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Everything posted by cam1972

  1. Every day. Usually an hour. Watch porn, edge while watching, turn porn off and fantasize about fucking and getting fucked. My mind can come up with nastier scenarios than what can be seen online. So porn is just the primer.
  2. Should we post this quote underneath every ad promoting same sex marriage? That should help the cause greatly. Yes, I know straight men cheat. But I think it's a poor excuse, straight or gay. Guys that say this act like we are powerless to control our urges. I don't buy that. While I believe sex is a necessary PART of a healthy relationship, it's not all that it should be based on. But if you aren't getting the sexual gratification from your partner, don't put him at risk for diseases just because you want to take the risk. Break up and go fuck anyone and everyone you want.
  3. The fact that he doesn't know the difference between AIDS and HIV is sad. There is absolutely NO excuse for ignorance anymore. According to my ID doctor, AIDS is an outdated term. Technically (if we went by the standard used when AIDS first hit), since I've had cancer since being poz, I would have AIDS. That's by the government standards. But it no longer applies. But back to the prick who messaged you.... Guys like that.... You are much better than they. I know it hurts. I've heard that shit too. And it doesn't get easier after hearing it several times. But try to remember that he is an ass and extremely not worth your time.
  4. Even tho I bottom more than I top, I'm much more into rimming a guy than being rimmed. I'll do it for as long as he will let me. Love it.
  5. I refuse to lie about it. And I have found that putting it out there on my profile removes me (for the most part) from the hate that comes from the narrow minded guys that I've encountered when telling them I'm poz. I've still received a few hateful messages, but at least I didn't waste time and conversation on them. Online "dating" or hooking up is a crap shoot. For most anyone. Add the alphabet disease and it makes it more difficult. But don't give up. There is someone out there. Gotta keep believing that.
  6. I think the issue may be more the HIV status than your build.I used to be hit up constantly on adam until I posted my status. Now I get no hits.
  7. 4poppers.com. Fast shipping. And... If you fill out the order form but don't finish the transaction and close the browser, they will e-mail you a code for 10% off within a half hour.
  8. Mine is http://cam7246.tumblr.com
  9. Please continue. Don't leave us "hanging" like so many do. Fucking hot beginning to what can be a fucking hot ending.
  10. Hot as hell.. But then... I might be put in that "older guy looking for a younger guy category".. But I'm not. I've always been attracted to your type. But... I agree with boxir55. Sometimes there is the fear of rejection. Face it.. If we think you are out of our league, some of us will not make the first move. I know I tend to think "Why bother? He's gonna say no." But, hell yeah.. Love your type.
  11. I won't refuse a load in the mouth. Love the taste, love swallowing (never waste the seed). But... It doesn't come close to comparing to taking a load up the ass. It's the ultimate in what a bottom could ever get from a top. In my opinion.
  12. I haven't seen one comment where there was a hateful thing said. Some dudes DON'T get off on cheating boyfriends. I never wanted HIV. But because of deception, I have to take meds the rest of my life. I've dealt with cancer because of it. I've had a lot of health problems because of it. Just because someone did what they WANTED. No regard for the well-being of another. People wonder what happened to "trust". This is why. I haven't had a relationship since becoming poz. Why? Two reasons. 1) I have HIV. 2) I can't trust anymore. The OP has already stated he is going to do it. It may be fun for the time being, but he will one day live to regret his decision. To the OP: It's obvious you do not care about your boyfriend. Do the right thing and break up with him first. Then go take all of the loads you want. But don't make your bf regret YOUR decision. Do the right thing.
  13. Agree with the other responders. Didn't care for it. Didn't watch it through to the end. Even tho it was acting, in the real world, that is rape. And that is definitely a turn off.
  14. I know I love to drink piss, so I can only imagine what it would be like to be piss fucked. I hope to check that off of my bucket list very soon.
  15. I love a great story.. Love a great story... That actually gets finished... There have been many great stories started on here and never finished. I DO appreciate the effort that goes into writing a good story and writing it well. But... How about writing it all out so you know it will be completed, then do the installments. This isn't criticism of this one writer. It's just a major boner kill to not know what happened to the characters in the stories. PLEASE continue the story!My cock will forever be grateful.
  16. I don't moan. I love making the top moan tho. ;-)
  17. Nor should it. I just hope it ends before the unknowing bf catches something he does not want.
  18. He may not have any worries, but you put him at risk. What he doesn't know can lead to him being infected with the virus or other STD's. It's obvious you have little or no feelings toward your bf, so why stay with him? If you want to take the risk, go for it. But to knowingly put your bf at risk without him knowing is a little cold. More than a little cold.
  19. And there you have it. The reason why you need to be prepared for anything if you choose to bareback. I agree with Ranger Rick. People lie about everything if it gets them what they want. Unless you truly know the individual that you are fucking, you are putting yourself at risk. Period. I guess the adage "Ignorance is bliss" applies here. You have to come to terms with what you are willing to deal with before you take the proverbial plunge and bareback. Or.. Have sex, safe or not. I might take it a step further and say that people should decide what you are willing to deal with before you put yourself out there. Be it on the internet or in a club. Should guys be honest about their status? Yes. But ultimately, each individual has to take responsibility for their health. I think if guys thought about these things (and became educated) before putting an ad online, there would be a lot less drama and stigma and a lot more fucking.
  20. Most definitely every experience will vary. Everyone has a different reaction to poz guys. It's the luck of the draw. However.. As far as BBRT is concerned, I have been on there for several years. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find guys on that site who want to fuck with a poz guy. In my area, anyway. For every poz guy in my area on BBRT, there are FIVE who state they are neg and will only fuck with a neg guy. Which, in my opinion, is not a well thought out plan. They can't know for sure the guy is neg. But the point is, BBRT can be a crap shoot as well.
  21. Guys chasing the bug think that it is going to free them to have sex with anyone and everyone. For some, that may be true. For others.. Well.. jtonic tells the story. I've been told to eat a bullet, that I'm a threat to society, that I'm a waste of air and space.... It's not the proverbial cake walk that a lot try to paint it to be for some. There's no excuse for ignorance anymore. There are so many ways to become educated about HIV. Talking with a prospective fb online this week... Told him I was poz. His response: "Damn.. And I really wanted to suck you." I told him to get educated and ended the conversation. But... for every asshole out there, there ARE guys who have taken the time to educate themselves and are open to having some fun. Just have to keep looking.
  22. Damn... Need a good fuck like that right now. Poz talk always makes for intense fucking. Love it.
  23. Your inbox is full. I can not reply to your message to me.

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