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About TaKinGDeePanal

  • Birthday 11/23/1971

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Melbourne, Australia
  • Interests
    Fucking and chemming. Namely: ffisting, sleaze, 666, crystal, meth, ice, raunch, WS, FF, piss, raunch, pnp, non-consensual, tina, pain, slam, pig, point, acid, gina, ket, chems, slam, blast, puff, clouds, booty bump, chempiss, rough, force, ketamine, doublefisting. Also webcams.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Porn Experience
    Just amateur stuff, sadly.
  • Looking For
    Men who know how to use their cocks and fists. Hoping to become more base in my desires and actions.

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TaKinGDeePanal's Achievements

Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. @Fistedmike - because of the below:
  2. It also depends on whether the author themselves has been in active for a prolonged period.
  3. You might wish to ask the Moderators to move this to a different forum, as there's limited opportunities for people to see this. Maybe ask @viking8x6 for assistance.
  4. Sometimes I’m a greedy liTTle piGleT
  5. @versmetropig - any chance of adding Alex to the list of guys for my return?
  6. Wish I was in FL right now ...
  7. aka kegel exercises. The duty of good bottoms like us is to learn them in order to please our tops, and display our skills at the appropriate time.
  8. and I'd be one of the ones who glances over my shoulder at you - then drops my towel ...
  9. Tops feel bigger when you have your ankles tied together.
  10. chemsweat also tastes better when I lick it off you
  11. My joints start to lock up if I’m on all fours for more than 3 hours. A sling, however? 7 hours, 8 hours, 9 hours later - and I’m still going. SO much easier on my top as well …
  12. fucking hoT start
  13. One I've known for 7 years, and one I've known for 3 years. Haven't played with either recently, but planning to play with the latter twice this month - and having recently spoken to the former, hopefully the first weekend of 2025.
  14. Ditto, apart from maybe one drink a week (and one mild case of rectal gono about 6 or 7 years ago which I very quickly got cleared up) ❤️
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