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Everything posted by kinkygradstudent

  1. Bred this hot black bottom that I've been fucking lately... he called me Daddy as I shot my load into his poz ass ... then we cuddled for almost an hour afterwards before a second load ended up in his hole :-)
  2. I'm toying with the idea of making a google group, something people could easily check from their email on their smartphone or a public computer or a friend's computer at a furry con. (You probably dont want to pull up breeding zone on a public computer...) I'm on a few of those for other fetishes and have met some awesome people who just happened to be at the same con as me...
  3. I think it would be funny to take up a collection and send him the money ;-)
  4. Was curious if anyone here was also in the furry fandom / anthropomorphic art fandom? Feel free to contact me privately if you prefer not to post publicly. For the rest of you, wikipedia is a good start if you're curious as to what it is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furry_fandom
  5. and in terms of erotic weight gain,.. check out http://www.grommr.com
  6. Well, no one truly knows if they have a blood borne disease - 2/3 of the people who have hep c think they don't have it. But yeah, I think i'm being a little paranoid. Incidentally, the two herbs most used for hep c are milk thistle and licorice root. So I'm taking those so at least I can know I'm doing everything possible... if nothing else there will be a placebo effect from it
  7. I had hooked up with a guy, he fucked me for about a minute, and then an old injury on his foreskin started bleeding. He pulled out immediately, and I rushed to the shower and washed my ass. There wasn't any apparent blood, but I still worry about it, given that he's a barebacker and clearly has an injury on his dick. Has anyone had any similar experiences? Is there anything one can do to prevent hep c infection in a situation like this? (Other than the obvious...eat well, get plenty of rest, protect the immune system kind of stuff...)
  8. Got bred for the first time since 2004. One of my long-distance boyfriends was in town, has been wanting to breed me since we first started dating three years ago. I figured it was time to get over my fears and experience that with him. It took three tries to make it happen- the first two times I shot so quickly that he didn't have time to cum in me. Finally on the third day he was here I was able to hold off enough to cum at the same time as him. ;-)
  9. Saw this today and was really amazed by it. Anyone know how it was done or the soure of this video? http://manonmanstuff.tumblr.com/post/12274446058/cock-cumming-in-a-fuckhole-taken-by-an-internal
  10. Comedian does a dramatic podcast reading of Breeding Zone posts in kind of a sarcastic tone. Pretty silly. He apparently does this to all kinds of kinky sites. http://podbay.fm/show/310513394/e/1291821923?autostart=1
  11. I noticed in the bug chasing forum that there's a link to see all members who are poz, not on meds, and not sure, but probably poz. Can we get links like that to view members who are poz and on meds, negative, and don't ask, don't tell?
  12. Did anyone ever sign up and give this a try? Curious to hear how it went, and what made the experience either work or not work for you...
  13. I'm assuming I'm the acquaintance that referred you to the book talk, skinster. I would definitely recommend Ask The Man Who Owns Him to anyone that wants to know what the reality of M/s relationships are like. I know a couple of the people featured in the book, but got a whole additional perspective. Also, the two authors have the initials DS and ds. How cool is that?! Oh, and on another note about M/s - for any of you in the San Francisco Bay Area, Leather Traditions puts on regular weekend trainings about M/s and D/s relationships. http://www.leathertraditions.org
  14. Maybe put your location in your profile, useme? :-)
  15. Could use a bit of feedback on my 4th-step inventory from someone in this community - my sponsor is a kinky straight guy who is pretty open minded but doesn't always grok the subtleties of the gay scene... :-)
  16. Wanted to observe that a Daddy is more of a state of mind than an age. I've met hot Daddies in their 20s and hot boys in their 60s...
  17. Hey... some of us subs like cleaning dirty cock So it could have the opposite effect of what you intend...
  18. As much as I like this kind of porn, I can kind of see this sort of regulation making sense from an occupational safety point of view. The free speech claim might make more sense if it was the "distribution" of the material being banned. The issue as I see it here, though, is more about on-the-job safety. Would be interested to know if they are also requiring condoms for sex workers...
  19. Compatibility's not all just about sex. I met a Top on BBRT, and after talking about kink for a while, asked if I could facebook him - and found out we both loved 2010, the sequel to 2001: a space odyssey and that we were both in 12-step recovery. I think other points of connection like that helped make us decide to meet far more than the fact that we had a few kinks in common...
  20. Where are you located, Bear4Breeding? We should definitely find someone to felch you...
  21. Two quotes from the article -- *Remarkably, when compared to having no UAI, having a single, uninfected partner was found to reduce relative HIV risk by 44%, and being an exclusive top reduced risk by 45%. *In the end, seroadaptive behaviors should work in complement with regular condom use and HIV testing, Vallabhaneni suggested. "The main message we would like to get out there is that serosorting itself is twice as risky as not having unprotected anal sex," she said. "But it has a 38% risk reduction when compared to having no strategy at all -- so it may be a harm reduction strategy for those engaging in the highest risk behavior." *Vallabhaneni also noted that although the study seemed to find 15% less risk for HIV acquisition among those who used seropositioning (based on an adjusted hazard ratio of 0.85) when compared to the HIV risk among those who used no UAI, the adjusted hazard ratio actually ranges between 0.50 and 1.44, meaning the relative HIV risk of seropositioning is not significantly different than having no UAI. http://www.thebody.com/content/66482/mixed-findings-paint-a-tricky-picture-for-hiv-sero.html Interestingly, having the HIV-positive partner exclusively bottom ("seropositioning") reduced risk by 15%, but this was not considered statistically significant. That is kind of puzzling to me - if being an exclusive Top reduces risk by 45%, why does the HIV-negative person always topping not produce the same results? It's also surprising that exclusively Topping is as effective as monogamy... Here's a link to the original conference presentation as well- http://www.retroconference.org/2012b/Abstracts/43514.htm
  22. Folsom SF is kind of hit or miss in terms of sex. But it's quite the experience in many other ways, and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who's never been. Note that it's a week earlier this year, because of a conflict with an Oracle convention that had taken up all the hotels without asking them first...
  23. I have some thoughts about this - tried to send you a private message but it seems to be disabled. Feel free to contact me if you want. ~kinkygradstudent
  24. I notice you don't list your HIV status in your profile on here (it says "don't ask, don't tell"). Am interested to hear more about how you came to that decision...
  25. I just spent some time working on my profile here and was thinking... it would be nice to have a few more fields to fill out on one's profile. Some of the things I was thinking offhand are- age, sexual orientation, fetishes. It would also be nice to have a spot for gChat usernames. What would be really nice is a fill in the blank spot for a profile site of your choice - so that you're not just restricted to the couple of sites that are the most common. What kind of things would other people like to see in profiles on here? How technically feasible is this?
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