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About Arcaner

  • Birthday 11/03/1979

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Michigan, USA
  • Interests
    Into just about every kink under the sun, ask nicely and I'll tell you more.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Looking For
    hot pig sex

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  1. Testicles, no. Scrotum yes. Quite fun walking around with a basketball in your pants for a couple of days.
  2. They had a fire, they are not reopening.
  3. Post here if you're going to CLAW and want to meat up. I'll be there and up for all sorts fo naughty fun.
  4. Some guys like their cock played with while you're working their hole, others just want to focus on their ass. He'll let you know. Main thing, don't play with his dick while doing the initial insertion, or actively stretching. Having your cock worked can cause you to tighten up your hole.
  5. Step one, get your ass to a doctor to better understand the damage. If you can't discuss this with your doctor, get a different one. (I say this like it's easy)
  6. House Party showed me that shoulder-deep fisting was possible.
  7. Fun? Yes. Permanent? Absolutely. Safe? No. Improper silicone injection can kill. If the silicone gets into your bloodstream it can travel to your lungs and do severe damage. Look up "Silicone embolism" for more information. Risk reduction techniques include: not getting more than 100cc at a time, and 100 is a lot if you're just doing your cock, at least 6 months between injections. During those 6 months do not pump or infuse. Have a professional do it. That last item is currently the most difficult. There used to be a popular and respected cosmetic surgeon "Dr. E." who was the name in North American silicone. However, he retired either during, or just after the pannacotta. The community is currently searching for a viable replacement. In any event, I would recommend starting with pumping and saline infusion. The biggest risk with pumping is blisters. Saline infusions can cause bacterial infections, but following good IV practices reduces that risk to almost nil. If you use Discord, send me a DM. I'll invite you to a server where silicone, and other genital enhancements, are actively discussed.
  8. Multiple times I've been messaged with a variation on "I want you get all your top friends together and fuck me senseless." Umm, I'm not friends with a bunch of tops. I seem to attract bottoms to me. I wonder why that is.
  9. IML has better shopping. CLAW has better classes. I've been to both, I choose CLAW each year.
  10. I'll be there. Got one of the last King rooms at the host hotel with my bear. We have proposed a class on building an affordable home dungeon. I hope to lick FelchingPisser's sac and feel how MuscledHorse's canyon ass has evolved over the past year. I am also going to absolutely not let myself regret not buying the one painting that sings to me at the art show.
  11. I tend to use Crisco or other opaque lubes. If I see pink I'll ask the bottom if he wants to continue. If I see red we're done.
  12. Yes they are. One night a week, I want to say Friday or Saturday they get a discount.
  13. There are rooms and small lockers. I've had fun each time I've been.
  14. I'll second Asspig, I've gotten several quality hook ups from there. Be sure to check a guy's verification list. Also try Recon.com. Quite active and a good signal to noise ratio.
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