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Everything posted by C10H15N

  1. I could not have said it better.
  2. Keep in mind that events like MAL and IML are primarily fashion shows for the leather community. Nasty piggy sex is a side bonus. Your chances of infiltration and inclusion are better if you fit in.
  3. What! Nobody wants to make secret tapes with "Tricky Dickie"
  4. Some of us old fucks remember that world. It was called the early 70's.
  5. As a fist fucker, slings are essential and central to my sex life. Best portable sling frames are made by JimSupport in Palm Springs http://www.jimsupport.com/ Their sling frames are also sold through other outlets (ft troff, etc). Jimsupport also sells slings. My favorite slings are made by Patrick 2Fires (Patrick D. Brumm) http://madisonleathersmith.com/
  6. Fuck yeah - Fisting is the best sex.
  7. T = Tina = Christina = Crystal = Crystal Meth. The term seems to be used predominately within the gay community.
  8. QFT I like to think I am keeping it under control (by limiting amount and frequency of use), but I also recognize the damage (mostly neurological) that is being done.
  9. wonder how many get it... ;)

  10. Thanks for the invite! Nice hole.

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