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phukhole last won the day on November 18 2017

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About phukhole

  • Birthday 09/11/1978

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    San Diego, sometimes Palm Springs
  • Interests
    Men, groups, cock, jockstraps, groups, cum, piss, blindfolds, groups, chastity cages, groups, public, anon, gloryholes, bareback, pigs, horse cocks, DP, gangbangs, dark rooms...
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Total cum whore - love anal play in almost all forms (not into scat). Always have a supply of tri-mix, so I can top, too. (U$ually have $ome extra?) great FF top too. You can usually find me at the big events - MAL, IML, SoDec, Pride, Folsom, Dore, Market Days, CLAW, MIR, Smokeout, etc - I'm the one everyone's just bred and is raving about...
  • Porn Experience
    behind the camera only
  • Looking For
    cocks, tongues, fingers, hands, toys, groups....

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  • BarebackRT Profile Name
    (canceled by owner)

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  1. No idea bout hotel options, but there are a number of homeless - camps and individuals downtown. Just a tip that JUNE is one of our two traditionally gray months in San Diego (We have May Gray and June Gloom). We get consistent sun July through November, with a lot of sun Dec through April.
  2. It may be part of some dominance/submission scene you've got going on. Like you have to wear it to keep you from getting bred- sort of a chastity thing. Or you could be keeping a load (or multiple loads) inside you. Or you're into the stretch more than the stroke. Or you could be training your hole for bigger and bigger things. SO, I would think that you're into getting fucked, but not necessarily that you're looking for it right now. I would keep an eye on you for any other signs you wanted to be bred. I like a hole that's already been opened up, by buttplugs or cocks!
  3. Pick a different source than Fox News. None of your statement is true. The only war policies being chased are Russia's and Trump and WAY too many Republicans, are supporting him.
  4. Interesting! While not exclusively a top, by any means, I do admit that my first thought is to eat the cum out of the freshly fucked hole (which always makes me hard as a rock). Then I add my own to the mix. Had never thought about it as replacing the load with my own, but in essence, that's what I'm doing. A cummy hole just feels incredible to me, so I'll usually leave my load in one.
  5. It's a regular bar, but play happens there. Also, check out Studs. Their jockstrap nights and black out nights are a LOT of fun! Been fucked/sucked all over that bar!
  6. It shouldn't hurt. Yes, it might feel uncomfortable at first, but relax your hole and it'll feel better. That being said, I've taken HUGE cocks and needed a minute to let myself adjust to the feeling. I've never regretted taking a big dick (and there's never been a big dick that regretted nutting inside me)! Most want to cum back over and over and over!
  7. Maybe 15000 so far... No desire to slow down. If anything, hearing them moan and tell me how fantastically well I suck, only makes me want to suck more!
  8. I take fiber and pro-biotics daily. If I'm bottoming, I douche. If I think I may bottom, I douche. Sometimes, I douche and don't get fucked. :-( At the end my process, I usually play with a couple of dildos - an average one and a big one. This helps to make sure I'm ready and it opens m my hole up a bit. After my shower, I'll slip a bit of lube up inside me (I use a lube shooter to get it deep inside me). I seldom have any issues. If you STAY ready, you don't have to GET ready. I've never had an issue with cleaning out too much/often/deep. I tend to practice aftercare too. If I've ben used hard, I use som salve on my hole before i go to sleep, which helps with small tears and moisturizes the skin.
  9. Agree - 541 asnd CCBC are your best bets. I HAVE had fun at Canyon Club and the former All Worlds (now called Casa Oliver), both bookstores (Perez and Hidden Joy), and old-fashioned cruising all over town. Sometimes the parks can be cruisy, but you've got to use discretion. Heard there was an abandoned golf course that gets a LOT of action, but haven't confirmed that. I'm a sucker for outdoor play, so like the resorts. Event weekends are always fun and LOVE the heat, so I'll be out in PS a lot over the summer....
  10. Quick update: Went to the bars, Club 541, bookstores, cruisy areas, and sleazy motel. Hooked up with a couple FBs, got a few dicks off the apps, had 3 anon, open door fucks. All in all, had a VERY successful weekend trip. Hoping to do more as the weather gets warmer!
  11. I'll be in Palm Springs this weekend and fully expect to be bred by daddies and granddaddies all weekend! Give me a Werther's and your load!
  12. I'd chatted with him on one of the apps a while back. Flirted and talked about getting together, but it didn't happen that trip. Stayed in touch and hooked up at HOC another trip. He still has a velvet hole and he fingered mine while sucking the last bits out of my foreskin. Overall a good time (though I wish he'd been versatile - love taking loads from cumdumps like myself!)
  13. It's been a slow start this year - 22 so far, with only 4 of those being in my ass (the other 18 were swallowed). I'll be in Palm Springs this weekend, so hope to bring those numbers up!
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