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About dirtyarizona

  • Birthday 02/11/1955

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  • Interests
    Sucking, getting sucked, rimming, getting rimmed, smoking, getting smoked, big long fat cigars, boots, leather, grunge, raunch…..
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
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  • Background
    pig in central arizona, uncut meat, lots of tattoos, looking for raw dirty pigsex------
  • Looking For
    i like it rough & sometimes i like it dirty..... proud old redneck...

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  1. My smokefetish has been with me for the last 40 years, & is as strong now as it ever has been! It used to be "just" cigarettes, but in the last 5 or 10 years it has expanded to include big strong cigars (& the men who inhale them!).
  2. Still in Payson & still looking for facefuckers (AND buttfuckers!)...
  3. Still in Payson & still lookin' for facefuckers..
  4. Make America Great Again! What the hell is wrong with that statement? What is wrong with being a patriot? What is wrong with loving the country that gives you every opportunity to excel & to succeed?
  5. The "progressives" know they are, & always will be, in the minority in America. Their very tenuous grip is failing fast. NO ONE is interested in the 20,000 radicals & their unhinged "demands." The "Democrats" are doing nothing more than playing politics. America is great, & let's make America even greater. To hell with all those socialist rabble-rousers!
  6. NOBODY listens anymore to the lunatic Leftist rantings... you might as well just hold your breath! TRUMP has finally shown up to call the "Leftists" what they are --- a bunch of socialist/communist/"progressive" dictators & thought-police!
  7. The Democrats ('Progressives") want to control EVERY aspect of your lives! Wake up America!
  8. Democrats/Socialists/Communists/"Progressives" have no idea what debate means, & they are incapable of debate! They're basically a primitive mob who have temper tantrums whenever someone disagrees with them.
  9. Poor sad communists & socialists & "progressives" cannot or will not see that the tide of history is against them. I've never seen a bunch of people so hysterically angry in my life! The Democrat Party is hemorrhaging members month by month by month. You'd have to be crazy to vote for those clowns who are still promoting the dead old ideology of "socialism" which has never worked ONCE in the history of the world. I think most of these radical crazy "Leftists" are probably seriously in need of alot more sex & alot more affection, that might calm down most of their frantic hysteria!
  10. Almost all the "powerful people" & almost all the "beautiful people" in the world have a rabid hatred for President Trump. That tells me he's the right man for the job.
  11. The "antifa" clowns are being exposed for what they really are --- puppets for the super-radical Left --- They have no interest whatsoever in making America better, they only have interest in wrecking our magnificent country!
  12. I like & completely support Trump for his 2020 re-election because he is completely willing to point out Biden's China connection!
  13. The Barbarians have breeched the gate, Brothers, do not hesitate to confront their insanity & their hypocritical stances!
  14. Boy, the libtards are getting seriously desperate; they can see the Democrat Party collapsing into irreversible decline. Antifa has highjacked the party, & 80-year-old senility-ridden Pelosi is almost as incoherent as their nominee, J. Biden. I support Donald John Trump because he is fearless & proudly American... "globalism" is a socialist nightmare that is unpopular as hell.
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