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Everything posted by PozToxVersPig

  1. If anyone opened my Amazon boxes there's be some questions:

    1. 1 gallon pump container of silicone lube
    2. 1 jock strap that reads "TOXIC CUMWHORE"
    3. 1 jock strap with a biohaz symbol on the front, and "TOXIC CUMDUMP" on the back waist band
    4. 1 jock strap that just has repeating "TOXIC" and "BIOHAZ" symbols all over the fabric
    5. 3 pack of thick permanent markers
    6. A lube injector

    I don't have enough space to post pictures.


  2. #2 only! I need that jizz in me to charge me up. If we wanna push a little out so you can see my hole be all wrecked and cumsloppy, fine with me, but you better be getting another dudes load on the way to fill me up again! 🙂
  3. Probably gonna be an unpopular response but my answer is YES, I do, and I'm about to start making neg dudes chasing sign a release of liability. It fucking sucks but I'm serious. I got scared shitless just recently when some guy in a group situation threatened to call the cops because I (according to him) was too high to have the ability to consent to sex, let alone with HIV positive guys. He wanted the cops to legit come arrest the dudes. (Wrote about it here) Shit end to some hot nasty fucking. The bottom isn't ever liable in most any case, but the top is by law required to tell the receiving party about their status prior to sexual activity and the bottom must be of sound mind to consent. I put my status on my profiles, front and center for this reason. It still becomes a he said he said situation though if you tell the guy, and then the next morning the bottom has remorse and says "oh, he never told me that." Now you're charged with "Attemped Murder" - seriously, that's the charge. I don't stealth for a similar reason...and honestly, a really slutty bottom who begs for HIV is so much hotter to me than some dude who's just clueless. The Bathhouse/gloryhole/anon scenario is tough. I'm not gonna stress about that one for now because I love getting bred that way and I don't care what their status is and I won't change my mind about wanting their load. But all bottoms are not like me....
  4. I went to Wet N Hot in 2019 with three friends. Two of us stayed at the venue, the other two stayed a short (walkable if you wanted) distance away. If your entire goal is 100% piss related, the event hotel is where to be. It's pretty much like an indoor/outdoor bathhouse and doors remain open a lot of the day and night. A lot of the piss play happens outside, with fucking happening in the rooms all night. You can totally shut the door and take a break, which was nice to do during the day (it's fucking hot), plus being able to rinse off. Pros/Cons of offsite room - CON: our friends hated Lyfting or walking to the hotel at the end of the day because as much as you try, you still smell like piss and look like you've been gangbanged. So the end of their nights were kinda a come down. PRO: we were also interested in getting some action with some other dudes in PSP while there, and we ended up using their room for separate awesome group sessions with some really hot guys. It would not have made sense for these guys to come to the vent hotel, so having the offsite location worked out great. So that's one thing I'd say - PSP has a ton of guys online, all ages, all types, but a pretty good population of dudes who fuck. We started reaching out a few weeks before the trip and between the four of us had quite the list of guys. I'd definitely do the same. I've done this in other cities but it worked out really well in PSP for whatever reason. I agree with @tomzefis that nothing is gonna compare to Berlin in terms of next level pig/[banned word] action, but likely much more expensive. (I just learned about this party in Berlin - damn, I wish we had something like that). I salivated over the rules!
  5. Hard agree. Hence my comment about pussy / cunt. If they like it, I'll use it. If they don't (like the guy that's fucked me several times this week) I leave it out. The problem is I'm typically the more verbal - only had a few tops that were more verbal than me while fucking. In terms of modifiers, I'd add "toxic" "charged" and "poz" and occasionally "wrecked" "tore up" and "faggot" (as in faggot cumdump). I'm getting hard.
  6. Hey @viking8x6 - rather than starting a new thread, I'll ask here but if it should be separate let me know. I understand the storage and size restrictions for photos on the site and as you already helped with, that videos were never and are not hostable here on the site. So here are my questions: If I want to post photos elsewhere (some type of cloud storage), are their approaches that do/do not work? I interpreted the "INSERT IMAGE FROM URL" under OTHER MEDIA ability to mean that if I had a secondary storage location (e.g. cloud) I could reference photos there if there were no security limitations. So I tried uploading the photos to both OneDrive and DropBox, then created a "public link" to the photo. In both cases, it didn't work to show the photo from the secondary location. Is there a good way to store media elsewhere and what would you recommend? Same question for Videos - I uploaded videos to Bareback Bastards but the site sucks. I'm not that worried about it but is there something that works better? I've challenged myself post-divorce to get more pics/vids of my adventures so I like to incorporate them and frankly I like sharing - just figuring out how best to do it. thanks for your help!
  7. I chose hole. I'm really verbal during sex, especially if I'm getting poz fucked, and hole rolls off the tongue easier than other words when you're getting fucked hard. Cumhole, cumdumpster (referring to myself and my holes). I avoid pussy and cunt because both of those tend to be galvanizing one way or the other. Some guys are okay with it, some guys aren't, so unless it's introduced by the top, I don't use. I've been asked a few times (not many) how I come up with how to talk dirty/poz talk while getting fucked, and it's legit not something I even think about. It just comes out. It generally follows the idea that I want their dirty load in my hole. The thought of that inspires me. I wanna know who uses entry/entrance and how that works in to a sexy phrase.
  8. I think a lot of people still know the basics, but it isn't really used to indicate sexual preference anymore especially in the age of the apps. Yellow = piss, red = fisting, blue = anal - these are the common ones you'll see. Right versus left is more ambiguous - there isn't really a position for "vers." I tend to wear a red and blue jock in most situations, and my favorite harness is black with a very thin yellow trim. The need for the code is thankfully a mostly bygone era. Today, we're more overt. I'm going to a sex party Saturday, and I found jockstraps online that had words on the waistband like "CUMDUMP" "TOXIC CUMWHORE" "PISS PIG" "FISTING SLUT" "CUMSLUT" "BREED ME" "CUM INSIDE ME" and "TOXIC." Makes it much easier to know what's up. Also - biohaz or scorpion symbols indicate HIV positivity. There's a lot of apparel and accessories with those symbols on it as the poz community embraces these symbols. I've seen several neg friends buy shirts, necklaces, etc. with these symbols on them and wear them out, only to be asked by friends "OMG, I had no idea you were poz." They weren't and aren't, they just didn't understand the symbol.
  9. If you at some point overcame any reservations to being super visible in online sex videos or similar, what got you over the hump of doing so? What did you face in doing so? How did you handle it?
  10. I've recently become much less concerned with having videos taken during fuck sessions, as well as posting them online. I really like it--and video is good advertising! 🙂 My face is never featured, and I definitely respect the boundaries of anyone participating. That said, I have a substantial number of tattoos on my body which are all custom and incredibly distinctive. Anyone that knows me would know what they look like and would identify me instantly based on the ink alone. So why wouldn't I just make and post videos that featured all of me - I'm not trying to be a porn star, but what harm is there in being able to see who I am? If you think even more simply, why wouldn't every profile photo on sites like this, BBRT, etc. not feature a face pic? Assuming I were "discovered" --- Could my employer terminate me for having these types of videos? Yes. I imagine they'd face a pretty significant discrimination lawsuit - because what's the difference between someone having a channel about making cupcakes and me having a channel about having sex? Both are legal. Could it create professional challenges? Sure, among my company colleagues as well as customers/partners/etc., this may shift their opinion about me and that opinion could stifle collaboration, or establish my "reputation." If I were to apply for jobs, it could be used to disqualify me I imagine. What would I say to my family and friends about this? Most families don't have open, direct conversations about sexuality and this level of visibility would cause loved ones to either crawl immediately into their shell or trigger rare types of conversations. "Sex work," "pornography," and those associated with it (even the most vanilla versions) still endure substantial stigma and must accept that will be part of their life. HIV positive people endure similar. So even though it's not right that, it is reality. But why am I afraid of talking about these parts of my life? I've been open about being HIV positive for years, but do I talk about being off-meds? No, not yet. Just an example. So, if I'm engaged in consent-based activities and video them because I like to and don't care about sharing with others who might enjoy it, what's the problem? Very few people who aren't in my gay-tribe would even ever encounter it, unless it was sent to "out" me. But what am I being outed for? This was triggered by a recent hookup - he liked being video'd and wanted it posted, etc. but gave a 10-minute tutorial first about the angles that would hide his incredibly generic tattoo so he couldn't be recognized. Literally, there are probably 10,000 people in Denver alone with the same tattoo that are also gay....(compared to tattoos like mine). And this was a vanilla hookup -- me getting my dick sucked and me fucking this guy. But as much as he wanted to be recorded and to show-off, the fear of being discovered for exploring his sexual likes was terrifying to him. This seems so similar to me being an open barebacker and unashamedly having sex with POZ guys while these things were still VERY [banned word] and maligned by the gay and straight community alike. The early 2000s-2010s were a very different time. The, I let myself be slut shamed and, in some groups, ostracized. I relied on my believe that truly loving people wouldn't care and would seek to understand over time. Maybe starting to talk about being "off meds" and not worrying about my online identity being connected to my real one is the next way I'll step out a bit in front of what cultural norms accept while I wait for everyone else to chill out and let people live. (P.S. I'm also thinking about how hot it would be to have a video of me at Cumunion this weekend - or videos - and to not be concerned about framing things such my anonynimoty was maintained. I can't make that decision for others but I can make it for myself.)
  11. Your endorsement means I must immediately read this. One of mine is Prince Eric.
  12. I think what @partying.hardis saying here is adjacent to my take as well. But let me start by separating folks that may ask this question into a couple groups. Fantasy ask - there are a ton of chasers out there that have a fantasy about being poz and the experience they'd have being in some hyper-sexual experience where there is a nonstop group of poz guys just begging to to poz the chaser. They say things like "I want to organize a group of poz guys to breed me until I'm poz." They want to hear the story because they want to have input for their fantasy. I don't really enjoy speaking to these people at all because I feel like I'm just generating fantasy content for them. I guarantee you if I said "it was a blood transfusion I received after a major surgery" the conversation would end. Intentional ask - the question from these folks seeks to understand "was there something that made you seek this out and why" and "when it happened, what were the changes after." These folks, IMHO, actually are considering being part of the POZ community for real, deeper reasons. They can talk about what it means to become and embrace being positive, and how that ultimately connects them to a community. (trigger alert: boner killer) I got scared shitless by a friend's experience and then my own about making sure there was consent - I don't stealth. I also am more turned on by someone who really wants it and begs for it, versus someone who doesn't know what's happening. And honestly, the conversations with the "fantasy ask chasers" could be answered by an AI chat bot. MOST [banned word] QUESTION TO ASK ME: "Will you teach me how to become poz?" My brain goes immediately to "what the actual fuck!" My response is somewhere along the lines of; "have nothing but unprotected sex. seek out POZ men who will fuck you, find detectable guys who will breed you if possible. seek out situations that might have more poz men. ultimately, take as much cum without any protection as possible (both condoms and PreP)." I didn't create some magical system to get where I am, but the "fantasy chasers" think there's gonna be some miracle pozzing party for them where they are surrounded by non stop toxic tops. I guess that's why it's called a fantasy.
  13. Just a few days away and I'm stocked about it. Got my gear and outfit picked out. I'm planning on getting down there a little early and headed to Pleasures for a little pre Cumunion stretching and hydration session. Who else is going?
  14. Anyone have good examples of biohaz tats that incorporate devil/demon/satanic stuff.  I'm reserarching for a friend...

    Also, do people have experience getting tattoos around their hole?  I've heard not everyone will do it but I don't know how hard it will be to find.  I'm getting a piercing next week (PA is coming back) and buddy is getting a tat (scorpion on his taint....it's his favorite place to be eaten)

  15. My fantasy isn't exactly unlived, because I've been held captive and used for longer periods of time. Several times for several days, and a couple of times for a week. I think I'd really like a super extended session where I'm just holes for poz and dirty cocks, or even neg ones if they want to rape me. When not in use I'm plugged and in bondage positions, I've got a piss funnel in my mouth and ass, my owner gives out my holes non stop and at all hours of the day and videos and broadcasts all of it live. I want to be tagged by my owner, tattooed at his discretion. Anything goes, including [banned word] off limits stuff at my owners discretion. By the end my balls will be stretched, I may have more dick piercings, my hole will be gaped and truly wrecked, capable of taking anything inside without concentration. Il'l be blindfolded, gagged, have my hearing blocked at my owners discretion. I will be kept on any type of drug or enhancement my owner wishes. My dick will be in a cage but if my owner wants me to breed someone, he can take the cage off, trimix my dick, and have me passively get milked by a bottom. My owner will at occasion give me a paralytic compmletely immobilizing me while I maintain total conscious and during these times hie will use me to the most extreme, along with his friends. At the end, after several weeks or a month or whatever, I'll be released. I'll have new tattoos all over me proclaiming my identity as a total pig. I'll be given a small bag of some essentiallys, driven someone on a road far, and forced to walk piss and cum covered and filled back to town to reintroduce myself.
  16. Just got another toxic load from the dude from earlier this week.  Giant black dick, huge load.  Then we shoped for Cumunion for a bit.  Found a jock that has a biohazard symbol on the front and says "TOXIC CUMDUMP" on the band on the back.  Found my harness that holds a buttplug in.  Got my yellow acceted body harness oriented.  Bringing a collar too but not sure I'll go for that.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tavros


      Your gonna be a hot cunt for the men there to breed! 

    3. PozToxVersPig


      Videos posted on Twitter:  [think before following links] https://x.com/poztoxicverspig/status/1833737200208322592

      Outfit/gear for Cumunion:  

      Jock strap - biohaz symbol over dick, back waistband says "toxic cum dump"

      Got my waist harness that holds a buttplug in

      Harness with yellow trim

      Collar (maybe)

      FAGGOT socks Trucker cap

      Lube syringe

      Black permanent markers

      And I'm making the most of the day - pre-partying on the way.

      Meeting up with the above FB mid day Saturday and he and two buddies are gonna load me up, then plug me and put me in the car.

      Pleasures in CoSprings from 530-730 to get my hole ready

      Cumunion from 8 on in the dark room. CANNOT WAIT!

    4. PozToxVersPig


      Here is a link to my videos on Bareback Bastards:  barebackbastards

  17. What a sequence of events.  I finally found my vacuum pump (which was absolutely nowhere it should have been).  Then I had to find the charger.  In the process of doing so I found a bunch of bottles of my HIV meds all half or more full...I know i've been off for coming up on 3 months now, but it appears I may have been a bit non-compliant to this! 🙂 Whoopsies.  🙂  I'm almost positive all the bottles I didn't use from last summer/year I tossed, so these are just...

    AIDS pills.jpg

  18. It was before the first time I was fucked so I think 10. The night before I had my wet dream (not counting that) which I remember vividly. The next day I wanted to feel that feeling again. I knew my mom had "Deep Throat" with Linda Lovelace stashed away in her dresser on VHS. I found it and put it in. The movie sucked but at the end was this dark, sex dungeon two guys one girl extra scene where the woman was getting fucked in both holes. That got me going. I didn't know what to do so I just mounted the coffee table and dry humped it until I came. I then spent 2 hours cleaning EVERYTHING because I was so scared I'd get caught.
  19. Bareback. Lube = Jergen's scented lotion. The image of him pumping it into his hand is deeply embedded in my brain and I remember the smell. I was an early adopter of the internet and learned how to join the chat rooms. Wild west of the internet. I'm pretty sure the premise was getting together to play video games, but part of me knew that wasn't it but I assumed we were similar age. Convinced my mom to drop me off at the mall and walked to his place. There was a significant age disparity. I don't have any bad feelings about it but don't think I recognized what had happened until years later.
  20. @IrishBoi I love how creative you are. I had no fucking clue this existed. Lots of inmates that don't have connection to the outside world, especially the gay ones. If you're looking for gay ex-con sex I will say - they are in every city. There is no filter to search for them unfortunately!
  21. I made an appointment for next week after Cumunion so obviously my dick will be out of commission for a while. I'm gonna follow the directions especially based on some of the experiences above. I'm obviously NOT going to stop getting fucked during this time period however. I scanned the thread but couldn't catch the answer to this question which is: Are there any good techniques to keep your PA/wound covered/protected while bottoming? I imagine it's probably easier to get fucked on your back so your dick isn't bouncing around quite as much. The aftercare instructions only say to "wear a condom" which presumably is intended for the top, not the bottom. Any recos?
  22. Night.  I've committed to not blowing a load until after Cumunion on Saturday and I'm going out of my fucking mind.  Sweet dreams.

  23. I think it is. It's just doxycycline in a high dose I believe. It's super cheap. You should be able to get it prescribed by anyone and available at any pharmacy.
  24. I don't mean to be the uber slut on this thread. My buddy and I were discussing this today when I jokingly said, "I honestly don't even think I know how to use a condom." Sometimes around 7th grade I remember learning how to put one on a banana but I don't even think I got it right back then. I kept unfolding it the wrong way. All of that to say that of the 10K+ times I've fucked (no clue what the number is), I think someone has used a condom one maybe twice. I recall one of the time and it was because I was at a Mormon wedding and the guy was super conservative and freaked out. So these days - if the topic of a condom comes up, I'm a hard pass....from an online hookup, at a bathhouse, whatever. I have not had "safe sex" in almost three decades and I'm not starting now. If that's a deal broker for the top, so be it - they are probably neg and I prefer poz.
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