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Posts posted by topblkmale

  1. 4 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    This would be laughable if it weren't so pathetically sad. Honey, if you look at American and western European culture and can't find any examples of "male masculinity" being promoted, you're spending too much time in the drag department. Or navel-gazing. 

    Nope. I really don't see it.

  2. 4 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    We've been falling behind most developed countries in those areas for more than 40 years - my entire adult life. When I was a teenager the mantra was that the Japanese, particularly, were studying so much harder than our students do that they were going to run the world in short order. Didn't work out that way.

    But in any event, one of the reasons we've (on average) been so behind other societies in our educational achievements is the appalling history of segregated (and, for the minority kids, grossly inferior) education in this country. And while "legal" segregation - forcing students into separate schools by race - was struck down, "de facto" segregation has continued apace, aided and abetted by governments that have consciously maintained disparate educational systems, mostly in the name of "local control". What that usually means is that each locality - rich or poor - is expected to pick up most of the cost of educating the students of that locality, and so of course areas with lots of richer (and usually whiter) people can provide much better education for their kids than the poorer (and usually browner/blacker) cities or counties. The state officials can simply say "But we're not discriminating against black students - we're just letting the locals decide how much they want to spend on education."

    If you want an example of Critical Race Theory and how it works in reality, in fact, you'd be hard pressed to find a better one than how we've maintained racial disparities in education despite ostensibly making such discrimination illegal.

    Are Asians considered minorities or White in your reasonings?

  3. 16 hours ago, Qilly55 said:

    Not for nothing but how about we teach more math, science and english.we are falling way behind in these areas.

    And we just keep dividing everything. And cizsing more hate 



    Agreed as I do seem to run across many black (Gen Z) who are illiterate. Rarely do I see the same with white or asian of the same age group.

  4. 14 hours ago, BlackDude said:

    What Is Critical Race Theory?


    And DeSantis has no original ideas or thoughts that resonate with anyone outside of a small echo chamber. Hell, he Barley beat Andrew Gillum.

    He’s now put himself in a trick bag, because when/if Trump runs again, he going to whatever base he has. Real recognize real. And when the platinum plated WS credentials on Donald Trump are presented, DeSantis is going to look like the silver plated, attention who’re that he is.  

    I'm also uninformed as to what exactly is Critical Race Theory.

    This is what I gathered from Google/Wikipedia:

    Critical race theory (CRT) is a cross-disciplinary examination – by social and civil-rights scholars and activists – of how laws, social and political movements, and media shape, and are shaped by, social conceptions of race and ethnicity. Goals include challenging all mainstream and "alternative" views of racism and racial justice, including conservative, liberal, and progressive. The word critical in the name is an academic reference to critical thinking, critical theory, and scholarly criticism, rather than criticizing or blaming people.[1][2]

    I'd be interested in doing some further reading on the subject. Maybe someone can recommend a recent book on the topic.

    • Like 1
  5. 21 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    Which, specifically, "North American and European cultures" have feminized men? I'd be fascinated to know. Or do you mean any time we socialize men into not grunting, belching, farting, and otherwise being obnoxious boors means they're "feminized"?

    American and Western European men. The culture no longer promotes male masculinity in any form of media.

    • Confused 1
  6. I remain attracted to guys based on culture. I prefer guys from backgrounds where men are still encouraged to be manly and masculine. Many North American and European cultures have feminized the men which is cool if you are attracted to that.

  7. 14 hours ago, BlackDude said:

    Anti-white racism? What business, wealth or positions of power do black LGBT people have to practice discriminate against white LGBT people? 

    Not just black. East Asian, South Asian and hispano as well. 

  8. 10 hours ago, BlackDude said:

    My data is based on decades of being black and comparing my experiences with other gay black men.  I don’t need numbers to tell me how me what I know. 

    And it makes no difference if the “majority” of gays are racist or not, because a lot of the ones who aren’t stand by may not like what they see, but are fine with the status quo.

    Lots of anti-white racism in the LGBT. Would love to hear your concerns about that.

  9. On 2/16/2023 at 2:59 PM, BBBxCumDumpster said:

    Wow, i thought it was me and my midwestern upbringing.  When I was growing up, cock was slang for vagina. I thought it was just another oddity of my hometown.  (There, when you didn'thear someone, you would say please and not beg your pardon.) 

    Maybe for that reason, i prefer dick.  I think cocksucker sounds better describing a person, but otherwise I'm strictly dickly.

    Its also a southern thing among older black American men. Living in the south I heard older black men refer to vagina as 'cock'.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Chris42 said:

    This was the one site I was hoping wouldn't get political. Both sides fucking suck.

    Its the sad reality of our lives in the US and other western societies. One can no longer be around any family, friends or co-workers without hearing mindless, endless political 'discussions'.

    (I just nod in agreement and politely change with subject)

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  11. 40 minutes ago, Bttml00king said:

    Thanks @topblkmale. Do you know that the explore fuction can be disabled on Grindr? I have that enabled. Plus, my distance is turned off. He is 10 miles away so I think it is not that easy to find where I am exactly. 

    Yes, I'm aware explore and distance can be turned off. I keep these settings disabled when I'm home. I mainly use Grindr when I travel as I am not interested in doing anything with local guys.

  12. 22 hours ago, Bttml00king said:

    You are right and thanks for the suggestion. Like you said, it is not worth it. In retrospect, a lot of what he said just didn't add up. First, he said he could travel and meet right away. When I asked where, he said he could meet a few hours later and asked me to pick him up. After I declined, he said he could pick me up. I guess he tried to get my address. His questions asking me if I was married and had kids probably a setup to extort me later. 

    Sorry to hear from all the experiences. It is more common than I have thought. What a shitty world that we are living in. 

    I deleted my account after the incident and created a new one. To my surprise, the 19 yo is still active with the same profile photo. I could see his distance from me and his tags are dtf, kissing, roleplay. I have reported him to Grindr but I guess nothing has been done.

    I am really tempted to approach him as a different person and figure out if he is a LEO. I will be smarter this time for sure. 

    Careful. Depending on where you live (suburb, urban, rural) and the distance, he could figure out where you live using the explore function on Grindr. I turn my distance off after I have a shady interaction with someone. But I live in an urban area so someone close-by can figure out where I live just by walking the neighborhood.

  13. 4 hours ago, Bttml00king said:

    How can one be sure to talk to someone who is not lying about his age, especially minors who say they are 19, 20 or 21 on Grindr? 

    I guess not talking to anyone who is below 30 might be safer. 

    If you don't mind sharing, how were you approached by LEOs? And how did you know that they were LEOs? 

    I was approached by a guy first claiming to be 19 years old then later changed their age closer to being 15 years old. Similar to the OP. The chatting back and forth didn't match the age/demographic I was supposedly chatting with. (use of slang/abbreviations) Also alot of the conversation appeared very purposely scripted. After I the guy changed his age and I suspected it was a LEO, I quickly blocked the profile. Blocking a profile removes the chat history on both parties.

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  14. On 2/10/2023 at 10:24 AM, Bottom Jim said:

    Report to Grindr I he continues report to police Make sure you saved he said was 19 now 15

    Reporting this to the local police might not go over too well for none of the parties involved.


    Its quite possible that this WAS actually law enforcement trying to entrap the poster.


    For discretion on Grinder I recommend using disappearing pics and NOT talking to anyone under 21 years of age. There are lots of high school age trans kids on Grindr in my neighborhood. (whole other topic for discussion) I immediately block them if they are too close or make ANY kind of contact with my profile. I live in the NE where there are many local jurisdictions and I have been approached at least twice by LEOs aka 'to catch a predator'.

    • Like 2
  15. 1 hour ago, jimazoid04 said:

    I'm visiting NYC next month. Which of the 2 places do you recommend? I am a chub bottom, so I know i won't be the belle of the ball, but even if all I get is some oral action and get off a few times would be nice. What are some of the facilities the 2 have?  Any info you can give would be great, since the websites are virtually no help.

    Since your younger I would recommend Rainbow Playground Club. Its a play space where you undress at the check in desk where your clothing is stored in a plastic bag. Guys walk around in underwear or less except Tuesday nights which is totally nude. Tell one of the guys working the front reception desk its your first time. They are generally helpful with that. Most sex venues in NYC have a similar set-up.

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  16. On 11/12/2022 at 2:46 PM, detroitsexyitalian said:

    I'm lucky to live not far from bodyzone bathhouse in Detroit.  Late Friday and Saturday night it's 75% black.    It's become increasingly higher percentage black over the years.    Lucky for me....I'm in heaven on those nights.

    Is this place still open? I've never been to Detroit but would love to check it out.

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