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Everything posted by GermanFucker
I like all the "natural" tanlines, i.e. speedo-shaped for a swimmer, shorts for a surfer and of course no tanlines at all. (I'm European, so nudism is quite normal here, even the local public swimming pools have nudist areas or weekly nudist hours). No tan or a workman's tan is fine by me as well. I'm not so much into thong-shaped (just not my thing) and jockstrap-shaped (I like jockstraps on athletes A LOT, but they are for the gym, not for tanning).
I found that many versatile bottoms only fuck younger, boyish types, but when the other guy's older and more masculine they want to be fucked themselves. It's a psychological thing. On the other hand, however, few (versatile) bottoms have problems with being fucked by younger tops. Many find it hot. Other than that: What exactly are your questions???
Is bringing a video camera to a sauna, the done thing?
GermanFucker replied to rapeday's topic in General Discussion
I think the no.1 rule at a sauna should be: what happens at the sauna stays at the sauna. So a definite NO to visible cameras in the common areas. If you take it in a backpack to your room nobody else knows so nobody else cares. But outside the room I'd be pretty pissed to see a guy running around with a camera. As to the question of the sign: if you want to be an anonymous cumdump it might work, but if that means that you just put your ass up in the air and never look around for what's going on in your room, expect your camera to be stolen at some point. In that regard it's better to ask openly if the other guy is into filming you. -
My bad for using two metaphors in the same paragraph, that is indeed confusing. What I said was: A.) Almost all professional athletes pay a price just like almost all barebackers do. But both strive for the glory (of sex the way god intended, in the second case). B.) Soldiers pride themselves not of their injuries, but of their perseverance despite those injuries. The point of pride is the soldier lifestyle, not the fact that for a brief moment on the battlefield they got bested . Statistically, of course, yes it is. THERE IS A VERY HIGH CORRELATION. But as always: Coincidence doesn't equal causality. HIV doesn't make you a barebacker (Everyone can mention countless examples to the contrary). The only thing that makes you a barebacker is the decision to have unsafe sex. As a subculture, maybe. But at the same time I think it's a stereotype. Just like only a few of us gays are drag queens, only a few get a thrill out of actually getting infected, whereas every man gets a thrill out of seeding orifices. Having risky sex - as an expression of youthful foolishness - and bug chasing - i.e. intentionally seeking a chronic disease - is not the same. Most guys who fuck bareback just want to fuck around without rubbers. They want to be close to their fellow men and NOT CARE ABOUT HIV, instead of fetishizing HIV.
After reading some of the replies on the "Florida man busted for giving teen HIV" that quite frankly made my stomach turn, I felt the need to make a statement. I know, this is the internet and lots of the stuff said on the internet is bullshit, and on every forum that deals with sex at least a fifth of the guys are provocateurs, yet virgins in real life. Still, I refuse to believe that ALL barebackers are either sociopaths or trolls. If we have no sense of basic honor, of history and brotherhood, barebacking as a concept has no meaning. And if barebacking has no meaning, we could use condoms because it's all the same anyway. AT ITS CORE, BAREBACKING IS NOT ABOUT AIDS. HIV is something that comes with the territory, it's something to be accepted (if it's your thing, even enjoyed), but it's not what makes the barebacker. Just like joint pains and injuries are something professional athletes have to deal with. It's not what they strive for - that would be olympic medals, but it's something they willingly accept. Just the same a soldier will take pride in his battle scars, but he will not try to get shot because that is not his purpose. He does what he does because of what he is, not because of battlefield souvenirs. At it's core, barebacking is about manliness, about LIVING LIFE ON YOUR OWN TERMS, about being what you were meant to be. To me, being a man means 4 things: - INSTINCT - FREEDOM TO CHOOSE - BROTHERHOOD - RESPONSIBILITY INSTINCT. It is a man's function on earth to breed. Plain, pure and simple. Only by giving in to our most basic desires we self-actualize as men. It is during the very moment of fucking we truly become what we were meant to be. Total focus. Just like the athlete in his strive to be the best we strip ourselves of inhibitions and distractions. Noone would instinctively use a condom. It's a cultural imposition on a natural process. By losing the condom we give up society's approval for what feels instinctively right, for our birthright as men. FREEDOM TO CHOOSE. But most of all, it's about choice. At its core, we have unsafe sex not because it makes sense or because we are mentally ill or because we are poz or because of peer pressure, but simply because it is our choice and we choose to do so. Because we are aware of the consequences and accept them and we don't have to explain or apologize for any of it. The same goes for all the associated choices, i.e. with whom to bareback and inhowfar we seek out risk and HIV. In that regard our personal choices might be slightly different, but they are valid. Just the same as I expect someone else to respect my choices, I will respect his. Doesn't mean I will have sex with him, it just means I don't preach as I myself don't wanna be preached to. BROTHERHOOD. It is this bond of respect for - what in the eyes of society at large might be excentrical or dangerous - another man's way of life, that makes us brothers. Though choice is an individual act, by realizing its scope and significance and that we are all equals when it comes to the choice of barebacking we do form a community. However this also means that I have no right to take my fellow man's choices away from him. If a guy is offering up his ass bareback in a backroom, he made his choice. However, if he doesn't fully understand the consequences of his actions, he cannot really make an informed choice. I cannot be somebody elses brother if I betray or mislead or abuse him. Lying and stealthing is not ok. The glory of bareback sex is the willingness of the other to buckle up and choose for himself to walk on the wild side with me. Why would I cheapen that by being dishonest? RESPONSIBILITY. Responsibility also means not spitting into the eye of those who came before us and often didn't choose to die of HIV / AIDS. If a 22-year old (who has never lost anyone he cared for) proclaims that he wants to go "all the way" and that he wants to take as many others as possible with him, how does that sound to a survivor of the AIDS crisis, to whom barebacking started out as an act of defiance against a cruel fate and way of making sense of things? HIV shouldn't be spread beyond those who want it. Of course it's not that easy, but we should at least try. To me, barebacking is a celebration of life and of being a man. But one cannot celebrate with someone who isn't a man or doesn't value life. Because it's meaningless.
How many guys have you ever had in a 24 hour period?
GermanFucker replied to mcmeddler's topic in General Discussion
About the same here: around 20 guys, 6 of them got my load. -
Only inasfar as you can actually understand the consequences of your actions. Of course there are degrees, shades of grey so to say. I've seen 15-year-olds who could pass for 21 and who tell others they are. But that's exactly why courts shouldn't be automatons doling out prepackaged sentences. 200 years ago society's knowlegde of psychology was completely different. The evolution of this field is just one of the reasons why today gay sex, which was once considered dangerous and insane, has been decriminalized (because it's consensual), whereas e.g. rape within marriage has become a criminal offense. Statuatory rape laws reflect developmental psychology. They don't do it perfectly, but don't pretend it's all arbitrary. Sorry to be blunt, but your knowlegde of developmental psychology doesn't seem up to date. It is decidedly more complicated than that. Yes, adolescents today are sexualized at a much earlier age, but that seems to have the contrary effect of prolonging puberty, with youngsters achieving full independence later in life. Today many teenagers are confronted with more stuff to deal with while having less tools to do so. Apparently, an infection did take place. And yes, if you lie and trick somebody into getting pozzed OR if you abuse a boy's lack of maturity, that is a crime. It is the same as if I talked you into SM and then neutered you or cut off your finger. Infecting someone with HIV IS inflicting body harm - which is only ok, if there is FULL CONSENT. If that is the case, I have no problem with it. But I seriously don't see that as being the case here. And I do realize the inherent unfairness that a poz guy - that is, if he's not on meds or practising safer sex - has to take bigger precations because of an illness that often was not of his choosing. An acquaintance of mine got sued because he failed to disclose, even though he was on meds AND used comdoms. That was seriously messed up. But gee, give me a break, that is SOOOOOOOOO not the case here. Sorry, but in light of the fact that the kid DID get pozzed, that is just turning my stomach.
The preliminary test was positive, according to CBS: http://miami.cbslocal.com/2012/09/07/sunrise-man-hiv-positive-arrested-after-sex-with-teen-boy/
@ Pig Bottom Agreed! I find the "it's his own fault" argument expecially disingenuous when talking about teenagers. Even if they know better, they have no real life experience, which means if they like and trust you they can be talked into pretty much anything (that's also why the Nazi party targeted that age group specifically). If you don't know what HIV / AIDS means, if you haven't seen or experienced it within your peer group or circle of friends, Safer Sex is just an arbitrary abstract. That's why there are age of consent laws. Because we as adults have more life experience and therefore there cannot be such a thing as truly consensual sex with a minor. Period. A friend of mine made the mistake of trusting a prolific gift giver that he was neg. The reason why he didn't press charges when my friend got infected was that he felt he should have known better, that he had the experience to judge the situation and that he misjudged it. Doesn't make the other guy less of a piece of shit. In the above case there isn't even that excuse. The guy infected a fucking kid. That's despicable. And all you guys who want to blame it on the 15-year old: Are you for real? Are you still sane?
I kinda agree and disagree at the same time. I agree in the sense that, damn right, I am my own personal bareback hero. For my own personal reasons (As should everyone else be). The main reason being: For me it's purely about unsafe sex. Not about bugs, not about drugs, nor any fetish at all. Man on man butt sex with cum ending up the hole, be it a huge big city bareback sex party or seeding a guy from the rural parts of the state one-on-one. I cherish the whole bandwidth of unprotected sex, not just the "slut lifestyle". Im just a real man and to us real men using a rubber is unthinkable. I disagree in that, while we shouldn't worry, we should still care. There's a difference between knowing the risks while living life your own way and not giving a fuck about yourself and others. Indifference is poison. Other than myself my bareback heros are: My 23-yo top (we do threesomes or I'll piss on him and we jack off to porn) fuckbuddy for his talent of talking safe-sex only guys into barebacking. Like myself, unsafe sex is completely natural to him and that's what wins the boys over almost every time. I soo got a soft spot for that little nasty fucker. My 46-yo vers. (in my case, bottom) fuckbuddy. An African-American living in Germany, he's just the grand master of fucking. He combines experience, energy and heft with an effortless sensuality. Cumming in his ass is like the gospel of seed opening up to you and making total sense. Stephen Cox for his seminal (pun intended) 2003-2008 blog. If a guy not only bares his ass, but his soul, that's powerful. Nothing else comes even remotely close.
I agree. Also it sometimes makes sense to ask about behaviour beforehand. E.g. if a test has a certain number of false positives, that can mean that for the average person it's more likely to be a false positive, whereas for a slut with his higher risk level it's far more likely that its not. Knowing about the behaviour can help the nurse or doctor proceed and prepare the testee accordingly. HOWEVER, it's not ok to pry against the will of the one getting tested. Personally I am always friendly with the nurses while leaving room for interpretation. My standard answer is along the lines of: "I'm here to do my civic duty. I'm still young and therefore have a very active sex life. I know ALL about safe sex and I look out for myself (which can mean anything). No specific risky contact comes to mind (there were far to many). But one can never be 100% certain. That's why I'm just here to get tested." I am not shameful about myself, never get defensive or agressive. I wear a sincere smile that implies "Hey, I'm on your side". And I NEVER get bothered.
Couldn't agree more. Three tops to one bottom is cool, have done that several times, but if it's a five-way (i.e. not a highly-ritualized gang-bang setting) or more you NEED a second bottom for all to have fun. Otherwise tops will get bored and the mood will sour if the bottom starts asking for a time-out after a few hours of fucking.
I would try to, but fail. Even I myself couldn't talk me into bottoming.
Good looking face vs toned/muscled body
GermanFucker replied to vrsbbltn's topic in General Discussion
I'll admit to being shallow in that I don't fuck guys with seriously hideous faces. I also don't like the soft, doughy body type. Only if the V-shape is present and the arms aren't exactly twigs, considerable belly fat is ok. But other than that it's all relative. A guy has got to be interesting. He has got to have that certain something, i.e. a body to befit his personality and that lust for life in the eyes. -
My experience (though somewhat limited as I only witnessed them at group scenes etc. ) is that guys who are able to have rock hard errections with cock rings (like me), don't need them in the first place (like me). Problem is: FAR too many guys want to do drugs and fuck up their ability to have a great, natural errection - the coveted "diamond cutter". I've experimented with cock rings a little and find them interesting, but not quite right for me. The swollen feeling makes my dick less sensitive and they do delay the orgasm. Instead of a single, hefty rush of endorphines, it's more like a stuttering car engine, you come bit by bit rather than all at once. In my experience - if you got problems / or if you just like to experiment - the right dose of the right boner pill (some guys react better to sildenafil, others to tadalafil) is far more enjoyable than a cock ring.
I am a top. I don't bottom.
For me it's just the other way round, I like it in a tag-team / gang bang setting or an orgy with like-minded guys: Mixing cum builds a sense of community amongst tops.
It looks good in porn and is the only way to show clearly that the guy is being seeded. If the other guy stayed inside he could be faking his orgasm. That's why it's hot in porn, because you see the guys not only bareback, they go all the way. In real life it doesn't make sense.
So basically it's a better, more acurate test for blood samples. Which is a really good thing. More precise knowledge never hurts. But I think the old caveats still apply: Viral load in other body tissues and fluids (e.g. semen) might differ or lag slightly compared to blood. Also current meds can not really reach the virus in the resting parts of the immune system, so there always is a reservoir (i.e. If you go off meds, HIV will come back with a vengance). Other infections like syphillis, HepC etc. can also still lead to a transient spike in viral load. What I would take away from this: You seem to be taking good care of yourself and the therapy is working great. Your risk of infecting others is there, but it's minute, i.e. the risk is largely theoretical. It could happen. But so can condom breakage oder nuclear terrorism.
viral load and viral count is basically the same thing: the number of virus copies per amount of blood. semen is not good for testing the viral load as it can vary more and changes in viral load can have a delay. i.e. in the blood you see it right away if meds work, with cum it can take much longer to notice effects. it's just not practical. cd4 is the number of of CD4+ type t lymphocytes aka t helper cells. there are others like cd8+ and they matter as well to doctors, but for a basic picture of how much HIV has progressed, one looks at cd4+ cells first. numbers can vary from adult to adult, so relative changes are more important than absolute numbers. as a rule of thumb: 1000 is about average for a healthy human, 200 or less means AIDS.
Are Your Porn Consumption Habits Changing?
GermanFucker replied to rawTOP's topic in Bareback Porn Discussion
Is my porn consumption changing?.... yeah I think so. Ten years ago when bareback was new average guys swapping loads were so much hotter than greek-god-like porn megastar having safe sex. Over time this led to an avalanche of sub-par bareback porn, a habitat for jaded drug addicts and mediocre wannabes. If I want amateurs I don't need to buy a DVD or a website subscription for that. Millions of guys with iPhones give that away for free, and among these are thousands of hotties. Plus you can chat with them and if you friend them on Grindr you might even hook up for real. It's like cheap reality TV: Fuck that scripted bullshit pretending to be the real thing. I want either the real real thing or high quality fiction. So as for porn: Sometimes I'm in the mood for real amateurs, then I'll visit CAM4 or so. And when I lust for scripted porn, I'll chose quality options like Sean Cody that have guys with nice bodies and great smiles who were made for doing porn. Bareback, of course My rule of thumb: Porn should be at least as good as the memories I have of the last ten years barebacking. If not I'll jack off to to the porn in my head starring me. -
IMHO the thing is: You can't have both: A truly honest discussion and an atmosphere that leads to sex. If I want you to bend over, I won't necessarily lie, but I will present only one side of me: The tall muscled hunk with that boyish smile and depraved intellect. If someone presents himself in a negative light a potential mate will move on to the next available male who's giving the impression he's got it all figured out. Once sex is involved, all bets are off.
POZ TOPS, do you always tell a bottom that you are poz ?
GermanFucker replied to not_sure_bb's topic in General Discussion
To me the important question is: Why? Not that it's not a legitimate preference. Some people can only have sex in oversized pink bunny costumes. Who am I to judge. You should consider the reasons you feel the need to know even though you're playing safe. Is it because you play safe until you don't, be it after the third beer or because you ran out of condoms with a guy. Is it because you fear stealthers? Is it because of prejudice (reality is: we are all prejudiced one way or another, it doesn't make you a bad person as long as you realize it and not let it control you). Without wanting to be a party-pooper: You should always take forums like Breedingzone with a grain of salt. Lots of stuff on here is bovine manure. Guy who develop AIDS within a year but then claim to be HVL gifting studs for another decade.. Yeah, right. Most pozzing stories are, to use the Freudian term, fictions of omnipotence, but fictions nonetheless. Most poz guys are sane, care for their own health and are not on a mission of destruction. You should ask yourself what makes you tick and maybe talk to some real-life poz guys, just as normal human beings, even if you don't end up fucking. Being gay, even being a slut, doesn't mean that you have to have sex with EVERYONE. There is no obligation, no logical progression. The only purpose of life is living it. -
I hate that kind of story. Because firstly it's somebody's word against somebody other's word and secondly, it's a matter of nuances. Of course lying there with your ass in the air usually is an invitation for sex. But on the other hand there are vanilla types who visit sleazy joints with their boyfriends to spice up their sex lives. In the last decade of fucking around I've seen everything. Between slut and saint you can run across everything out there. It's like the old saying: If you assume you make an ass out of u and me. In the end we may never know what really happend. That's why the whining pisses me off. Everyone identifies with one aspect of the story, relevant or not, and sees just that because it fits his own standpoint. The prudes scream rape, some poz sluts see persecution. But do we know what really happened? Not really. That's why discussing such events seems kinda pointless to me.
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