His cock head was throbbing out that poz load deep into my guts-- well up into my abused second ring. Nate just kept looking into my eyes as his cock shot jet after jet of dick poison into me. I found I wasn't breathing or moving either. I was just as frozen as he was-- letting him plant this toxic seed inside my guts. When his orgasm subsided, we finally came back to ourselves. He was still buried in me, and he grabbed my precum leaking cock and he started to jack me off-- slowly. He timed the strokes on my dick with slow, short strokes of his cock in my ass. I was already near the edge, so it only took an agonizing minute before I felt my load boil out of my nuts and shoot all over my belly. He scooped up my neg load and ate it greedily. And then he ever-so-slowly pulled his softening cock out of my clenched hole. The PA was the last to pop out, and it was like my hole didn't want to let it go. We still hadn't spoken a word at this point, and we both crawled up onto my bed and lay side by side. Finally he broke the silence. "You ok?" He asked. "Yeah, I think so. Um, you didn't warn me when you were going to cum so I could have had you pull out...." "Would you have asked me to?" he inquired. "No. But if I had, would you have pulled out?" I asked back. "Honestly? No. It would have been like stopping an avalanche." We lay in silence a while longer. Then he got up and began to get dressed. "So that was your first poz load, huh? How are you feeling?" "Ok. A bit conflicted now that its over. But also turned on. And ashamed. And I feel stupid. And exhilarated. Lots of things." "Yeah," he said as he was at the door and ready to go, "Everyone remembers their first charged load."
    2 points
  4. I was an executive who looked and acted the part, so few if any, knew about my sexuality or that I got off on pozzing someone once in a while. I was in my thirties, clean cut, worked out three times a week at the gym, and had progressed up the corporate ladder from a cubicle to my own office. As I was a total top, and had never done drugs, neither my doctor nor I could readily figure out how I got the bug. Of course my doctor gave me the whole spiel about safe sex so I wouldn't poz anyone else, but I could tell he himself liked to poz guys one occasion, just for the added sexual thrill that enhanced how great his dick felt when he ejaculated into a neg hole and knocked it up with his toxic sperm. I found myself fantasizing about pozzing some of the assholes at the company, but knew there were few if any gay or bi bottoms, or, for that matter, any versatile guys who worked there who wanted to fuck around with me, let alone who wanted to be pozzed. My opportunity came a few months later via a smart-ass punk in the mail room. I first encountered him a couple of months after he had been hired. The punk was a snobby 21 year old who thought he was better than others and was rude to those he thought beneath him including the janitors, maintenance men and other, mostly blue collar workers. I took offence partly because Ron the janitor and Joe, the fat maintenance man, were my friends, not to mention they too were respectively bi and gay. They were about 50 years of age, and both were also poz. Ron had fucked Joe and pozzed him, but Joe was still fat and flabby. They were good pieces of ass and sucked great cock. We discussed the mail boy, and agreed he needed some punishment. He was nice enough to me so I decided I would seduce him and hopefully pump my seed into him on behalf of my buddies. I became friendly with the punk, whose name was Bobby. He initially said he was straight with a fiancée, but a friend of mine mentioned he had seen Bobby on more than one occasion at one or another gay bar, as well as having seen him at Pride Fest. Another acquaintance mentioned he had seen Bobby sucking off a good-sized black man (who looked like a pimp) in an alley. I use the information on Bobby, and finally he admitted to being bi-sexual. I then asked him if he liked older men and he replied "Someone your age is okay, but not ugly old geezers like Ron and Joe." I flattered him with bullshit and then asked him what sex he liked. He freely answered, saying he was versatile and liked to bottom for men larger than himself. I fit the bill, being a full six feet tall and about 200 to his 5' 10" and 170. My dick was just a bit longer than the average six-incher, but thickened just past the head so it felt like an eight or nine-incher in girth to most assholes I fucked. I persuaded him to suck me off during lunch which he did in a stall of an out of the way mens room. He was a surprisingly good cocksucker who readily swallowed my seed, which, of course, I hadn't told him was toxic. Still I knew there was little chance I would poz him if he was only giving me a blow job, but even so I let him suck my cock at least once or twice a week, just for the good feeling of establishing myself as the man and him as the punk. Oh, I guess I also enjoyed using his mouth as a convenient receptacle to get my rocks off in. After a few weeks I let it slip that I wouldn't mind fucking his ass, but I added "But only if you're neg." He replied "I guarded my ass well 'cause I don't want to be pozzed." "I always use rubbers when fucking a guy" I commented, but neglected to tell him I was poz, and he didn't ask me as to my status, so I assumed he took that my healthy clean-cut looks to mean I was neg. Anyhow, we made a date and a week later, after work, we met-up. I called a cab and took him to a cheap hourly motel where, once inside the room we hugged and kissed as we had a couple of times before when he sucked me off. We stripped and hugged and kissed some more. I then had him suck my dick to full hardness, leaving it wet with his spit. I produced a condom, opened it and began to put it on while he climbed onto the bed, laying on his stomach. While he was making himself comfortable I slipped off the condom, added a little lube to his spit on my hard dick and mounted him, telling him "I'm going to enter you now. Relax your ass and kind of push out like you're about to take a shit and it'll go in easier with less pain." "Okay," he replied. I lined-up my dick to his hole, adjusted my position and pushed the head in. Of course he flinched a little. I then shoved it in another inch or two so the thicker part of my shaft entered and stretched his anal ring. He flinched and yelped and I held my position while he got used to it. I wanted to have both pleasure for my penis and put pain to the punk, but I didn't want him to scream bloody murder so the whole neighborhood could hear. After a minute, (which seemed much longer), I drove it home right up his ass. He yelped and whined from the pain of my swift penetration. I lay on his back to keep him pinned down, as well as to get him used to my cock, even though I generally prefer to start right in pounding the assholes to rip 'em up inside, but with tighter holes I didn't need to work hard to tear them up, and honestly I was enjoying the sensation of his snug ass wrapped around my weapon. I flexed my dick in him a few times, enjoying his reaction, especially how my dick stretched his already stretched-out hole. I thought about a black friend's nine or ten-inch cock, and found myself initially moving slightly in and out, but gradually lengthening my stroke and speed. I varied my approach, but avoided working myself up to orgasm because I wanted to split his rectal tissues as much as possible, certainly until I figured enough blood was flowing to ensure easy passage of my virus into his bloodstream. I had fucked a neg size queen who hadn't been fucked in a couple of weeks. The queen's hole had been as loose as a woman's vagina, was a lousy fuck and failed to sero-convert. Three months later the queen still tested neg, but I was determined to convert Bobby, who was definitely in pain. After all, he had mentioned he got fucked maybe once a month or less, usually by men with small to average dicks. I pulled almost all of my dick out of Bobby to check it, and in the process saw just a trace of pink so I rammed a series of hip-snaps in order to rip his rectum some more and checked my dick again. It was covered with a better layer of pink so I began piston-thrusting in him, grinning to myself as I pounded away. I felt good. My dick felt good, almost like a piston in a cylinder, as I took pleasure in fucking Bobby. Knowing how he would suffer added to my thrill. Knowing that many younger guys weren't as diligent about taking their meds as we older men are, and thinking of how he'd decline in health and suffer in years to come, mostly from the result of my mighty meat pumping my life-changing virus-filled cum into him. I fucked him faster, taking full strokes, my pelvis sometimes slapping his ass. I was closing in for the kill, getting ready to fill him with my HIV. The thought excited me more as I fucked him. I got close and then slowed my pace a bit. I had discovered that slowing as I reached orgasm enabled me to shoot more cum for a few more seconds which also felt great not to mention how even better my dick felt ejaculating. I adjusted my pace, got closer and felt my nuts draw up and my cum begin its journey from them through my dick, into his ass and into his bloodstream. My penis erupted in pure pleasure, shooting spurt after spurt into him. I held it still a moment as half a dozen spurts filled him and then resumed thrusting in a series of hip-snapping thrusts to pump the rest of my load up his ass and mash my virus-carrying sperms through the fissures in his anal walls created by my early-on thrusts and into his bloodstream. My dick felt absolutely fantastic flooding him with my potentially deadly disease. I rested on his back, my thick dick still buried balls-deep in his sore ass. I felt good and could feel the naive punk massaging my dick with his ass muscles milking my cum out of my dick into him. I thrust a few times more to further force my virus-laden sperms and semen into his rectal walls and bloodstream. The afterfuck was nice especially because I was doing my best to infect him. I took a nap on his back with the intention of reloading and adding a second load of virus to further make sure I infected him. Over half an hour passed and my dick was till nominally hard so I began with short strokes while thinking of him years later suffering in some hospice or in an alley looking like discarded trash. Soon my dick was rock hard again, but this time I didn't need to work his rectum; I had only to fuck him and enjoy getting my second load of HIV off in his ass. I fucked him for about ten minutes and had a great feeling second orgasm in his wrecked rectum, my penis pulsing with pleasure with each spurt of infected cum I shot off in him. I thrust slowly while shooting and then rammed a series of hip-snaps to finish the job. Again I rested and felt a warm feeling of having enjoyed using him for my pleasure while fucking-up his future which furthered my pleasure. About twenty-five minutes later I pulled my softening dick out. It was coated with a nice pink mixture of cum and blood. Grinning, I told him to get up and suck it clean. He was a bit shocked at seeing my dick but I asked him what the dick of the man who broke his ass cherry looked like. He said it looked similar and finally got on his knees and sucked my dick clean. After he finished sucking my dick clean I told him to kiss it and my balls. He respectfully did. I flirted with the idea of ordering him to swallow my load of piss, but decided I'd cross that bridge in an underground sex club later on. The most important part of the day was that I had a most enjoyable time infecting him by fucking him and getting my virus-laden rocks off in his ass, just to fuck him up. Things went on normally at work although we did notice how he walked due to the pain my thick dick and my good hard thrusts had put to his ass. "Looks like some man had a good time." someone said as a queue of us left the mail room after work a couple of days later. I had to keep from grinning and swelling with manly pride and then had to go to the men's room to relieve my hard on, that began bulging my pants. I would have liked to wait for Bobby to get off so I could at least use his mouth but he was too busy and there were no other bottoms to take care of my needs. I was about to go into a stall and whack off into the john when Ron came in to clean the restroom. Hearing him push his cart through the door I looked over the stall door to make sure it was him and came out showing my hard dick. "Hi Jerry. You do it?" he asked. "Sure did. Did you seen him in the mail room?" "Yeah. He looked like he took a bus up there," Jerry chuckled. We hugged and kissed and then he asked me to slide my meat in his ass. We went into the large handicapped stall where he sucked on my dick. We dropped our pants and he bent-over while I greased up my loggerhead, and positioned myself at his ass. Ron was in good shape, although on the skinny side, but he was always skinny unlike Joe who weighed almost a hundred lbs. more than did Ron. I entered Ron, hilted myself in him and fucked him. He was a good fuck and I relished the opportunity to fuck him, as I knew Ron saw himself as a lowly peon, who was fortunate to be fucked by a high-status. I fucked him for about ten minutes and then blew a good load up his ass. It occurred to me the orgasm was especially good, given that I blew my load into an ass that was the same HIV status as my dick. I fucked him until I stopped cumming, pulled out and let him suck my dick clean. Unlike most assholes he willingly drank my piss before sucking off of my dick, leaving it clean and dry. Then Ron kissed my cock and my balls, we pulled up our pants, hugged but didn't kiss, but thanked each other. Then I left, my needs for the afternoon satiated. Almost a month later Bobby called in sick saying he had a bad flu and that he felt like he'd been beat-up in an alley. Upon hearing about him my dick hardened in my pants. Fortunately I was in my office at the time seated at my desk, so no one could tell I had an erection. During break time I found Joe who was happy to suck me off. He always gave me good head and I enjoyed an excellent orgasm in his mouth thinking of how Bobby was feeling worse than shit. As had Ron, after he swallowed my load, Joe respectfully drank my piss, and kissed my cock and balls before I pulled my pants back up. Bobby returned to work a month later but only because they hadn't yet hired a replacement. He looked beat and when we were alone, he said that he likely had HIV, but that he would wait three months before he was tested. I felt he was fit enough to resume sucking me off a few weeks later and persuaded him to get on his knees and get his lips wrapped around my dick and get busy sucking me off. He worked there a couple more years, was on meds and apparently never realized I had pozzed him. As I predicted to myself, over the next two decades Bobby was a bit careless about his meds and his health deteriorated so he ended up on welfare in a group home. I, on the other hand, had stuck with my regimen, and had taken care of myself, so I was in good health. Over the years I had several promotions and then retired on a nice pension with benefits. I had pozzed a few more neg guys. Each occasion gave my penis perfect pleasure with each spurt of my poz jizz in the guy's negative hole. Some were bug-chasers, some didn't care, and some I stealthed. If I may say so, even at fifty I looked great so the guys were clueless as to my status and many bug-chasers thought I was neg. Ron and Joe were as diligent as I was but Joe did lose some of his weight so he was about 200 when I last fucked him. I was also able to line-up a few bug-chasers for them to knock-up. Watching those two hard working men enjoy the pleasure of fucking and knocking-up young neg and some old neg holes was a turn on. We also joined a team of fellow poz tops to gangbang bug-chasers a few times.
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  5. I fell kinda ashamed of what I did next. I thought i would make smarter choices, but things just kinda got out of control. after he finished licking my butthole, i was so horny. my own boner was big. i mean it wasn't as big as troy but it was big for mine. i felt him push the tip of his dick into my hole and he just kinda pressed against me not too hard and not putting in my butt yet. you want this? he asked me. damnit i was horny. i told him, "you gave me a boner and now you are making me want aids in my butt again." and then he pressed it a little further. i loved the way it felt when he pushed in. yeah it burned a little but then it feels amazingly. "yeah you like that" he said. and i said, "i really do. it feels so great!!!" this time, he just kept going slow into me and kept asking me questions like "oh u like my hiv dick in you?" "yes!" i said, "i want your hiv dick inside me more!" and he pushed some more into me. "tell me how you like that" he said. "your making me want aids now!" i told him. "yeah, you want my hiv?" he asked me. now he was starting to slowly thrust some into my butt. the hiv dude was in my butt again. i couldnt believe it but i didnt want to stop it then. it felt even better than the frist time he buttfucked me. "oh damn!" I said "yes, fuck hiv into me. i want hiv!!!" i kinda yelled right. He sped up his paced. it was feeling better. "you like that?" he asked again. it was getting hard to concerntrate bc it felt soo damn good. "i love getting aids!!!" i told back to him. "it feels awsome !!!' I was beginning to think that maybe he was brainwashing to me. He kept saying things over and over in my ear and i like kept believing it and wanting it more. "youre a poz slut" he said. and i liked to hear that! over the next 20 minutes or so, i couldnt help but to keep saying things like "i want HIV!" and "please give me aids cum!" now he was pounding my ass hard and i was loving it! hiv dude was buttfucking me hard like! and i kept encouraging him bc the morei told him i liked it, the more pounded i got. "yes!!! buttfuck aids into me! i like aids in my butt!!!" i yelled at one point. he seemed happy but was also warning me like "if i keep fucking you, ur gonna get hiv and aids. u want that?" "i do!" i said real loud. "please give me hiv. I need your aids. pound me hard!" I never got so pounded as than. Man, Troy was buttfucking me so hard. And DEEP! I felt his muscley stomach against my back like he was cramming all of his dick into my butthole!!! And now he seemed all angry but horny too and said "you're a dumb slut that takes poz loads!" and I knew that was try. "I am! I want the poz loads! Getting aids feels soo good!" i told him. He said something like "oh you're getting my fucking poz load. this fuck is gonna give you aids!" and then he was slamming me so hard, i was seeing blurry like. Oh man, i have to finish this story later now bc Troy is texting me.
    2 points
  6. After about two minutes Paul heard the door open and close, followed by footsteps down the hall. A deep voice ordered "Slut, keep your head buried in that pillow." Paul did as he told. Seconds later he felt the rub of a clothed crotch pressing against his ass. He could also feel the large bulge pressing to be released inside. The sound of a zipper being unzipped followed, and then the sensation of something pressing against his hole. The sound of spitting followed, as well as the warmth of saliva which coated his hole. Then came one hot thrust of pain as the cock which had been pressed against his hole plunged balls deep inside his hole. "Yeah, you dirty fuck whore. Take my fat cock in your ass/" Vigorous fucking commenced immediately. There was no time for Paul to adjust. The top was pounding him like a jack hammer, stretching his hole unmercifully. In extreme pain, Paul moaned loudly. "Fuck yeah, whore, take my fucking cock!" As quickly as it started the fucking stopped, although the fat cock was still buried in his hole. The next thing Paul heard was the sound of a photo being taken, followed by the sound of key presses on a smartphone. Paul smiled with pleasure at the thought of seeing the photographs of his violated ass. The top recommenced fucking Paul, but this time his thrusts were somewhat slower, with the top's cock cock sliding all the way in and then withdrawing. After a few minutes of this activity the top completely withdrew and grunted "Stay there whore. I need to get naked to fuck you better." With this remark Paul realised the top was (apparently) still dressed, having only opened his fly to free-up his cock for the assault on his ass. The sound of clothing being dropped onto the floor was interrupted by the sound of a message being received on the top's phone. As he slid back into Paul's ass, the top replied to the message, and then tossed his phone on the bed. By chance the phone fell next to Paul's head. The top, meanwhile, continued his slow thrusts into Paul's ass. After about five minutes of this treatment Paul was in heaven. The fat cock was touching every pleasure zone in his ass, and sensing as much, the top grunted "Dirty little whore. Taking my raw cock in your hole. Fuckin' love it, don't you, slut?" Then, as Paul uttered a muffled yes, he heard someone open the front door .
    2 points
  7. Part 2 I expected Derek to avoid me for awhile, maybe quit working in the office, perhaps even pack up and move out. After his disappearing act that night, nothing would have surprised me except for what happened. The next afternoon, only a few minutes after his usually scheduled shift was to begin, in walked Derek, apologizing for his tardiness, explaining that he got no sleep last night, barely made it to his classes and was so fucking horny after last night that he didn’t hear a single thing any of his professors had said. I laughed and explained that it was the tina that made him so wired and horny. “That shit is awesome!” He said as he stripped off his jacket and backpack. “Not to mention those fucking hot girls you had over. That was the most amazing night ever!” Not quite believing my ears, I asked him how he felt about everything that went down, and he surprised me again by repeating all of his favorite moments, conveniently leaving out anything involving me and him. So he’d decided to ignore that part eh? Well that was fine with me. Denial would keep him from admitting what I was doing to him until it was too late. By the next time I saw him, he’d had a couple days to cool off, and seemed more embarrassed by what had gone on. So much so that he almost begged out of using the office for his jerk session that weekend until I told him I’d sent the link to his paysite to Lana and Lois and they both wanted to watch. Reluctantly he agreed, but his performance that night was his hottest yet, possibly because of the videos I kept sending him of Lana’s face between Lois’ legs. He never knew I was behind the camera, assuming the girl were filming it all themselves. He kept trying to get them to agree to another bang session, but backed down when they insisted they’d only do it with more tina. While I could tell he was itching for more of the same fun, he resigned himself to jerking on his pay site a few more times that weekend and once during the week. My plan was too successful suddenly, as Derek made so much during his frustrated jerk sessions that he didn’t need to do any for almost a month, only popping back on after he got an email requesting a private show from Lana. When I (under Lana’s screenname) asked him when we could party again, he explained that he couldn’t risk his grades by getting high and missing any classes, especially with finals approaching. It was a conundrum for sure, until I realized that finals would be followed by summer break. The next day when Derek showed for work, I asked him what he had planned for the holidays, to which he shrugged and told me he usually spent most of the 10 weeks off as a counselor, helping high/middle schoolers improve their game. Telling him how much fun it sounded like, I asked him where he planned to live after he got back, and he laughed, and responed “well here, of course.” “Oh so you wanted to renew your lease?” I asked him, trying to sound unaware of his desire to stay in the apartment. He nodded yes, playing right into my hands. “Damn I wish you’d told me that a few months back. I wanted to do some refreshing of some of the apartments that will be unused for the summer, and I ordered the fixtures and carpet at stuff weeks ago and I got stuff for your apartment too. I should also mention that I was planning to raise the rent a few hundred a month, maybe even double it.” “Shit, pardon my french, but where will I find a place to stay this late in the game?” Derek’s voice got worried. “Everyone who is coming back for next year has already signed leases and tied down any place I could afford.” “I’m sorry Derek,” I lied. “Maybe if you get a good-enough paying summer job you can save up enough to live there again. How much does the camp pay?” “Almost nothing, just room, board and a little extra for our travel. Besides, I’d need a miracle to save up enough for tuition and double the rent.” Derek was frantic, almost in tears. “Please Mr. E, isn’t there some way I can stay in that apartment at the same rent? Or something I can do to work it down to where I can afford it.” “Well, I was going to hire a couple guys to help me with the cosmetic stuff,” I offered, hoping Derek couldn’t hear the smirk in my voice. “If you want, you could work for me this summer, painting the apartments, ripping old cabinets and carpeting, installing new lights in the hallways and bedrooms, etc. That way I only have to hire professionals for the plumbing, electrical stuff, but it’d mean missing out on your camp.” “Not a problem sir,” Derek jumped at the chance to save himself from returning to working 2 jobs on top of a full time class load. “But where will I stay while we rip up my place and they redo it?” “Well if it isn’t too odd for you, you are welcome to bunk in my second bedroom,” my voice almost gave me away as I explained my idea, but Derek didn’t catch on. “It wouldn’t be all summer, and once we were finished in your apartment, you’d be free to move back in there, with all new cabinets, bath fixtures and appliances. Between the discount I’d give you for helping out, the money you’ll make, and some extra cash from your online shows, you should have enough saved to stay there until you graduate and cover you tuition for at least a semester or two.” “Are you sure it isn’t too much of an imposition sir?” Derek asked, always so polite in spite of his obvious doubts about staying with me. “Not at all Derek,” I put my arm around him and led him down to my apartment to show him the room. “The other room is so far from mine that it’s practically a separate place. Besides I’d prefer giving you the money as opposed to some guy off the street.” After seeing how nice my second bedroom was, with its attached bath, walk-in closet and balcony over-looking the pool, Derek couldn’t help himself and agreed to move in the next Friday after his last final. The week flew by, with me busying myself with the instillation of cameras all over my apartment and “Lana” constantly emailing Derek to see if he’d be able to get together after finals before she went on vacation with her “parents.” In actuality Lana and Lois were booked by an older gentleman friend of mine to spend a few weeks on his yacht getting high and gang-banged the entire time. Still, I knew she’d be free for one last night of partying so I called her up as soon as Derek agreed to meet up with her that Friday after he finished moving in. From my laptop in my private office, I watched every hidden camera angle of Derek’s muscular body as he hauled his final loads into his temporary digs, before texting Lana to go ahead and give Derek some bad news. I watched the screen as he answered and got a disappointed look on his face at something she said. “Well isn’t there anywhere else we can do it?” He asked her, listening to her respond before talking again. “No we can’t do it here. I am staying with Mr. E while we remodel my place, and I’d feel bad asking him if I could have you over on my first night.” More listening. “No please don’t ask him, I—Lana I’m not sure he’d--- No, please, I- Hello? Lana?” My phone buzzed with a text from Lana, telling me he’d fallen for it and thought she was asking me if she could stop by and play at that very moment. I watched as he paced on camera and finally tossed himself on the bed. His phone buzzed a moment later and he seemed happy at the response. Jumping up, he unearthed a towel from his bags and stripped naked, making his way into the bathroom to shower. My cock stiffened knowing he had just seen a text from Lana explaining that I was cool with it, and Lois was actually planning to come by after her last final too, so they’d be welcome to join the two of us for some partying. Whether he was reluctant to party again or not, he certainly showed no sign of it while stroking his stiff, soapy meat in my shower, working his way to a nice big load. Derek walked out of the bathroom just as I knocked on his bedroom door and told him to come out and join me for a drink before the girls arrived. Moments later he appeared in my living room wearing a loose pair of board shorts and a tee shirt, and took a drink from my hand. He might have sipped on the strong drink if I hadn’t turned off the air, and shut the windows. Instead he gulped while pretending to ignore the porn I had playing on my huge flat screen. Taking a seat on the opposite end of the couch from me, I asked him if he’d gotten settled and we chatted for awhile before Derek’s phone buzzed, right on cue. “Lana says Lois’ car broke down on campus and she has to wait with her for the tow truck so their gonna be kinda late,” Derek read, swallowing the last of his drink. “guess it’s just us for awhile.” “No problem,” I said as I refilled Derek’s glass. “just means I don’t have to be so uncomfortable.” With that I unbuttoned my shirt and peeled it off, leaving me in only my own khaki shorts and sandals. Derek was sweating now and obviously considering joining me. I almost told him to join me, when he made up his mind, set down his glass and stood to remove his shirt. It was obvious all he was wearing now were the shorts, which rode low as he sat back down. “Fuck it is hot in here,” I said, trying to make him more comfortable about his choice. It worked, getting him to spread him legs and lean back a little. “Guess we should get this party started.” “Um, I’m good thanks.” Derek said as I pulled out my pipe and a baggie of tina. “You sure bro?” I continued loading the bowl, ignoring his protest. “You know Lana will want to smoke when she gets here and I’d hate for you to embarrass yourself like last time.” “What do you mean?” Derek said, taking another gulp from his glass. “Just thought you’d want to seem like you could handle yourself this time, and show Lana you weren’t a stick in the mud is all,” My round about way of saying he was boring her. “I probably shouldn’t tell you this but she told me after you left that she thought you were a virgin, or maybe even… never mind.” “What?” His eyes grew wide and he pulled at the cuff of his shorts. “Tell me what she said.” “She… she wondered if you were kinda…gay.” I spit it out like I was disgusted by the thought. “The way you freaked whenever we came in contact and wouldn’t smoke around me, she thought you might be insecure about your sexuality. It didn’t help that you couldn’t light the pipe without my help. Lois even mentioned something about it when they were leaving the next morning.” “I’m no virgin and I’m definitely not queer,” Derek almost shouted, finishing his second drink and refilling it himself. “I just never smoked before.” “Want me to show you how so you can hit it for real when they arrive?” Derek nodded the affirmative and I motioned for him to come back to the couch, patting the seat next to me. Only inches from his sweet-smelling sweaty torso, I got hard watching him light the torch, and slowly melt the crystals, while my eyes drifted down to the head of his cock peaking from his shorts, which had ridden up when he sat. Once the bowl clouded over, I told him to put the pipe to his lips and slowly inhale. He breathed in a medium size puff before coughing and almost dropping the bowl. I grabbed it from him and laughed, which only made him mad. “Just show me how you do it okay?” He barked, before catching himself. “I mean… please.” Lighting the torch I took a perfect giant hit and blew it towards the tv. Handing him the pipe I lit it for him this time and coached him on how hard to inhale and how long. That time the hit was bigger and he only coughed once. Taking the pipe again, I suggested he take a shotgun from me, and reminded him to act like it was nothing so the girls didn’t think he was freaked by another guy. The logic was backwards but he fell for it as I slowly pressed my lips to his and filled his lungs with crystal clouds. I encouraged him to do the same for me, and he thrilled me by pressing his lips harder to mine that time, not pulling away when it ended in a small kiss. Not wanting to press my luck, I said he was doing well and we smoked without shotgunning, so I could check how big his clouds were. We finished the first bowl quickly and I loaded another, bigger bowl immediately, subtly implying that he was lucky I felt generous that night. We were thoroughly tweaked when Lana and Lois arrived, and all our inhibitions were gone. We spent the next few hours taking turns smoking and tagging the girls, Derek purposefully making sure that each of them saw him hit the pipe and shot gun with me a few times. Before I knew it, both of us had cum in our respective ‘date’ and Derek was so hot he ran off to hop in the shower. While they were gone, I slipped Lois the bag I owed her for that night and the girls got dressed and left. “Where’d they go?” Derek lamented reappearing from his bathroom in nothing but a pair of briefs, his hard cock pushing out the waist band. “They needed to pack for their trips and told me to tell you they might stop back by in a couple hours on their way to the airport.” I handed him the pipe as he sat next to me and we smoked and watched porn. Pretty soon we were both jerking off, me in the open, him through the fly of his calvins. “What’s that around you dick?” Derek nodded to the cock ring and ball separator I had put on earlier. I showed him the apparatus and asked if he wanted to try one on. He smiled and said yes, but was stymied when I thrust my hard on towards him and told him to get it off me and put it on himself. He blushed and looked up at me like I was nuts until I got frustrated. “Jesus Derek it is a dick not a rocket launcher,” I said, grabbing his hand and placing it on the snaps at the base of the ring. “Fucking sack up and help me get it off already.” He jumped into action, pulling and twisting the device in attempt to release my meat from it, before finally taking my cock in one hand, and pulling it off with the other. Feeling his hand stroke my slick dick accidentally as he pulled it free, I almost covered him in a cum load right then, but I knew the liquor was all but gone from his system by then and he might tweak out if I didn’t plan this next part just right. Holding in my load, I sat back down and watched amused as he tried to figure out how to put the ring on his own manhood. “Damn you’re helpless,” I said as I reached out, pulled him to standing in front of me, and ripped down his undies. Taking the ring from his hand I manipulated his cock and balls into it with as many “inadvertent” strokes as I could get away with. His dick was leaking like mad and I was happy his eyes were glued shut so I could open my mouth and catch a big glob of his juice on my tongue right as it dripped off his head. Smacking his ass, I told him he was done and pushed him back into his seat. He sat stunned for a moment, while I complimented him on how good he looked in it. “Really?” He asked me, finally gaining enough control to take his cock again and play with it. “Doesn’t it look kinda…gay?” “No way bro, lots of guys wear them, just look at the tv,” I said, pointing out a few of the porn stars waiting to gang bang the girl on the screen. “Most straight porn stars wear rings and fancy undies and even use toys in their butts once in awhile. It’s only gay if you wish it was a dick up there.” We both laughed at that and returned to stroking. When I was sure Derek could see me doing it, I took some lube from the table, covered my middle finger in it and worked it up into my hole. A few minutes later I added another before saying ‘fuck it!’ and pulling out my bag from next to the couch and dumping out a couple small vibrating plugs on the table. Taking the smallest one, I lubed it up, turned it on and pushed it slowly into my hole, all while Derek sat staring at my performance. “Try one,” I encourage him while jerking my dick. “I saw when Lana stuck her finger in your ass before” as I had told her to “and I know that you came in her only a few minutes later, so I know you liked it. Just try one dude.” “No way man,” Derek demurred. “Most I have ever had up there is a finger, and even then only when some girl caught me off guard.” “well then try a finger when you’re prepared,” I said, handing him a bottle of lube laced with tina. “This stuff is warming lube to help relax you and I promise no one will ever know. Go ahead…unless you’re worried about liking it so much you turn into a fag.” We laughed and he snatched the lube, squeezing out twice what he needed onto his middle and pointer fingers. As if he was dared, he threw his legs back so I could see and pushed them into his hole until they were all the way in, smiling at me like nothing was wrong. Still I could tell the burning from the laced lube had him rethinking his decision, so I complimented him. “Damn man, you must have balls of steel to take two fingers your first time,” stroking his ego with my admiration stopped him from pulling them out. “I bet that burns like a bitch right now, but with your tolerance for pain you could probably take a third finger once the sting wears off in a minute.” Sure enough a few minutes later, once he’d readjusted so he was facing the tv again, I watched as he added a third finger to his whole. When that seemed alright, I saw him begin to thrust them in and out, and could tell that was counteracting the tina-dick he was fighting. When his eyes drifted to the plugs on the table, I excused myself to the bathroom for a piss and instead ran to the bedroom to watch on my laptop as he grabbed the smaller of the two plugs I’d left on the table and worked it into his hole. Pounding away at his ass and stroking his dick he was still too high to get off. I walked back in just as he removed the smaller plug and was sitting on the bigger one. This fat rubber dong was more penis shaped than the last two but still ambiguous enough to keep him from feeling gay. Right as he managed to sit all the way down, I announced my presence with an offer to load one last free bowl. “What do you mean ‘last free bowl?’” He inquired, pretending he was just sitting on the table, not giving away the fact that 6 inches of black rubber were now inside him, stretching out his sphincter. “This shit is expensive man,” I said before shot-gunning a hit into his mouth. “I can’t keep smoking you out without you paying for any of it now can I? I am happy to provide sometimes, but how will I make money at it if I give it all away.” “Make money…so you sell this stuff?” Derek’s eyes were focused on the pipe that I held just out of reach. “Is that a problem?” He shook his head no. “Good then you can buy some for the next bowl.” “How do I do that?” Derek said, his dick now totally soft. “Well do you have any cash right now?” I asked, pulling out my phone. “Cause I can call my supplier and get some but I’ll either need to get some cash from you or take it from my sales and deduct it from what I was gonna pay you this week.” “I have like 20 bucks, what will that get me?” Derek asked, his cock shriveled to almost nothing, but his ass still hungry for the plug. “Almost nothing,” I kept lying to get him where I needed him to be. “but I will pull some of what I was gonna pay you and we can figure that out later. In the mean time, have another drink and I’ll get my dude to stop over with some for you.” Within 30 mins, Derek was hard again and working the plug in his hole, unaware that I’d slipped from g and a crushed tab of Viagra into his glass. He was so into stroking his cock that he didn’t realize I had company until I walked in with Matt, one of the boys who sold for me. “This is Matt,” I introduced them while Derek tried futilely to cover his hard on. “He is my supplier. Here’s your money Matty.” I handed Matt a folded up stack of $100 bills that he’d handed to me only moments before when we met out in the hall. Matt knew I didn’t want Derek to know that I was the real head of the operation, so he agreed to pretend to be my supplier. He also didn’t mind checking out the straight boy on my couch. Matt may have looked straight at almost 6’5”, with ripped muscular arms and pecs, tanned skin and some gang tats on his body, but really he was a bottom through and through, who sold to half the thugs in the county and occasionally let them get some for free if they would breed him with their thick black dicks. “Thanks bro, here’s your goods.” He handed me a small bag. “You can have some more if you let me jack off your boy here.” “Sorry bro, he’s straight like me,” I said, motioning for Derek to sit down since he had almost bolted when Matt suggested taking him into hand. “But you can watch me jerk it for a little extra if you want.” “Sounds good man,” Matt said, following me down the hall to my room. Once we shut the door, I wasted no time spinning matt around, bending him over my dresser, whipping out my stiff cock and reaming his hole bare. I shot deep inside in a few minutes which made him shoot all over the wood. “So I thought you said you didn’t fuck the help?” Matt whispered while pulling his pants up. “This guy must have you going fucking nuts to make you go to all this trouble and break your own rule. I hope he plays hard to get cause I would love to have you fuck me like that all the time.” I laughed and we traded the money again and I handed him a much bigger bag of goods, actually worth the amount he was paying me. We walked back out past Derek, who tossed a throw pillow over his crotch as Matt left, and I thanked Matt at the door for the help. Returning to the room, Derek asked me if I really let Matt watch me jerk off for party goods and I told him yes, before tossing him the small bag of goodies I owed him. “If you want I can give him your number,” I said as Derek frantically tried to load a bowl. “He might give you some freebies if you let him watch you do a show online.” “Yeah right man, I make 300-400 a session doing one of those,” Derek said as he fumbled to hit the pipe. “That’s about what that baggy in your hands cost,” I said pointing to the $40 or 50 worth he held in his hands. “He’d probably front you a bag half that size for a simple jack off video.” Derek hit the pipe and we smoke in silence, with him stroking his meat and his mind pondering the idea of selling jerk off videos for drugs. Finally the combo of the plug, his strokes and the tina was getting to him and he shot all over his chest, up onto his neck and even hitting his cheek. As he collapsed back onto the couch and caught his breath, I asked again if I could give Matt his number, and he nodded yes. Part 3 Over the next few days Derek and I worked side by side ripping up carpet, tearing out cabinets and removing old hollow core doors from the apartments. At night, we declined from partying for a day or two after both of us “ran out” of favors. But by Wednesday, Lana was sending Derek shots of her masturbating and sexy emails (per my instruction) and asked him to send some back of him smoking and jerking off. Coincidentally only a few minutes after Derek told lana he didn’t have the cash to buy any more tina, “Matt” texted him and asked if he’d consider jerking off in exchange for more. Watching the video stream from his room, I stroked my cock as Derek gave in and agreed, sending Matt (aka me on a burner phone) the link to a live site. Sneaking upstairs into the office, Derek was almost silent, not realizing I was aware of his actions the whole time. That night I watched and instructed Derek in every move of his hand and thrust of his fingers into his tight hole until he splashed cum all over himself. By the time he’d cleaned up and got back to the apartment, I was sitting in the living room with a fresh baggie from “Matt” for him. We stayed up all night that night, smoking and jerking, Derek sending photos of himself puffing and pounding his pud to Lana, who sent them right back to me. By the next morning we’d smoked it all and Derek had ridden the 6 inch plug to orgasm twice. This time it only took two days before Derek texted “Matt” and wanted to trade again. “Matt” suggested this time that he deliver the sack first and Derek make a home movie jerking off and playing with his ass, so Matt could watch it later. Derek agreed and while he went out for a swim, Matt must have stopped by because I was waiting in the living room with another sack of favors. This time we matched bowls, and I showed Derek how to use the video camera feature on my phone to make a video. Derek excused himself to his room this time and made a nasty video, riding his fingers and the 6 inch plug while wearing the cock ring, before shooting all over his bedspread. The next day I gave Derek his first payment, minus the 300 I supposedly paid for his first sack. He handed it right back and asked me to get him more favors and went out and found a girl at a bar, brought her back and had me film him while he fucked her all over the apartment and even took her down to the pool for a midnight ass fuck. After his newest sack ran out, she pretended to get a call and high-tailed it out the door. Broke, higher than fuck and hard, he texted “Matt” who told him this time if he wanted to get more favors, he’d have to get Mr. E to jerk off with him, and they’d have to stroke each other. I returned to the living room just as Derek read the text and got very upset. I asked him what was the matter. “He wants us to spank it together,” Derek said, blushing hard. “Otherwise he won’t give me anymore favors.” “I dunno Derek,” I feigned discomfort. “I don’t think I am down to do that without a chick here. Seems kinda gay.” “Yeah Mr. E, you’re right,” Derek responded. “Guess we can’t win them all.” Derek went back to room and tried for the next two hours to jerk off while watching old porn on his shitty computer but finally passed out still hard, never getting to cum. A few days passed and Derek kept texting and asking for more favors, asking if there was anything else he could do to get more, but “Matt” held firm. Finally after an especially rough day ripping out the old vanity in one of the bigger apartments, Derek received a text from Lana telling him she’d be back that weekend and wanted to get high and let him fuck her all weekend long. It took less than a minute for him to approach me and ask if I had any favors to share. “Nah sorry Derek,” I said, lying through my teeth while feeling the large bag of favors in my pockets. “Then will you front me my paycheck?” Derek asked hopefully. “I know I am not supposed to get another one from you for a few weeks but I really need to get more favors before Lana gets back in town.” “I wish I could Derek,” Lying again. “But until the next rent due date I am running low on funds, what with paying the contractor, plumber and electrician this week.” “Then please Mr. E, Sir,” He swallowed, gathering up his courage. “Please make the jerk off video with me. I know it seems kinda screwed up, pardon the language, but if you want you can just lay back and I’ll jerk you off and we can negotiate with Matt and get some favors for this weekend.” “I don’t think I can Derek,” I was already hard at the prospect. ”It’s too gay.” “It’s only gay if we like it,” Derek said, smiling. “Please Mr. E. I really, really need to smoke. Please.” “Alright Derek, I will do it for you. But you’d better make sure we get the stuff first and make sure Matt doesn’t want anything extra.” “Will do sir!” Derek ran back to his room and texted my burner. The deal was done. “Matt” would drop off some goodies while Derek worked out, and then he and I would make a jerk off video. A few hours later Derek returned from the work out room, sweaty and shirtless, his shorts hanging so low I could see the base of his cock as he dashed into his room to shower up. When he returned wearing tighty-whiteys and socks, I handed him a drink laced with a serious dose of ghb and Viagra, before pulling out the large bag of goodies and telling him I set up the camera in my bedroom so we’d be more comfortable. He reluctantly hopped onto the bed and his hands shook when I handed him the pipe, so I offered to light it for him. The glow of the torch hit his face and I could tell the ghb was taking effect, but there was something else I hadn’t expected. His eyes seemed full of fear, like he might run off before he was fully drugged. He opened his mouth to say something and I told him to inhale, just like the first night we got high together. As his lungs filled with smoke, I leaned in closer, until he started to exhale, and for the first time in weeks, he shotgunned the smoke into my mouth. This time I kissed him softly as the smoke passed to me. With the infusion of Tina in his system, the fear started to leave his eyes, and I handed him his cup and told him to finish it. Doing as he was told, I stood up and stripped off my tee shirt and shorts, my hard, dripping 8 inch cock springing out and hitting my tight fuzzy belly. “Finished,” He said, setting the cup on the bedside table. As he turned back towards me, I took advantage of his distracted mind and moved in so my cock brushed across his chest as I moved in to sit down. He flinched and tried to move away before realizing he was between my body and the wall on the bed and there was nowhere to go. I grabbed the remote and started the porn on my bedroom tv, and we both watched, our bodies stretched out with our shoulders and heads propped up on the pillows, as a lithe teen blonde took four men into bed and began sucking their cocks and fingering her pussy. Derek tried not to be too obvious as he fished out his hardening dick and stroked it, before remembering he was supposed to be jerking mine. He looked over at me in the darkened room and gingerly placed his fingers over my pulsing shaft. Mimicking his actions, but with more confidence, I too fingered his dick, but took it firm in my hand and began to stroke. “UUUUHNNN, fuck yes Mr. E.” Derek moaned, before stopping himself. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that.” “It’s okay Derek,” I whispered in his ear, using my other hand to press take his fingers and close them around my cock. “Now we better get to business if we want more favors.” We stroked each other hard now, both of us working the other, while moaning and grunting. After a few minutes I told Derek that Matt offered us twice as much tina if one of us would suck the other one in the video. “Would you like me to suck you Derek?” my lips almost pressed to his ear as I said it. He didn’t respond but closed his eyes, the ghb was now totally in control of him. I took my hand away from his cock and reached over and picked up the pipe, pressing it to his mouth. Lighting it, he inhaled as soon as I whispered “go.” Eyes still closed, I waited until he finished inhaling, then rolled over on top of him and French kissed him, sucking the clouds from his lungs and into mine. With his arms pinned under my knees on either side of him, I sat up a little and took another hit and blew it back into him. This time when I pulled away, he sat up a little, chasing my lips as if he wanted more. I smiled the smile of a victorious man and sank down to his crotch level, releasing him from my body weight and asked again. “Would you like me to suck you Derek?” Without waiting for his answered I swallowed his cock almost to the base, eliciting a moan and causing both of his hands to grab my hair and try to force me deeper. I deep throated him for a few minutes while my hands snuck under the blanket and brought out the laced lube. He gasped as my thick middle digit pierced his hole and burrowed deep into him. Something resembling the words “my butt’s burning” escaped his mouth but I only added more fingers until three were inside him. Thicker than his own fingers, three of mine were easily as thick as the plug he was now used to, but the plug didn’t spread and stretch the hole like my fingers were. A whimper and some leg action to push away from me told me Derek was trying to make an escape and I chortled at how pitiful his attempt was due to his drugged state of mind. Still I wasn’t a total ass, so I ripped my fingers from his hole, bringing him to a small scream, before, climbing back up his chest, re-pinning his arms beneath my thighs and slapping my cock against his mouth. His glassy eyes opened wide and he tried to turn his head, but I’d have none of that. “Your turn, Derek.” I said, sliding my cock head between his lips. “Come on now, I am doing this because you asked me to, so take my dick in your mouth, and no teeth.” “GmHpphrrmm” came out around my dick, and I freed it for a second to hear his final thoughts on the matter. “Getuff me, youkint dothiz. I dunt wantuh sukeur dick.” “Look at me Derek, Look at me!” I took my dick away, swung my hand down and smacked him just hard enough to bring him to full attention for a moment. His eyes met mine as I smiled and leaned closer. “You asked me to make this video with you, you practically begged. You even offered to do all the work just so you could get a fix. So now you’re going to do what you need to do to earn your baggy and you can relax and accept it and maybe have an okay time or you can fight me and try to get away and end up torn open and used like an old paper bag. It is up to you, but make no mistake. You will take my cock in your mouth and suck my dick and anything else I tell you to do or I will kick your ass to the curb, cut off your supply of goodies, and send the video of you smoking, stroking and stuffing your slutty ass to the dean, your parents and all of your old teammates. You’ll be kicked out of school, disowned, shunned, and you’re still going to end up sucking dick, mine or some other dealer’s. Now open wide if we understand one another.” “Fuck you faggot.” Derek said, on the verge of tears. Slamming the lids shut, he swallowed hard and opened his mouth. I straightened up again and moved my dick onto his virgin tongue, forcing it back into his throat. He gagged at first but I explained that he’d need to breathe through his nose when he could as I pushed it further and cut off his air supply. Thrashing and bucking his eyes popped open but he avoided using his teeth and did his best to take what I gave him. When he began to get the hang of it I reached back, took a large crystal from the bedside table and speared it up into Derek’s boyhole, eliciting a squeal from around my dick. I plugged it up with the same plug he’d been so fond of only days before, and gave his shriveled tina dick and jiggle as I returned my attention to throat fucking the fight out of him for another 5 minutes or so. Sufficiently satisfied that he’d gotten me to full mast and provided enough snot and slobber, I withdrew all the way and climbed off of him. Curling up, he coughed and whimpered, scooting himself towards the head of the bed and mumbling something like wudyaduduma as he went. “What did I do to you?” He nodded and reached to remove the plug, but my hand was faster and I pinned his wrist and shook my head in disapproval. “You’ll want that where it is for now, trust me. As for what I did, I gave you exactly what you wanted, the high of your life. Your drink was spiked with ghb, aka the date rape drug, and you downed it so fast I am amazed you didn’t pass out. What you should be asking is what do I have planned for you. That one is much more interesting, but I think I should show you instead of telling you.” I grabbed Derek’s toned legs and twisted until he had no choice but to flip onto his stomach. Pulling him by the ankles, I worked him toward me until his knees were off the mattress, before separating them with my own legs and climbing up between his toned smooth thighs. Reaching out I plucked the butt plug from its home in one foul swoop. Bucking in protest, I caught sight of Derek’s face in the mirror in my headboard and knew that he’d finally figured out what was coming. His hands shot out in front of him, wildly grasping the bedspread in hopes of pulling himself to safety, but without any traction from his legs, he was out of luck. Inching closer, my hands reached out to where the lube had been concealed and retrieved a steady cam remote. With the press of a button the TV screen switched over to a live feed from all the many cameras hidden around the bedroom and I scrolled through them until I found the one I wanted: a hidden camera in the alarm clock, angled just right to see Derek’s face. Animal instinct and primal fear were evident in his face, suggesting he’d given up the urge to fight and was now relying on flight to save him. Setting down the remote and spreading his ass cheeks with one hand, I clasped the other to his neck, immobilizing his movement just slightly, and turning the look on his face into a look of defeat. “No.” was the last coherent word I made out from him that night, when my massive cock head slid up against his sphincter and pressed in. Derek lost his ability to process language when the pressure got higher and my butt cheeks clenched, drawing my dick forward until it burst into Derek’s virgin hole. Adrenaline and pain combined to make his body seize forward, but only until it bounced against the mattress and sprung back, causing my cock to go further. Taking his ensuing screech as an invitation, I sunk my staff all the way in until my body was pressed tight to his own. Sobs rocked his chest when I felt my cock pierce a third pulsing ring, so the boy who’d done nothing but respect and obey me from day one was in pain and I was causing it. It was clear to me that I had to pull myself off, beg his forgiveness and fix what I’d done, but all of that was forgotten when I started to pull out and his asshole grasped my helmet and squeezed enticingly. I sunk back deeper still into his hole, and he gasped, then sobbed again. With all my will power I managed to pull out almost half way before a different muscle gripped and wouldn’t let me out. Accordingly I slammed back in again, followed by a bigger gasp and quieter sobs. Finally I speedily reared back until I was almost free, this time his outer hole closing tight, locking my bulbous cockhead inside. Not one to argue with physiology I figured that whatever his mind had to tell itself about hating what was happening, his butt was not about to let it stop. Pumping slowly at first then faster, I worked myself up until I was truly fucking the former virgin beneath my roaring form. Glancing up I saw that Derek’s face was no longer contorted in pain as it had been upon my initial entry, but the tv now showed it to be conflicted, upset but intrigued. Scooting back until my feet touched the ground, while pulling his semi-conscious form along, I repositioned myself and spun him around until he was on his back, my cock never leaving his bowels. Sure enough, he was as hard as I was, maybe harder and pulsing along with no help from his or my hand. Arms limp above him and tear streaked head rolling from side to side I resumed my pounding, now faster and deeper with his legs over my forearms. He suddenly came to life and moved his arms to my chest to push me away. Beating against my hairy pecs with all the strength his drugged body could muster, he moaned and sucked in breath, until his eyes popped open, his abs tightened and his ass milked me like nothing I’d ever felt. Unable to speak, I shot my gaze deep into his and grunted to warn that he was about to receive my sperm. Almost as if he understood me, he nodded once, then his hands, which had been fighting me off, reached out and grabbed my hips and my neck, pulling me in deeper on each thrust. Before I could impregnate my straight victim, his neck arched, his chest puffed up and his untouched cock began to shoot all over both of us, soaking my furry chin, chest and abs, as well as his smooth lips, nose, adam’s apple, and down to his belly button. This was exactly what I had hoped for the first day we met, except for one final thing. Then suddenly it was complete. My uretha swelled and opened as I shot stream after stream of hot meth-laced semen so deep in his ass that it might still be there. Counting when I watched the video later, it looks from the outside like I shot at least 12 hard shots and another 15 or so medium sized spurts before my balls gave out and I collapsed onto Derek’s delirious body. When I came to a few minutes later, Derek was also just regaining consciousness and mumbling. When both of our eyes focused and he realized it was really happening, he shook his head for a second, then closed his eyes, turned his head away from me, and squeezed my cock with his hole. “More huh?” I asked, my hoarse voice full of lust. His hands reached down and squeezed my ass cheeks then fell to his sides. His will was broken and his ass was mine. I shot another load in him before I ever pulled out, and managed another two loads, one in his throat and one both on his asshole and inside it, before the drugs completely wore off. He came once more, in the shower, while crying, after I dumped him there once I was done. When he was sober enough to get out, he locked himself in his room with his party favors, the plug I left inside him to keep my loads in, and a copy of the video we’d just made. Over the next few hours he smoked the last of the tina and tried not to freak out. Watching via the hidden cams, I saw as he texted Lana, receiving no response, before struggling and finally taking his phone and texting someone else. Hearing a buzz I looked over and saw “Matt’s” phone had a new message. It said: ‘have vid u requested. should b worth 2x what u gave me or more. If u like it enuf I can make sequel.’ Attached was a clip from the video of me sucking Derek’s dick and another clip of me pounding his hole Typing furiously I responded: ‘If ur willing 2 do that, maybe we can work it out so u never have 2 pay. I have friends 4 u 2 meet and service.’ Watching the camera, I saw him start to work the plug in his ass. Reading the response, he took a deep breath and typed back: ‘Whatever u want but I need more stuf asap. I want 2 be so hi I dont remember what I did 2day.’ My smile widened and I picked up the pipe and a bottle of g off the table before responding: ’ever been 2 rest stop on hwy 85? Its worth 3x as much if I can c u with other guys there.’ ‘just tell me when n where 2 go. I need 2 get hi now.’ The end of part 3
    2 points
  8. (Interlude: Frederico) I got called up by my fuckbuddy David to entertain some snobby top guy at his house tonight. I met David, John and Jorge a couple of years ago when I was on vacation down in a nude resort. I was only 23 at the time, incredibly shy, safe-sex only. At first we only chatted it up, went out to dinner a few times, just kind of got to know and like the guys personality-wise. Then I remember walking out of my room one day to see this young guy about my age bouncing on David's cock in the patio area. Turned on I walked around and was shocked to notice that there was no condom between them. While I stared wide-eyed, John came up from behind and started to message my shoulders and before I knew it I was bent over a patio chair taking loads from a string of guys whose faces I couldn't see. It was the hottest afternoon of my life. In particular I remember David walking up to me as I was bent over and kissing me, soothing me, making it feel like it was all going to be okay. I wouldn't say either of us fell in love or any of that other cliche crap, but we did form a bit of a bond that day that has persisted. We still call each other up from time to time, and I like topping him as much as taking his dick, which he doesn't get as much of as he needs. And while I'm probably way too young to be counted as one of their "daddy club" members, I consider myself an honorary accessory to many of their conquests. You see, each of the men is actually quite different once you get to know them. For John, it's all about straight-up domination. Twink is coming down off drugs and isn't in the mood to get fucked? Fill him up with more drugs and fuck him. Problem, solution. For Jorge it's all some sort of elaborate seduction. He likes his conquests to fall in love with him, then make them realize that what they loved was the freedom and the sexual liberty he gave them. But David is different. For David, he views it as kind of a transformation of a boy into what he truly is. He particularly loves taking stuck up, deeply repressed boys and turning them into the cock- and ass- craving men they were meant to be. I guess that's why I like him. His agenda is about making people into who they truly are. As for me? I'm not all that deep, I suppose. I like sex, and I like drugs, I don't feel much need to apologize for either. Unlike a lot of boys my age, I know how to handle my drugs, too. No more than once a week, never get so high I lose control, etc. I guess that's a gift of sorts. I actually hadn't had any real fun for a couple of weeks (or maybe over a month? God, was I getting boring?) Anyways, David texted me to come over and show this top guy the full treatment. That wasn't all that usual, actually. "The light treatment" meant standard seduction and mild depravity. That meant David was saving the best for himself, which was fine. "The usual treatment" meant bareback top and bottoming, some drugs, basically opening a boy up. "The full treatment" was code red. It meant ruin the bitch. It meant tonight I was the Picasso of fucking this kid up. Like any good artist, I gathered my tools and went to work. When I arrived at his place, I locked the door behind me and headed down to his playroom. The guy handcuffed to his bench was fucking ripped, with a dick that looked like it was probably formidable when stiff. He was also completely passed out. I opened up the bag I had brought with me and pulled out a needle and tourniquette. Sometimes David called me "the alchemist" because I had some really niche party drugs at my disposal, based partly on the connections I had made since my own conversion and partly on my own chemistry background. This one I called "Spin the Top," because it was a homebrew that typically had the effect of keeping someone hard while also making them desperately horny and usually piggish. This one had a little extra added to it: my own poz blood. Top boy was getting knocked up tonight, in more than one way. I did the work of injecting him while he slept, clearing out the tourniquette and putting the bag in a corner before unhandcuffing him and moving him towards the corner that was the open shower. After a quick douche and rinse of him, I dropped him on the wrestling matt, stripped off my own clothes and proceeded to fuck his ass with abandon. While I was doing this, I filmed most of it. At a few points he roused almost to consciousness in spite of the drugs. I would ask him if he liked it, how good it felt, etc. He would usually say, "Yeah," or something equally nondescript. Just enough to make anyone watching think he was a willing participant. It didn't take me long to drop my load in his ass, zooming in on the cum dripping out of him while he unconsciously squirmed about, which made it that much hotter. Then I carried him back over to the bench and bent him over on top of it. Still hard because of the drugs I had taken, I pushed inside him again, this time eliciting a moan of pain from him as he seemed to become more conscious. Holding myself there, I let out a wicked stream of piss inside his colon, flooding his insides to the point I thought he would be coughing some of it out. While I was doing this, David poked his head in the door and gave me a big, shit-eating grin before heading back upstairs to entertain his twink. When I finished, I rinsed David off before bending him over the bench again and adding a second load to his ass. This time it only took a minute or two; I was super worked up at what I was doing to this "top" and eager to get things moving. Using one of David's butt plugs to stop up Rick's ass and make sure my second load got planted, I then handcuffed him to the bench, arms and legs. I included some rope around his waise and thighs so he couldn't really move at all. By now he was starting to drift slowly towards consciousness. That was good, because the next part was going to hurt. I pulled out a portable tattoo needle from my bag, plugged into a power outlet at one end of the wall and went to work on a big, bold biohazard tat below his navel. Bitch would never have sex again without him and his partner thinking about it. Halfway through it he woke up fully and started trying to struggle. Fortunately my previous drugs had paid off and he was stiff as a plank, dick sticking straight up in the air, so I lubed him up and sat on it for him. Initially he was trying to shout and protest, so I pulled out a gag from my bag and shut him up before riding his dick again. Pretty soon you could see the fight leave his body as his testosterone overcame his outrage, and he starting trying to thrust against me. Of course he couldn't because of how secure I had tied him down, but it was nice to know I had won him over to my team in more way than one. Pretty soon I felt him tense, and I could feel his cum shooting into my ass before seeping down and running over his dick below me. Too fucking bad I couldn't have a camera from that angle. That's when I heard the door behind me open again, and I turned my head to see David in sweats and the twink in a jock staring in to us. I made sure to give them a good view of Rick's cum as it seeped out of me and down onto him. David remarked that it looked like he (I didn't know which one of us) was having fun, and the kid said, "hot." Then they left us alone again. Rick seemed pretty awake by now, so I gave him a different shot this time, one to calm him down and maybe make him go to sleep. He drifted in and out of bliss while I finished the tattoo on his stomach and, admiring my handiwork, was just about to leave when I heard a phone vibrate. It wasn't mine, so I checked the jeans crumpled up against one wall only to find that Rick had just been sent a video of someone, I'm guessing his boyfriend, getting gangfucked and begging for strangers' cum at the resort. This was a pretty damn hot video, I have to say. So instead of leaving straight away, I used my knowhow of David's equipment to set up a feed of the video on the big screen in the dungeon. The video had two parts: one of Rick getting fucked and filled by me, and the other of his boyfriend getting gangbanged in the resort. I figured that would be a nice sort of thing to wake up to. I texted David that he had one fucked up boy to return home to, and to call me if he needed me. Then I put on my clothes, packed my bag up and left him to his fate, tied up and asleep.
    2 points
  9. I'm turning 50 this year, which is all good, but I have had the chance to look back and although I don't have a lot of regrets there are a few times where I know I missed out on a good opportunity. Since this is a site about bareback breeding, one of those regrets took place when I was a freshman at Drake University in Des Moines, IA. I had only officially came out of the closet over the previous summer and I was having a good time going to the clubs (drinking age was lower then), and also going to parties. It was at one of those parties where I got fucked for the 2nd time. However, what happened after I got fucked (it was in the basement of the house while the party was going on), I still remember an opportunity that to this day I regret. I was upstairs, hanging out for just a few more minutes and getting ready to go, when I had several guys try to talk me into staying and going into one of the bedrooms. They were older (30s and 40s), and they really tried HARD to get me to stay. I was this skinny little blond twink and I think one of them knew that I had just got fucked, and one of them came right out and said, a little drunkenly, "I love to FUCK blondes!" However, this was still all way too new and I had already been told that the party would turn into a sex party and I just didn't feel like I had the nerve to do anything like that. I had tried to slip out, but these guys were really, really persistent. They came right out and told me how they wanted to gang-bang me and basically fuck me into the next century. And me, in my little twink mind, just said, no way. I got really nervous and basically just bolted out of there. One of my friends stayed and he had a friend who I didn't know so well and I heard the next week from my friend how the same guys who were trying to get me to go into one of the bedrooms took this other young kid into the room and basically raped him. My friend said they could year him yelling, screaming, telling the guys to STOP, STOP, etc., but eventually this kid just got swallowed up and per my friend there were other guys who went into the room and just took turns on this kid. And it has haunted me ever since that I could have been that kid. When I first started having the idea that maybe I missed out on something I thought it was really, really wrong to even have that kind of idea in my head. But now, damn if I don't regret not staying. My friend told me that when he looked in the room that the kid was on the bed, face down, and there were over 10 guys in the room and they were just taking turns - one after the other - just fucking him. The kid wasn't passed out and my friend said that he just looked exhausted. That could have been me! Now I have certainly made up for it and although I don't keep count I'm sure I've been fucked at least a couple thousand times and I have done some of the kinkiest and wildest stuff you can imagine... but still. Anyway, long story to a short question: Do any of you have situations that you look back on and regret that you didn't take the chance or the opportunity to do something?
    1 point
  10. My name is Zip. I know, I know. It’s a funny name to have. Anyway, I volunteer once a month in the AIDS ward at St. Theresa’s Hospital. I help out, doing what I can. As we got to know each other the men and I became more comfortable around each other. They seemed to like having me around. The patient with whom I got along best was named Mickey. He had a sly sense of humor and could always make me laugh. It turned out we were both baseball fanatics as well. Mickey had been a pretty handsome fellow back in the day. It was kind of sad to see the effects of the virus as it increased its hold on him. He’d started losing weight, his cheeks were sort of hollow and his butt cheeks were getting flabby. He managed to take it all with his typical good spirits. One day I was helping Mickey out of the shower as I often did. “Here, let me help you,” I said as I dried his back. As I walked around to the front I was kind of surprised to see that he had an erection…a real stiff one by the looks of it. I dried his chest and his legs. I was on my knees at this point and I finished off by rubbing the towel all around his bobbing hard-on. That seemed to really excite him even more. I don’t know why exactly but I hesitantly reached out and wrapped my hand around his hard cock. He emitted a short grunt, which told me that he liked what my fingers were doing. I figured, if the poor guy enjoyed it, why not give him a hand job? So I got to my feet, sat on the bench facing him and began to stroke gently up and down his shaft. God only knows how long he had been confined to the ward, but I reasoned it had probably been quite a while since he had had sex of any sort, so would be the harm to giving him a simple hand job, after all? Soon, Mickey started making this growling noise so he must have been pleased with my efforts. I certainly wasn’t expecting it when, all of a sudden, he leaned towards me, placed his hands on my shoulders and firmly pushed me down so that I was lying on my back on the bench. His hands moved down a bit and started to unbutton my shirt. I tried to sit up and said, “Mickey, what are you doing?” He looked at me calmly and pushed me back down again. “Ssshhh!” he said in a low voice as he finished undoing my shirt. The shirt fell open, baring my chest. The look in Mickey’s eyes got a little harder and he reached out and gently started to work both of my nipples. I think at that point my sex drive must have come to life because I was instantly aware of how good it felt as his fingers continued to pinch and twist my nips. I was surprised to hear myself let out a long sigh of satisfaction. What was going on? This should NOT be happening. Mickey splayed his left hand his left hand on my chest, effectively holding me down on the bench. His right hand lazily drifted down to my belt and casually began to undo the buckle. “Mickey!” I said. He cut me off, saying, “Keep it down! No one’s going to know we’re here unless you make a fuss.” He gazed at me. “You’re not going to make a fuss now, are you?” When I remained silent he said, “That’s better, let’s just relax and take our time, shall we?” His hand returned to my pants, unbuckling the belt, popping the button on my jeans and smoothly sliding the zipper down. Against my better judgment I was getting turned on by all this. Mickey noticed the swelling in my pants and slid his hand down the front of my jeans and cupped the bulge that had appeared in my tighty-whities. “That’s nice,” he cooed. “Real nice! This is too good to pass up. I want you to hold it right there and don’t move a muscle! I’ll be right back!” With that, he wrapped his towel around his waist and quickly left the shower room. Less than a minute later he came back in, closing the door most of the way but leaving it slightly ajar. He grinned at me as his towel dropped to the floor. Returning to my side, he loomed over me, with his cock kind of wagging back and forth as he moved. I thought I could see a small drop of pre-cum at the tip of his glans. His eyes gleamed as he held up his hands. In the right he had a condom packet and his left hand held a small object…unmistakably a bottle of poppers. When I spied the condom wrapper, the thoughts that were spinning in my head slowed down a bit. It was a relief to see that safety protocols were being observed. “I had these in a drawer…souvenirs of days gone by I guess,” he said sheepishly. With that he tossed the rubber onto my stomach. Next, he uncapped the bottle. “Here,” he said, “see if it’s still ok.” He bent down and held it under my nose. I inhaled deeply a couple of times and instantly felt that familiar feeling wash through my body. “Wow! It’s still pretty strong,” I said as I floated off into la-la land. When I returned to earth, I found that my pants and briefs had been removed. Mickey had my feet propped up on his chest and he was pulling off my white socks. “Welcome back!” he chortled. He surprised me by first kissing both of my feet and then sensuously licking each one. He put my legs back down on the bench and picked up the condom packet. I asked myself, 'Am I really ready to let this guy fuck me, even with a condom? Mickey’s a real nice guy and all but…I mean…he’s got AIDS!' Oblivious to my internal turmoil, Mickey tore open the wrapper and then said, “Here!” as he shoved the bottle back under my nostrils. I began to fade out again. The last thing I remember hearing was a voice saying, “Damn! This condom is way out of date. I guess we’ll have to bareback.” When my attention returned, Mickey was already inside me, smoothly sliding in and out. “Did I hear you say something about barebacking?” I asked in a tight voice. “Yeah,” he said, “the rubber was no good but it was kind of late to put the brakes on. This is much hotter anyway, don’t you think?” I was utterly speechless which I guess he interpreted as consent on my part. He smiled and bent his face down to mine and began to passionately kiss me, nibbling and nipping my lips. So confused was I that even as I tried to squawk a protest through our locked lips I found my body responding to what Mickey was doing. Our tongues started dancing together and my whole being began to synch up with the steady rhythm of his fucking. “Mmmmmm! Mmmmmm!” was the only sound I was capable of making at this point. I knew that this was ridiculously unsafe. Here I was, in a hospital ward, having unprotected anal intercourse with an AIDS patient. But as the sexual heat began to cloud my judgment it all started to seem not so important after all. Soon, physical pleasure was all that mattered. After a long, long period of steady thrusting, Mickey began to pick up his pace. His breathing was becoming ragged. My toes flexed and curled as his body transmitted its increasing excitement. I was at the point of wishing that this would never end when Mickey groaned loudly and his frame started to shudder. All of a sudden he bucked against my ass. Once!…twice!... three, four five times he pushed into me, shuddering again at the end! That, in turn, set me off. My whole body spasmed repeatedly as volley after volley of my seed shot across my stomach and chest. I clenched my sphincter ecstatically, wanting to freeze time and savor the moment. We both lay there panting, exhausted from our frantic climax. I heard a voice mutter, “That was so fuckin’ HOT!” With a start, I realized that Mickey was not the one speaking! With Mickey still collapsed on top of me I couldn’t get up but I twisted my head around to see who had spoken. I can’t say who it was for sure because, not one, but all five of the other patients on the ward were clustered in the open doorway. At this point Mickey finally got up off me and there were audible gasps. “Holy Shit! You guys fucked bareback? Zip! What were you thinking, letting Mickey breed you with his infected cum?” That’s when reality came crashing back into my head. Yes, I had let Mickey fuck his AIDS into me, filling me with gobs and gobs of his toxic sperm. To make it worse, while he was planting his dirty seed deep within me, my legs had been wrapped around his waist while I feverishly licked and moaned into his ear. Guiltily, I knew that by the time he blew his poisoned load deep within me, I had desperately wanted…no, needed him to defile my negative ass. Of course that’s about the time that the other guys figured the same thing out: that I had ultimately been more than willing to receive Mickey’s gift! Now I was eager for not just one man, but many men to blast their virus-laden cum into my willing holes. It may not have happened yet, but it was assured that I would soon be told that I, too, was HIV positive. Maybe one day I might even take up residence in this very AIDS ward. But, for now, all that was in the future. Now, I had other things to worry about. From the look in their eyes I could tell that one important fact had finally dawned on them: if one of their number was free to breed me bareback, then it was only fair that all of them had the right to bend me over a gurney and fuck me full of their tainted sperm any time they felt the primal urge. And when the day came that I became infected with their disease, they would send me out into the world to pass the virus on to others. Until then, I will remain Zip and be used regularly every month as their own private AIDS dump! I may even start coming twice a month! It’s the least that I can do to put some Zip into their lives!
    1 point
  11. It was a cool spring morning and I was cruising on Breeding Zone looking for trouble, well really looking for good jerk off material and just wasting time when I noticed an e-mail alert in my notifications. I had a friend request. I clicked on the link to find a cute young guy who wanted to be my friend. After looking over his profile I quickly went back to my friend request page and clicked on add and save to add this hunk as a friend. I had been dabbling in writing stories for the site and was fairly successful in getting a small readership of my fantasized tales. Well this hot naughty boy, had been following along with one and had commented on it several time encouraging me to progress in the story line. A few days had passed and I received a message in my in box from the boy thanking me for accepting his friend request and asking me to be his daddy and to fuck him the way the coach was using his new swim and wrestling students. I responded back I would love to use him as my character was doing to his hot athletes in the story. He wrote back a couple days later, you have yahoo? And I replied that I did and gave him my yahoo nickname and he replied back with his. I added him to my messenger and sent a request for him to do the same. About a week had gone by and I had not heard from him and I figured he had flaked on my request, suddenly on a Saturday afternoon I was playing on face book when a messenger notification popped up “Hey daddy sorry for the delay but had School projects to finish” “You’re in school” “Yes college” “Big or little one” “Large one in metropolitan city” “You get much action there” “Not really into guys my age, tried it once in senior year of high school, but it wasn’t good” “So you like daddies, so how old were you when you tried man on man sex? “I had just turned 18, my buddy said he wanted to fuck me as my birthday present” “Oh really” “He wore a condom and it hurt like hell, I think he was a virgin as well, although he was 4 months older than me” “Sort of hot two virgins going at it” “Still haven't even tried bb sex yet dad lol” “And you want daddy to pop your bb cherry” All went quiet on messenger and he soon logged off, I put him down as another twink teasing me, most likely shoot his load and logged off. I went back to Facebook and a couple other social websites then saw I had an e-mail on my secondary mail account. I logged in and found he had written me a message on BZ asking me to be his daddy and asking if I was willing to make him my little boy, own his ass. I could play along with his fantasy, and told him I would be honored to be his daddy and own his hole, but I told him that he had to share his hole with my husband of 20 years. A few days later I got a message back saying he was excited that we wanted him and he would be on-line Friday evening for chat “Hey Daddy’s” “Hi son” “Are both of you there?” “I’m in the bedroom on the laptop, hubby is in living room playing games on the WII” “Oh, does he know about me?” “Yes, and he thinks you’re adorable” “Do both of you want me?” “Yes child, we want you” “You know I’m technically too old to be adopted” “I was hoping that to be so, I’m not a pedophile” “You ok with me being 18?” “Makes the fantasy that much hotter” “Is this just a Fantasy to you? I was hoping for more” “Well so far yes, you are being so elusive about your details” “What do you mean?” “I mean you won’t even tell me where you’re from” He discloses his general location to me and we discuss I have relatives in the area, and that he is just a year younger than my nephew in the area “So daddy are you going to knock me up?” “You want to be knocked up?” “I’m kind of scared, but I really think I do” “So when’s your schools spring break?” “In two weeks” “You want to spend it with your two new dads?” Once again he logs off, and it is a few hours before I get a off-line message from him “Yes, where should I fly into, you will pick me up won’t you?
    1 point
  12. i dont know why i did it. when i read his profile he seemed hot, right? and it said his HIV was undectable. so i thought it was safe. he was super fine. looked like one of those swimmers from the olympics. and he was packing a huge dick. i never did nothing with a poz dude before. maybe because i drank some, thats maybe why i said he could come hang. when he got to my place, he told me that his doctor changed his meds and that his virol (sp?) load might be super high. i wish he told me that before i was already turned on and had a boner. he had a big boner. his huge boner made mine look so small. but i didnt care. i guessed i was just going to suck his dick. he put his big dick into my mouth and it felt so good. but i kept getting more turned on. he kept asking me like "do you want me to fuck you?" and i did but i was afraid so i said i don't know. he told me to lie on my stomach and i dont know why i did. next thing i know his tongue is in my butt and it felt so good. i didnt want him to stop. "if i fuck you now, you might get aids. are you okay with that?" he asked me. i told him i didn't want aids. then, i felt him try to put his dick in me. "hey" i said, "i dont want aids!" but he was already pushing it inside me. i know he herd me. it was feeling good now though. and then he just told me, "im gonna fuck your ass good." it felt so good, all i could do was just say "ok." he started fucking me! i had an hiv dude fucking my ass! this was crazy. i told him "maybe should stop. i dont want aids." and all he said was, "does it feel good?" so i said "yes, it feels great!" he started fucking me even more deeper. it felt wonderful. "i really like that!" i said real loud like. "oh, you dont care about aids anymore now?" he asked. i guess i was just so horny and it was feeling so good now so i told him "i dont care! fuck your aids into me!" i didnt think he could fuck me any harder and deeper, but he did. it kinda hurt sometimes but more than that it felt awsome!!!! "you are liking my aids dick in you now huh?" he asked. all i could do was like clench my teeth and moan bc the pain and good feeling was so much. the pain started going away and my dick was so hard it was gonna bust. all i could think was that i was getting aids but it was a hot fuck. this guy might have aids and i like him fucking me ! my orgism was getting to close. "im about to cum . you want it?" he asked me as he slammed dick into me. "YES! I want aids!!!" was all i could yell. it felt amazingly! he fucked me even more quickly and i felt wet inside. it made me cum bc it felt all so good and wet ! "You're getting aids" he whispered into my ear as he slowed down. i felt his dick jerk as he came inside me. i came too. it was insane! he left kinda quickly after that. i texted him "thanks for aids cum! i loved it" i hope i hear back from him soon. i had no idea getting a hiv dude to fuck me would be so hott!
    1 point
  13. This hasn't happened to me in years, but I got off the Tube tonight and was heading to the supermarket to get some stuff on the way home. As usual there were some hotties but didn't think much about it. I was walking along the street and noticed a guy in front of me looking back from time to time. I looked back, to see who he was looking at. Turned out there was no-one behind me, so I finally realised he was looking at me! He turned off into a side street and when I reached the corner I looked down and sure enough he was there waiting. I thought "fuck it" and followed. He looked back again a couple of time and saw I was following, then he crossed the road to his place. He left the front door open and I followed. He was standing on the stairway and asked me to hang on. This was the first chance to check each other out properly and he was sexy. Probably late 30s. I waited while he went into his flat, then after a few minutes he was standing on the stairway, stark naked with a raging boner. I followed him in and no questions asked got on his knees in the hallway. He had a small ring of hair around his cunt but was smooth otherwise. It was pretty clear what he wanted, so I stripped off and spat on his cunt. He reached behind him, grabbed my cock then backed onto it. He was pretty tight at first, but didn't take me long to get up inside him. By this time I was fucking horny and wanted it to last, but after about 10 minutes I couldn't hold off and blew my load up his cunt. "Cheers mate hope to see you again" was my signal to leave. Good enough for me.
    1 point
  14. Spent 1 night in California last night. Posted ads on BBRt, CL and A4A. Well in no time, I had cummers showing up at my hotel door. I left the door ajar, turned the lights down low, slipped on my blindfold and lubed up my hole and they filtered in 1 by 1. In a 4 hour period, I took 17 loads. They just kept cumming and cumming and some of them even returned for a repeat session. One guy that wanted me to see him was a big muscular black guy with a HUGE cock who totally wrecked my hole. He went for a good 45 minutes. I had so much cum in my hole by the end of the night. Hope to do it again sometime soon and try and break the 17 record. Best night ever!!
    1 point
  15. By: hairyalaskanartist http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=h0Kgv-G599-#.VRQsaHl0zIU Hot Fuck with Bikerbearcub It was time for another video of the hot fun Bikerbearcub and I create together. Driving my load deep in his ass made for one amazing finale.
    1 point
  16. I was walking back to my house after a late lunch. As I started walking on the main road in the subdivision, I saw a sexy black guy walking ahead of me. So I walked by him the second time (passed by him on my way out earlier) praying he'd say something to me. I was about 50-feet past his house when I heard, "Hey you, Asian man!" I turned around and he motioned for me to approach him. Well, getting to the point, he saw me staring at his crotch, grabbed my right hand, and led me in to his house. We only made it to his living room before I pushed him down on the couch, grabbed his dick, and started deep throating his thick 8" dick. Omg he tasted so damn good, and he had tons of pre-cum. After a few minutes he had me get my ass to his face while still sucking his dick. He rimmed me damn good, which made me suck him even harder and deeper. Man he knows how to work his long tongue, literally fucking me with it. We kept this going for about 20-minutes before he unloaded a massive, thick and creamy load down my throat and in my mouth. Even I struggled to swallow it all, choking a bit. Man, now I really like my new neighborhood.
    1 point
  17. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=pFOgy-G460-#.VRMFS_mUd-s
    1 point
  18. Yep. A draft of Live Oak, With Moss is the source. Are you familiar with The Wild Boys: A Book of the Dead by William S. Burroughs?
    1 point
  19. Hot start, can't wait for more...hope Peter will eventually slam.
    1 point
  20. Love the idea of seeding the hot hole of a bottom whose cock is trapped in a cotton patch cause he's not allowed to take it out.
    1 point
  21. I use either poppers (which I do not consider a drug) or Kamagra for a stiff dick. On a recent date a cuople gave me an XTC pill. Only thing it did to me me was it made me drowsy. Good for chilling and getting fucked but don't know if I would use it again. I like a clear head and in control when on a date.
    1 point
  22. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=9Hrap-G399-#.VQVKknl0zIU Bubble BUTT Bottom gets my load Me fucking a NICE round ass. love how tight he is, and how his round ass bounces when I fuck him. This fuck buddy, is the same top who fucks me in "THICK COCK BREEDS HOLE". He cums a ton and has a really fat dick. I fuck him for a bit... he doesn't bottom very often, so trying to get a good motion was hard, but he didn't complain hardly at all. That's a good bottom! Then I shoot my load deep in his ass at the end. **Did i mention he just took a load before I fucked him? there are parts you can see the load come out a little and i fuck it back in.
    1 point
  23. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=020kY-G399-#.VQVGkHl0zIU Grindr BB fuck (re-upload) It's back!!! I had to take the original video down at the request of my co-star. I've made a few adjustments as you can see. hopefully he won't mind, LOL! He breeds my ass nice and hard, just how I like it, and then I clean off his cock with my mouth and mount him again! he fucked a pretty big load out of me at the end!
    1 point
  24. Sunday: hanging out by pool at resort. Damn. There were some hotties. Gonna keep this one pretty general. Always interesting when I meet guys just in the open. Many were cruising and I was trying to play it cool. Guys came and went. One guy, about 30, shaved head, beard, extraordinary body, ass that wouldn't quit, would go to his room, then come back and lay out. Did this several times. I made note of his room number and moved to a different area. Saw an older daddy, nice bod, good looking. Standing in his room, stroking a nice dick. He motioned me in. I walked in, he sank to his knees and started sucking. Great cocksucker. Got me hard, teased me, and worked me up slowly. Deep throated me but mostly focused on head for a while. He kept a increasing the pace and got to where he was fucking his throat on my cock. Fuck. I just asked, you want it? He moaned a yes. I grabbed his head and held my cock in his throat as I shot my load. He gasped for air as I let him go. - said thanks and headed toward door which is when I noticed we had an audience outside the window. BIG grin on the bald guy from earlier. I nodded my head to him and went to lay out. Later that night, I go to pool just hang out, smoke a cigarette, enjoy the night air. I see two guys come out of the bald guy's room. Hmmmm. A few minutes later, another guy. I think I've found slut for tonight. I wait some more and he comes out, sees me across pool and stops in his tracks. Smiles very big and then motions with his head to come in his room. Don't have to ask me twice. Room reads of ass and sex - that sweet smell starts making my cock hard. I look at the guy, and we start making out. Can def taste some ass/cum on his tongue. Cock gets a little more hard. I reach around and place one hand on each ass cheek and squeeze together then pull apart. I swipe my hand and he has a sloppy hole. Just sloppy with cum. I bring my fingers to his mouth and he sucks them clean. I push him to his knees and he stares at my dick. I'm leaking a lot of precut. He sticks out tongue and licks, then slurps on foreskin, the. Finally taking me all in his mouth starts sucking. He looks up, takes my dick out and says, "that tastes so sweet" then goes back to sucking. I reach back to his ass again - there is so much cum. I'm praying I can hold out. Fucking a dummy hole usually makes me shoot straightaway! I tell him I want to fuck. He says ok and lays on his back. I said, "oh no. On all fours. Show me that wet hole" with a big smirk. And he blushed. He got in all fours and I slid in. Nice and wet. Squishy. I pushed him down flat and kept fucking. I leaned into his ear and asked "how many you got I here?" He barely whispered, "six." I picked up the pace. I asked did each of those guys give you two?" And he answered "two of them - couple. Then two more guys gave me one each." I kept fucking. Sweat started to drip from my forehead onto his back. Fuck what a nice back he has. All muscular. He asked me "can I have yours too. Give it to me. I need it" I said, sure as though I had just decided this. I whispered in his ear, " I knew you were a cumslut when I saw you earlier. With this hot bod and Damon nice ass of yours, I bet you get more than your fair share of loads. Here's one more!" And I hot deep in him. After soften and slipped out, he immediately went for my dick to clean up and licked my balls too. He said cleaning up was his favorite part to which I replied "good pig,"
    1 point
  25. A few years ago, I hooked up with a West Virginia bear who was going through a divorce. I went over to his place with an expectation of cuddling and maybe JO, but ... as often happens... I ended up plowing him and shooting a load into his ass. And then I slapped his ass and told him he was "a dirty barebacker." So, after that, he was freaked out and ceased all communications. Then, a few months ago, guess who's profile I recognized on BBRT. Like I said, he lives in West Virginia, so it took a while for me to schedule a fuck session with him. His circumstances have declined somewhat; he lost the house in the divorce and is living in a messy basement apartment. He also is completely uninhibited. I fucked him, and then he had a buddy come over who fucked him, and then I fucked another load into him before I left. Times change.
    1 point
  26. This is my first time posting. Figure I should start contributing. Came for a few days to Ft Lauderdale to fuck and suck. Arrived on Satruday evening and, of course, went to Slammer. I got there pretty late Saturday night, prolly 3 am. Plenty of guys there. Good vibe in dark room. 3 bottoms there taking dick. I dropped 3 loads in 3 different guys. First one: the suck ramp. A group of 4 or 5 guys was playing with two of them getting their sucked through the glory hole. I walked up, felt up some nice pecs, tweaked some nipples, and the circle opened up to let me join. I pulled out my nice 7" UC dick and soaked a little. Made out with a couple of the guys. Really hit it off with shorter, muscle dude. Kept making out. I could taste some cum from our kiss making my cock harder. One of the guys at teh GH grunts and cums, feeding the cocksucker below. Bald muscle dude, runs down to the GH and takes my cock and starts sucking. He did a great job. Really worked my foreskin good. Eventually I was throat fucking him. The guys around me were tweaking mi nips, and one handed me some poppers. That was it, I shot a huge load down this cocksucker's throat. Load#1. Now I could relax with that first nutt outta my way. I walked around a while to recharge. Watched a couple of guys fuck In a booth. There was a huge- dicked guy also watching. I started jacking his big cut dick. We enjoyed the show. And I went to walk some more. There was. Really good vibe - guys playing and having fun. Went back to the dark room. 3 bottoms in the center. 2 are taking dick. In one corer, two guys facing the corner, one fucking the other. Next to them, one guy sitting on bench, with a guy between his legs sucking him. I turn towards the center and there is a nice ass, sticking out, waiting to be filled. I reach out and swipe the hole - lubed. I feel again, sloppy. I stroke a few times. I've been presuming like crazy. No need for even spit. I slide in. Damn! I love cum filled hole. I stay still and enjoy that feeling. I start fucking. Mixed up the pace. I eventually could hold back, and grunt and start shooting. Nice load, not as big as the first. LOAD#2. Out of nowhere a guys is on his knees next to me. When I pull out, he cleans me off. Fuuuuuuuck! I love this place!! I stand off to the side and just watch. Not sure I can go again but def not ready to leave. A hot bearded Latin guys walks in. Stands next to me and strikes me, I stroke him back. Nice fat uncut dick. He has a long foreskin. I love that. I been over to suck. We end up with me between his legs and him sitting on bench. We make out. I suck some more, then some guys just shives in and grabs the dicker start sucking. WTF?? the Latin guy, shives the guy off his dick. And feeds me again. Then the guy does it again. Totally broke the vibe and we just split up. What an asshole! Why would you that.. Three guys are along the back wall, just striking their dicks. Two jockstrapped bottoms on the circle cushion in front of them. I walk over and stand next to them. I pull my dick out and stroke. Two of them at the same time walk up to each bttm and slide in. I stop stroking realizing I have another load in me to give! Don't want to waste it. Both bottoms were pretty vocal in a hit kinda whispering, grunting, saying things like "give me that sperm" or "I want that load", "give IT to me, I want it" - hot hot hot! Me and the other dude are still striking watching the tops fuck their bttms. I'm not fully hard but I'm still having fun watching. One of the tops grunts, slamming his load in.I hear "thanks for that load" from the bttm. Top pulls out, looks at me and says, "have at it. with my load in there, you're gonna have a good fuck" I try to slide in. I'm not that hard. I try to get in. I'm almost there and slide out. The smell of that cum filled hole, and then hearing the bttm say it again "I want sperm. More sperm" gets me just hard enough to slide in. It feels amazing. I start to fuck. Then some asshole ( I think it's same guys from earlier) slides his hand between my stomach and the ass in from of me to feel my cock. I grabbed his hand and twisted his fingers - hard! Saying "don't do that again" took a brief moment to compose myself as the top next to me started slamming into his bttm and grunting. That was what I needed. I just picked up the pace, and came again -load #3. I cleaned up in the bathroom and went back to resort. Fuck! It was about 5:30am. I will post later about Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Fuck!! All the hot cum-loving bottoms are in FTblauderdale.
    1 point
  27. Jaeger fucked Tanner without cumming for a good fifteen minutes, exploring the depths of his hole with his massive cock until he had Tanned screaming into the palms clasped around his mouth. Jaeger had found Tanner's prostate, and was angling his thrusts to hit it violently till tears ran down Tanner's perfect, jock face. Jaeger reached around to Tanner's captive sack, it was heavy with his unspent sperm, painful to even the slightest touch. Jaeger felt Tanner's hole tighten as he grabbed the boys super sensitive, cum filled balls. "Yes. Good boy...full of sperm" Jaeger said through more sharp thrusts, biting the boys ears. He pulled his dick out from the vacuum of the kids ass. It was coated in thick cum and ass mucus. "Suck me clean" he ordered Tanner immediately complied as one of Bruno's house twinks came out "Everything is ready sir" he said, trying not to make eye contact with his Spanish master. "Good" Jaeger said. "Baby boy, you step in my house you are mine...Yes? You understand? Yes" He gently slapped Tanner who nodded eagerly, mouth still sucking his own ass juices of Jaeger's cock. "Fuck him up" Jaeger said pulling his glistening dick away from Tanner 30 minutes later, Tanner was trussed up in a sling in Jaeger's dungeon. A cocktail of drugs pumped into his veins, a gold collar on around his neck and his perfectly shaved hole exposed and pulsing with heat and desire. As the men of the party filtered into the dark room, I couldn't help but take up a position near the back, I was excited to fuck our prize when he was good and loose and full of sperm. There was thumping music playing as one by one Tanner took cock after cock...no one pulled out and any drop of cum that wasn't deposited in his belly was fed to him from fingers or dicks. He must have had the potent seed of about 30 men before he started to look tired and another dose of Jaeger's special cocktail of drugs hard wired were administered to hard wire him awake. I took up position, and slid without resistance up my conquest's hole. The walls of his ass were thick with cum, it was glorious, no more friction or tightness but perfect, warm folds of jock ass stretched to delight so that you could feel the boy shuddering with every breath. I grabbed his hips, ground up into him and unleashed another hot load up him. "Too fucking good boy" I moaned as Jaeger sauntered through the crowd, smiled at me and motioned for his turn. I pulled out, happy to oblige. No sooner had he got up to the boy then I saw the massive dildo in his hand. This must have been a good 12 inches long and 5 inches thick. He pushed down on Tanner's tight abs and shoved the toy home. Tanner moaned deeply as inch by inch vanished into his teen cunt. Jaeger was pleased and as the final inch disappeared smiled evily. Slowly, he fucked the boy long and hard with that impossible dildo whilst Tanned moaned for more. "Ok" Jaeger said finally He ripped the cum soaked toy out the boys now gaping hole and directed someone near the kids head to shove it down his throat. As the Tanner tried to accommodate the toy in his throat Jaeger did something that nearly made me cum. Before Tanner's gaping pussy could wink itself shut, he casually starting working his fist up the boy, it didn't even take a minute before I swear we all heard the pop as Tanner swallowed the fist...first gay experience and the boy was being fisted, hard! I was so proud. 30 minutes of fisting passed...not once did Jaeger pull out. Finally, when he did, Tanner's gape was so beautiful...like a blossoming rise pulsing with white cum. Jaeger shoved his dick into the warm flower and fucked it back into place until he deposited his own load. Before the night was over Tanner dropped cum from every orifice and glistened with hot sperm. In fact the only person who hasn't cum was Tanner. Having taken eveeone at least once...Jaeger released the boy's clamp, located his prostate in his wrecked hole and milked the boy for neg load after neg load till he was spent. "Next time you shoot boy, you'll be family" Jaeger said...as I watched I couldn't help but hope he'd share my genes...but we wouldn't know who was the lucky daddy for a while...
    1 point
  28. Worshiping Sarah Palin is at the core of any good pig. I know for me I ask Sarah Palin everyday that when I am given the gift of this disease I hope that he can put my family and friends through a very awful and hurtful ride watching me die slowly. I can't imagine how fun it'll be to know I am putting them through absolute horror and pain. It'll be a blast to cause such suffering in them. I know the lord Sarah Palin has that in store for me. Nothing will ever compare with how much fun evil truly is. Evil has no limits. It causes destruction and horror to all that don't love it. After All guys- WE LOVE EVIL! Let's work together to ensure we have the Joy of destroying people's lives
    1 point
  29. Talk of Lucifer in the story really gets me off. In every way AIDS is a disease that is nothing short of evil. Look at how many people it has killed and continues to kill around the world! What makes it so damn hot is that pigs like us love diseases that kill. Partly because we are sick fucks. But the thought of dying from AIDS because some guy wanted to gift you is beyond hot. More over, the way gift givers stealth or otherwise infect innocent lives is just an act of pure evil. Let's face it- it's really fucked up. But we have fun doing bad things to good people. Knowing that we will be responsive for someone's death from a deadly disease brings Joy to our lives. It's an act of pure evil that truly makes a gift giver so happy. We truly are students of Lucifer- just pure evil. We find death to be sexually stimulating. What else can be more exciting! NOTHING! I know I love AIDS because it costs so much to the infected. It ruins lives and I love it...I will never stop looking for it no matter what. AIDS would make me truly happy. No questions asked
    1 point
  30. I go to those places and put my ass against the glory hole or ass up in my room hoping guys are poz and will fuck me full of poz cum. If a person is going to those places and is having bb sex, they should assume everyone is poz and it's nobody's fault but their own.
    1 point
  31. My bud lonestarboi called me up and said a ginger massage client of his wanted to be mounted while being massaged, and since lonestar and I hadn't seen each other in a while, lonestar wanted me to come over. When I got there, the client was on the table face down. As I was getting undressed, lonestar came out of the can and began to massage the client. I rubbed my cock down with Gun Oil and began to fuck. As I was, another one of lonestar's buds comes in and strips. He unleashes a magnificent, thick, long, uncut cock and shoves it in the client's mouth. As the client sucks, it grows to what I find out is a genuine 11 inches. Watching this cock makes me horny, and I ask if he wants to be bred. Bigcock tells me to breed his cunt. I immediately shoot my load, and pull out. As I do so, a glob of my load slips onto the table. Bigcock smears it all over his cock and tells the client, "I'm gonna use his cum as lube" and shoves it in. I go to clean up, and as soon as I finish, big cock walks in the bathroom to clean up. I go to get dressed as the masseur is fucking his client. I ask if he can feel our loads in there, and he says, "Fuck yeah" as he adds his to the collection. He turns the client over, and as I'm leaving, realize it's someone I've known for at least 20 years.
    1 point
  32. The next couple of weeks flew by, I cleaned up the spare bedroom just in case the boy actually called us from the airport, not really expecting him too since I’m used to being teased by sweet young things. Friday night of the second week came and went, really expected it would then around 5:30 on Saturday morning my phone buzzed “Just arrived, on way to baggage claim, please cum pick me up” My heart was all aflutter as I nudged my husband awake “The boy actually arrived, get dressed, and let’s go get him” We didn’t even bother to shower and just threw on some clothes, we both were a little sweaty and even had a hint of the sex we had with the neighbor boy the night previously we arrived at the new terminal in about 25 minutes and circled around the arriving flight area, on the second go round my heart stopped as I spotted him standing near the curb, I stopped about 50 yards away and texted him “Here, at airport looking for you, dark blue ford, little roller-skate, wave if you can see us” I noticed him fumbling in his pocket and pulling out his phone, he read the text and began looking around, he looked toward us then raised his hand and waved, and I pulled forward and stopped the car in front of him. Popped the trunk and got out to help him with his medium sized bag and gym bag, as I approached him he set down his gym bag on top of his other bag and pulled me into a big hug, there were small tears streaming down his cheeks “I wasn’t sure if you were really going to come get me, I can’t believe I’m actually doing this” I hugged him back as my partner shifted himself to the back seat making room for our house guest, I threw his bags in the trunk and slammed it shut, climbing into the driver’s seat, putting on my seat belt and pulling away from the curb and onto the exit from the airport, the boy looked terrified and excited all rolled up into one “I’m not sure if we ever exchanged first names but I’m Nathaniel, and I’m so happy to finally get to meet you in person” I introduced myself and my hubby to him and took his hand in mine to let him know he had little to worry about, he moved my hand to his crotch which was already bulging in anticipation. We exchanged small talk on the short drive back to our apartment all the while he groped me and I him, while my hubby in the back seat kneaded his shoulders and teased him with views of his large phallus. We arrived at our apartment and I parked the car and retrieved his luggage from the trunk, assisting him to carry it into the dwelling, once inside the boys reservations suddenly disappeared and he breathed in a sigh of relief, out of public view he suddenly relaxed. “So how was the trip?” “a little bumpy, but I made it here, I honestly didn’t know if you were really going to show up and was prepared to take the bus to the city” “Aren’t you glad we showed up, saving you the bus trip and god only knows what else?” “Yeah and you two turned out to be the sexist couple, when you pulled up I thought I had gone to heaven” I laughed, and Jake my partner chuckled. Being a serodiscordent couple my status was only discussed in whether I disclosed to potential partners, Jake only occasionally got off on Poz talk, and the idea of gift giving was somewhat taboo with him. I had warned Nate throughout our conversations to keep his chaser status under wraps “So how’d your coffee house encounter go” I asked referring to his post on BZ about a pending hook up with a daddy he spied in a local coffee house “he was a flake sort of, he made a date then kept rescheduling, then when we did get together he just wanted to suck me off, wouldn’t even let me touch his junk” “Ah I see, so total wash out eh” “Yeah, but I learned a good lesson out of it, some guys just like to tease” I had refrained from making a move on Nate, didn’t want to scare him off, this god from the northwest, I picked up his luggage from the middle of the living room, bent over slightly towards him and placed a kiss on his cheek, then carried his bags into the spare room, he followed me as I showed him his bed set off to the side of the room “This is your room for the week, if you so choose to stay here” “Why wouldn’t I want to stay here daddy” With that he became somewhat the aggressor and began kissing me passionately, I reached under his tee shirt and began playing with his nipples as Jake came up behind him and began nibbling on his neck, he raised his arms above his head and we removed his tee shirt revealing that hot torso I had been drooling over ever since seeing his photo album on BZ. I began sucking and nibbling on that nubile body while fumbling with his belt and zipper, then peeling his jeans from his hips, boy claimed to be all bottom but his cock was ridged and drooling while Jake and I worked over his body, Nate stepped out of his jeans and cute sexy briefs and stood before us completely naked as we caressed and fondled his hot body, it didn’t take us long to shed the few articles of clothing we wore and soon we were on the bed with Nate between us as he sucked my cock and got rimmed by Jake, opening up his nearly virgin hole. Nate got me hard and turned around to sit on my erection as he began taking Jake deep into his mouth, the head of my engorged tool poked into his moist hole, he grimaced and screamed as my shaft penetrated him for the first time, I quickly pulled out, Afraid I had hurt the boy “No daddy, it really didn’t hurt that much, put it back in” I reached over to the nightstand and withdrew a bottle of lube and applied it into his hole then worked my cock back into his slick orifice, this time he just moaned around Jakes cock ,as it slid into his throat, Nate gagged a little, then swallowed Jake to the root. The boy suddenly became voracious and began bucking back onto my cock, which was by now coating his rectal walls with my toxic pre-cum, stretching and tearing his sphincter and ass up. I began piston pumping the boy as I knew this first time I wouldn’t last long. Jake was beginning to growl and scrunch up his face and I knew Nate was getting a taste of his baby batter as he shot his load in the boys’ mouth and throat. Jake pulled out and Nate licked his cock and balls clean as I continued to pump away at his tender ass, as my partner exited the room to go fix some breakfast I pulled Nate down onto the bed, still impaled in his ass I began fucking him with him on his side “You want my toxic Baby batter up your ass boy?” I whispered in his ear “Yeah daddy, knock me up, give me your Poz seed” “So, you want my toxic, Poz dna in you” “Give me your bug Daddy” A couple more thrust and I could feel my cock pulsing with my toxic seed flowing into this once sweet thing, one, two, three blast of cum deep in his gut, my cock aching to spew more seed into this once innocent boy, a boy now begging me for my seed ”here it cums boy no turning back now” He suddenly clamped down trying to push me out but only succeeding in milking my cock of its final drops, I lay there behind him nibbling on his neck my cock still buried in his convulsing ass, I pulled his face around, and gave him a big sloppy kiss as my cock began to soften and slid out of his hole. He rolled over and kissed me back before sliding down to clean off my cock his ass suddenly in the air again as Jake re-entered the room with breakfast. “Well this can wait a few” as he set down the plates and slid his cock into Nate’s now used and cummy hole. Jake fucked him for about 5 to ten minutes before adding his negative deposit to join my toxic spooge. We ate breakfast and then took Nate to the shower where we proceeded to make out and tease him while soaping him up and washing him off. Jake got dressed as we were drying off then proceeded to tell us to be good as he left to go do errands. I took the towel from Nate’s hips and led him to the king size bed and turned on the television and Blu-ray to stream some movies for the boy, it didn’t take much and he was hard and dripping again. “Ok son, now its daddies turn, I know we have discussed you only wanting to bottom but daddy has needs too” With that I took his 8 inch cock in my mouth and began to give him a blow job to remember. He was getting close when I began to rim his hole and he thought he was going to get fucked some more. I could taste the two loads of cum in his hole and sucked some out savoring the taste the kissing him deeply to share with him the cummy taste of his ass, as I lay on top of my hot Twinkie stud I guided his cock to my hole then breaking our passionate kiss sank my ass over his pole impaling myself on his ridged dripping cock “Daddy I don’t top” “Well if you’re going to take my seed, you’re going to have to earn to give back every now and then” I rocked back and forth a few times sliding my ass lips up and down his engorged penis giving him immense pleasure, Nate began working his cock into my hole then hilting it blew his first top load deep into my guts. I rolled off him and cleaned my ass juices and his cum from his cock then once again sharing it with him via a deep kiss. “Wow that was mind blowing” “Don’t get used to it son, that is the last time you get to fuck daddy again till you test Poz.” “Well times a wasting” With which he rolls over and mounts my hard cock again this time using the cum in his ass to lube my entry, I pump in and out of him for some time working his slick wall with the seed that already exist then slowly adding my pre-cum to the mix I was still sliding my cock in and out when Jake returned home a couple hours later having made two more deposits. Jake prepared dinner and Nate and I picked out some movies on Netflix to watch
    1 point
  33. Bill slid his dick out of me and I grunted a bit – I didn’t think I’d ever had my hole used like this, and I was usually pretty generous with lube and had never gone skin-on-skin before. Spit and cum weren't providing the slickness needed by any stretch, 'though I also hadn’t felt so completely and incredibly fucked in my life – Bill wasn’t lying when he said the freedom was incredible. I was still shaking. Bill smiled at me, saying “Come on, it's time to go untie the little slut.” He rose completely unselfconsciously, his dick still semi-hard, a drip of cum dropping onto the wood floor. I moved slower, and more awkwardly – his load was deep in my hole, and I had to clench my ass to keep it from running out. I followed him back to the master bedroom, where, upon arrival, we found Andrew laying on his back, resting beside Mark, who was bound. Andrew had obviously just fucked Mark. Through the open door to the ensuite, I could hear the shower going. I stood quietly while Bill untied Mark’s legs and hands, then undid the gag and slid the blindfold off the young man. Mark blinked, as though he was waking up from a long dream. When he stood up, he was limping and bowlegged, and cum leaked down his legs. I noticed his ass was bright red, which made me wonder if someone had been spanking him. My dick twitched a little at the thought. I felt a kind of low-level of jealousy and was surprise when Bill wrapped his arms around Mark, giving Mark’s ear a quick nibble before murmuring “You’re a good little slut. You make sure to tell me any other fantasies you’ve got, and I’ll make 'em happen, okay?” Mark nodded, blushing a deep red, “Thank you,” he said, in a weak voice. Bill slapped Mark’s ass. “There’s an empty bedroom down the hall. I’m sure someone will tuck you in later,” he said. On the bed, eyes still closed, Andrew snickered as Mark took the hint and left the room. Bill looked at me. I felt my whole body heat up the way his eyes roamed up and down me. “You should hop in the shower, get ready for bed,” he said, and he winked at me. He nodded through the door to the ensuite. Then he looked at Andrew, gave him a friendly shove to the shoulder, suggesting “And you, go tell Tim he did a good job. And do whatever else comes natural.” Andrew grinned, opened his eyes, and got up. I walked nervously into the ensuite. The shower curtain was drawn, and clouds of steam were filling the small bathroom. I swallowed, listening to the sound of someone obviously cleaning up behind the white curtain. I bit my lip, and looked back out into the bedroom. Bill was watching me. He nodded again. I moved into the bathroom and pulled on the curtain enough to step into the tub. Mac was under the hot stream of water, and he turned when he realized I was behind him. The water darkened the hair all over his body. “Well if it isn’t the boy with the delicious ass who showed no gratitude.” He reached down and stroked his dick – he was semi-hard, uncut, and had low, hanging balls covered with that wet dark hair. I licked my lips, and felt that wild freedom again. Bill was right. I could do whatever the fuck I wanted. He’d sent me into the shower to clean up, but I couldn’t help but think I owed Mac some gratitude for his incredible tonguing. I slid to my knees under the hot spray, and swallowed Mac’s dick, in the process, relaxing my ass – finally – and felt the hot cum leaking out from my pucker as I started to suck on the man’s cock. Mac grunted, rubbing his hands through my hair, getting it wet, “Yeah,” he said, “That’s a good start.” I sucked on his cock, then, once he was hard, I moved onto his balls and sucked them. He let me set the course for a few moments, then positioned my head where he wanted it, and pushed his dick back into my mouth for a while longer. I grunted eagerly, sucking on his cock and gripping his thighs tightly in my hands. “Yeah,” Mac said, his gravelly voice echoing in the shower, “Bill broke you in good, didn’t he?” I looked up at him, spray hitting my face, and moaned around his dick again. “Get up,” Mac said. “Turn around.” I obeyed, and he fucked me in the shower while I braced myself against the tile wall. It was a quick fuck, and we were both already so tired – and I was incredibly sore – but it felt good to have his dick inside me. I pushed back against his thrusts and he gripped my waist and growled as he rammed himself home. When he came, he ground himself hard against me, shaking my waist as though he was trying to make sure his cum ended up as deep as it could go. Then he pulled out, rinsed himself off again, and stepped out of the shower without a word. I cleaned up for a bit longer, paying attention to my sore and battered hole. I’d never been fucked by three guys in one night before, and never this rough and without lube – and then turned off the shower. The silence was notable. Once dried off I went back into the master bedroom. Bill was in the bed – there was a new blanket on it now, folded back. I climbed in beside him, and he nodded, kissing me deeply, his tongue filling my mouth. “Big Al said goodnight,” he said, pulling away. “Now get some rest. Robert and Andrew are spending the night and I promised them they could fuck my boy in the morning before they go.” My boy. I shivered, half delighted, half terrified. But then I pressed myself against Bill’s warm shoulder, and heard the words again. My boy. I fell asleep, exhausted, satisfied, and free.
    1 point
  34. “You!” I said, and it exploded out of me. “Oh, fuck... You!” Bill’s smile was a slow, dangerous thing. He reached around the back of my neck and squeezed once. “Good boy,” he said. Behind me, Mac’s tongue slipped form between my spread ass cheeks and he rose, huffing. My whole body sagged as his tongue pleasure/torture stopped. “There’s gratitude,” he said, but he sounded more amused than anything else. I couldn’t look away from Bill’s gaze – his dark eyes, the small lines around them, the dark hair greying just a bit at the temples, and the hard, masculine angles of his face. Beyond him, I saw Mac climb onto the bed where Mark was tied up. Robert, still lying on his back, nodded at him, and then reached out and almost lazily tickled Mark’s exposed underarm, making him jolt up against his bindings. Bill’s hand slid down my arm, and he started to untie my wrist. He did one, then the other, and then moved behind me. As his fingers brushed the taped rope around my ankles, I watched Mac spit once onto Mark’s already slick pucker, then line up his dick and slowly push himself inside. Mark’s body tensed and curled, but the sound that came deep from his throat was guttural and definitely one of pleasure. My other ankle was freed, and then Bill’s rough, calloused hand slid around my waist and pulled me. I awkwardly got down from the chair – my legs and arms felt like rubber, spongy and weak from my thrashing – and his arms wrapped tight around me from behind, turning me to face the four poster bed for a moment. His hard-on pressed against the small of my back, and the heat from his hairy body was electric. He was squeezing me tight enough that it was just shy of uncomfortable. “Look how happy that boy is,” Bill said into my ear, and I watched as Mac began to pick up the pace. He’d taken Mark’s shoulders in his hands, and was bucking into him with long, gyrating thrusts that made Mark’s chew at the gag in his mouth. Mac smiled at me as Bill started to walk me backwards out of the room. In the hall, Andrew passed by, naked, heading toward the room we’d just vacated. He didn’t say a word, and I knew he was waiting for his turn with Mark. From the far end of the hall, I could hear Big Al’s voice, and just barely heard the gurgle that was likely the result of him face-fucking Tim. I was shaking. No doubt Bill could tell, but he continued to steer me, and pushed through the middle door in the hall, where a bed waited that was only slightly askew. This must have been the room Robert and Mac had been in, judging from the clothes on the floor. “Boy, from the first time I saw you, I wanted you,” Bill said, and he gave me a little shove. I fell onto the bed, stomach first. “And seeing that whore ass now, I’m not sure I’m ever going to let you go.” I shivered again, and rolled onto my back, looking up at him. He was standing over me, his dick hard and its purple swollen cockhead almost spilling a single drop of precome. His thick, strong body, dusted with that dark hair, seemed tensed and ready to spring. And his smile wasn’t entirely kind. I bit my lip. What was I thinking? Maybe this was a mistake. “Tim,” I said, not sure what else to say. Bill smirked. “Tim knows what he is.” As he spoke, he moved forward slowly but purposefully, and I slid back further onto the bed. He got onto the bed between my legs, and his hands slid up and down my calves, before sliding under them and starting to lift. “Tim’s a good fuckbuddy. But you’re a boy. A whore boy. Whore boys need daddies to keep ‘em in line. And keep others lined up for ‘em. But a boy has to belong to one daddy, that’s for damn sure.” I was breathing so rapidly I could barely catch my breath. He lifted my legs, then gripped both ankles with one hand while he tugged a pillow from the head of the bed and pushed it under the small of my back, then did it again. My chin was pressed against my chest to look at him above me, and he nodded at my legs in his hand. “Grab your legs, whore boy,” he said. I obeyed on some reflex born deep. I shivered again. Mac’s assault on my ass had been one thing, and had turned me on so completely I’d agreed to... Oh my god, what I was agreeing to... This was insane! I had to stop this, I had to – Mac buried his mouth on my raised pucker, wrapping his hairy arms around my waist and tugging me up against his face. Coherent thought vanished almost immediately, and I was writhing and bucking against the hot feel of his tongue drilling into me. “Yeah, that’s a whore boy,” Bill said, coming up for air for just a moment. “You’re going to be my whore boy, aren’t you?” “Yes!” I yelled the word, and Bill’s grin was triumphant and feral. He buried his tongue in me again, licking, biting, shaking his head, swiping with his tongue, spitting, slurping, and making me thrash and grind myself for a few minutes more, until I started to speak, utterly out of my mind with what he was doing. “Oh! God! Fuck me! Please! Fuck me! God, ruin me! I’ll be your boy! Your whore boy! Please! Oh! Please fuck me and ruin me oh God!” He shifted so fast the reality took a moment to sink in. One moment his tongue was driving me wild, the next both of his thick hairy arms were to either side of my head, pinning my face between them and forcing me to look right up and into his eyes, and his hard cock was pushing hard into me, with nothing but the last few remnants of Big Al’s spunk, and a whole lot of saliva, between us. He entered me with a single, deep shove that made me cry out in an animal way, then held perfectly still, his dick buried inside me, eyes locked on mine. “Fuck!” I gasped. He nodded. “Yeah, boy. Now I fuck you. Now I make you mine.” And he did. He started to fuck me with strong, even thrusts, pulling almost out before burying himself back in. The angles the pillows made were perfect – he obviously knew what he was doing – and every stroke sent incredible sparks up and down my spine. I couldn’t think. Couldn’t concentrate. He shifted his arms, first took my face in his hands ,then turned his hands so his thumbs both slipped into my mouth, and while I sucked on them, he increased the pace of his fuck, going faster, and harder, with every grunt. Our skin grew slick against each other, and his dick – though it hit just right and was making me crazy with how he rubbed me inside – was growing painful as it pounded into my ass. He was smiling, this man who was fucking me raw and who had chosen me in some way the first time Tim had introduced us. It wasn’t a friendly smile, but a possessive one, and angry. He was grunting louder now, and his sweat dripped down onto me as his thrusts grew even harder, and I started to whimper around his thumbs. I let go of my legs, and wrapped them around the back of his ass, pulling him into me, hoping he could understand what that meant. My hands gripped at his shoulders and made a low, moaning noise around his thumbs. He pulled his thumbs free, and when my mouth opened, he spit into it. I stared in shock, and he growled at me, grinding his cock into me with a force that made me whimper. “Yeah, you’re ready, aren’t you whore boy? You’re ready for daddy to make you his? You want me to ruin you now, don’t you boy?” “Ruin me!” I begged him, and he buried his dick to the balls and his hot load burst deep inside me.
    1 point
  35. A rough hand grabbed some of my hair and pulled my head to the side. It was Mac, and he must have read the shocked confusion on my face, because he leaned in and said, “Who told you you could come, boy?” Behind me, with a few more rough and quick thrusts, Big Al dumped his second load of the night into my ass. My legs trembled as I felt the hot spurts inside my already wet hole. He ground himself against me for a few seconds, his belly heavy against my back, then pulled out. I felt his cum leaking out of my ass. Mac tugged my hair a bit harder, and I stumbled a bit towards himself, gripped my shoulder with his other hand and spun me around until my back was pressed against his chest, his hard dick heavy and hot against the small of my back. “Did you tell him he could come?” Mac asked Big Al. “Nope,” Big Al grinned through his bushy beard. “Did you?” Mac asked Robert, who smirked and shook his head. Mac’s voice was low and gravelly when he spoke next, leaning over me and speaking right into my ear, asking “Did you come without permission, boy?” “Yes,” I said, and he tugged on my hair just hard enough to make me hiss. “That’s ‘yes, Sir,’” he corrected. “Yes, sir!” I gasped. He laughed, and I felt it rumble from his chest and through my back. On the bed, Bill was climbing out from between Mark’s legs, and I saw a thick dribble of spunk drop from the end of his dick as he pulled out. I licked my lips and shivered. Mac laughed again, squeezing me against him. “Sorry, man,” Bill said to Big Al, though he didn’t sound remotely sorry at all. “He signed up.” Big Al shook his head, grunting an amused “Uh-huh.” “My turn,” Robert said, and I watched as the hairy blond climbed up onto the bed and positioned himself up between Mark’s bound thighs. He leaned over the young man and grinned as he spoke next to his ear, asking “How about you? You know how to say, ‘Yes, Sir’?” There was no mistaking the sounds Mark made as anything other than a gagged version of those exact words. Robert laughed, and leaned in closer, pressing against Mark and – I assumed – making his hard on obvious. “Good boy. Again?” Again Mark’s gagged version of the words, and he twisted a little against his bindings. He was covered in a light sheen of sweat. “Again?” Robert asked, grinning. Again Mark replied, almost yelling through the spit-soaked gag. “So, you’d like me to fuck you, is that it, boy? You want me to breed your little boy hole?” Mark had barely managed to reply again before Robert raised his hips, positioned himself, and rammed his dick home in what I could tell was a rough – and deep – thrust. Mark’s head drooped and his legs strained against their bound and open position, and Robert laughed, throwing a mean fuck into the slim young man from the get-go. He braced his hairy arms to either side of Mark’s head, and pounded away at him. Mark’s inarticulate ongoing groans were punctuated by little bouts of breathlessness as the big hairy man rammed in deep. “How ‘bout you?” Mac asked, sliding his hand over my chest and taking one nipple between his rough fingers. “You doing to be a good boy?” I bit my lip, and when I didn’t respond fast enough, Mac gave my nipple a quick twist, and I yelped, pressing back against him, squirming. He didn’t relent, and I gasped out, “yes, sir!” He laughed. “That one’s got a whore’s ass,” Big Al said, nodding at me. I felt my face grow red. I looked away, and once again my eyes were drawn to Mark’s prone and bound body, and Robert’s rough fucking. Sweat was dripping from Robert’s forehead to a spot between Mark’s shoulder blades. Mark’s ongoing cry was growing almost inaudible now, breathy and quick. “How so?” Bill asked, and my eyes shot back to him. His hairy chest, and his thick, already hard dick, with the sheen of his load still on the purple cock head. “Barely got my tongue in his ass before he was begging for it,” Big Al said. “I think he would have done anything I asked.” My face was bright red, and I had to look away again. Still pressed hard behind me, Mac squeezed my nipple with another quick tweak, and I writhed again. “Huh,” Bill said. “That so?” He grinned, and moved to a large over-sized wooden chair with black leather cushioning and curved padded armrests, and pulled it out from against the wall. “Bring him here.” “You heard him.” Mac marched me to the chair, and Bill’s hands took my wrists and made me hold onto the high back of the tall chair while he picked up two more loops of tape-covered rope from beside the bed. He secured my wrists to the top of the chair – it was a little awkward to stand and lean that way. I was shaking – Bill’s fingers seemed scalding hot on my wrists, and my head was spinning. I could still see – and hear – the ongoing fucking noises of Robert and Mark, and I was breathing in quick heavy breaths. “Knees on the armrests,” Bill said, and the three men groped, grabbed, and lifted me until I was crouched on the armrests – I realized quickly that the “U” shape of the arm-rests were designed to do this, and that the whole chair must have been custom made. “Comfy, boy?” Bill asked. “Yes, sir!” I said. It came on reflex, and I shivered. Two more loops were tied around my ankles, securing me. I was more or less crouched on the padded chair, ass in the air, and legs spread, bent over just enough that looking up was uncomfortable. “Nice,” Mac said. All three men had stepped back. “Seriously,” Big Al said. “Watch this.” His bearded mouth returned to my hole and once again I was gasping, writhing and begging all at once. His tongue dove deep into my hole – my sore and sperm-slicked hole – and it was at once a relief and a torture. “Oh god, oh fuck, oh! OH!” I was pushing my ass back onto his tongue, desperate to feel full again. My head sank against the ridge of the chair’s back, and my hands twisted impotently against the loops that bound them in place. My toes curled, my back arched, and I desperately wanted it to stop and never stop, all at the same time. When Big Al pulled away, and laughed, I nearly whimpered. “See?” he asked. Bill moved around the front of the chair, blocking my view of Robert and Mark. He leaned in close, pulled up my head, and kissed me. His tongue filled my mouth and I swallowed it eagerly. When he pulled back, he was grinning at me. “I want you to beg us to ruin your hole, boy,” he said. And then I felt Mac’s mouth against my pucker.
    1 point
  36. Yeah, I definitely like to fantasize about a world where all men are forced to turn to each other for sexual gratification. Frankly, I believe that if straight guys could get over the whole gay stigma, they'd rapidly reach the decision to fuck other men because (a) in general, we're much fucking easier ( NSA with guys really means NSA...you can fuck a man and never see him again if you want © we know how to make a cock feel good, after all we have one of our own, and (d) sex with guys is MUCH better...from real blowjobs to holes that feel much better to sex partners with a lot more experience and skill. Reproduction could be fixed through technology...maybe a method of combining genes from two guys and implanting the new DNA in a clone or something.
    1 point
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