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Everything posted by cam1972

  1. I never meet up with a guy on the fly.. I wouldn't enjoy myself for worry that I had not cleaned out properly. I agree with givemeseed.. I've told guys that I'm not prepared. Some (ok.. one) has taken a rain check.. The rest moved on never to be heard from again.. I'd rather that happen than to have the mood killed. I think it's 95% chance that they are lazy. Any bottom worth their salt knows to clean out. I've never been asked, but I wouldn't be offended if someone did.. I don't blame a top for not wanting a shitty fuck. I sure as hell don't want one.
  2. Fuck yeah! Got me hard as a rock. Hell of a story.
  3. I get the long term vs hook up aspect. The emotional connection that may or may not have developed over that time.. But... Cheating is cheating. There are a ton of ways to murder someone, but once it's done, it's still murder. I agree with your last statement. It's easier to justify things for one's self than for others. I've done that.. I'm far from perfect. I guess I'm just amazed that he expected it not to be done to him when he was doing it himself. Life's a bitch, they say.
  4. I don't think the education level has risen where HIV is concerned. Spend a couple of hours on A4A or any site like that and you get a hard dose of reality really quick. I shouldn't be, but I'm always amazed at the responses I get to being poz. So... From where I stand, I don't think bareback sex is the new norm. Or the return to the old norm. Maybe it is just that those of us who choose to only bareback are more vocal about it than we used to be when it became taboo.... And yes.. I only bareback.
  5. Let's see if I can get this straight... You were cheating. Thought your partner wasn't. Found out he was. And became pissed and hurt....... I ask this without sarcasm... Can anyone please help me understand why cheaters think it's ok for them to cheat but god help the one who cheated on them? Yes. You said you ended up being turned on by it. But... By "just exploding on him", do you mean you shot a load on him or screamed and hollered at him? Cause if it is the latter.... Dude... I'm really confused.... Even if it's the shooting a load on him thing... I'm still confused as to why you were pissed and hurt at first. Did you not think he may have felt the same way were he to discover you were cheating? I'm not saying this in a disrespectful manner. I'm just trying to understand the lack of logic behind this. Another thought... Partners most always find out their lover is cheating.. I know I did... Maybe yours did and he decided to cheat on you to get back... Wouldn't that be ironic?
  6. Verbal? Hell yeah. Yelling and screaming and putting on a huge show when he's coming? Not so much... Seems too fake to me. Look me in the eye, grunt and breed my ass. That will show me the intensity much more than the yelling will any day.
  7. Wow..... So.... He's not supposed to give a damn? Yes. It's his friend's life. But it's called CARING about a friend's well fare... This isn't about who is right and who is wrong. And just because it is his life does not mean the choices he is making are right. I've had times in my life where I needed guidance and direction. The friend in this situation is lucky to have someone like the OP who is trying to give him that very thing.
  8. Had not really considered this thought. It's a very good point. If he is still sexually active, then he needs to give thought to those he is having sex with if not for himself.
  9. When are gay bareback porn producers going to really realize that the "money" shot is costing them money? I won't waste my money on a site or on dvds that have the tops pulling out. In talking with other bareback friends, they feel the same. It's pointless. Bareback is not only about skin on skin but TRULY breeding. Not coming outside the bottom then pushing it in. I see the top start to pull out to come... I go to another video. Fun is over. This video is a step in the right direction. Hopefully.
  10. Holy fuck! Perfect! Looking in his eyes while breeding him.... Damn... Love it!
  11. Fear can be paralyzing. Overwhelming the mind to the point of not being rational. After letting it build up this long, it won't be easy to get him to see a doctor. Open hole is right. The reaction is different for everyone. However, unlike open hole, your friend doesn't sound like he danced a jig when diagnosed. I'm with the others on here. Don't push it. Just stand by him, drop in the conversation how well meds are working for you occasionally and hope for the best.
  12. Taken from cdc.gov: "Among gay and bisexual men, those who were given PrEP were 44% less likely overall to get HIV than those who were given a placebo. Among the men with detectable levels of medicine in their blood (meaning they had taken the pill consistently), PrEP reduced the risk of infection by as much as 92%." I don't see anywhere on the site where it says if taken daily, the risk is negated by 99%. However, if that is so, that 1% can still bite you and your partner in the ass. And that's not going to be the kind of ass biting I tend to enjoy. ;-) I enjoy bareback sex. The only kind I have. So I understand you wanting it. Not judging you at all for that. Good luck with whatever you do. I hope things turn out for the best.
  13. Wouldn't put him at risk..... Just like condoms, PrEP is not 100% effective. It REDUCES the risk UP TO 92%. Does NOT eliminate the risk completely. It may be more fun for you now, but wait til the shit storm erupts after you've contracted something and he pays the price. The fun and games will be over. And you will lose someone you profess to love. I know I'm not like a ton of guys, but I have never understood sacrificing love for sex. One day, your cock isn't going to work, your looks will fade... What will you have? If you are single, fuck like rabbits and breed all you want. But I'll never understand the need to put an unknowing partner at risk. I say this respectfully... Do right by the one you love... Be honest. If he will do an open relationship, give him the opportunity to do so. Having HIV for me is a direct result of someone cheating. While I've come to accept it, I never wanted it. Don't make him have to accept something he never wanted.
  14. My left is very sensitive. My right is not. No affect there. I've had both pierced. Twice. The left would never heal. Took them both out both times. Don't know if that has anything to do with the sensitivity in my left nipple or not. But it definitely gets me ready for a fuck.
  15. Missionary. Love to look in his eyes as he breeds me. So fucking intense. Close second: me on my stomach, him laying full body on top of me. Love to feel all his weight on me.
  16. Maybe sub-culture was the wrong term. But I've seen an increasing number of blogs on tumblr where the specific words used for the tops are "straight guys". The bottom is referred to as the gay or faggot and the top is the straight guy. These blogs are not referring to the "gay for pay" guys. These are regular gay porn actors. In any case, they are just as gay as the bottom.
  17. First one. Sex is much hotter for me when there is an emotional connection. Makes me want to please him more which makes the experience better for him which in turn makes the experience much better for me. Win/win.
  18. So... I've been brainwashed.... Hmmmm.... Yet.... I never had access to gay porn growing up. Wasn't molested as a child. Didn't even know anything about gay culture. Didn't know the terms top and bottom.. Yet I wondered why it was only women who could date other men and have sex with them... And wanting to have a man inside me... And that was when I was jacking off before I could even ejaculate... So I was very young. Could you please tell me where and when I was brainwashed? I'm not doing anything for the cause. I'm doing it because it feels damn good. Period. I'm sorry... But respectfully... I disagree...
  19. If bottoms are slut/whores, then tops are slut/whores also. This is what drives me crazy in the gay community. It's ok for the bottom to be called a faggot while the top can be called straight... I know there is a sub-culture where this is popular, but it is becoming the mindset of many I talk with. If you are into fucking men and only men, you are no less a gay man than the man who takes the cock up his ass. To me, that sounds as tho they are ashamed to be gay. Same goes with the topic here. If a bottom is a slut/whore for sleeping around, then so is the top.
  20. Definitely not number 1. Frustration will make you resent him and then hate him. Not fair to either of you. And if you can get fucked against your will while tied up, definitely not number three. That's even if you aren't in a relationship. That's called rape. That only leaves one option. I understand having needs. You have needs just like everyone else. I don't judge you for having them. I know I definitely have mine. But it seems like your bf's need is to have a monogamous relationship. I guess what I'm trying to say is do what is right for both of your needs. Part of loving someone is respecting them. Cheating on him is definitely disrespectful and not loving. If he can't meet your needs, move on. It frees both of you. Yes... It will hurt at first. But you'll both be better for it in the long run.
  21. I know I've been cheated on. In every damn relationship. My ex said I asked for sex too much.. So it wasn't because I didn't want sex with him. And he was far more vanilla than I am. I think it's a coward's choice. That is my OPINION. If you can't stay monogamous, then don't be in a relationship. Unless you both have decided on an open one of course.
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