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Everything posted by Screwball543

  1. Dam what a shame, because I could use an anonymous fuck but you can keep all that other BS. Best of luck to you
  2. I think I will be coming thru Charlotte tomorrow morning Sunday July 31 st.
  3. Hello everyone, I know it's been to long since I wrote anything here. I have been busy with my exploring at being a bottom. As I continued I found after I was done with whatever Top I chose. Each one answering to Bottom looking for Hung Top or Tops. I find that all I want is "MORE" and by the way I haven't been able to find a truly hung Top. So then I keep hunting. 4 in a night, and all I want is "MORE" like an obsession..............

    IDK what to do next short of posting Anon cum-n-go door open? Any suggestions? Anyone 

    As always thank you Breeding Zone for being here. Otherwise I wouldn't have anywhere or place to tell any of this to. Respect 

  4. I'm feeling that drive, that need for a Hung Top to Busta nut deep inside. There just doesn't seem to be any Hung Tops in the Lynchburg VA area. A little assistance would be appreciated.

  5. Couldn't wait no longer, so a trans (my 1st) HMU and answered my call. She arrived at my place and was very hot. A bit of small talk and I sucked him hard until she was ready to make the deposit I desperately needed. Got done we both said thank you and away she went. Who knew.... Not me

  6. Bottom looking for Anon Tops to fill will with your seed. HMU for place and time. Depending on interest it will be this weekend.
  7. Hello everyone, I'm feeling absolutely amazing. Just received an anonymous load which left me with that warm satisfied feeling deep inside! Now I am just wanting MORE. I'm going to have to try to set up multiple times or something. LoL

  8. I like it in every way. As long as he / they fill me up
  9. Kinda thought I would have had at least one cum dump call by now. Yikes lol

    1. viking8x6


      This really isn't a hookup site. You'll do much better with that on BBRT or Grindr or such (Grindr seems best in this area - I'm  a couple hours north of you).

    2. Screwball543


      Hello how are you? I have been waiting in hopes I'd be able to message you directly by now. Anyway that's not happening so I wanted to thank you for the warning and I will not make that mistake again. I absolutely don't like the way of the Grindr way but really have no idea of where to go or what to do differently. Once again thank you

  10. Ty 434-826-9950 around the Lynchburg, rustburg and Gladys area call I will be there to take care of you. Age 55 whatever you need me to be
  11. Tonight I did it again... this time I tried to go all out. Horny as all . I took first cum first serve. 1st guy had small dick and came in my mouth in less than a minute. So the next guy came deep inside me. And left. Am I the only guy that gets a warm deep feeling of satisfaction after being bred? Now all I can do is want for more. So I posted on Grindr that I am traveling in the morning and coming back in the afternoon. Any hard big dick wants to Busta nut HMU. Lynchburg VA to Gretna VA and back I will meet

    1. Screwball543


      FYI - Absolutely no one even tried ! So I ask everyone, is this normal?  About ready to stop trying because I can't find any groups, or clubs. IDK  suggestions? Anyone

  12. Hello how are you? As I posted I am learning as I go and just found that I can reply to messages!!!!  So I want to thank you for replying to my post. I am still searching to find someone near me to have someone to discuss this (new to me) lifestyle. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you

    1. Gainerpoz


      Unfortunately we're not very close, but I'm happy to talk to you... on my profile is my Skype, we can talk there.

  13. Okay,  I need to find a like minded person near me  to  film me being Topped. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you

  14. I absolutely luv BBC. However when I'm on all hard dicks will do. As a matter of fact I haven't actually found one that's to big yet.
  15. I just couldn't wait one more day. I hooked up with a white Big D this evening. He HMU I said come and get it. Door is open and light is on no need to say anything else. Guy came over I dropped to my knees and went to work. When he slid his big fat D all the to his balls. OMG it felt so good. I want to do so much more than hit it and get it. Someone come assist me with doing everything and anything.
  16. In the short time since I found my way to this site I am learning that while I have fantasized about many things that people are actually doing. Since I never acted on any of them until recently (which was amazing) by the way ! I am realizing just how much about this I know nothing about. Thank you to everyone in the creation of this site and to absolutely every person that post their stories wether fact or fiction. My story appears to be a bit different as to how I became a BB bottom. I hope to post in the correct forum in time but for now I am learning the good things as well as the not so good things about this lifestyle. 

  17. I find it funny that no matter how old I get or where I am I ALWAYS end up in the back room...... Go figure

  18. I am in Lynchburg! HMU
  19. What to do when you realize you should probably seek help or at least speak with someone that knows what you are feeling! But don't know anyone that is like you????  

    1. Screwball543


      Hell yeah brother! I truly never new how many others out there that have done things I only ever thought about (fantasized about). I never knew there was a thing called chemical ----. I am reading, wondering, and sometimes wanting. Thank you for replying because weather you know it or not it matters.


  20. Now what? 



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Screwball543


      Remember as a newby I can not message you directly. I'll keep checking but have no other way to contact you. 

  21. Hello I am screeball543 and I am actually brand new. Meaning I only acted on these desires last week. Since then I somehow find myself here. I never new there was other people who think or feel like I have been my whole life. I do not want to break any rules for where to post certain issues so I will end it here. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be heard, and for giving me a place to learn.
  22. Damn, I finally act on some of my darkest desires, find an incredible website and then find out that being a Bottom is a bad thing! If that is true then if done right, why does it feel so goooooood?
  23. In the field behind my house, bearback, and deep
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