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Everything posted by fuckboy20

  1. Awesome post TigerMilner I remember when I first barebacked and bottomed. I wouldn't take a lot of loads and usually once I hooked up with someone that was it. But I think one of the first times I hooked up with someone after I already had a load in my ass I was scared. I don't think I initially said anything. At the bath house I just let another guy fuck me but he never said anything. Once I hooked up with someone and said someone else I did get a comment about the cum in my ass and the guy loved it. Most tops seem to like it. There was one top I talked to once who was turned off by the fact that I already had loads up my ass and didn't want to meet me. I did used to push out the load at first but after a while I kept it in so top after top could use it as lube. Those were fun times.
  2. Hmm. My former Sir was celtic. Scottish. Last name was Scott. He had a book in his house which said all about the different Scottish clans. I read it once, it was interesting. He wasn't that hairy though, he called himself a behr because he only really had a beard, mustache, hair, and hair around his balls and cock. His chest, body, belly was actually smooth. His ass didn't have any hair in it either. I think, maybe just a little in his crack. I only rimmed him a few times. But I never remember his pubic hair being that coarse. His hair was also more blonde/white since he's in his 50's. He showed me pictures of when he was younger too and his mustache (no beard back then) seemed pretty damn red and so did his hair. I'll have to pay more attention to that if I ever meet more Celtic guys. Don't forget the lumpy cum and the pink head of the dick I still think my hair is coarser, rougher, and thicker then Scottish guys or other guys. And I'd be willing to compete like that too. I know I could never beat a Scottish man in a drinking contest but I know I'd definitely win with the thickest, most stubborn hair contest A friend of mine who is also Incan had really thick hair too. Don't know if it's an Incan or Hispanic thing.
  3. So ginger is the thickest hair type for Caucasians huh. I never knew or noticed. I haven't been with that many ginger guys. Never seemed that thick to me Yeah, but hispanic/incan/asian mix makes for super thick hair. I keep my hair short now which is why I don't use conditioner anymore. I guess your right. I'll just grab whatever on clearance next time I go to the store and see if it works. Although you said real ginger. I'm not sure what real a real ginger is except red hair. But I've known guys that are gingers who have blondish white hair because of age. Do real gingers never lose the red hair color or something?
  4. As always, your extremely helpful bearbandit. Any certain type of hair conditioner. The thing is because of my ethnicity, my hair in general (hair, pubic, goattee, balls, ass hair) is extremely thick. Much thicker then most. If it wasn't so thick and it was lighter I wouldn't mind it so much. I remember I used to sometimes use shampoo or conditioner for my pubic hair sometimes. I think there were times when i used it on the hair around my ass too and it made it less thick. I'll give that a go before I decide if I'm going to shave it or not.
  5. I shaved mine a long time ago when I was 18 for a guy. He loved it, and I admit I did like the feeling of my hole being smooth. But I also like it hairy. But it can be irritating sometimes. I know times when I got fucked a lot another guy pushing in would hurt a bit pushing/pulling against the ass hairs. Just like with cock and balls. I never shave my pubes though because they get itchy as fuck when they grow back. Same as when they're shaved. I'll think about it. Thanks.
  6. It's your choice to stay online and meet people like that if that's how you wish to do things. No one is forcing you to use online hook ups like BBRT, Growlr, Grindr, or to filter people based on appearances, cock sizes, and etc. But you are absolutely right at the same time. Someone you reject online or whom rejects you, might have actually grown into a really good friendship or caused you to meet someone else even. They say a door opening is a good thing and the more doors or opportunities opened the better. It could be looked at as a negative thing as well. You are correct that most guys now do use Grindr, Growlr, BBRT, Breedingzone and hook up sites but you don't have to? Don't think of technology or the web as a negative. Think of it more like an accessory or a tool. Use it find places where guys hook up like a local cruising spot? Use it to find events going on that you might be into. Yes, a lot of the mystery, suspense, and art of cruising is probably declining. But it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen anymore. Not everyone lives in a big mecha city where they have gay bars, bath houses, and everything at their disposal. Some people don't have internet or have slow internet too so they don't rely on technology. Even though I live at a gay campground without internet in my trailer I do like it. I don't talk to guys a lot (especially since I'm off the market now) but sometimes a man cruises me and I cruise him back or we talk and just chat. Maybe I'll talk to them again or maybe I won't. For a while I talked to two guys and we'd go to the bar every saturday night and eat dinner together too just hanging out as friends or buds. There was no sex that was demanded or required, although I'm sure they would have liked to. They made it apparent too. Granted, not everyone is in that type of environment. After I became positive I hooked up less than I did before. Multiple loads up my ass, multiple guys in one day or sex clubs or bars turned into maybe just going out to a bar once or twice a month and a sex club once a month. Hooking up with a guy or two every month. Yes, I was partially scared from being HIV Poz and sort of left out in the cold. But reflecting on how much of a slut and whore I was it was a lot of fun. But all the time I spent hooking up with men and taking multiple loads I missed SEVERAL chances to make friends, buds, and people to hang out with regularly. It was a miracle I had even a few fuck buds because I was moving so fast. So I told myself that I'd no longer be a slut and I'd go to bars, events, and places to meet people, socialize, cruise, and just have fun. And I ended up getting partners. Although, when we were in NY briefly the seasonals at the gay camp ground there had a sunday cosmo party. God, those drinks were good. Going to friend's trailers for dinner or having them over was fun. Groups..social groups can also be joined to make friends or cruise too. Also, I did use to be part of a famous gay forum and they had "MEETS" that were popular. We all met in Anaheim California for gay days. It was a blast and a few guys I talked to on the forum I got to meet in person and it was awesome. And one guy I talked to a lot and liked, we had sex. It was hot. Events for rawtops new site are a good idea but lets be real. Most people on here just want sex or loads. If you try to do an event at a bath house..well it's going to be about sex. It's better to find people who seem to have an interest in more than just sex and as you said, throw a small party, nude even and just let people relax and have fun. The old ways aren't dead and gone. It's just most don't follow them anymore and use their phones and computers. But I use both. Technology, History, and Tradition. Okay..three
  7. So I've been thinking about this lately. I know that several men find it hot for a bottom or a man in general to have hair around his hole. Some prefer smooth and some don't care. I've found recently that after my partner fucks and breeds me there is sometimes irritation with the hairs on my ass. I've found it it's because of the cum, lube, that gets stuck around and in the hair. I know some guys find caked cum around the hole a turn on though. I'm sort of contemplating if I should shave my hole so that way that damn ass hair isn't pulled or thickened from the cum and lube. But I do like having a hairy hole. Wondering how the men with hairy holes feel about this one. Doesn't help that the hair on my ass is rather thick and long too.
  8. You are absolutely correct. I've seen so many damn swinger groups on fetlife or guys or girls who have nothing put pictures of raw cock up "her" ass and getting fucked and sucking cock. Another word for it would be hedonism. But some straight/bi swingers are extremely sexual and they just fucking go at it. Movie theaters, parks, groups scenes, or big events. And of course at bars. You are correct it is a double standard. But at the same time a man isn't really considered a whore as much if he sleeps around. But a woman is. Well depending on the culture the man is involved in. Gay's have no problem calling a man a whore. I'd say swingers and bi married have more sex and just fucking go at it similar to how gay men are sometimes. Less bullshit more action. But on the same token sometimes kinky/vanilla couples or pansexuals can be very slow when it comes to action while the gay men will go at it. I think it's more about a straight/bi/ man or woman being more hedonistic and about pleasure. Not all straights or bi's or like that but some are.
  9. Congratulations fillmyholeftl. That's what I started doing once i realized it too and I have two great men now. I hope you enjoy dating and meeting others.
  10. Thank you. I found it very hard to examine anything when I used to take load after load up my ass. But once I slowed down and thought about it more I was able to. I do not doubt that there are people who can take load after load up their ass and not feel any negative feeling about not wanting more and just accept what they've gotten and try again next time. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't able to. But than again, it's probably part of being young.
  11. Sounds fucking hot and sounds more public friendly. Nothing better than drinking piss from top but when ya can't. Hell, beer tastes nasty to me anyways. Would much rather take piss in a beer bottle over beer. Now I'm going to think guys are doing that next time i go to a leather bar.
  12. Interesting seeing it from a bi guys view at first. At first I thought he was just hypermasculine until he says he's bi. Could have done without the women in it but some of the pics (guys) on the video are pretty damn hot. Music and effects are nice too.
  13. I've never heard of the HIV transmission. Not sure on that one. Did it to partner the other day unintentionally. He told me to cum on his belly I missed. He told me it hurt like hell. I've had a guy or two do that to me by accident too. As some others have said this isn't something I recommend. It burns and hurts for a little bit. Depending on how much.
  14. I think it all depends. Taking a brutal and aggressive fuck and getting loaded at the end feels very fucking empowering. Taking several loads up the ass too also feels empowering. The only problem is when it's never enough and no matter how many loads you take up the ass you feel a bit of a high at first and empowerment and then you feel awkward needing and wanting more. Than it no longer becomes a sacred load or empowerment it becomes an obsession. A friend once gave me advice that there's nothing wrong to want to be young and have fun and have lots of sex, take raw cock, and loads up the ass. But to examine the reasons for doing it. But everyone's different. I find the best load up the ass is taking a long power fuck and then receiving the load. I've found that satisfies me. Taking multiple loads up the ass was just endless for me and wanted and needed as much as I could get. But it's all in the point of view I suppose.
  15. I think it all depends. I've been with married, bi, and straight guys. And of course I've been with gay guys. It all varies. Sometimes bi or married are in a rush. They just want to fuck you and cum. Sometimes they can be real verbal and aggressive and it does feel pretty fucking good. But then they're done and that's it. I've known some gay tops to be like that too. I think it depends more on the type of guy rather than married, bi, or gay. And depends on what you and they are looking for. I've had the hottest fucks from guys who jackhammer away and fuck and breed aggressively and fast. And I've had some that were just okay. And then i've had long sessions with tops (mostly gay) where I don't want it to end and do whatever I can from keeping it from ending (and so do they) and want my hole pounded for hours and to be sore, raw, and filled with cum. I used to be against bi, married, and straight but a man's a man. Still has a dick and still gets off. It all depends on the guy I'm sure.
  16. Okay, don't go to slammers. I haven't been in two years although I drive by it now sometimes. But they've done renovation where the main area was catwalks, glory holes, small rooms, cubicles, jail bars, fuck bench's all of that is GONE and is now a dance floor. It has literally killed the club. So all that mostly remains now is the back area which although hot people are leaving slammers. Not to mention it's quite costly. First time I went it was $50 something. Flex is cheaper, manifest in Atlanta is too and even eros. But the way it used to be anyways it was worth the money. Okay, forget clubhouse II then although I really loved clubhouse II. Felt like a better version of flex or what flex needed to be. I went home with someone though so I wasn't there long. There is nothing wrong with preference or wanting certain cocks or type of guys. That's what prevented me from going in Slammers, bending over and letting any and every guy fuck me. I got into the sling for a while and let a top fuck me and he encouraged guys to fuck me but after he left I was a little scared and i got out of the sling not wanting to get into a bad situation. I don't blame you for not wanting to use craigslist anyways it can be dangerous but it can also lead to oppertunities. Yes, it's true online bbrt, growlr there can be tons of flakes. Okay, so I suggest get some really short shorts, maybe a jockstrap, tight shirt, shortless, or create a slut outfit that you want to wear out. Go to slammers and have a drink and let the tops observe you and watch you. They'll come to you and you can tell them about their fantasies and talk to them and see if they are right for you or not. Also, sometimes at ramrod you can suck cock on the patio if it's busy or if the night is right. I sucked some cock and drank a guy's piss. He diddn't believe I'd drink his piss but someone i was with told the guy I'll do it and I did. He was surprised and happy! But try that. I think you'll get good results. Best of luck. And enjoy Ft. Lauderdale too there's tons of stuff to do there. I even took a break from all the sex when I was there two years ago and took a day just to go around sight seeing, shopping, eating, and visiting bars. Have a great trip.
  17. Keep in mind too that once you have a PA it's harder to aim piss accurately. Partner/Sir has a PA and he always has to sit down to pee unless he's at a troff. Otherwise it would spill everywhere. There are other small minor things too even like taking off your underwear. If you pull it down to fast or it get caught I've been told it hurts like a mother fucker. As for fucking guys there are bottoms out there that would take your PA even with little lube. But some you might have to have more patience with and go slow. I've known tops that have lost out on a night of fucking bottoms because the bottoms in the area were (for some reason) afraid of PAs. Congratulations on it though, my dick is sensitive enough being uncut I'll probably never get one. But always admire them. I love how the piss dribbles get on the ring sometimes too when sucking PA cock.
  18. Give it a few years. There will be a report about him getting gang banged by a bunch of anonymous men or sucking dick in restrooms. He's an asshole anyways. The report also said something about how it shouldn't be taken offensive and if it is than oh well.
  19. Holy Shit I just saw this on the news! I don't know what part of Florida it's in but I was surprised as hell when I saw it was Sean Cody. My first reaction was the stupid fucking school is completely clueless. Kick a good looking kid out of school with nothing to fall back on but porn. You just made his day. I heard no mention of bareback porn..well but it is ABC local news. They really briefly talked about it. I heard nothing about violence just that the school called him a distraction. I thought it was pretty damn cool that almost the entire school and the kid's friends stuck up for him and even walked out to get him back in. And yes it was nice hearing he did it for his mom and his mom even supports him. I believe he should sue the school as well but again damn local ABC news said nothing about the suit or BB porn. They diddn't even know he was 18 they had to check with the producer. Also I've never heard anything about filming porn not being really legal in florida. I'll be damned there are tons of porn studios and porn done in various parts of south florida. Hell one I'll be near really soon but it's not bb I don't think. It's a lost cause if anyone ever tries to take legal action against porn in Florida. I hope that he does sue the school for being stupid and wins. I've heard something funny actually that in Lauderdale boys start out as masseur's, escorts, and than real estate. Being in Florida is really interesting.
  20. I don't know why the hell anyone would ever give up anal. Nothing wrong with getting on your knees and sucking cock or having someone else blow you. But it's really fucking hard to beat having a raw hard cock up your ass fucking you and breeding you or mounting someone and taking charge and fucking them for all their worth. I can see taking a break from anal if health reasons prevent you from doing it, illness, or something like that. And that would only be temporary. The only thing that could even remotely replace anal is jacking off constantly thinking about anal!
  21. TigerMilner makes a good point. I wasn't really looking to be completely whored out when I had lots of sex but I knew easily where to go to find guys that would do it. What you have to do is put yourself out there and let the top men decide if they want to use you and whore you out. Some might just take anyone but some tops look for something specific. Not that I really know how a top thinks. I agree with craigslist. I've stupidly turned down good opportunities when I was younger. But craigslist is good because you can post pictures of your ass and hole and body and don't have to use a face pic if you don't want. Most tops that want ass or want to whore out a bottom won't really care about the face. Some might though. If you really want to go for seedy though some guys like to go out at night after the clubs close and go to places like 321 Slammer. That is an incredibly seedy, raunchy, and piggy place. I did not get a lot of action last time I went because I wasn't fully commitied to whore myself out I was nervous and shy. If I were to try go out and whore myself out and let guys know I'm just a piece of meat and ass to use I'd go to 321 Slammer, clubhouse II, I'd dress extremely slutty and go to ramrod and put myself out there. I'd let men see that I'm a slutty whore and probably get approached. You're lucky to be going to Ft. Lauderdale there are lots of opportunities there as well as clubs and sex clubs. It doesn't hurt to use sites like BBRT, Mancunt, Squirt, Adam4Adam or location apps like Growlr and Scruff. Question is, are you looking to go out and do this in public or are you wanting more of an intimate gathering at someone's house, hotel room or something like that?
  22. A million dollars is a million dollars. Ass definitely.
  23. Love to take it rough and give it fuck. Daddy/Sir partner usually always fucks me with just spit. Sometimes he'll just rim me and fuck me. He's fucked me dry on an occasion or two. Love the feeling of his PA in me too. He pre-cums like hell so he coats my hole well. He usually fucks me pretty aggressive, bites, spites, sometimes verbal and sometimes he is silent on just focussing on the fucking. Although other partner is vanilla he fucks me in some ways rougher than daddy Sir. He usually just shoves it in and doesn't let me get used to it (love that) and I take it. I love fucking vanilla partner rough. Sometimes steady but I love just slamming it in jackhammering his ass. He doesn't get into much kink so I can't really bite and do things like that but it's still hot. I usually use lube for him though. One day I'll try it with spit.
  24. Ha I've read some of these stories. Car keys in a bowl is a classic thing I guess for both gay and straight. Another thing is glowstick or armbands that verify as top or bottom. I remember at flex when I was in my teens they did have glowstick wristbands and they had different colors depending on if you are top, bottom, verse, and etc. I know that in Orlando or some part of florida there is some massive sex party orgy held every year. Probably several different ones I knew someone who went to one once and he showed me pictures of a featured boy with whipped cream and chocolate over them and also the boy getting fucked and sucking all the guys. It looked hot but it was probably planned. Also when I was in Atlanta younger on craigslist I sometimes saw posts about literally "Sex games" I had no idea what it was about. I contacted the guy and he did indeed say there were games and it involved sex and there would be winners or losers. But I chickened out. I was young. As for the easter egg game that's a clever one. Certain runs sometimes do different themes like cowboy, indians, jailer, prisoner, and things like that. And sometimes games (and sex) are revolved around the theme. I'm sure these things happen the question is if you will ever find them or hear about them. Hell I used to have tons of pictures of older guys from various websites and some websites and I saw so many pictures of big group events, games, and lots of sex. Some of them were hot. That was back when I wanked off to pics and before I discovered video porn.
  25. Not a full top but have used poppers when fucking before. I used them when I bottomed and once in the bath house for some reason I used them to jack off. I was jacking off to porn and was able to stay hard. My dick felt odd at first. When I was with a client in the past too I fucked him using poppers and it just made me hornier. So for some reason fucking a face or fucking an ass with a snort or two of poppers doesn't make me go soft. When I bottomed with poppers I sometimes went soft but that's because I wasn't even focusing or thinking about my dick. Wasn't all the time either. Best way to know if poppers make you go limp or stay hard is to just jack off while doing poppers. It's actually quite enjoyable if you don't overdo it.
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