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Posts posted by topblkmale

  1. 16 hours ago, VersatileBreeder said:

    One thing for me is I always ask for a face pic, I will not meet without one. I need to see the face of the person I’m meeting.

    I wonder if there are still guys out there who will meet each other WITHOUT face pics. I have had to block local faceless profiles on Grindr who have said they have seen me going to work. I don't need that kind of attention.

    I live in a dense urban area. I would NOT recommend hooking up with sketchy folks who live within > 1000 to 4000 feet. I've had two previous hook-ups show up at my place randomly unannounced and WAIT.

  2. 1 hour ago, SugarWalls said:

    When I lived full-time in NYC I used to go to ESC all the time and have very fun, fond memories of it. Based on those memories, decided to go back and check it out again in Oct 2021. Went on Thursday night (7pm-12mid) and sad to say, it was very different -- extremely quiet, with probably max 15 ppl in the whole place. Despite this, I did my usual bathhouse routine of laying down ass up, dim lights, lubed for any takers. Got fingered once the whole night. I walked around a few times during the lulls and cruised around, most doors were closed/unoccupied. I did find an ass up bottom and went in to fuck him but he was condom-only so I quietly exited the room. Wanna give it another try but am not sure if the club has bounced back fully post-pandemic..? I would have thought that now that WSC is closed and they're the only bathhouse open, it would be rocking like no other place, perhaps I went at the wrong time/day? 
    Any thoughts or info from anyone who as been to the ESC since in the past year? Advice on best times/days to go? Anywhere else I should check out for bathhouse-type activity in NYC area?

    In October 2021, Manhattan was in the height of the delta-Covid surge. Many workers were still remote and alot of businesses were closed still in Manhattan. I worked in midtown east 3 blocks from ESC during 2022 and midtown did not come back fully post-post pandemic til around gay pride and tourist season in June 2022. Also ESC was heavily enforcing the vaccine requirement which turned away alot of patrons who were not vaccinated in early 2021.


    Fast forward to fall 2022 and I would say ESC is actually busier than pre-Covid. There was a lull in attendance in August 2022 during the monkey pox outbreak. I go weekday afternoons and its always pretty busy. I have also noticed the crowd is very different. Many patrons I hear come from the two bath houses that shut down during Covid.


    So yes, I would say ESC has bounced back. For bath house type activity I would consider you also check out Rainbow Playground Club and their nightly events.

    • Like 1
  3. 18 hours ago, pigpozdad said:

    Hmmm, move down to ATL,  where we have quite a good scene, which is slowly getting back to normal after covid (cumunion meets on 2nd and 4th Wednesday)

    Funny thing, there was a great black club near Club Manifest on Lidell Dr, and I imagined that maybe Lidell traveled from East Memphis to ATL before settling in Manh 

    I'm assuming ATL still only has the one bath house, Flex, and no sex clubs.

    Is the scene in ATL mostly in guy's private dwellings?

  4. 14 hours ago, drscorpio said:

    People who get paid under the table still pay taxes when they take that money and buy good and services with it. Doubtless a lot of temporary workers are sending money home, but they still have living expenses while they are here. Also, the payroll taxes that they aren't paying largely go to fund social programs that they have no access to being undocumented. 

    That's not the case in NYC.

  5. 21 hours ago, Muscledadbod said:

    Does Lidell still do parties? I emailed him not to long ago and didn't get a response. 

    Sadly Covid and the closure of Paddles ended Lidell's parties. I am wondering where many of the black men who attended his events go now.

    I've been to other parties but its not the same welcoming all-inclusive vibe.

    Lidell really knows how to have an event where the staff are all friendly with ample refreshments and clean-up supplies. Not to mention he would play that SAME scratched house music CD at every event. I knew the mix by heart.

    Also Lidell would always personally greet guys with a warm hello and small talk where he remembers everyone's name. I consider him to be an icon of the NYC sex party scene.

    • Like 2
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  6. On 1/7/2023 at 4:39 PM, BootmanLA said:

    It's true that some undocumented immigrants work "under the table" and thus don't pay taxes (which is a separate issue). But official estimates are that 75% of undocumented workers use falsified social security numbers - either one that wasn't ever issued, or more often one issued to someone else. As a result, the wages of that 75% get hit for social security taxes (7.65%, including Medicare) and they'll never be able to claim those benefits. In fact, that's part of what's keeping social security afloat for citizens.

    Meanwhile, plenty of rich people pay little or no social security taxes because they structure their income such that it's not "earned" income. Remember that interest earnings, dividends, capital gains, and so forth aren't taxed for social security purposes at all, because they're not "earned". If we simply applied the social security tax rate to all income, regardless of source, the system would be solvent for decades longer, perhaps in perpetuity.

    fraud and identity theft 👍

  7. 17 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    I question your sincerity. You say "race has always been unimportant" and then go on to say, three different ways, that race is important enough to have a preference:

    a) "I did prefer interracial"

    b) "black men are my favorites"

    c) "a well hung dark black man is my fav"

    Hard to square three iterations of declaring a preference for men of one race with the notion that it's "unimportant"; you may mean it's not "required", but that's not the same thing. 

    I didn't find anything non sincere about him having a preference. I love all sodas and as a black man I love grape soda more if given a choice. 👍☑️

  8. 1 hour ago, UncleBull said:

    That's something a lot of cocksuckers miss.  It isn't a performance.  You're there to make my cock feel nice.  Nothing worse than someone who tries to suck cock like they're in a porn. A lot of youngsters do that as it's often their only experience until they're retrained.

    Remember a friend of my nephew starting sucking me regularly and I had to essentially teach him to be more passive and not lead. He was performing like he was auditioning and he was terrible until he learnt

    I have had a few who tried to imitate porn. For some reason they usually imitate the female sucking dick in straight hetero porn with the excessive moaning, (imaginary) hair toss and generally doing way too much.

  9. 15 hours ago, Fitanoncumswallow said:

    I've been turned down because I'm black more times than I can count, so it's definitely a thing that happens quite a lot, but very few people will openly admit it. While this hit my self esteem in my early 20s, now that I'm in my 30s I can care less. There are plenty of people interested in me. Better to focus on the good than the bad. Sometimes it feels like I'm being ignored because of my race, or I'm being fetishized because of it. You just have to have thick skin. 


    Now I want to mention that having a racial preference isn't racist and shouldn't be considered racist. Everyone has their preferences when it comes to various things, and just because you don't fit someone's preference shouldn't be a big deal. Just move on.

    Did you experience this in your 20s as a top, bottom, or verse?

  10. 11 minutes ago, BlackDude said:

    Interesting. I don’t have alot if issues with guys from Central America and Mexico. We get along just fine for the most part. 

    But most of the Latino guys I meet for the Caribbean or South America are just as racist as the white guys. In fact, they go further.  Almost like they have something to prove. And they have no problem with American culture, as long as it’s packaged in whiteness. 

    For context, in what part of the US are you located? I'm guessing South Florida.

  11. I agree but I believe its the fact that ABS tend to be mostly oral. Its always a cocksuckers first choice.

    Most bathhouses, sex parties and sex clubs I frequent guys are into anal primarily. I find myself seeking out the good cocksuckers as I LOVE good oral. I never have a problem finding asses to fuck.


    Case in point - Slammers Fort Lauderdale.

    The suck ramps are always half-empty and barely used. However the group fuck room (round bench) and the dark fuck room (regular bench) are always jam packed.

    • Like 2
  12. 16 hours ago, Asnlooking said:

    Interesting thread. Although I still have years before retiring, I know I want to move and retire somewhere else. I think of where often and this thread has good information. The more places I visit and think about, the more I want to retire abroad. 

    How should one factor in the healthcare cost/insurance to move abroad?

    Depends on the country and whether or not your are a permanent resident or naturalized citizen of said country.


    For me accessibility to affordable health care as well as climate, availability of sexually active men and how the society treats its seniors are my main factors when considering places abroad.

    • Like 1
  13. 24 minutes ago, Stevestone said:

    Young white  masc muscular bottom heading to NYC Thursday-Sunday.  Will be looking for raw sex one a couple nights.  I want random men to put their sperm in me.  BBC is preferred but then again I prefer to not even see their faces.

    would I have better luck at East Side? Or the Fair Theater? 

    Faire would be your best bet. WAY more action and more black guys go there - many who are looking for CDs and trans.

    Also check out Rainbow Playground Club in Queens. Its more accessible from Manhattan with a diverse younger crowd.

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  14. On 8/31/2021 at 9:39 PM, CommunityCunt said:

    I’m looking travel to the best sex club in the USA and need recommendations! I’m a smooth twink and would love a night of taking bathhouse cum. Where should I go for the best action? I love taking anon gloryhole loads too so big plus if there’s options for that 

    321 Slammer - Ft. Lauderdale, FL

    The bathhouse scene in the US is over.

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