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  1. i am interested in trying this, but feel a little hesitant. anyone else doing this?
  2. make him pay, like i was a prosti....i mean an 'escort' and they are only paid 'for the time spent together'
  3. the obamas have a whole lot of activities. they are hardly done
  4. now i get the message 'access denied' i give up
  5. okay so i screwed up on the addy. it is briarwork.com ...i have spent 30 minutes trying to get the order to go through. i wanted to use G pay, but it kept pushing me back to square pay, which required me to get a text on my phone. which is not operational at this time. so, i guess i am out of luck any suggestions???
  6. terrible news. the briarworks.com website has vanished. any ideas?
  7. as long as it is a person outing himself/herself that is fine. i am virulently opposed to outing a person who claims to be str8 unless they have been seen in gay haunts and with other men. then they are fair game.
  8. on facebook yesterday i got one of those you might want to add this person to your friends list, and i was surprised to see it was a. wolfe, or someone pretending to be him. i deleted the offer
  9. through the mists of time. i was never fond of condoms, though i liked to pick used ones off the floor at the bathhouse, put it on and jack, then put it back on the floor. i did not get to see much porn but loved it loved it and still do. mighty i remember seeing various pre condom porn and loving them.. 'flashpoint' was a fave, though it was here where i really disliked guys wearing condoms. at a bathhouse i played around and no one ever asked about a condom. so i finally decided to go bare all the time and do not regret it at all.
  10. to be bred by steven dixon (i asked; he said no and blocked me. ) or ethan wolfe....probably others but those are the ones i can think of.
  11. people used this excuse in /16 and we got 4 years of the worst president of modern times, and 1m dead due to covid. i don't think we want this anymore. is misogynistic not to treat a woman candidate the same way a male candidate is treated.
  12. thanks for the info on brown bottle and thanks to the guy who suggested storing poppers upside down.
  13. Posted Friday at 09:07 PM As already stated, a break might help. The Leather Man in NYC has the legendary Brown Bottle that kicks my ass even when I’ve become desensitized to most brands. It used to be you could only by it in the store cash only. You can now get it Briarwalk.com. It’s not the cheapest, but damn!
  14. it was heaven in the 1970s; the golden age of promicuity.
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