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Everything posted by cam1972

  1. I don't think the question is "phobic" at all. I know some gay men who are offended by straight porn. And most definitely disgusted. As far as I'm concerned.. I love straight porn. Love seeing a woman take a man's cock. Do I think I could suck the cock better than the woman in the porno? Hell yeah. lol But it definitely turns me on.
  2. I'm too damn picky. I admit it. Have my standards too high. I've compromised in the past. Probably will again.
  3. For me, seeing a guy coming outside the hole in porn or not swallowing piss is a turn off. I don't need "proof" that it is actually happening. The proof is in the reaction of the "actors". I can see a cock pulsate as it unloads in the bottom. And the bobbing adam's apple would be proof enough for me. I'm a don't waste kind of guy. Piss is to be swallowed and cum is to be deposited as deeply as possible. If a guy spits out the piss or the top pulls out to come, the video is turned off. It's a boner/fantasy kill.
  4. The knowledge that his seed, the very essence of his manhood, is being given to me. Not going to waste in a condom. Gives so much more meaning to the sex. Not only gives my body an orgasm, but gets my mind off as well. His DNA in me.... Incredibly erotic.
  5. The only beer I like is the recycled kind. Love it when the guy has had a few beers and has a lot to piss away. And, by "away" I mean down my throat. Don't waste.
  6. There is a huge difference between having an open relationship and cheating. An open relationship is something that is agreed upon by BOTH parties involved. The OP implied that this is not the case. I agree that the OP's sexual desires are very important. They do not come close, however, to being equal to the boyfriend's right to know that he is being cheated on. Condoms are not 100% safe. So the unknowing bf is not entirely immune to getting whatever the OP may get while barebacking. The words "character" and such have been put out there. Let's just talk about being an adult and being responsible. As much as we would love to think so, the sun does not revolve around ourselves. Others have rights as well. The bf has a right to know. Maybe the OP will get lucky and his bf will be on board. Maybe he won't. But leave that up to the bf. Don't take that choice away from him. Not everyone gets off on the idea of the possibility of being poz. I say this in kindness. Please talk with your bf first.
  7. The BF will deal with it.. Does that mean if the cheater gets infected and knocks up the unknowing BF, the BF is just supposed to "deal with it"? That's playing with someone's life, their future, dreams.. Everything. To the OP, man up. Tell your BF before you cheat. You may be surprised at his response. And if he says no and splits with you... Well... Then you don't have to cheat.
  8. I'll join the "choir" in saying don't jump into it. One thing that became very clear to me very quickly after becoming poz is that the stigma is not alive and well just in the straight community. It's very much alive and well in the gay community as well. I've lost too many chances with guys I liked because they couldn't deal with the thought of me being poz. Even tho I am medicated and undetectable. I've had others tell me that they thought being poz would open them up to being able to have sex with anyone with no worry. Their problem (and mine): it's hard to find people that want to have sex with them. And when they do, they want to use protection. Kind of defeats the purpose of having HIV to not have to worry. I'm with RawTop and Tiger also. It seems like you have other things that need to be put in order first before you jump into the poz pool.
  9. That information changes things a bit. You told him, so he knows you do it. I'm talking about people who don't tell their partners, gay or straight, that they won't be monogamous. You told him, he made the decision to stay. Since he knows you do it, I don't categorize that as cheating.
  10. Then if that's the way you truly are, don't be in a relationship. Or at least let your partner know you want to play around separately. To deceive is unforgivable.
  11. I can not stand cheating. If you want to have a bunch of sexual partners, then be single. Unless you and whomever you are with is in an open relationship. If you aren't, then keep your pants zipped or get out of the relationship. The cheater may enjoy the risk, but he should never put his partner at risk without the partner's knowledge. It's called respect. Sadly, it seems respect is no longer important to a lot of people.
  12. I'll be one of the five or six men. lol I've always felt embarrassment for guys like that. Grunting and groaning I can understand. But to broadcast it to the entire neighborhood? Kind of silly to me. I prefer not to have to wear ear plugs during sex.
  13. I most definitely had night sweats before I was diagnosed. I would definitely get checked out. As far as your luck running out. Yes, there are a lot of guys on here who think it's great they are poz. But there are some of us that didn't want it. That said, if you are poz and didn't want it, surround yourself with people who love you and will help build you up. They'll help you navigate the transition. But above all else, know it's not the end. Life can still be an incredible experience after diagnosis... Even if you don't want it.
  14. I much prefer the quiet cummers. Not a deal breaker if he's loud, but if I had my druthers, I'd go for a quiet, sensual cum.
  15. Thanks! You are definitely not the only one who enjoys intimacy in the bareback community. I think there are more of us out there than we are led to believe. :)

  16. Nope. Never have. But I love the look in his eye when he does.
  17. Sort of along the lines of what TxBBTop said, it's not about the danger for me. I tend not to take risks in every area of my life. That is the way I'm wired. Having sex minus the condom is about the intimacy for me. Well.. That's what sex is for me. The intimacy. I feel that the condom takes that away from the act and ruins the moment/experience. That's why I choose to bareback. I don't get off on the danger aspect.
  18. You are my new hero. I could not have said it better. You don't need to be forgiven though. It's the way it should be.
  19. That all depends. If the top wants to abuse me and have no regard for my well being, I sure as hell won't be grateful nor will I allow him anywhere near my body. I don't care how long it's been since I've had sex. No respect for me = no sex for the top. Period. My kind of top: Confident but not arrogant. Looks aren't that important but a definite bonus. Respectful to me. Passionate. Knows what he wants. Great kisser. But I'm not all that picky.
  20. I don't have a six pack, but I'm not a bear. I've seen what you are talking about, but I've found there to be a mix of bears and twinks in my area. Even some muscle jocks. Now if we were to talk about what types hit on me... Yeah.. It's the bear community. I like a guy to care about his health, but there's more to a man than his looks. He can be a greek god but if he's an asshole, his looks don't matter. But no, not every guy in real life is 250+. They just may not be into bareback...
  21. Have I missed the huge announcement that there is a cure for HIV? Have I missed the evidence where someone healed themselves of HIV? And how the hell do you blame Christians for the fact that men have and still do die from AIDS? Do you not see the posts on here of guys chasing the drug resistant strain? I don't see the Christian movement with a gun to the chaser's head forcing him to do that. Fact: There is NO cure for HIV/AIDS. I may be undetectable due to medication, but I'm sure as hell not cured. I still have it. Fact: The blame does NOT solely rest on the infectee in every case. You can not make a blanket statement about such things. Condoms do break. Not to mention there are other ways that people have been infected that were not by choice or because of something they did. So... To answer the OP's question. Real or fantasy. I don't even fantasize about infecting someone. I've said no to chasers. And I don't regret saying no.
  22. Good call on your part. I got rid of mine several months ago purely because the expiration date had passed. Haven't had a reason to buy anymore, so I don't have them.
  23. While I enjoy home made porn more than professional porn, I have never had the desire to be filmed. I guess the romantic side of me feels it would take that element ouf of the experience. Not something that is on my bucket list. That said, I'm sure glad there are guys who like to do it.
  24. I'm a bottom and I know what I want. I love it when a top touches my dick. Makes me feel that much more connected to him on a different level other than sexual. It's not something I demand of a top, but it makes the experience that much more sensual to me. This bottom knows what he wants.
  25. Took the words right out of my mouth. RUN and don't look back.
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