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Everything posted by hundcunt

  1. hang from screws in trees. . also works well go lock hand restraints above head can also screw hand restraints to the fuck tree. no moving possible
  2. was in a sling on hamstead Sunday night taking all cummers
  3. just back from the heath. in a sling and chained to the fick tree about 20 loads
  4. more than ok
  5. last Monday evening on heath. strapped to tree and flogged. ff and tied ito a slung up hammock and took every load going. went back a couple of days later and an art fair was going on. no chance
  6. there are many reasons for elevated liver proteins. much depends on what they are and the ratios of one to the other. you should have been given blood test results and it doesn't take a medical degree to interpret these. hepatitis is one cause ( of any form) but so is fatty liver. this is endemic in the USA. it can just be too rich a diet and the liver laying down down fat . it can also be alcohol related and again the ratios can indicate if its one or the other. In my case I needed to take a tablet and the standard doctor did not want to prescribe because I was slightly outside the norm. the consultant made comments about doctors not knowing anything and told me if I lost 10% of my body weight in a 3 month period he was almost certain my liver tests would return to normal. I did and it did. Another thing to consider is ultrasound of the liver surface to check for lesions which are more indicative of issues. my advice.. dont fret about what doctor says ...they seldom know it all. get further liver tests inc hepatitis. and remember it could be many things including being slightly overweight.... good luck
  7. totally agree. have been up 5 or 6 times over the past month inc last night until 5am. I was naked on a leash and crawling so if anyone had the right position to see then I did. certainly regarding used condoms there is a, definite lack on the ground....i carry a container ri collect them for later insertion into ny arse....so i have a motive to find them
  8. its sufficiently brilliant for me to beg for more...m
  9. was tied to tree on the heath a couple of evenings ago. owner brought over some guy who shoved his dick in my mouthand got blowjob. the spunk was not swallowed but spat into bottle that became filled with spunk and was then poured into my arse though the pighole i was fitted with. later owner brought over another guy who he had fucked. this load was shat directly into my pighole
  10. last time I gave a bj was Sunday night at heath. there with owner and his mate on a leash. at one point I was tied on a log face up and owner brought over a guy for a blowjob. came all over me and left like that. bit later owners mate who had been fucked just stood over my mouth and let it all flow Into my mouth
  11. was there from about 9 til 4am. bit wet to start with but great. if you remember seeing a pig tied up including to a log in the path...that was me.
  12. look out tonight. pig on leash. owner taking it for walks
  13. possible but specialised and not many mainline places will do it
  14. a pa and a guiche work well together. make then deep and padlock together. no wanking then. septum is another good one for attaching a leash
  15. was up there sunday night. staked out over fuck tree. taking piss and cum bit of a show...
  16. this has legs. brilliant
  17. hundcunt in kik
  18. be at burgess park later. being slammed n put on show by mates. then onto hh
  19. Stunning writing and scene setting. Go DARK
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