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Posts posted by rawTOP

  1. Click here to see Defiant HIV+ Bareback Fucker's original blog post...

    Interesting question.

    I have barebacked since I was pretty young, but when I began to understand how HIV was passed I sort of morphed into an oral only kind of guy. A receptive oral only kind of guy.

    For years my favorite place to go was Blow Buddies, and to a lesser degree Steamworks, since the glory holes gave me what I sought. A hot mouth, lower risk, and a hot time edging the hours away. So, what exactly got me to change this all up?

    Probably about 7-8 years ago I hooked up with this Spanish guy (yes, from Spain). Using men4sexnow.com we set up our meeting one day for later that afternoon. It was ostensibly because he loved to give head, and of course, I liked to get it. AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!

    I arrived to find his apartment pretty much all packed up. He said he would be moving in a few days. We went into his bedroom where he promptly got on his knees and went to town. He was good. I found myself on the edge pretty fast, and settled in for what appeared to be a good time. I was just riding that pleasure wave that I had become so addicted too.

    It did not take him long to get to the point where he stripped his clothes off and hopped into his bed. Of course I followed. He sucked some more, but then announced that I should stick my dick in his hole raw. I declined at first. He sucked some more and persisted with the "raw cock up his ass" idea. I continued to resist.

    Somehow, I honestly do not know how, we wound up with him on his back and me at the edge of the bed with his ass right at the tip of my cock. I still resisted. But, not for long!

    He squirmed toward me and onto the tip of my cock, which I had little ability to resist by now. The one saving grace was that I was so close to cumming that it would be impossible for him to get very far down my shaft. I let him know this so he got up and went in the kitchen, returning with some ice. I was horrified when he put the towel full of ice around my cock! I did not loose my hard on, but I did back off that edge enough for the next thing that happened.

    He got back on the bed, on his back. This time I pushed right into his hole without resisting his overtures. I could not move much because I was right back at that edge again pretty fast, but I was still balls deep in his raw hole. It felt awesome!

    After enjoying his hole a while he finished me off by sucking the cum out of my balls.

    Ever since this hookup I have not been able to resist bareback. Over time I have morphed from the tentative of this meeting to a total willingness to not only plow hot raw hole, but to take cock and the load that comes with it deep in my own ass.

    How did I start barebacking? A bit unwillingly, but fortunately it happened...5659550056261962395-7289548486791196602?l=rawone408.blogspot.com


  2. Click here to see Defiant HIV+ Bareback Fucker's original blog post...

    Dare I say this here publicly?

    I probably should keep this to myself, but I made the rules and more or less submitted them for a vote. So I am going to own it and be honest and open about it.

    On February 1 I stated that the next day I was to meet this one guy with a dick that was way to big, and that this was probably a bad idea. Well, on the morning of February 2nd I stroked my cock as I had many mornings prior, with the intent to not finish myself off. I was going to go meet this guy and take his load so I could later find some hole to put my load in.

    Well, after stroking a good while I let it go. I broke the rules. Not only that, I have done it once again since. That makes two loads wasted. Fortunately for me, I don't have an enforcer at this time. However, there is a party coming up on February 25th and I may go. If someone wants to own this penalty that is the time for you to do it...

    Email me at crazed95112@yahoo.com to get on the list to be the enforcer. More than one guy submitting such a request will be put up for a vote by the readers of this blog...

    I have never taken more than two loads in one night. Wanna make that a fact of history and push it way out there? Email me!5659550056261962395-3465117924470609939?l=rawone408.blogspot.com


  3. Click here to see Hot Pigg's original blog post

    So here's the deal. I got totally drunk last night and ended up taking this hot German guy home with me. I really just wanted to cuddle with someone going into Singles Awareness Day (SAD Day) but if anything was going to happen, I wasn't going to stop it. He had other plans. As soon as we got in we stripped and he was kissing me all over. He started figuring my hole and saying how much he wants to fuck me. I said go ahead. He asked for condoms of course. I said didn't have it and thus began the back and forth. We've all been there but like I said, cuddling would have been fine with me. It didn't take him long to start pushing in without a condom. Here's where it gets weird. He kept fingering me really really hard. I played along but it did hurt a bit. He'd finger then fuck, and repeat. I didn't think much of it till later. He couldn't stay hard enough with the alcohol to cum in me and I was exhausted so I came and passed out.

    We woke and he fucked me some more and didn't have time to cum in me before I had to get ready for work. We left and went our separate ways but later he texted. "What is your status b/c I'm worried since we didn't use condoms?" I answered, "Poz but you topped me and I'm undetectable." I'm not undetectable but like I was going to say that. Another funny thing happens, he never responds back. Kinda like it was no big deal. So I'm thinking, maybe he was trying to stealth me the whole time thinking I was neg. Hard fingering, fake stress over no condoms, never asked my status until we went separate ways. What do you guys think?

    Till next load...



  4. To see Rubbermutt's original blog post click here

    For over a year now Josh and I have been lovers, Originally we gravitated toward each other like two peas in a pod. He made me realize that, unlike my best friend, Tim, I was a natural Queer—and a Queen at that.

    In fact, Josh was my mentor. It was he who first turned me on to the wonderful world of bareback sex—all across this great country of ours. He also brought me face to face with the nether world of HIV and AIDS.

    I was well aware that Josh must have been around the block a few times. I presumed he'd been intimate with quite a few men—to have grown so wise at such an early age while most of his peers were still wet behind the ears. And like a sponge I sopped it all up—the Good, the Bad, and the Diseased.

    What Josh did not disclose, initially, at least, was that this wise and trusted counselor was POZ. His lame excuse was he didn't want to burden me with some sorry series of events which might or might not occur a decade hence. But in no way did my ignorance alleviate my susceptibility, i.e, sure as hell, the BUG came home to roost.

    Sometimes, when I'm popping my Meds, I admire my buddy, Tim, who had the good sense to bow out before I could do him harm. Make no mistake about it—Timmy was Bi alright; but, after he found out I'd seroconverted, he swore off all things Gay—INCLUDING ME. That was a little hard to take. We'd been friends since the fifth grade. We did everything together. We slept over almost every weekend, at his house or at mine—and shared whatever porno mags we could scrounge up. Tim had even introduced me to the manly art of whacking off.

    From the beginning I wanted to suck his Dick; but he, the straighter of the two of us, was uncomfortable with that. One afternoon I grew adamant; and after that, I thought for sure our friendship was kaput. But Tim's raging hormones got the best of him, and he kept cuming back for more. You can bet I never let him down.

    Alas, afterwards he always swore "NEVER AGAIN!" But, inevitably, he got hard again; and I was always there to succor him.

    We made out in his garage. A threadbare sofa covered with a worn old afghan throw served as our makeshift bed. One thing led to another, and I wanted to get fucked. I began to hint that there might be something more than just barebones oral sex.

    One night, while Tim was up at the house scrounging up some old Playboys, I squeezed a whole tube of KY up my Butt, then stripped and waited in the dark. When Tim got back, I scooped a gob from between my legs and massaged it on his Cock. He took the hint.

    Thankfully, he wasn't very large--maybe six inches, thin. Next thing I knew his Dick eased up my Hole—not far—but feeling three times fatter than it really was. I begged him to ease up; but the pain did not abate, and I doubted gettin' fucked would turn out to be that great.

    But by then my Virgin Cunt and his Terror of a Teenage Cock were hell-bent on a collision course. He fucked me slowly; and I began to moan and pushed back to meet his Meat.

    "Feels fuckin' good," he conceded halfheartedly, his enthusiasm dampened by his warped belief that nothing good could cum of sex like ours.

    Nonetheless I purposefully taunted him, using my Ass Muscles to titillate his slimy dick. He responded—pumping faster, deeper. For me it was a strange amalgamum of pain and pleasure as his Dick grew ever thicker up my Ass. I knew he was close, and wanted more than anything to feel his hot Slime penetrate my Cunt.

    But when he started shooting, slamming in and out, the pain nearly bowled me off my feet. Heeding only the insatiable tingling in his Balls, and oblivious to my disgruntlement, he plowed in arduously, spewing Wad after Wad of Oversexed Teen Seed up my Virgin Cunt. By then he was gliding home on a carpet of his own Spooge and slowed only as he ejaculated his last few drops of Jizz. I'd been jacking my own Cock and shot my Creamy Brew all over the ancient throw. When he pulled out, his hot NEG Spooge ran down my NEG Ass Crack.

    We were standing there breathless when we heard a voice beyond the pale. It was Tim's neighbor, Josh, who wanted in.

    Tim was apoplectic, and I saw why. There was a quarter size knot hole in the boarded up window from beyond which the voice came. His neighbor could have witnessed the whole thing. It was after midnight, and Tim didn't want his parents coming out to see what the ruckus was.

    We stood there naked, hoping the pest would go away; but he started pounding on the door. Afraid of wakening his slumbering parents, Tim stumbled to the door and opened it.

    We knew right away we were in deep shit. Josh sashayed in, grinning ear to ear, spewing poppycock about how love is blind. He must have spied on us before, because he knew I always did the sucking—not the other way around. Tim looked forlorn as Josh ranted on about "love birds like youse." I thought Tim was gonna puke.

    When Josh started carrying on about how I turned him on, I knew where he was cuming from and cut abruptly to the chase.

    I told Tim to go to the house and make sure his folks were still asleep, and I'd catch up with him after I had "a little talk" with Josh. Relieved, he pounced on my pro-offered out, never looking back. With a swaggering bravado I didn't feel, I locked us in.

    The Fag had already untied his shoes, pulled off his shirt, and dropped his pants—and sat on the sofa, nude, but for his piss-stained briefs. An intriguing bulge protruded beneath his fly, and he sat there brazenly caressing it.

    "How often does Timmy fuck your Ass?"

    I told him this had been the first time ever. I'm not sure that he bought into that, but he seemed emboldened nonetheless. He told me to undress and dropped his soiled briefs upon the floor.

    "Aw, cumon! Don't look so glum. I'm not forcing you or anything. Someday you're gonna thank me for tonight."

    Resigned to sacrificing myself for Timmy's ass (or so I rationalized), I played the game. As I pulled off my shirt and dropped my pants, I was aware the Queer was ogling me. He grasped my hands and dragged me over in front of him, and wrapped his arms about my waist.

    He was actually trembling as his digits explored my Hole. "I know you want it." He pushed me down. "Suck it!"

    I responded noncommittally.

    Tim's Cock was cut and always smelled, well, almost perfumed. The first thing I noticed about Josh was his musky, unwashed smell. His Dick was short and fat and had a heavy roll of foreskin covering the head. He was a light-skinned Mexican, but his straining blood-filled Cock ranged from almost black down towards the base to blue-purple at the Slit. His Nuts were huge and hung down between his legs like two cue balls in a hairy, silken pouch. I reached up and touched them, and they were fiery hot!

    "SUCK ME, BABY!" he repeated as he peeled the foreskin back. A telltale wad of crystal Precum glimmered on the tip.

    Experimentally I licked it off and took him in my mouth. Hmmmm! Delectable! So glycerin and sweet! His beer can girth was way wider than Tim’s, but I kept working him down my throat.

    "Oh you suck like a Little Bitch!" His nerdy hands urged me to take him all. My gag reflex kicked in.


    I got turned on.


    His vile talk, his huge Balls, and the manly scents emanating from his groin got the best of me. I didn't quibble when he pulled out and demanded I bend over the couch. Tim's Cock, thin as it was, had proven almost been too much for me. The overall experience had been an curious amalgam of pleasure and pain—and Josh was just as long—but twice the girth! But it wasn't pain I anticipated as Josh threatened to fuck my Hole. Hot damn! I wanted it! I glanced back and saw his rigid Pole aimed provocatively at my Cunt. Additional jewels of scintillating PreCum shivered impatiently on his Slit.

    "Bet I slide in real easy, Boy."

    Without warning, he twisted me about face up, then pushed me down till my horny lips just inches from his drooling Cock. Then climbing over me, he lifted my dangling calves to his broad shoulders and....

    "And this is how I fuck a Little Bitch!"

    Everything was different that go-round. Tim had never manhandled me, though I often wished he had. Always the gentleman, our sex verged on parody, with me worried about pleasing him and he concerned with causing me pain and the guilt he knew would beset him later on. Timmy had entered me very cautiously, though at my own behest. In all the afternoons and nights in his garage, he'd never once touched my Cock, and always told me when he was gonna cum so I could spit it out—which I never did. And afterwards he'd pay the price. It was the man-man thing that bothered him, and he couldn't help himself. So self-doubt was his cross to bear. I, for my part, wanted sex to be good for both of us; and if it wasn't, I blamed myself.

    But Josh was a man on a mission, and that mission was to breed my Ass! His hands were all over me, stimulating, tweaking. A steady stream of bile spewed forth from his lips. I was his "Bitch," his "Pussyboy;" and he was gonna "breed me hard and deep!'"

    Yeah, it was only the second Fuck of my entire life—my first real one, at that—and a part of me was scared to death, But another part was SO TURNED ON! His Cock Head pressed against my Hole, and it felt so big and hard. He teased it up and down my Ass Crack, spreading his Toxic Venom on my skin.

    "You want it, doncha, Lover Boy?"

    YES, I WANTED IT! My heart was racing. He stopped feeling me up and pushed on in. He wasn't gentle and didn't go slow. I don't think he even stopped till he was halfway in. The pain was horrendous, and I tried to ward him off. But he had the leverage, experience, and resolve. He was ripping me apart!

    "Your Pussy is so fuckin' tight and hot and full a Cum! I gotta personally thank Timmy for that. OK with you?"

    "Cut the crap and get this over with!"

    Obliviously, he rambled on. "I can tell him you're my Bitch now?"

    As obsessed as I was with the unfamiliar fullness up my Ass, and in no mood to play his diabolical little game, I uttered no response.

    He moaned and plowed in deeper. I said a silent prayer of thanks that I had Timmy's Cum in me—which made an otherwise impossible situation bearable. After all, it was only the second fuck of my entire life.

    Josh was already in way deeper than Tim had been, and it felt like he was gettin' off nonstop. But before I knew it, I was pumpin' back! In a strange, masochistic sort of way, it felt so good! He started pounding me harder, his hairy Balls bouncing off my Butt. At last, when I was totally impaled, he bent down to kiss me and his big Dick spasmed.


    I suppose, because he was POZ—my acquiescence was crucial to absolving him of any nefarious intent. After all, if the boy (i.e. me) volunteered to play the game, how could he be oblivious to the possibility of STDs? And didn't the promiscuous little Manslut have it cuming anyway?

    In retrospect I'm sure he had a helluva lot more in mind than just spoogin' up my Cunt. I think he was counting on his parasite piggybacking up my Butt.

    I almost panicked when he made like pulling out.

    "Tim can fuck you if you want, but from now on you're my Pussy Boy. Agreed?"

    I totally caved, whereupon, he viciously plowed back in, devoid of any sentiment except PURE UNADULTERATED LUST.


    Again, the need for confirmation of my complicity—and I gave him what he craved. Who was kidding whom? For guys like us, HIV is almost a birthright. Confident that that I was mere putty in his hands, his blatant disregard for my sore Hole was almost ludicrous as he plowed in and out.

    "You fuckin' Pussy! Your Cunt's so fuckin' tight! I'm gonna bust your Butt! You can always pass it on to Timmy, if you wish!"

    But I didn't wish. At that point, during only the second Fuck of my career, seroconversion was the furthest thing from my mind, let alone POZZING Timmy boy. No! It took me several years of bareback sex before I began to think along those lines.

    Meanwhile, he plowed into me like there was no tomorrow, and the baritone venom that spewed forth from between his purple lips grew ever fouler as he got close. Josh was indeed the ideal mentor for a naive and, as of yet, uninoculated novice like me.

    For my part, I careened between peaks and valleys of pain and pleasure. Yet both of us were close. Soon his diseased Nut filled my gut to overflowing. His Bug-laden Jizm infiltrated my willing Pussy, which had relaxed to welcome everything he had to offer, as he glided in and out.


    At last the jerking and spasming of his twitching Cock diminished, and he pulled out with a satisfied wet plunk. His hot Poison Spunk dribbled from my butchered Cunt, and soon pink creamy gobs contaminated by my Mancunt blood, blushed rosy on the concrete floor.

    Josh made the final overture. “A good Pussy Boy always cleans up his mess."

    He shoved his shriveled cum-coated Cock against my ever ready lips. Large lumpy wads of Poison Seed adhered to his Dick, and a thick ooze of Toxic Brew dribbled two inches down his foreskin toward my parted lips.

    Grateful for the second opportunity, I greedily engulfed that monstrous Tool, sucking his Toxic Manshaft clean. I had already fallen victim to that sick, obsessive state where I just couldn't get enough.

    Afterwards, as I lay on the sofa sore and drained, he dressed, demanding we meet again that night.

    "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

    "I know you wouldn't. You can still service Timmy if you wish. Just keep in mind you're my Boy now."

    I nodded in the affirmative.

    After he left, Tim, who had been watching from the house, came in, looking for all the world devastated by his cowardice. Little did he know I'd been transformed.

    Nonetheless I cried and wept and carried on like I'd just been raped—and sheepishly he embraced me, and we cuddled—and, for the first time ever—he kissed me on the lips. I not so subtly telegraphed there was only one way he could make it up to me; and, for the second time that night, he fucked my needy Ass.

    Actually he didn't require much persuasion. I do believe he was growing fond of it. But the deed was done. My seroconversion was underway, and Timmy, habitually a day late and a dollar short, would have to settle for sloppy seconds ever on.

    Not realizing he was dipping his wick in a polluted cesspool of POZ CUM—like the kind and empathetic friend he was—he slid right in--on a blanket of Josh's POISON JIZZ.

    Til my next post, Happy pozzing or stealthing...which ever you do best...Mutt1563389452096815092-5193365755307990098?l=rubbermutt.blogspot.com





  5. To see My Load Deep In You's original blog post click here

    Was cruising for mouth or hole earlier today when I saw a fuckbud on M4SN. He told me to cum over and unload. *As he was sucking my cock (and filming himself) he told me he wanted me seed in his ass. I hadn't unloaded in a hot hole in about two or three weeks, so I was game. *As soon as I slid in, I knew I wouldn't last too long, and I was right. I unloaded deep inside him in about eight strokes. The look on his face as I was dumping in him was awesome. He kept telling me to push it in deeper, and that he was gonna walk around all day long with my DNA inside him. I told him to keep it in him so when his bf fucks him later tonite, he'll be sliding on my cum. HOT!!!2856469041485238199-6304081041077449626?l=myloaddeepinyou.blogspot.com


  6. To see Rubbermutt's original blog post click here

    I put an ad on Craigslist this morning cause I have really been horny to the point that I was about to bust. I got a call, NOT an email, saying that HE wanted to give me his load. He sais he read my ad carefully and I asked him was he sure about this. He said yes. He told me the town that he lives in and I told him that I would call him when I got there. And I did. He gave me the directions to his house from the local WAWA and I fould it immediatly.

    He sounded young on the phone but I was surprised when I saw him. He was an older gentleman but very hot. He invited me in and I asked him if I could use his restroom. He pointed me to a door on the left. After I came out he immediatly grabed my cock. I was hard and he was happy. Didn't even close the front door. He let the neighbors see everything. That was hot. I grabed his cock but he wasen't hard yet. He led me into the kitchen and told me that he needed to make two phone calls. The first was to a woman neighbor of his. He said that she like to drop in unannounced and the she has her own key. The second was to his husband of 31 years. He was going to be at work for the next couple of hours..The game was on.

    He led me upstairs and we stripped our clothes. The first thing he went for were my nipples. This fucker knows his way around mannips. I start to work on his for a split second til he pushes me south to his cock. There is nothing I like miore than making the cock that is going to fuck me get hard. Don't get me wrong...his cock was not all that big but FUCK that fucking thing was FAT and I mean beer can fat. It fit nicely in my throat. Then he pulled me off his dick and told me to get on the bed. He laid down and I start to work is dick again. He tells me that if I keep going that I'm gonna make his shoot so I stop.

    "Fuck me Daddy", I told him and he proceeded to line up right behind me. I spotted a bottle of Blueboy on the side of the bed and ask if I can help myself. I'm glad he said to help myself.

    "Slap", :Back that ass up cunt" and I do as I'm told. Two hard slaps later, his dick is balls deep in my AIDS CHUTE. He asked me if I was POZ or NEG and I told him NEG. About this time he really lays into my cunt. "Tell daddy what you want you little bitch" he said and I told him.."Fuck me daddy, Fuck your cunt hard".

    "Do you want me seed" he said.

    "Yes", I said.

    "Where does cunt want it"

    "In my ass daddy"

    He really starts to pound my ass hard. His breathing starts to get heavier and a few seconds later he grunts and unloads in my ass.

    "Fuck that nut in deep, Daddy" I said as he continued to fuck my ass. about a minute later he pulls out and said "Daddy likes your ass, you worthless bitch". To which I reply "Daddy can fuck my cunt anytime. Even invite your husband to fuck me too"

    As I get dressed he tells me to hold onto his number as he will be calling me later so he can breed my cunt again. Just as I walked out the door, with all the neighbors watching as they shovel out of the snow, he shapped my ass hard one more time and I left.

    I am still looking for more POZ seed to fill my ass so I have to go...

    Til next time...Happy pozzing or stealthing...whichever you do best....


    Til my next post, Happy pozzing or stealthing...which ever you do best...Mutt1563389452096815092-7886623841226495748?l=rubbermutt.blogspot.com





  7. To see Rubbermutt's original blog post click here

    I have been so busy at work that I have neglected my blog. I guess it's the price I have to pay for being the manager of a YUM Brands food chain. I'll give you a hint. Colonal Sanders says hi and I reicently killed that little "Yo Queto" bastard to boot.

    So as luck would have it it is snowing again and once again I have closed a few of my stores for the day. Most are still open with a minimum crew of locals seeing how I live so far from all my stores. I promise that I will get up to posting a few videos and a ton of pictures on here later on. Can you beleive it...I got an email from Google and Picasa the other day saying that I had some porn on my account and that they had been taken off my account. Well I did an invintory of my pictures on Picasa and all of them are there so obviously they did not see all the dick / ass / fucking / piss and fisting pictures that are plainly visable in ALL of my folders...either the person that viewed my account folders needs glasses or that bastard is an HIV chaser like me and possible some of my other readers. Either way that bastard is twisted like me.

    Well that's it for now so like I always say...Happy pozzing or stealthing...whichever you do best.


    Til my next post, Happy pozzing or stealthing...which ever you do best... Mutt1563389452096815092-6347281481540416529?l=rubbermutt.blogspot.com





  8. To see My Load Deep In You's original blog post click here

    I was REALLY horny on Sunday, and began cruising the CL ads. I was about to give up when a post was put up by a guy who is so close to me that I can walk there in less than 5 min. Of course I answered, he told me to come over and I did. He got on his knees, blew me till I shot my load, and then I left. I was at the Super Bowl party right on time!2856469041485238199-4507119690967725679?l=myloaddeepinyou.blogspot.com


  9. To see BB Cunt's original blog post click here

    Well, as I said I set up that Breeding party last sunday. I was really excited that about 40 tops have signed up and all said they'll show up and breed my ass. I book a room in that seedy hotel. On my way there I was lucky to get a load up my ass at the Blue Video store... NICE start! My bud Muscleguy showed up at the hotelaround 8pm, he was the one for whom I set the whole thing up because he just loves using "hot bb cunt with other tops". So, Treasure Island Media's SPERMBANK (btw, very HOT movie!) was playing, I was ready and waiting in my jockstraps.

    First guy showed up - hot muscular, sexy face, about 40. He did not want to fuck, he was there to shoot the video. But my bud somehow was not into being filmed (he was fucking me at that point), so he Videoguy was just watching and stroking his cock (a beautiful cock btw, SUCH a pity I did not feel it up my ass....). Second guy showed up. Had a hard time to get his dick hard, he seemed not too much into fucking hole at all, he was more attracted to my bud's cock :-( Third guy showed up 10 mins later. FINALLY that was one who fucked my right away and bred my ass. Load cunt 2. He left soon.

    Another guy, nice body, smooth, about 35. BUT also not really after my ass...Well, I thought I actually only invited TOPS or VERSATILE TOPS. Guess the "Versatile Tops" were more of "versatile bottoms" ;-)

    Well, I tried my best, thank god the movie was so hot. Muscleguy started fucking me, his cock felt huge (incl. 0 gauge PA) and amazing up my ass. He fucked me so good that I shot a load all over the sheets. Of course I ate all that cum.

    One more guy showed up, the action went on for about one more hour, at the end I got 3 more loads, Videoguy gave me a HUGE load in my face / in my mouth - tasted so fucking good! AND muscleguy topped it of with load number 6. LOVED when he got verbal as all the other guys were gone: "You are such a whore, come on - be a pussy..."

    Thanks all the guys for showing up, BUT I have to say I was actually VERY disappointed on how it turned out. I HATE when 40 guys get totally excited when the hear about breeding and than NOT show up. I mean, 5 guys out of 40? SERIOUSLY?? If anyone in NYC thinks he can host a SUCCESSFUL BREEDING of my BB PUSSY (maybe I am just not doing it right ?) - GET IN TOUCH GUYS!!!

    LOAD COUNT 2010 as of Feb 9 - 132768888045280187337-3417867731550515690?l=confessionsofabbcunt.blogspot.com


  10. To see Billy Twee's original blog post click here

    He isn't a conventional twink, per se...he's a college-educated Latin with a baby face and innocent demeanor. We had communicated on barebackrt a couple of times, but he works in biotech and lives down in the Silicon Valley, hardly convenient but he sounded hot, his being young, hung and full of poz cum, and I buddylisted him, hoping, that, well...maybe. 'Maybe' became 'for real' last Saturday when he mailed me that he was coming into town on the train and could we hook up. A no brainer.

    When I let him into our building, it didn't take him long to make his moves, feelin' me up in the elevator, with soft touches, almost romantic. Once safely in my place...he dropped his pants to expose a gorgeous, crescent-shaped uncut dick. Within minutes, that uncut piece of Latin meat was plowing my deepest innards. We got off to a rough start, though...he rammed that prod brutally into my ass with his first penetration. I groaned, and immediately had doubts that I could take it. But wait a minute! There hasn't been a dick yet that I could not take. With the patience and gentleness of the true mentor that I am, I guided his not-so-chiquita banana where it belonged. Man, this guy went to work on my ass...his style was to pound, pound, pound, relentlessly and deep. I braced myself against the bed frame, hands and feet, offering the best resistance I could to his energetic, piston-driving fucking. He fucked me all the way across the bed and finally over the side, with my hands braced on the floor. He never lost the beat.

    Finally, he pulled out and jacked himself violently...I held my position...no need to say 'don't move, bitch,' a good bottom knows when to move and when not to move.

    A few more jerks, followed by another brutal insertion, this time it was not a problem, and then a couple of violent spasms as he shot his poz load deep into my gut.

    He took a shower, and then asked for the easiest way to get to the Castro. The best tops know when to move and when not to move, as well. Our meeting would be brief, but memorable...this happened last Saturday but I'll remember it for a while. Fuck me again, G., anytime. I hope the IRS sees the light...we need his biotech talent and his other talents, too.3922053678647687689-2567624930298006831?l=billytwee.blogspot.com


  11. To see Bike Guy's original blog post click here

    No doubt that I LOVE getting fucked. There is no doubt in the world. And yes, I love it - no - insist on it - being raw. I like what I like.

    But earlier this evening, as I was on my knees taking a nice 7.5" fat cock in my mouth, I realized how much of a cocksucker I really am.

    Not in a negative connotation way. Just as I first sank his cock into my mouth (yes, not him pushing it in), and feeling the weight of the cock, the heat of the penis, the throb of the shaft, I realized how I live to suck cock.

    The power that pole of flesh holds is amazing - the giver of pleasure. The giver of life. Yet it was my mouth, and even just the thought of my mouth, that made it come alive. Hard as a rock it was.

    IMG_2598.JPGThe process fills every sense that a man can have - smell, taste, sight, hearing, feeling. Need I really go through them all with you? If you're the guy on your knees - and yes being on the knees is still best, still essential - you know what I'm talking about.

    If you're a total feeder, you might completely get this, but that's not your place. You need guys like us, you just don't need to understand us. We're just there to use and walk away from. Honest, we're not all that hurt when you do it.

    This guy today after work was way into it. Honestly, he grabbed by my ears! My ears!!!! I can't tell you the last time that happened to me. Don't get me wrong, he let me do my thing here and there, but his hand was on top of my head, on the back of my neck and yes - holding my ears!

    He worked his hips like it was a life long art. Kind of like how I use my mouth. Lips. Tongue. Throat. Roof. It's all about silently sensing how a man responds to this or that....and tailoring it to his very needs.

    While it's great to hear him say what he wants, and how he needs it, I think (and you feeders, feel free to back me up here - or shoot me down), they really like it when you instinctively know what to do and how to please the guy.

    IMG_2602.jpgThe guy would push me off now and again. He was wanting to make it last, to savor the feeling of mouth on shaft. His hard shaft was wanting to be edged. Part of him just wanted to dump his four day load, but he wasn't sure when to do it.

    I could have stayed there for another hour, if he had let me, but as these things happen, when trying to hold that edge, he teetered too close and well........that was that.

    With his hand on my head, he fired shot after shot into the back of my mouth. Not quite straight down my throat, but he was far enough in that his semen took a shorter time to reach my belly, while still giving me the taste of his swimmers.

    Yes. I enjoyed my time on my knees. He enjoyed me being on my knees. He'll go home to his wife and kids and have a nice evening, yet probably not giving me, the person, a second thought.

    I cannot say the same about him.14796943-1691950135157902269?l=bikeguy13.blogspot.com


  12. Click here to see the original blog post on Seminal Experiences...

    Life has been busy, and taking up too much time, but I still get the occasional load now and then. I just had a nice experience of having one my regular tops over, and then finding another bottom for us to tag team. Late 30's, latino, not the best looking, but a totally fine tattoo'ed ass. Even better, the bottom already had a load left in him by his "boyfriend" (uh-huh), which made the experience doubly intense for me.

    I ended up breeding his hole as I got my hole bred by my top bud. Talk about intense sensations.



  13. To see Bike Guy's original blog post click here

    At some point in the last few hours, I surpassed over 600,000 hit on this blog.

    Not bad considering in the last few year, I was pretty irregular about doing any entries. I've been better and will be better in the future.

    And not bad considering for the first year or so, I didn't have a counter, so I know I'm greater than 600k, I just don't know how much greater.

    I'm headed to PA this upcoming week for work. I'll be scoping out nasty hook-up sites to find guys to cum by my hotel and dump a load in me.

    Sound good?14796943-8774820003593111559?l=bikeguy13.blogspot.com


  14. To see BB Cunt's original blog post click here

    A little maths:

    90 loads as of last saturday, than there was the hot 30 loads sunday.

    equals 120 loads. So this is almost 4 loads a day!

    Than I 've been to NYC's busiest BB party RAW PORK on friday nights. It was packed, but unfortunatey full of cunt. As soon as I came in I saw, a hot latin guy, who has fucked me several times before. He was busy fucking some cunt and it seemed like he was close to cuming. As soon as he saw me, he pulled out and soved his cock up my pussy. And he WAS close to cuming, it took less than two mintes and I had my first load of the evening up my ass. Thanks to one hot fucker (about 40, muscular, hairy, sweaty...) I got 2 more loads. After that I took a couple of cock but no cum - borning. One older fucker with a huge cock finally gave me load 4.

    I was ready to go, but not ready hunting for cum. So I decided to go to the COCK: Thats a sleazy, sexy, dark bar I only dicovered 2 weeks ago. Its actually pretty small, but its really dark, so there is action going on everywhere! It was late, so my plan was to just get some cock up my ass, stroke my cock and finally cum. So I leaned against the wall, pulled down my pants, spread my legs and presented my oozing snatch to everyone. It did not take long and I felt one cock up my ass. I looked back and it actaully was a pretty hot guy. And he had a friend next to him, they decided taking turns fucking me.. Man, that was hot, all the people around were wathing, some stroking their cock. I LOVE being a public cumdump fo everyone to see. So, finally I got 2 loads from those guys and shot my own load all over my feet....

    SO, LOAD COUNT 2010 till today is - 126

    BUT I organized a nice BB Breeding party tonight at a sleazy hotel room in Manhattan. I have about 30 top guys lined up, I ll be the only cunt taking loads. WELL, I hope all the guys will show up and deposit their load, I could make the the 150 load mark...

    Here is the info I sent out to the fuckers today:

    EY fuckers tonight. . Here are the details: Please show up btw

    8 and 9.30 pm. at the xxxx Hotel - its a sleazy hotel and I ll let

    the guy at the reception know I have some friends cuming

    over. Ask him for "steve" and he will tell u the room

    number! PLEASE: NO standing around, JUST fucking

    and RAW breeding MY poz ass. My bud bbtopnyc will look over

    the breeding, he will ask u to leave if u are not

    following those rules... Remember, I LOVE VERBAL TOPS! There will be

    a camera focusing on me, so your faces won't be on the

    material. IF YOU WANT to make me happy, bring along a

    collected load in a rubber to feed me or lube my ass

    before u fuck me... ;-) GUYS, I REALLY HOPE U ALL SHOW UP, lets

    make this happen !!!!

    SO, watch out for my blog post about that party soon!768888045280187337-5218707443612903547?l=confessionsofabbcunt.blogspot.com


  15. Click here to see Midtown Mutt's original blog post...

    After the hot impromptu breeding I got yesterday from a dude I've never seen before, I had a dud today. I woke up early Sunday intending to get off quickly and then get to all my weekend chores. But as I began surfing that time sponge that is the internet, a guy on MH, winked at me.

    Now I normally ignore winks, but I guess my horniness got the better of me. I was looking for cock and he was looking for a nice ass to load up. So I cleaned up and jumped in the car. I found the house in about 10 minutes.

    Now when dating, I'm very fussy. But when I am just up for a random fuck, my standards are mostly out the window.

    I rang the door and a troll answered. I knew immediately, it wasn't going to work for me. I told him sorry and left, without a load in my ass.



  16. To see Bend Me Over's original blog post click here

    On the track up the hill yesterday I came face to face with a young guy heading down. He stopped, looked at me and grabbed his crotch. OK, we're on. We headed off the track into the trees.

    He looked familiar but I couldn't place him. He was Samoan, nice looks, short black hair, Raybans. We stopped under a tree, he pulled his dick out and pushed my head onto it. He had a nice dick, cut, maybe 7", with a big fat head on it. We mixed it up. I blew him for a while, then he gave me a rough face fuck. We went at it for about 20 minutes before he pulled out, zipped up, shrugged and headed back down the track. I figured he had decided he wasn't going to come.

    Half an hour later I ran into him again up the top of the hill. He was still horny. I blew him a little bit more but he was kinda jittery and took off after five minutes. Half an hour later he found me in a little clearing where I was lying enjoying the sun. He said he needed somewhere more private. We headed down below the main track and found a spot that was completely out of sight of passers by. I blew him while he got all poppered up. At the same time I reached up and worked his nipples with my fingers, then pulled him down onto me and chewed them harder.

    I told him I wanted to eat his arse. He dropped his pants and knelt facing up the hill so I could get into his arse. Oh yes. He had a hairless crack and a tight little hole. And did he love getting rimmed. After a minute he started whimpering. I've never heard anything like it. I think he would have let me eat him all day. He squirmed when I tried to get a finger into him so I just went back to rimming him, reaching under his belly for his tits while he had his nose jammed in a bottle of amyl. He folded his dick back and got me to suck that from behind.

    Eventually my neck and jaw couldn't take the angle any more. He stood up and got me to blow him. Still didn't look as if that was going to get him off. I wrapped an arm around his waist, bit onto a nipple and jacked his slimy dick hard and fast with the other hand until he started moaning. I bent down and took his load in my mouth. I kept it on my tongue and showed it to him but he didn't lean over for some mouth to mouth. It was all kind of fun but I didn't get off. And I couldn't persuade him to fuck me, at least not without a rubber.

    About 4am this morning I got a text from last week's Samoan saying he wanted to fuck me now. I texted him back about lunch time and he said to come on over. It sounded as if he had been partying since Friday but he was real horny. Same routine as last time, only now we knew we were both into hard nipple work. He sat on his bed jacking himself and then grabbed my nipples to pull me down onto his dick. While I blew him I reached up and rubbed his tits.

    After a few minutes of this he reached across for a jar of grease. I thought it was Crisco but it felt a bit different when he rubbed it into my arse. He greased up his dick at the same time. Then I realised from the smell: he was using coconut oil. It wasn't quite warm enough to liquefy. He wanted to get inside me. He put me on my back with a pillow underneath my hips.

    I told him to go slow: I had been sitting on my big dildo last night and my arse was pretty sore. He said it looked from my swollen arse lips as if I had just been fucked. He twisted my nipples and pushed straight in anyway. He was hard and it hurt, but it was a good hurt. He soon lifted the pace, pulling all the way out and then all the way back in. He pushed his nips into my face one at a time so I could chew on them while he fucked me. With my arse being so sore I could feel every stroke. At one point he had the full length of his dick inside and all his weight on top of me. It was like having an 8" solid bar inside being forced against my prostate by a big heavy guy. I was groaning and running my hands up his back. He told me to wrap my legs more tightly round his butt.

    He didn't last much longer. All of a sudden he started banging me hard and fast, his eyes went wild and his face twisted up as he blew a load into me. I sucked him clean after he pulled out. I reached down and pulled some of his jizz out of my arse and licked my finger while I jacked myself. Nice.

    We lay there for a while. He had said he could give me as many loads as I wanted but he was looking pretty weary. I think the partying was catching up with him. I think he must have decided he needed to get me off so he could get some more sleep. He started working my nipples again and I hardened up fast. I said I wanted to eat his arse. He squatted on the edge of the bed while I ate out his coconut-flavoured arsehole. I asked him if he wanted a load. Sure. I put him on his back and got him to hold his ankles while I pushed in. I fucked him fast for a few minutes before blowing a load inside him. He was leaking a little bit after I pulled out. I knelt down and licked up all I could find. He was asleep before I was out the door.



  17. Click here to see Hot Pigg's original blog post

    So I have been fighting bronchitis for three weeks now. Funny how everyone tells me it takes a while to get over except the doctor. This isn't fun at all. I have asthma and I go through bouts of not being able to breath. I say this b/c sex is not on my mind at all. I'm either fighting to breath or sleeping b/c I used all my energy at work trying to breath. Why do guys not understand this? Yes, I still on online but I do have "Ask me" checked. Stop assuming I am always looking. It's ok if you hit me up just to check but don't give me an attitude if I told you no on Thursday and you're asking again on Friday. Believe me, my ass and dick need attention more than you know and I wouldn't pass on it unless I had to.

    Venting about another thing. There's a blogger here that I didn't realize lived in NYC until he decided to post his BBRT and A4A account. Now he was an asshole to me once a year or so ago saying I wasn't his type. I'm young and skinny. He wanted older and beefy. To each his own, he was just an asshole about not being into me and delivered the message wrong. So I figure, why not send him a message and ask about an party he went to. I wasn't trying to fuck him or have him fuck me. I was truly interested in feedback about the party. You think since he blogs about his sex life that answering one question about a party wouldn't require an assholic response. I was wrong. Look guys, not everyone is out to fuck everyone. We will not be attracted to everyone. The rudest answer I give is no answer. Yes I can see that as rude but I'd rather remember being ignored by a guy than remembering a rude comment. It's one thing to be a cum slut bottom. It's another thing to forget about everything else but cum in your ass including treating people with some decency. Just pissed me off. I'm not sending him anything else. His point is well taken. Guys, if I come across like that, please tell me. I'm usually good about telling guys I'm not interested without being an asshole.

    Happy note!!! FEBRUARY 12!!! Remember it. Black Party Tickets Go On Sale!!! I'm still looking for a hot daddy muscle type willing to whore me all around the party to whoever he wants. I'm going to try to make it to all the festivities including the after party. I took off work for the event plus recovery so I'm good to go. I just need to invite my friend Tina and we will be good. My hottest type of top is between 30-40, average build to muscle(prefer muscle), must be 6' or taller (I'm tall and I like looking up to my top), and into cum whores for everyones use. Please don't offer if you have never done this or never dreamt of doing this. I'm a good btm boy for the right guy. :)

    Till next load...



  18. Click here to see Midtown Mutt's original blog post...

    As I write this, a huge load of baby batter is in my guts, put there by a man I never met before.

    I answered a bunch of ads on CL today. One of them had a distinctly kinky tone to it, involving leather, bondage, toy's, etc. I don't think I've ever written about this aspect of myself, but I like vanilla as well as spice. Also, I had not played with any kinky guys lately. As far as kink goes, I'm mostly submissive. So we exchanged pics and arranged the session. He told me to bring my leather chaps, which I always love to wear.

    I had to drive to the near suburbs, and the ride was about 20 minutes. When I arrived, I walked up to the door and rang the bell. The guy was better looking than the pictures he sent to me. He ordered me up the stairs and told me to change into my chaps and wait for him. I tore of my clothes and had my chaps on in about 60 seconds and then waited for Sir to come up.

    After what seemed like quite a while, I heard him climbing the stairs. He reached around and started pinching my nipples, telling me what a great ass and nice pecs I have. Then he instructed me to go down stairs. When we entered the living room, he fastened steel leg-spreaders to my ankles and then stood in front of me as I knelt. I could feel his big cock through his jeans.

    He finally dropped tro and I eagerly sucked his cock. He had about a 7 inch dick with a nice set of shaved nuts. I went down on him for about 20 minutes and couldn't get enough.

    But he had other ideas. This guy was definitely into spanking and hard-pinching my nips. I wasn't complaining and he put me through a pretty good punishing. I think he enjoyed hearing me yelp and it was turning him on in a big way. Finally he got behind me, doggy style.

    I was pleasantly surprised when I felt his bare cockhead at my hole. We hadn't talked about fucking or breeding, but the next thing I know, his thick cock was entering me with just a single spit on my hole. He was into me up to his nuts in no time, and was commenting on how tight my ass is. He fucked me for about ten minutes and then he picked up the pace. Next thing I knew, he was pounding me hard and groaning as he emptied his big shaved nuts into me. In terms of hot sensations, it was one of the best fucks I've had recently.

    He didn't pull out and stayed hard. Finally he pulled out and put me on my back and started feeding me his cock. I could taste my own ass juice mixed with his cum. He face fucked me for a while, apparently enjoying my cock-sucking skills.




  19. To see Billy Twee's original blog post click here

    With nothin' much happenin' on Barebackrt, I checked out Asspig and hooked up with a nice-lookin' fisting partner...we made plans for an early evening fisting date and I was going to fist him and that was that, a typical, pleasant Sunday evening. He turned out to be a nicely, gently weathered dad, with facial hair and salt and pepper everywhere and his own well-appointed playroom on the top floor of a great Victorian where the Castro melts into the Mission...fisting under the rafters. He greeted me warmly, and afer undressing and some kissing, he directed me to the platform bed next to the sling and got me on all fours. I was going to get fucked! Bareback! We hadn't even talked about this, good thing I was cleaned out and ready to go. Dad slipped his hard dick into my ass without lube and delivered a good, steady fuck...some tops would have left it at that, and that would have been good enough for me, but not this guy...he fucked me in a variety of positions, maybe to find out which one worked best...hell, they all worked out fierce! Doggystyle, wheelbarrow, sideways, both on our knees-my back to his belly, I sitting-he on his back,his dick piercing my butthole,a double reverse with our facing opposite directions-his butt against my butt-his dick up my hot hole...all of these requiring a big dick and a big hole, so we made it happen. Finally, he came up my ass, doing it missionary style.

    After he came, I say, 'we didn't talk about this beforehand, but might that have been a poz cumload?'

    To which he replied, 'oh yeah,' as in, 'well, duh.' Oh hell yeah!

    Then I fisted Dad in the sling, the old school way with good ole Crisco. I oughta get back into Crisco for sex because it doesn't seem to have that old Crisco smell anymore which in the old days would last, well, like forever.

    I got it up to the elbow with very little effort at all, and I let my fingers do their magic, turning, twisting, tweaking the deep valleys of his fistpussy. Yowza! Dad came...surely a modest little load...to be expected...the bigger load was in my ass! I was so happy that I made him happy...his face after he came was one of such peace and contentment, that I thought I should leave right then, not to disturb the afterglow.

    But I did get a tour of the house...the playroom will be extended to take up much of the top floor with its peaked ceiling, remindful of an attic, and a big window looking out to the palm trees, Mission High School, Dolores Park and beyond the twinkling lights of the mansions on Dolores Heights. A light rain had started, sort of a magical fisting memory, if I were the romantic type...which I'm not. I'm more like 'Yowza!'

    Thanks for the hot sex, Paul, hope to meet up again and often.3922053678647687689-3019714373256341369?l=billytwee.blogspot.com


  20. To see Bike Guy's original blog post click here

    6' 1" 225 7" football player build mwm masculine top lookin for hot sex daytime fun

    Let's start off with the description being accurate, while the below pic was probably taken in good light at a good angle and maybe 3-4 years ago.


    He was masculine for sure. He was probably closer to 240. But he walked in the door - 45 minutes late and reeking of pot. Not a great start.

    He brought poppers which was a nice gesture, though I'm trying to lay off them, as they impede a good erection and always give me a headache. He also brought poppers in a can, or whatever you call them.

    You spray them into a rag and either huff it or shove the rag in your mouth. He opted for the latter. Again, not a great beginning.

    There was little foreplay. I lay on the bed and he fucked my face - and I mean he FUCKED it. But he was totally into that I could take it. "Experienced" is what he called me. If he only knew. I have a fucking Ph.D. in cocksucking!

    Then it was me on my knees and him shoving that 7" cock up me. It is hard to tell from the pic, but he was THICK. Way thick.

    But this is why I liked him and overlooked the weight, the pot and the huffing: he didn't give a shit about my needs. It was about his cock and getting off - no matter how I felt.

    Yeah, it was a struggle to get him up me. Yeah I'm sure I winced when he pounded my ass. There were little words from him - mostly because he had a rag shoved into his mouth like he was Patty Hearst being taken by the SLA. Only muffles could be heard.

    Now and again, he'd respray and that frozen shit went on my back, then he'd be back to moaning through the rag. I was never sure if he was trying to say something or moaning as he was coming - I just couldn't tell.

    He wasn't coming. That would take a while. About 30 minutes of ass-pumping before he ended up pushing me to the hotel mattress and spraying my guts with his seed.

    The guy wasn't the end all / be all, but for that moment, it was what I needed: a hard fuck and an assful of spooge.14796943-808575638960456391?l=bikeguy13.blogspot.com


  21. Click here to see Midtown Mutt's original blog post...

    I've been chatting with a guy on BBRT for a while. For whatever the reason, we never made it happen. That is, until last night. I asked him what he was up to and he replied that he was getting horned looking at all the hot men and that he had a seven day load to shoot. So I suggested that we get together and work that out.

    I arrived at his apartment just before 8 pm. He had just exited the shower and told me to make myself comfortable. I dropped trou and he put a Dawson video on, commenting that Dawson was so over-exposed. Of course he is, but it's still hot seeing him in all his sexy pigginess. I commented that I had fucked Dawson a couple of years ago (who hasn't?), so we chatted about the porn actors we've fucked. I know very few porn actors names, except for only the biggest names, but my trick knew a bunch of them.

    As we were watching Dawson get fucked on TV, I pulled my briefs off and got on my knees in front of my new friend who was sitting on the couch. He pulled out his cock for me and I started licking his cock very gently. He wasn't yet hard, but I was determined to rectify that situation.

    I started to alternate between sucking his cock and licking his shaved balls. He grew to about an average length. I am a good cocksucker, but this guy --- who's obviously been to the rodeo before --- said that I gave the best head he ever experienced. I was glad to hear that, but I wanted his babies in my tight ass, not down my throat.

    After quite a while of sucking his cock, I told him I needed to get fucked. He had me sit down on the couch and he got on his knees and yanked me toward him. I lifted and spread my legs and he immediately started teasing my hole. I took a big hit of Black Label Jungle Juice and as the rush came, he pushed his cock into me. It felt great and it had been a while since I got fucked. He started pumping in me as I sniffed more poppers.

    After a fairly short time fucking me, he looked panicked and said, "Shit. I'm going to cum. Where do you want it?" I replied, "Breed my hole. I want every one of your babies." He grunted and I felt him flood my hole.

    After he came, he stayed in me and started to jack my cock. Normally, the combination of poppers and having a cock in my ass makes me go limp. With both hands, he stoked my cock and I grew really hard in no time. Next thing I knew, my big legs were spasming as I felt the load start to build up, soon shooting a nice series of volleys across my abs.

    My trick pulled his cock out and I tensed up so I wouldn't lose any of his load. We both cleaned up and said our goodbyes.

    On the way home, I could feel his sperm looking for eggs to fertilize and I could feel cum dripping onto my briefs. When i got home, I decided I wanted to get totally clean so I got in the shower and pushed his cum out. Splat! There had to be at least four tablespoons of hot spooge that he shot into me puddled onto the shower floor. He hadn't been exaggerating when he said he had a week old load to shoot!



  22. To see My Load Deep In You's original blog post click here

    I was off work today, and horny so logged onto bbrts.com Within a few minutes, I got a message asking me for my load. I went over cuz his pics were hot, he was less than a mile away, and I was horny, and he told me he already had 5 loads in him. I got to his place, and then the fun began. As he's feeling me up, his phone rings but he ignores. Phone rings again, I say, "Maybe u better answer it." He says it's a fb of his, but he told him to come later since I was already there. I told him I didn't mind groups, so he told the guy to come over. A few minutes later he shows up, comes in the bedroom and strips. My bottom starts sucking him off, and this guy's cock gets FAT!!! I mean, it's enormous, and pretty. Bottom boy turns around and continues to suck my throbbing member while big dick boy starts to fuck him. I kept holding off, until I heard big dick boy moan. I immediately shot my load into bottom boy's mouth, and then asked BDB how much he shot. He said, "I haven't cum yet. Last time I was here, I fucked _______ for an hour!" Now that's impressive. I left as bottom boy was still getting pounded by BDB. I ate lunch, then went back a while later and blew another load down bottom boy's gullet. I think this one may be a keeper.2856469041485238199-7266401951871466482?l=myloaddeepinyou.blogspot.com


  23. To see SDsk8rBoi's original blog post click here

    I've had way too many work nights the past few weeks and very few nights off. It's around sunset and I'm just waking up. My roommate says he has a hot bottom on the way over who wants more than one load. Perfect since I have my "morning" wood and I haven't cum in more than a week. Almost too perfect.


    I wait and wait and wait, for well over a half hour, maybe an hour. I don't even know the bottom's arrived. Finally, my roommate comes and gets me. He's fucked the bottom, but hasn't cum yet. The "bottom" wants me to fuck him while he fucks my roommate. Works for me, hehe. Of course, since I've been waiting around for an hour, I have to quickly get hard. And since I haven't shot in over a week, get hard without cumming where I don't want to cum, which is anywhere outside of the bottom's ass.

    I head into the bedroom, which is fairly dark, and search for the lube. It's not on the nightstand and not on the dresser. I feel around and find it on the bed to the left of my roommate. The "bottom" is on his knees, upright, in the middle of the bed. He's fairly short, fairly thin, with a twinkish build which is perfect for me. I finger his hole with some lube. There might've been a little hair around his hole, but otherwise it's quite smooth.

    I push inside him with my now rock hard cock and he starts fucking my roommate. He's got a sweet hole. Since I haven't cum in so long, it takes no time before I'm ready to explode. In less than a minute, without telling him, I unleash my load of more than a week, then keep fucking him for a few more minutes as he fucks my roommate. His insides should have been thoroughly coated.

    Eventually the "bottom" needs to reposition himself to work my roommate's hole. I pull out then and let the two of them finish their business. The bottom seeds my roommate's hole, then takes a load from from roommate. The bottom should have had quite the squishy hole once he left here.



  24. To see BB Cunt's original blog post click here


    I got so turend on seeing that little bottle full of cum. 26 LOADS and I was about to take them ALL AT ONCE. MAN, thats really a dream cum true for a good cumdump like me. (I guess I mentioned it before, but I ll say it again: If u really wanna make me happy, bring some collected cum when we are meeting!) He also brought a little syringe he obviously had been using a couple of times before - he was very handy with it and while he was busy filling up the the syringe for the first time, that other fucker showed up.

    Now, let me write some lines about that guy: Usually I am pretty much happy when I have a hard bare cock up my ass, I sometimes take guy's cocks who you would not necessaritly call "hot" just to get another load. BUT, that guy is just rediculously handsome, sexy, muscular. He is just like I want my perfect fucker to look like. He is 6' tall, about 210 lbs. So he is HUGE. Perfect muscle bodybuilder body. Little hairy. Sexy face.


    One of the hottest guys I ever met in my whole life (and belive me guys, I met a LOT of hot guys.... ;-) Well, I know what u thinking: Big Bodybuilder = small dick. BUT, I am telling you, NOT in this case! His dick is at least 9 inch. BEAUTIFUL amazing hot dick with a big PA piercing.


    His profile says: "Into big hungry muscle hole, cum sluts, twinks, gangbangs, double dicking" - so I guess we are a perfect match... As I said, the only problem was so far: he always wanted to fuck my LOADED cunt (and he was not content with only 2 or 3 loads up my ass) - so it never worked out so far.

    But that sunday, he knew I already have 3 loads up my ass and was about to get 26 more.... So, I lay down on my back on the couch, legs up showing off my cunt. The loads guy shoved the full syringe up my ass - and it worked perfectly well, within a couple of seconds all those loads were up my ass (that was only the first round though, it needed 2 more syringes to get all that cum up my ass).


    The cum felt so good up my ass, I was so horny for more. I could see Muscleguy was totally turned on, his dick was already rockhard as he started fingering my vagina. He loved watching my open cummy snatch and I pushed some of the cum out for him to see. Man, that ass was already so loaded. Cumguy wen back to his little bottle to fill it up again. while Muscleguy obviously could not wait and longer and shoved his huge dick up my well lubed ass.


    He fucked me for a couple minutes, and when he pulled out, I had like the most amazing view of his cock covered in cum! FUCK so HOT!


    Cumguy was ready and waiting with another fully loaded syringe. He asked: "U ready for some more cum?" I said: "Fuck man, YEAH man!" Seconds later the second syringe of cum was up my ass!



    Muscleguy did not wait any longer and went on fucking my cunt. I kept asking him "U feel all those loads up my ass, fucker?" and he seemed to be close to shooting his load up my ass. I looked at the cumguy and said: " I want more cum!" He was happy to obey and filled up the third syringe. Soon I had all those loads up my ass, Wait, no, Cumguy came over with a little surprise: In the bottle, there was still cum, although frozen. He asked me if I want that cum - icecube up my cunt. What a question, fucker? So, finally I had 26 loads up my ass plus the 3 loads I got at noon. I was ready for load number 30, which I took a couple minutes later after Muscleguy had fucked me for some more minutes with his fucking hot cock. Felt so amazingly HOT. Loved how his muscular body kept moving back and forth... Man, as he pulled out that pussy was oozing... The floor by the couch was a MESS but I was a happy and satisfied cumwhore pig!



    So, all you hot bottom pigs in the NYC area: Muscleguy's email is nymansman9@yahoo.com He is always up to meeting "hot white slut cum whore cunts" - so if you want one of the hottest NYC guys fucking you - hit him up! 768888045280187337-7887072641480029960?l=confessionsofabbcunt.blogspot.com


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