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Everything posted by seaguy

  1. I pictured birds doing their mating dances when I read this. LOL
  2. Cannot agree more! That's why they call them jailbait
  3. Jared Steel and Ardon Masters.
  4. Fuck that was hot.
  5. Hope he cums to his sences and unblocks you to reach out for another hookup cause he can't stop thinking about how he wants more.
  6. That flight attendant knew he was being filmed. I've watched the entire video the camera was clearly visible so he was not secretly filmed.
  7. I first got Truvada for PrEP but experienced side effects that made me feel like I had the flu wityh body aches. So0 then I was switched to Descovy and have had no issues with taking it. There is also Apretude, an injectable that is given every two months. So you have choices and Descovy has fewer issues with the kidneys and liver. You can also do PrEP on demand if you are not having sex frequenbtly and when you do have sex your able to plan ahead and start taking your PrEP ahead of your sexual encounter. PrEP endsd up being free for most people. Being able to have bareback sex is worth it because it feels so much better. Once you go bareback though yo9u won't want to get fucked with a condom ever again.
  8. Austin owns 4my.fans which is any onlyfans like site. Wonder whatg will happen with it?
  9. Austin stated in an interview if he did, I can’t remember the exact one, but it was either with masculine Jason or demystifying gay porn or one of the ones that are smaller blogs do that he was a sex addict and so I’m wondering that seems like it could be related. I don’t know if you’re a sex addict if you have more chances of being being a pedophile or a young person in your child pornography, but if there is some sort of correlation there or or relation, hopefully he can get some psychological treatment but I wouldn’t hold my breath. The federal prison system, is understaffed , and it seems like our prisons now are mostly just focused on punishment resident rehab rehab rehabilitation.
  10. child molesters are at the bottom of the prison hierarchy and hated by the other prisoners. So they often have to ber in seperate units from the general prison population so that they are not attacked. So his muscled physique will cxome in handy to protect himself.
  11. [think before following links] https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-purposely-spread-hiv-sex-men-teenage-boys/story?id=110017966
  12. buy a pair or his underwear then he'll talk
  13. I’ve wondered that myself his last tweet was in 2016
  14. Max Holdens Gang Bang is called Fucking Crazy it was filmed documentary style at a popular bareback event called "Cute Boy Bareback Gang Bang party" that was held regularly in San Francisco. Max Holden is the sole bottom and is interviewed by director Eric Lange about what motivated him to want to be the only bottom at the party, what he likes to do sexually and more. I found the video posted here [think before following links] https://member.thegay.com/videos/144203/fucking-crazy/ its also on [think before following links] https://www.gayhotmovies.com/1939138/fucking-crazy-porn-video.html
  15. It was
  16. Based on his other posts he is in Melbourne Australia
  17. If you had a picture in your profile you might get more response. No picture means many will skip your profile.
  18. Fucking hot so far Can't wait for the next chapter.
  19. Yeah OF has strict rules like no poppers, public sex, and more. So guys often get vids taken down. JFF is gay owned and more tolerant or free allowing things gay men desire.
  20. Men4sexnow is full of dormant profiles cause no one uses that site really anymore. NKP is pretty good especially for kink, party friendly guys
  21. She is a total MAGA Fox news Trumper now.
  22. Sad to report that Jackson's ex Trevor recently took his own life [think before following links] https://www.menofporn.blog/2023/04/trevor-laster-has-passed-away.html
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