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About PigDickNYC

  • Birthday 11/11/1961

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    I have been forced to remove my photos and basically create a nondescript profile all due to the fragile psych of a vicious queen that I had the misfortune of hooking up with. He feels that it is his "responsibility" to broadcast to my family and management at work a part of my life that is deeply personal to me. I won't mention his name here, but he has a profile on NKP, and I feel that it is MY responsibility to warn my brothers on an individual basis, lest they fall victim to him as well.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
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  1. “Please SIR, may I have some more?” 🐷
  2. My first fuck by a hot man with a pierced cock is what inspired me to get a PA of my own. ABSOLUTELY NO REGRETS!!
  3. I would HIGHLY recommend Dr. Stephen Goldstone whose office is in Chelsea on 23rd Street. He's considered an expert in the field of HPV and anal cancer, and is credited with bringing HRA (High Resolution Anoscopy) into the mainstream as a diagnostic tool. This man is the REAL DEAL. Click here for his bio: [think before following links] https://anchorstudy.org/laser-surgery-care/team/steven-goldstone
  4. If I was only in NYC,  mmm 👄

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  5. Hope I can count on you for a load or two while I'm in the city!!!

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    1. PigDickNYC


      Of course!!  When will you be in town?  Impressive profile…it doesn’t surprise me that you’re a writer.  I was a bottom for many years, caught up in the pnp Chen scene.  When I embraced sobriety, lo and behold, a breeding top was born!!  I’ve been off meds for 5 months now, solely for the purpose of actively breeding men and boys.  Like you, I have a special interest in the 20-something  boys, but  the opportunity to breed one that young doesn’t come often.  Mike is my name.  646-819-3359.  Hit me up when you’ll be in town.

    2. bentover4u1972


      Unfortunately my work travel schedule has shifted and my original dates at the end of August won't work anymore, so I'm planning on Sept. 25-27. If I get a chance to get into the city before then I will definitely let you know!

  6. I’ve been following this thread and I’m really pleased by the level of support that you’ve been receiving from well wishers spanning two continents. The guys have been with you every step of the way, and it highlights the sense of community that exists in BZ. It swells my heart and my pierced cock!! Btw, your PA is HOT. Show it off with pride!! 🐷
  7. I too have long admired the aesthetic of a PA, but didn’t believe that it was “right for me”. A few months ago I walked into a tattoo parlor with an appointment to have my nipples pierced. While I was being shown the selection of hardware, I casually asked the artist if PA’s were in his skill set, and my thought of it not suiting my personality. He replied that he was experienced in all forms of genital piercings, and to consider that body modification of any kind is a reflection of the personality of the person wearing it. I walked out of the appointment with un-pierced nipples, but a nice piece dangling off the tip of my dick. One of the best gifts that I ever gave myself in so many ways. At that moment PigDickNYC was born, brimming with newly found confidence which has extended beyond the bedroom. I hope that your experience proves to be as meaningful to you as it’s been to me. Oh, just a quick pinch… not too painful. You’ll be showing it off in a few weeks. Best of luck!!! 🐷
  8. Fuck I wish I had seen your profile while I was in NYC months ago... I hope to visit again soon and I would want to be knocked up.

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  9. Nice profile! Popped you a DM.

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  10. Loved your profile, that is very generous of you to make a place available for those seeing to breed.  

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    1. PigDickNYC


      Thanks for the kind words.  If you’re ever in NYC, you’re more than welcome to visit.

  11. Do you really want this? If you do, then it’s time to take off your little boy pants and take a cock. Doesn’t necessarily have to be mine, although I hope that it will be. If you’re not ready, that ok as well. If so, wait until you’re ready before posting here. Breeders take their role seriously and prefer to keep their attention on likeminded bottoms. Not scolding you, rather trying to help you understand. 😘
  12. FYI, this the cock that will breed your virgin hole… I kind of really want you.
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