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About TaKinGDeePanal

  • Birthday 11/23/1971

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Melbourne, Australia
  • Interests
    Fucking and chemming. Namely: ffisting, sleaze, 666, crystal, meth, ice, raunch, WS, FF, piss, raunch, pnp, non-consensual, tina, pain, slam, pig, point, acid, gina, ket, chems, slam, blast, puff, clouds, booty bump, chempiss, rough, force, ketamine, doublefisting. Also webcams.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Porn Experience
    Just amateur stuff, sadly.
  • Looking For
    Men who know how to use their cocks and fists. Hoping to become more base in my desires and actions.

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  1. Not sure if anyone has PM'd you about this, but I'm sure that if you report your post and ask for the appropriate edit to be made (with a reason), then a mod can assist you.
  2. The REAL annual cost of the Monarchy has been estimated to be £510 million [think before following links] https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cdxr2pk997no Their properties are worth an estimated £14.1 billion (December 2023 figures). Additionally, the Crown owns all land in England and Wales; people own estates in land either directly or indirectly from the Crown (for example, a freehold estate or a leasehold estate) [think before following links] https://www.justanswer.com/law/ne99e-second-opinion-law-does-crown-own.html [think before following links] https://wildcard.land/2023/12/how-much-land-do-the-royals-own Every year the estates of the royal family make tens of millions of pounds, yet they pay no corporation tax. They also pay ZERO death duties. [think before following links] https://taxjustice.uk/blog/the-royal-family-must-be-made-to-pay-more-tax/ [think before following links] https://taxscouts.com/blog/the-uk-royals-who-pay-their-taxes/ They have the right to preview any drafts of legislation and veto them if they decide they are unfavourable to them (the little-known Power of Consent, which effectively means that Charles and William both have power over laws affecting their sources of private income). [think before following links] https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2013/jan/14/secret-papers-royals-veto-bills They pay godawfully low salaries to their employees (mostly under USD30K per year) [think before following links] https://robbreport.com/lifestyle/news/royal-family-staff-salaries-1234810705/
  3. They’re a mix of not-too-bright paedophiles, racists, and enablers of those who abuse human rights. They implicitly encourage all little Englanders to maintain their horrendously out-of-date view that “the sun never sets on the British Empire”.
  4. The Monarchy is a proven waste of time and money which should have been dissolved in 1952 (even though the deer, swans, and sea creatures, i.e., whales, porpoises, dolphins, and sturgeons, would be confused as that wretched lot have symbolic ownership of them).
  5. Good girl 💋 I've been masturbating thinking about your cute little ass, sweetie ...
  6. When did you last speak to him? I've been trying to find his contact details. You can PM them to me if you wish.
  7. That’s not what this is about. Next time if you wish for a timely answer, you might wish to tag me.
  8. Read them all. Loved them all.
  9. That's a fucking hot cover photo, Sir.

  10. and he blocked that member on ALL social media - so I'm not sure that was the reason he did it.
  11. I'll have to admit, @bottomboyam, that I almost gave up on this story a chapter or so ago because of the excessive violence - but this last chapter has me hard yet again!
  12. You might wish to tag @rawTOP for that one.
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