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About TaKinGDeePanal

  • Birthday 11/23/1971

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Melbourne, Australia
  • Interests
    Fucking and chemming. Namely: ffisting, sleaze, 666, crystal, meth, ice, raunch, WS, FF, piss, raunch, pnp, non-consensual, tina, pain, slam, pig, point, acid, gina, ket, chems, slam, blast, puff, clouds, booty bump, chempiss, rough, force, ketamine, doublefisting. Also webcams.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Porn Experience
    Just amateur stuff, sadly.
  • Looking For
    Men who know how to use their cocks and fists. Hoping to become more base in my desires and actions.

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. My RL whore ex somehow didn't file the divorce papers back in her country that the court in my country issued ... Wish it was her.
  2. I would have been there had I been accepted to work at the US Tennis Open that year, as I would have been sightseeing after the tournament ended (and I had the WTC on my "to visit" list).
  3. Ask the Poles how they feel about the Soviet "war effort" - and Allied POWs about how they feel about the actions of the Indians who decided to align themselves with the Japanese (and were deployed as guards) BTW, did you hear that India actually were awarded independence largely as a reward for their support?
  4. You can stick your dick in me, @BlackDude - any fucking time you want.
  5. Ginger saying "hey" 😈

  6. Your data won’t be deleted. You can always get a VPN and get around it that way (not that you heard it from me!).
  7. I can’t find him. I’m also in Melbourne, so you can understand my interest …
  8. It’s not @Que3n-C0n’s story. The author hasn’t added to it since 2020 - and hasn’t been on this site since June 2024.
  9. Can you please screenshot it and post it? It won’t come up for me 😞
  10. What can I say - it’s always cum naturally to me.
  11. Need to sit on your Superior Alpha cock and take your fisT to the elbow. 

  12. Canola oil was my top’s preferred lube of choice. Cheap, wouldn’t dry up, and relatively easy to clean up.
  13. There’s ZERO probability of catching any disease from being rimmed.
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