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Everything posted by londoncumdump81

  1. but, if you do get lost just remember to follow the smell of semen...
  2. Aww, i could kiss you! and the other guy is [think before following links] https://x.com/DonLevyXxX/media
  3. in my experience there is always action to be had in the daytime.... but, yes, you've got to be more discreet as the park is used by all sorts
  4. I love verbal, but it's got to feel authentic. There's nothing worse than a top saying 'yeah, take that you filthy faggot' half-heartedly.... really puts me off.
  5. My only criticism about Vault is that the ceilings are SO LOW! Not that fun for tall people (though, I suppose you'll be on your knees for most of the time you're there)
  6. I love the idea of being loaded and what it represents, but, honestly, I can rarely tell if someone has seeded me without them telling me they've done so... So, for that reason, I'd have to say it's the fucking. Knowing that I have submitted and given myself up to a man, and that he can choose how to use me is extremely intoxicating. I will admit that I feel sad if he doesn't deem me worthy of his load, but it's the feeling of stretching my cunt around him that I love most.
  7. @spunkinmyarse - ah, yeah my bad. I had thought they were the same thing... Are the Dunes worth visiting?
  8. @taggedslut - will be sure to report back! mark my word @spunkinmyarse - a WHOLE month? How long will it take your cunt to recover? Hope you got properly destroyed. Thank you for all of your advice - it's so, so useful to help me plan my trip. Yup, I agree that my target is way too ambitious, but I like to dream big! And, yes, will be taking loads in my hotel, so hopefully that means I get a steady trickle throughout the days (pun intended). Is there not cruising on the beach too? Or has that all been stamped out?
  9. @TaggedslutYeah, I hate when a top unloads in your cunt and doesn't probably announce it before leaving.... Did you take poppers with you? Anything I need to know there?
  10. Taking a page from @Taggedslut's book, posting to share that I'll be on a cumdump quest at the end of February, and I want to collect as many loads as I can. My master has set me a target of 50 loads, but I think that I can double that.... Want to help? Also interested in your hints and tips for the best places to go for loads - which bar should I be bent over in? Where am I most likely to get my cunt seeded?
  11. But not just with one cock. I'm thinking 17 will do me for this evening...
  12. Yet another cumdump here to beg for your seed. It might not make me terribly original, but I promise I will milk every last drop. Especially keen to serve anyone in the London area.... Looking forward to being used!
  13. Looks like he's M Hound - [think before following links] https://bbbh.com/scene/rawfuckclub.com/77897?view=grid
  14. I'm going to Gran Canaria in a few weeks time with the sole purpose of taking as much cock as I can...
  15. Ah, i thought this thread was about internal camera cumshots! They make me so fucking hot, and I wanna see more of them in porn... [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5cf04434d9b26
  16. The thought of these events is so thrilling to me, but the ratio of tops to bottoms is never quite right... I went to Bird (which is essentially the same as Horse Fair, but with a prison theme) just before Christmas and it was fairly dead... I guess as with most things it can be hit or miss...
  17. I'm going to GC at the end of February. I am very much inspired by your pro-active approach to cum-dumping, @Taggedslut, and think I might be posting a similar thread very soon.... time for the world to unload in my cunt!
  18. Fuck, this is so hot. I'm heading to Gran Canaria at the end of February, and I"m already salivating at all the cock that's going to flood my cunt... Can't bloody wait!
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