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Everything posted by GermanFucker

  1. Some parts of the site are still available using the WayBack machine at www.archive.org. The original URL was cuteboybbparty.com
  2. Just out of curiosity: Why Flash and not HTML5 ? Flash is a major pain in the ass, isn't it finally time to abandon it now there's a better alternative? (Not meant as a criticism, maybe there are good reasons I don't see yet.)
  3. I think that is the most important point: If someone puts some effort into writing you a personal message (i.e. not a standardized message sent out by the hundreds), it's only fair to reply in kind. Just ignoring a basically nice person because he isn't your cup of tea sexually is kinda dickish.
  4. Victim, really? A sticks and stones thing comes to mind here. I, personally, am completely self-assured. I don't get insulted easily (not on chat sites at least, I do have my honor, i.e. if e.g. some I respect calls me a liar, I do get insulted. Just not by chicken-shit.). If someone lacks the self-esteem to deal with rejection, that is his problem, not mine. If he starts to send angry messages, I don't worry about them one nano-second. I do believe in karma, so I try to be as open, honest and friendly - in one word: sincere - as possible. I might use sentences like: "You are an attractive guy and I'm sure you'll find plenty of other tops here. You're just not 100% the type I go for instinctively." "I find you sexy, but I'm looking for something different, specific right now." "I read in your profile that you like sex while being high. I don't do drugs - ever. I respect your preferences, I just don't think we'll "click". Sex should be enjoyable for both of us and I'm sure you also will enjoy it more with someone else who shares your tastes." "I won't force you to do anything, but I do know what I want (i.e. bareback, seeding your ass etc.). You seem unsure about what you want, so I have got the feeling this will lead to nothing. Feel free to contact me again once you know definitively." "Sorry, but I'm on my way to the gym" There are exceptions of course: If someone doesn't make the effort to at least let me know what he wants from me, I can be curt. If someone contacts me for the 10,000th time, I usually get sardonic ("As always: Thanks, but no thanks")
  5. @BrisFuck: Your symptoms could very well be from HIV, though usually they start a bit later than just one week after exposure, they could also be from a myriad of other diseases. As HungLatinDom said, an ELISA antibody test should catch a large percentage of infections (~80%) after 4-6 weeks, but a repeat test approx. 3 months later is necessary to be "100%" sure. What you can do after 2 weeks is a PCR test, which searches directly for virus DNA in your blood. In Europe it's usually not covered by health insurance and costs around 100 € / 100 £ . Don't know about Australia, though.
  6. Now THAT is the interesting question. I have found that there are two alternatives: 1.) Weak minds use drugs to become uninhibited and to later have an excuse why they behaved "out of character". 2.) Strong, mature adults (regardless of age) just realize what they really want and then DECIDE to let go of their fear. You gotta be one with yourself ("zen"), which is somewhat harder to achieve, but then it's the easiest thing in the world. P.S.: Topping a bottom of unknown status is at least as risky as taking an undetectable load.
  7. It's not. Usually when one starts HAART, the viral load in the blood decreases much faster than e.g. in semen. Therefore the recommendation that one should be successfully on meds for some time before doing away with condoms. That's because guys buy condoms too large for their dicks or store them improperly. If one knows how to use condoms, it's far closer to 100%. Its the same as for undetectable guys: You gotta do it right for it to work.
  8. If he is undetectable, there is a very, very low risk of infection. Other than that: It is your choice and you should listen to noone else but yourself when it comes to your health and the risks you take. Do what feels right TO YOU. (On a side note: I am convinced that at least 90% of all "should I" threads are purely for masturbation purposes. Or are guys that easily find their way to a bareback website both so uninformed about HIV and so unsure sexually that they need to ask?)
  9. By now it's not so much a question of belief anymore, there is considerable data supporting this view. Studies on the subject have to be taken with a grain of salt (like the one done in Switzerland), as they mostly deal with monogamous heterosexual couples, but the main points are valid nonetheless: Someone who (a) has been undetectable for quite some time, ( adheres to his therapy regimen, © doesn't do too many drugs (blackouts, forgetting to take meds or check up on other STDs) and (d) watches out for other STDs in general poses a very low risk. There is always some risk, but in this case it is as low as other general life risks, e.g. getting hit by a car or a broken condom when having safer sex. By far not as risky as sleeping bareback with just anyone (i.e. unknown status), the exact number would depend on the exact make-up of the group you use for comparison / as a reference point.
  10. BECOMES ????????? It already is. Maybe it's different in the United States (you guys e.g. have considerably higher HIV prevalence rates than Germany) and in big cities like New York (were barebackers form a distinct group). My experience is a completely different one. I am a "normal guy" who lives in medium sized city (~100.000 inhabitants, with a larger metropolitan area to the one side and nothing but forests and fields in the other direction) who fucks around mostly with other "normal guys". Guys say they use condoms, but if you hit the right buttons, they really don't (e.g. small town guys amongst each other fuck bareback because everyone knows everyone, young guys because they are young etc.). If you define "the norm" as what is societally accepted, then it's not. If you define it as what the guys want and what really happens, it already is. Safer sex is mostly lip service here ).
  11. Cars are great for pocket gays. For us tall guys not so much *LOL.
  12. I've done all of the above. Adult video store, cheap hotel and sauna / bathhouse (probably my favorite of the three). But if it's just for a quick fuck (or if I'm not quite sure about the guy yet, so I don't want to unnecessarily spend money): The restrooms of the local college or just the woods.
  13. I think there might be a difference between OR nurses and nurses in general. I know that surgeons - due to the risk of cuts (bones can be very sharp) - have to disclose. Another field is aviation, where it is usually no problem for flight attendants on domestic flights to be poz, but there are problems on international flights, as these FAs cannot be used on routes to countries with archaic HIV laws.
  14. That is not quite correct. Usually it takes 8-10 years for an HIV infection to turn into AIDS and become lethal. However, that is just a statistical average. Just like there are slow progressors and long-term-nonprogressors, for whom it takes 20-30 years to develop AIDS - or whose bodies are able to control HIV for the rest of their lives, there are also fast progressors. Just a few percent in both cases, but still.... It's all a question of genetics, some are lucky, others have genes that make them die of AIDS within a year or so (without medication). That's why monitoring an HIV infection is important, because for these few percent, it is imperative to start antiretroviral therapy early.
  15. Who's to blame for that? IMHO it's lesbians and HIV/AIDS. Twenty years ago, when all the interesting gay men were busy either dying of AIDS or caring for partners and friends who were, lesbians took over the LGBT political agenda. And as nesters, their goal was a completely different: Marriage and children.
  16. I kinda have a thing for Charlie Hunnam (SOA Charlie Hunnam more than QAF Charlie Hunnam *LOL). Other than that I like tall muscular guys. With pocket gays I always fear that I might break them. My ideal bareback foursome would probably be with (US NFL player) Rob Gronkowski (PIC), (German discus thrower) Robert Harting (PIC) and (French judoka) Teddy Riner (PIC).
  17. Frankly I don't believe that at all (beyond how AIDS had an effect). I am convinced that 80 percent of all gays were always quite boring instead of fabulous. But while these 80 percent once were in the closet or formed a mostly silent majority, today these 80 percent are not only openly gay, their voice is also amplified by the media. Most of them are the customers IKEA and Subaru lust for (DINKs, i.e. double income, no kids). Their boring bourgeoise livestyle suddenly matters, because they have money to spend.
  18. In Berlin the question is not safe or bareback (nobody fucks safe there anymore), it's what kind of bareback you prefer: youngsters, fetish, poz only, older guys etc. It's just a giant feast, that's why all the gays in Germany call it "Barelin" *LOL.
  19. I think the fact that barebacking is less risky for tops made it easier for bareback bottoms to get fucked when barebacking "was new" eight to ten years ago. Because there was a surplus of unsafe tops and a shortage of bareback bottoms. I can remember a lot of less attractive bottoms getting fucked surprisingly often because they were the first willing to go raw. Now that unsafe is the new normal I think the odds have evened out, there are just as many tops and bottoms among bareback fuckers as there are among safe sex adherents or the gay population in general. IMHO it has reverted to the old economic model of sex: Whoever wants it (i.e. that specific sexual encounter to happen) more, will more likely agree to the terms of the other. Whoever is more "attractive" in the eyes of the other is able to dictate the terms. Hypothetically: If I was totally smitten with a guy I might be talked into using rubbers. If the guy is just another fuck I will immediately move on to the next.
  20. I frankly can't remember the last time I was "disgusted" sexually. I'm just not that squeamish. However, I do know what I like and I communicate that before sex. For example: I prefer to fuck clean asses. I don't like drugs. So I do get pissed off if a guy just doesn't care enough to clean out or tricks me into shit-fucking him, because he prefers it dirty. Or if he suddenly starts using during sex. Sex should be fun for both. So if our interests don't match, why not find someone else? There are many druggies or fans of the brown stuff out there. Just because I have a big dick or I fit your idea of a hot hunk, doesn't give you the right to put your needs above mine. So yeah, thinking about it that way, what disgusts me is disrespectful SOBs.
  21. I like both: Regular fuckbuddies and fleeting encounters. But even with anonymous sex "there has to be some type of response on his part", as RawPozLust said. A look, a smile or some friendly words before or after sex, just a basic human connection. Guys that are just "holes" (i.e. many of whom are drug users) frankly bore me to death. I fucked enough guys for ten lifetimes already and I'm barely in my thirties, so I'm really familiar with the basic mechanics. Sex to me should be more than that, an adventure, an interesting experience.
  22. I like all the "natural" tanlines, i.e. speedo-shaped for a swimmer, shorts for a surfer and of course no tanlines at all. (I'm European, so nudism is quite normal here, even the local public swimming pools have nudist areas or weekly nudist hours). No tan or a workman's tan is fine by me as well. I'm not so much into thong-shaped (just not my thing) and jockstrap-shaped (I like jockstraps on athletes A LOT, but they are for the gym, not for tanning).
  23. I found that many versatile bottoms only fuck younger, boyish types, but when the other guy's older and more masculine they want to be fucked themselves. It's a psychological thing. On the other hand, however, few (versatile) bottoms have problems with being fucked by younger tops. Many find it hot. Other than that: What exactly are your questions???
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