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About lower_bucks_bottom

  • Birthday 06/16/1953

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bristol, PA
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Looking For
    Some tops to breed my ass

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  1. I will let it pass but, my opinion is that if he wants a cunt or pussy he has come to the wrong place.
  2. Get a different Dr. This one is clearly not up to date on the latest HIV science, and if not outright homophobic he appears to be trying to scare you. And your English is fine
  3. I spoke with my ID Dr. yesterday and she said that the CDC recommends the 2 year booster only for those that are working with the virus and that for most of us the tentative recommendation is 5 years.
  4. Strange; he is wearing a Jewish star but appears to be un cut.
  5. I had a FB that liked me to bite down on the base when I had it all in my mouth. We experimented to see what was too hard and after that I did it all the time. Didn't do anything for me but he liked it
  6. Philadelphia uses to have 2 but the Sansome Street Gym had a fire and the owner decided to sell the building rather than rebuild. Club Philly is still open and the only one left.
  7. When I was in Greece I was told that all marriages are through the church and there are no civil marriages. Was that true and if so how will this work? Just curious.
  8. Asia; Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and Malaysian
  9. A viral load of 62 is still considered "undetectable" and non infectious. The partner study used 200 as their definition. The term "undetectable" is really obsolete. There are tests that can detect a viral load of 1. In the US, Quest Diagnostics uses a test that goes down to 20 so <20 is "undetectable". Labcorp uses a test that goes down to 40 so to them <40 is undetectable. A reading of 62 is usually considered a 'blip". I have been "undetectable" since 20212 but every couple of years I have a blip. In 2020 I had a reading of 138, 2 months later it was 41 and 3 month later it was <20 and stayed that way since. I chalk the 138 to my doing the blood draw right after I had my flu shot and that can cause a blip. Your Dr should test you again in a couple of months to make sure is isn't trending up but you and your partner should have nothing to fear from a value of 62.
  10. It is expensive but not all that hard to get to and Key West is a gay haven
  11. For what it's worth; I was also taking Biktarvy and having kidney issues. My ID Dr switched me to Dovato and it kept me undetectable and fixed the kidney issues. YMMV
  12. They had a fire with a lot of smoke and water damage
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