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Everything posted by Bbikercub

  1. Using iphone, current iOS. Can't upload photo to a post. Just doesn't work. Won't bring up albums to post from Is it a glitch? I can't even attach a screen capture.
  2. Please fuck me like that!!
  3. The link didn't work for me for some reason
  4. Simple answer. Ignorance. Ignorance it the cause of any type of discrimination.
  5. Very hot vid. I love fur and piss. Thanks
  6. You could always stand on a box....
  7. MackSF's website has videos of him fucking this guy
  8. Heard of a guy who likes men to stomp on cheese slices with their boots, then he makes his sandwiches with them. That seemed pretty weird!
  9. I totally agree! Hot fuck
  10. Hot hot hot video!! Love bigger guys fucking and breeding!
  11. Hot story, got me very hard n horny. Hope there are more parts to come!
  12. There needs to be a part 2
  13. Hey RawTOP, Thanks for the last reply, managed to figure out my way round much better now. One thing I have noticed is that I can't view any photos in people's galleries. The photos show up but when I click on one it goes to an invalid link page of some sorts. Is this the same issue as profile photos? The other question is: on guys profiles there is a green box that says UNPROVEN with a number above it.... What does it mean? Doesn't look like a link and I'm curious Thanks in advance.
  14. Bbikercub

    My Pride

    I want your pride hehe
  15. IPhone 5s , safari Also using forum runner which just doesn't work at all now. I can see topics but not actually load any pages. On then mobile version of the site I can get around ok, so I suppose navigation isn't a problem, but I can't find any of the threads I used to look at. How do I find threads I subscribe to that have been updated and how do I see what's new or has been recently posted? Unlike some I like the grey with black text. It looks sleek, but then I'm not accessing the site in a dark room hehe
  16. I'm finding it very hard to navigate. I can't find the threads I subscribe to on the mobile version and it doesn't work properly with forum runner any more (which was my preferred method of interaction, I can log in but every thread comes up as page does not exist). I hope I get used to it but I'm finding it very hard to find the stuff I was looking at before
  17. Please keep it on its own. I don't like the idea of logging in with google
  18. One of the best is fort troffs sling frame. I have one and it was cheaper including postage than ones in the uk. Also you could try Northbound (www.nbound.co.uk) they make very good slings etc.
  19. I want to be part of this orgy! Hot!!!!
  20. I wonder of he gives a happy ending? I mean while you're in the sling it would be mean not to.
  21. Seeing as someone took issue with where I posted this, here it is again somewhere more neutral. Both hot guys on this vid and one had a biohazard tattoo. I like the sounds of getting my balls shaved in a sling. Or a nice beard trim from a sexy naked barber. http://accidentalbear.com/naked-barber-shaves-mens-ball-in-sling-watch-short-documentary-nsfw/
  22. You lucky fucker. I'd love a long fuck of titlpig and MackSF
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