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Everything posted by Barebackbottomno

  1. I am a barebacker and a bottom because getting fucked bareback feels fantastic. Having a top cum in my hole confirms his choice of me as his bottom was enjoyable. I like the feel of cum in my hole and, it makes the best lube for the next top. I enjoy anonymous partners as well as regular fuck buddies. My philosophy is "don't let life pass you by, enjoy it while you can".
  2. My fuck buddy of many years tested positive. He was afraid to have sex with me fearing he would poz me. I smiled and told him we had both been having bareback sex with other men throughout our friendship, neither of us being concerned of our encounter's status; therefore, I had no reservations of continuing to bareback him.
  3. I also prefer "ass", butt or "hole". I get turned off when a top is using me and says "your pussy" , "man cunt", etc. If a top needs to refer to my ass as a "pussy", I doubt he truly comprehends sex with a man.
  4. 10/13/2012 Went to the Club Baths in New Orleans Saturday night around 8:30 p.m. Got a single room on third floor (303). Activity was slow at first but around 10 pm action started to pick up. Took two loads in sling in dark area on 4th floor. Returned to room and had a great fuck from a hot blond thirty-something who started eating my ass, then rough fucking me planting his seed deep inside my hole. Stayed in room as traffic increased taking two loads from an 60's guy who seeded me once, then came back twice more and seeded two more times during the night. He was a great slow fuck!. Twenty something black guy, football player build, 9 inch thick uncut cock, seeded my hole after I sucked him to get hard. He came very fast upon mounting me but, a good aggressive fuck. The evening ended around 4 am when two college twinks spit roasted me, flipping, each seeding my hole. The two twinks said they were told by a blond guy that I had a fantastic hole that was a "must fuck". They both agreed. Took all loads home and slept like a pig. Oink!
  5. Guys who come up to you while in a sling and begin slapping and punching your balls. You tell them no and to stop but, they come back anyway. I had to slam my boot heel into a guys face at a sex party last week. I think then he got the message.
  6. I find word of mouth to be the best marketing strategy. Having a top tell someone you are a great fuck has always worked for me.
  7. Had too much to drink one night out bar hopping and ended up at the bath house. Passed out on one of the mats in the dark area. Remember partially waking up to someone holding my legs up and fucking me. The next morning I was awakened by the bath house attendant who said I had been used by used by most everyone throughout the night. He helped me stand up and walk to the showers. Cum was running down both inner thighs. I guess it was a great night.
  8. Attended a CUMUnion Party in New Orleans this past Sunday. Awesome!
  9. #1 Cum #2 Spit #3 Vaseline #4 Crisco #5 Astrolube
  10. Voyeurs at sex parties who inject themselves right in front of the action, blocking those who are waiting to play and, they never play.
  11. Monday a week ago at The Club New Orleans. I was bottoming in sling in dark area, took three loads.
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