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Everything posted by PozTalkAuthor

  1. *Authors' note 1: first story attempt failed, but a failure is often an opportunity to do better. We have not planned how many chapters it has, but we'll keep on writing till we enjoy it. And of course if it will not offend or harm anyone. *Authors note 2: PozWorld is reversed. "Ordinary" condition is poz, while neg status is not socially accepted at all. ----- Part 1: machines don't keep secrets! -Hunter: "Hey my little Chaser! Don't make me waste another poz load!" An artificial voice was reading a weird message aloud waking me suddenly up, alone in my bed. Where on Earth was my boyfriend? Damn, I absolutely had to get rid of this inexplicable jealousy. His phone was not on the charger so it was clear he carried it with him, that voice could only be a bad dream! Ian could just have gone to catch an earlier bus without disturbing me during sleep, that spoken message was surely coming from my fantasy. Hearing a machine speak may seem strange but when you regularly meet a blind person and become close enough, you don't even notice it any longer. On the other side though I was always concerned for his privacy so I didn't chat about sex with him, in case personal messages could be loudly spoken at inappropriate times. He has known I'm undetectable since we started to date but from that moment, HIV has no longer been a conversation subject. Barebacking was safe for us, no reason to worry about it. We had another trouble instead, our sex life had become monotonous. If I only had guts to face this situation! "We have to talk", and then? Let's open our couple, or let's go separate ways? I was scared at the idea of him thinking I looked for other sex encounters because I rejected his blindness. Nothing of this, I am just a man with his needs! He also expressed a desire to live together sooner or later, but I knew it couldn't last long in this way. We have to talk, this formula had to be spoken aloud, hopefully as soon as possible because cheating almost became an urge for me. I prepared myself a coffee to drink my concerns away, when I heard another beep and the artificial voice spoke again: "You're missing a great opportunity man, don't waste this gift and talk to him asap!" I smiled at myself and at a waist bag hanging from a chair in the kitchen, a silly machine hidden in there was revealing my boy's secret side. "It may be a friend's bag", I told myself and took the courage to call him. Phew! The phone rang and that mysterious bag stayed silent! "It's truly not his stuff or my business", I thought waiting for an answer with the phone on my ear. "Hey, Hunter", Ian's voice finally spoke. "I was thinking of you, and here you are!" "I called because I found your waist bag", I told him. "You left it here in the kitchen! One day you may forget your head too." "Oh, thanks honey, I thought I lost it in the bus! At least it's in a safe place." "Safe hands and ears", I had a malicious grin on my face. "Don't use public transport tonight, after you finish your work day I'll come and pick you up. We have... We have to talk!" He sent me a kiss and hung up, while the annoying robot continued to speak so I grabbed Ian's bag, exploring it inside: a phone was there, together with his wallet and some wipes. Thankfully no pass code had been set on the phone so it opened only by pressing a button, I was too curious to verify how many kinks my boyfriend really had! I turned talking assistant off and it took a couple gestures for me to retrieve his conversation with a certain PozCop, which I read entirely; it was obvious they had been sexting for a long time and I decided to play along. Let's figure out where it goes, a chat won't harm anyone! -- BlindChaser: Hi, I finally talked to him. PozCop: What? Are you serious? BlindChaser: Yeah, in the beginning it was embarrassing but that conversion set us free. BlindChaser: *CONVERSATION, I wanted to say conversation, sorry. Fucking autocomplete! PozCop: LOL! Yeah, I got it. PozCop: You see, I was right! I know him like the back of my pocket, you have nothing to be scared about him. So, did he react as I expect? -- What the fuck! Ian and the stranger were planning something behind my back and that nickname seemed familiar to me! How could the world be so small! "I am getting hard only to imagine myself pozzing my bf", I typed; but before sending, I remembered my role play and answered trying to talk in Ian's shoes. -- BlindChaser: His first reaction was horrified and we had an argue but his body told another story. He was clearly turned on, even if he would never admit it! PozCop: Why does this guy always play a fucking good man role! Trust me, deep inside he's a pig like you. BlindChaser: I agree. He made me suck him, keeping my head in place till he came deep into my throat. PozCop: Oh, poor chaser! Another blank load! I think you need a fully charged one. BlindChaser: Fuck yeah! I can't wait! PozCop: I take this as a written consent. So, let's go for it! See you tomorrow in that place you know. -- Fuck, this was no fantasy: in a few hours my guy was going to get pozzed! I had to find out more details and make him change his mind, whatever it took. With Ian's phone in my hand I accessed PozCop's contact determined to block him forever, when I felt an intense pain coming from my fingers and someone talking but this time it was not a machine! "You wanted me into your body, man!" the voice said. "Let your guy take the same journey, both your lives belong to me!" This voice seemed real but no one was around, for sure. Maybe I started to be paranoid, or it was because I willingly became positive but till now I never considered gifting as an option; I couldn't close my eyes to my boy's desires though, if he seriously wanted HIV I had to be certain I was his gifter. I remained with my thumb moving up and down on the touch screen, conflicted, till I took my final decision: I cleared only my latest messages from the whole chat, turned screen reader back on and placed the phone where I found it, ready to give it back to its owner; let's discover who that PozCop really was! I spent the whole day with my mind suggesting me to give him the bag and return to everyday life, but the mysterious voice soon overcame my rational thinking: "You were born to be a gifter, accept your destiny otherwise you'll lose all my benefits forever!" Oh damn! Who spoke to me and which benefits was they talking about? Last time I went for usual HIV check up, my doctor told me I was part of an experiment by taking meds he prescribed me, but I almost forgot it: treatment suppressed my viral load, I had no side effects, it meant all was correctly working. Or this mysterious voice I hear is caused by meds? Such an opportunity to give up with them, I thought at myself. After his work day was over, Ian was waiting for me outside his office as expected and as I greeted him he kissed me: "thanks my love, you saved me!" He explored my whole body with his hands, and panicked: "my bag, Hunter! Where the fuck is it?" "One is here and it's full", I told him guiding his hand on my semi-hard member. "The other is in my car!" "I'm glad to you, thanks for keeping it safe." "True, but your machines talk much more than a person does. And if you forget them turned on, they're not able to keep secrets."
  2. We love this one! Longing for new chapters. Love the bond between Turnpike and the father, and then the father and the older son. Hope joseph Sloan can experience the same bond! His father has been a little violent, but, well, a bit of roughness is necessary for the virus to freely enter the new host's blood stream.
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