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Everything posted by cam1972

  1. I would agree. And I would want to avoid that scenario at all costs. I was not, nor am I now interested in starting a cumdump brothel. Call me selfish, but I want all the loads I can get for myself.
  2. I'm in Northern Indiana. You?

  3. That ass is hot! Anytime you want my dna, I'm ready! Thanks for the compliment!

  4. A cumdump brothel? That's the first I've heard that stated on this thread... Interesting....
  5. Thanks, txz71. It is a whole lot further. lol I agree that the internet makes it easier for the flakes to "flake off". Frustrating, but I guess it is what it is.
  6. Thanks for the add! Nice cock, man!

  7. Thanks Bobbie. I'd let that happen. copenhagendipper: I've offered to drive to them. So it would have been at no cost to them. As far as taking it seriously... You speak about wasting your time if you drive to meet someone and they aren't what they say they are. Well.... The same goes for someone wasting my time online when they have no intent to hook up. If I want entertainment, I'll go to a porno site. When I want real sex, then a hook up site should be the place to find it. I'm not surprised about the percentage of guys who lie. I think I've talked to all 70%. I'm far from perfect. I'll be the first to admit that. But honesty is sorely under-rated.
  8. Ok. First of all, well written! Second.... DAMN! That was fucking hot! Nothing like the feel of having a man's raw cock filling the ass with his seed. Hot!
  9. What do you crave most? Cock or loads deep in you? I crave the cock giving me the load deep inside me. Do you ever feel satisfied or are the cravings insatiable? Insatiable How many loads does it take to turn you into an “any cock, any hole, any load” guy? I'm already there before I take the first load. How old were you when you first realized it was about your hole/pussy/cunt and not your cock? Was it innate and there from the beginning or did you learn it over time? I learned over time. Been a few years. Can't say for sure at what age. The hottest opening line I ever heard was, “I don’t care about my cock.” Do you even think about cumming? Do you have a need to? Yeah. I'm still a man. I think about cumming. When you are home alone, do you play with your hole or your dick? Again, I'm still a man. I play with both. Are you afraid of how deep your cravings are and the levels you will submit to in an effort to satisfy them? No... Do you tell your friends about your cumdump desires or are those separate and secret? Seperate and Secret. What would you choose…sucking a hot guy’s huge dick or taking a taking a heavy-set Daddy’s load up your ass? Taking a heavy-set Daddy's load. Anonymous sesssions or do you prefer to see who is fucking you? I want to see who is fucking me. Is there anything more important to you than taking loads? Sexually: No
  10. Fort Wayne is the city I was speaking of. It seems very cliquey. If you don't know someone who knows someone, they don't give you the time of day. I can host at my place since I live alone, but the fifteen minute drive is "too damn far"......
  11. I live 25 miles from the next bigger city. Most guys tell me that's too far to meet someone, IF they even talk to me. I'm willing to drive there, but they don't live alone most usually. Or don't want to wait the fifteen minutes for me to get there. Lame. I'm hoping, like you, that the guys on here are more serious about hooking up. One can hope. I know I am.
  12. I have done the same as far as jumping on to check e-mail. I guess my complaint is about the guys who hit me up but then disappear. And the site I've had the worst problem with is bbrt. So it may be the area..
  13. Yeah. It's one thing if I hit up someone and they don't respond. But when they hit me up and then disappear??? What the fuck?
  14. Anyone else have the problem with the bareback sites where the guys will hit you up and say how hot you are but when it comes time to actually hook up, they disappear? What a waste of my damn time! Is this just in my area or is it everywhere???
  15. If I'm repulsed, then no. But I have to admit that when I'm really horny, my standards tend to drop dramatically.
  16. I'm no doctor, but I think it would be safer with undetectables. But that is pure opinion.
  17. It means he has tested positive in the past, is now on meds that have put his viral load at around -20 copies per ml, or "undetectable". Means that he still has HIV, just that it is suppressed. Does not mean that it can't be transmitted to you. Chances are less likely, but still possible.
  18. LOL. Maybe you would serve us better if you would clarify things better. I sincerely apologize for taking you wrong. Things don't always come across in the manner in which you typed them. As is the case with what I typed. You took it that I was verbally abusing you. I was not. Wasn't meaning it that way. Just as I took you wrong, you took me wrong. Junior.... LOL I wish! But thank you. Cool down. We all make mistakes. I made one, and I apologize.
  19. So let me get this right... Bottoms are nothing but pieces of trash... You are a fucking piece of trash for even making that statement. You are lower than low, but it wouldn't be because you've been fucked by a bottom. Being verbally abused by another person, as you have just done, is the ultimate degradation.
  20. Damn.... Just fucking damn!

  21. I most definitely have been! Best sex ever! :-)
  22. Thanks, Deaner. I think I'll be checking out Craigslist since the other sites you've mentioned have netted me zilch. And how did you know I was a farmboy? lol
  23. I know I'm on a site that talks a lot about breeding, but how do I go from talking about it to actually doing it? I live in a small town and it's not easy to find. I've read some of the chem posts and that really got me hard! I've never done anything more than poppers, but I'm so curious. How do I get myself out there? I'm poz, have been for four years and need to be pozzed again. Any ideas?
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