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Status Updates posted by pozsewerpig

  1. Thanks for the support and inspiration you have given us. You have pleased our Lord S atan with your life. 😈☣️

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ScorpionFF


      I wish this were not true. I always liked to see him lurking about BZ and enjoyed his input. Rest in Peace dear Eliot. 🧡

    3. SlampaBay


      I may be new to this thread but I've long been a serious fan of his work, which at various times made me cum, laugh, cry, cringe but always think. And care.

      My heart goes out to all of you so knew him best and miss him most.


    4. PozTalkAuthor


      don't worry... It sound strange but it almost seems a memory wall

  2. Thanks for following me. It's always nice having a fellow pig follower.

    1. Ronchipig


      So fucking right .......I have a love of asshole pics....gets my tongue hard


    2. pozsewerpig


      Same. I love diving deep!

  3. Woof. Thanks for following me.

  4. Woof! You are unbelievably scorching hot! 💩😈💘

  5. Thanks for the follow.

  6. Thanks for the follow.


    1. bbmarried


      You're welcome

  7. I wish you success with your bloodslam. I hope you will be open to trading bloodslams with other interested fags such as me.

  8. Hot profile! Thanks for the follow 

  9. Thanks for following me. I hope to get to ATL some time.

  10. Thanks for following me!

  11. Thanks for following me. Your bio is very hot!

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