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Posts posted by topblkmale

  1. On 7/27/2022 at 10:54 AM, NudistBBBLK said:

    From personal experience as a black men, most AMERICAN white men are NOT into black men. They will not outwardly say it but reality is that most American white men prefer other white men or white Latinos.


    The opposite is also true.

  2. On 9/5/2022 at 3:48 AM, ErosWired said:

    I’m hosting in Louisville tonight, and have so far had three (3) men say either “On my way” or OMW and then not show up. In two of the three cases I could watch the locator distance sit at precisely the same number, meaning they didn’t even budge.

    Why, why, why the fuck do men do this? It absolutely baffles me, yet it’s become so common it’s epidemic. It’s as though somehow “on my way” has taken on the meaning of “not on my way”. The trouble is, some people do use it the original way, which means now the term is useless because you can’t know which it means at any given time.

    Men - for the live of all that’s cock-shaped, QUIT SAYING ‘ON MY WAY’ IF YOU’RE NOT COMING. IT’S A DICK MOVE.

    I'm guessing since its an anonymous open door cumdump situation, the reasoning is that you would not know if they came or not...assuming others did show up.

  3. On 11/17/2021 at 7:58 PM, analluv27 said:

    The Manhattan guy noticed me cruising a lot and asked me what I do. I said I give head, which he asked if  I was good. I said I haven't heard any complaints. He stepped off to the side whipped his dick and told me to suck which I did

    Which bookstore as almost all Manhattan bookstore clerks are South Asian. I've never known any to fool around.

  4. 14 hours ago, BareLover666 said:


    I wasn't told this and am aware that the Monkey Pox is a different virus that Smallpox is it makes sense the Smallpox vaccine doesn't work as well. 
    Just like with Covid-19-vaccines if it lessens transmission and serious illnesses it's still a good thing.

    I've seen doctors post these warnings on Twitter which have since been removed as it might be anti-vax miss or diss -information.

  5. 17 hours ago, Want my 1st cock said:

    I just was at my 3 month Prep checkup yesterday and the Physician told me point blank that he is seeing TONS of guys coming in with not only 1 but BOTH MP shots and they are contracting MP. Even being fully “vaccinated” He told me flat out from the data he is witnessing daily that the MP vaccinated guys are still just at risk. It appears it may be similar to the early days of Covid vaccines when we were all told, that if we got the COVID vaccine we would NOT get Covid. Well we all learned that was not true.

    Maybe the newest variant

    or it just reduces symptoms

    or efficacy wanes and bi-annual boosters are needed

  6. 46 minutes ago, Philip said:

    Thank you everyone for the overwhelming response to my poll question. I have read every single comment and it was nice to see such a broad range of opinions and it is clear that there isn’t a one-size-fit-all solution to this common problem that most of us share.

    I have came to a conclusion on what I will do about this problem from now on:

    1. If I simply receive a ‘hey’ message and I don’t think we are a match, I will ignore the message. A generic ‘hey,’ ‘yo,’ ‘sup?’ message in this case is the equivalent to a ‘like,’ ‘woof,’ ‘hot’ button.
    2. If I receive a ‘hey’ message and I like what I see or read on their profile, I will reply with a ‘hey’ back and see what it goes. Perhaps add a ‘How is your day going?’ for good measures.
    3. If I ignore their ‘hey’ message and they send another ‘hey’ message a few days later, I will reply with ‘Sorry, I am not interested message.’ If they continue to message me, it is time to block them.
    4. If I receive a compliment of any sort, or any message outside of the single word ‘hey,’ I will reply with a ‘Thank you,’ followed by a ‘Sorry, I am not interested,’ if I am not interested, or start a conversation if I think we are a match.


    Just an observation, but #3 will cause you to have quite a few Inbox Messages in your queue for a few days that you will need to go back to, review the profile and follow-up on.


    I like #1, but I would add (swipe left and delete).😀

    • Upvote 1
  7. On 8/28/2022 at 1:41 AM, ass said:

    MPx cases are going down in NYC and globally.

    Either more people are getting vaccinated or more people abstaining. Probably both.

    Also the the local news is not reporting it as often. Which probably corresponds with less testing being done.


    I've noticed it has fallen off the national "world" news broadcasts. They're saving it for a slow news night later this week. Probably Thursday or Friday when folks are focused on the 3 day holiday weekend. They do the scarier news stories then.



  8. Grindr is the new gay bathhouse/gay sauna especially for the younger generation. I can't imagine giving every guy I am not interested in at a bathhouse a detailed friendly reply as to why I am not interested.


    When guys insist on a 'denial letter' I usually make up some feature I like that they are not.


    Example, if its a muscle guy, I tell them I am into chubby guys - & vice-versa.

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  9. 1 hour ago, hntnhole said:

    This monkey business won't last for that much longer. 

    I kindly🙂 disagree but I see this tracking similar to Covid.

    Back to normal means vax'd and unvax'd guys fucking each other like crazy.

    That's when I see the second wave forming, probably a year or two from now when all of the 1st dose only guys efficacy wanes.

    Just IMHO. Not to come off as a conspiracy theorists or anti-vaxer (apologies), but I feel there is much more to this sudden outbreak. I could be wrong.

  10. 2 hours ago, DLMarried said:

    I think we see wild action again soon. Especially here in NY the infection rate has been dropping and the vaccination rate has been going up. 
    Nice to see you on BZ topblkmale. Welcome. 

    One of our gay sex venues here in NYC had their 'soft' reopening this weekend. Why just last weekend they were open only to schedule guys for first doses. Reps from NYC-DOH&MH were onsite. Only thirty slots were available apparently.

  11. 1 hour ago, spunkdump said:

    Boy, i'm stil waiting to be called for second shot in NYC- my 30 day is up and  i want to get the 2nd dose - why are we always so behind in NYC. i'm glad to see so many are getting their 2nd shots.

    If you can use an alternate address of a family or friend, consider going to another jurisdiction like Long Island or New Jersey.

  12. 6 hours ago, NEDenver said:

    🤣 but it doesn’t even have to be raw fucking.  All you have to do is touch the person you’re having sex with, which leads to questions of what exactly straight people do together.

    I personally don't believe this to be true (unless your touching someone with active symptoms for prolonged periods)

  13. 41 minutes ago, NEDenver said:

    Are you saying vaccination works similarly regardless of virus type?  Or are you saying a coronavirus vaccine should protect against a pox virus?  Because those are completely different statements.  There’s no reason to think coronavirus vaccines would work on a different virus like monkeypox.  Similarly, flu vaccines don’t work against coronaviruses or polio viruses.  

    I'm saying, from what I have researched so far, vaccination MAY work similarly regardless of virus type.

    I've not been able to find a definitive answer.

    I'm curious to know how well the mpx antibodies prevent infection or stop transmission.

  14. 19 hours ago, BlkBttm4fun said:

    Only thing I I know I need to see the men who fuck me cuz I heard if they don’t have what looks like Rashes or skin tags  then they most likely don’t have monkeypox  

    I will be following your updates closely as I would love to have more insight into this.

  15. On 7/27/2022 at 3:08 AM, Spunkinmyarse said:

    Personally, I don’t think it should be the responsibility of the venue and/or promoter to safeguard people’s sexual health.  It’s a slippery slope.  If they ask whether you are on prep or not, why not also ask if you’ve had the Hepatitis B vaccine? Or now the smallpox vaccine to guard against monkeypox? I was never in favour of the COVID vaccination certificate being used as a condition of entry to certain premises: it sets a dangerous precedent.

    Each individual should be responsible for his/her own sexual health: if you don’t want to be exposed to HIV or STIs, then don’t attend events like Horsefair and wear a red hood.

    I find gays like to be (Suze Orman voice) 'approved'. Guys I chat with on Grindr define themselves by how many Covid vax+boosters they've had. Then tell me they're on prep. Then share when they received their first dose of the mpx-vax.


    This is the new way to ask 'are you clean'?

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